#' Import peaks
#' Import pre-computed peak files, or
#' compute new peaks from bedGraph/bigWig files.
#' Can import a subset of ranges specified by \code{query_granges},
#' or across the whole genome by setting \code{query_granges=NULL}.\cr
#' Currently recognizes IDs from:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{\href{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo}{GEO}} : }{}
#' \item{\strong{\href{https://www.encodeproject.org/}{ENCODE}} : }{
#' See \code{\link[PeakyFinders]{peaks_metadata_encode}} for example metadata.}
#' \item{\strong{\href{http://www.roadmapepigenomics.org/}{ROADMAP}} : }{
#' See \code{\link[PeakyFinders]{peaks_metadata_roadmap}} for example metadata.}
#' \item{\strong{\href{https://doi.org/doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.AnnotationHub}{
#' AnnotationHub}} : }{
#' See \code{\link[PeakyFinders]{peaks_metadata_annotationhub}}
#' for example metadata.}
#' }
#' \emph{Notable features}:\cr
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{Automatically infers which database each accession ID is from and
#' organizes the outputs accordingly.}
#' \item{Automatically infers which function is needed to
#' import which file types.}
#' \item{Automatically calls peaks from any bedGraph/bigWig files.}
#' \item{\code{query_granges} can be a different genome build than
#' the files being imported, as the \code{query_granges} will
#' be lifted over to the correct genome build
#' with \link[PeakyFinders]{liftover_grlist}.}
#' \item{When \code{nThread>1}, accelerates file importing
#' and peak calling using multi-core parallelisation.}
#' }
#' @param ids IDs from one of the supported databases.
#' IDs can be at any level: file, sample, or experiment.
#' @param builds Genome build that each sample in \code{ids} is aligned to.
#' This will determine whether whether the \code{query_granges} data need to be
#' lifted over to different genome build before querying.
#' Can be a single character string applied to all \code{ids} (e.g. "hg19"),
#' or a vector of the same length as \code{ids} named using the \code{ids}
#' (e.g. c("GSM4271282"="hg19", "ENCFF048VDO"="hg38")).
#' @param query_granges [Optional]
#' \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} object indicating which genomic
#' regions to extract from each sample.
#' @param query_granges_build [Optional]
#' Genome build that \code{query_granges} is aligned to.
#' @param force_new By default, saved results of the same \code{save_path} name
#' will be imported instead of running queries. However you can override this
#' by setting \code{force_new} to perform new queries regardless and overwrite
#' the old \code{save_path} file.
#' @param peaks_dir Directory to save peaks to
#' (only used when calling peaks from bedGraph files).
#' @param save_path Path to save query results to in \emph{.rds} format.
#' @param split_chromosomes Split single-threaded query
#' into multi-threaded query across chromosomes.
#' This is can be helpful especially when calling peaks from
#' large bigWig/bedGraph files.
#' The number of threads used is set by the \code{nThread} argument.
#' @param condense_queries Condense \code{query_granges}
#' by taking the min/max position per chromosome (default: \code{TRUE)}.
#' This helps to reduce the total number of queries,
#' which can cause memory allocation problems
#' due to repeated calls to the underlying C libraries.
#' @param nThread When \code{nThread>1}, accelerates file importing
#' and peak calling using multi-core parallelisation.
#' @param verbose Print messages.
#' @inheritParams call_peaks
#' @inheritParams construct_searches
#' @returns
#' A nested named list of peak files in \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} format.
#' Nesting structure is as follows:
#' \emph{database -> id -> GRanges object}
#' Each \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} object contains all the peak
#' data that was found for that particular \code{id}, merged into one.
#' You can differentiate the various
#' source file types by looking at the column "peaktype".
#' If peaks could not be recovered for a sample,
#' that element will be set to \code{NULL}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @examples
#' out_list <- PeakyFinders::import_peaks(
#' ids = c("GSM945244"),# "ENCSR000AHD"
#' searches = PeakyFinders::construct_searches(keys = "narrowpeak"))
import_peaks <- function(ids,
builds = "hg19",
query_granges = NULL,
query_granges_build = NULL,
split_chromosomes = FALSE,
condense_queries = TRUE,
force_new = FALSE,
method = "MACSr",
cutoff = NULL,
searches = construct_searches(),
peaks_dir = tempdir(),
save_path = tempfile(
fileext = "_PeakyFinders_grl.rds"
nThread = 1,
verbose = TRUE){
# templateR:::args2vars(PeakyFinders::import_peaks)
# templateR:::source_all()
#### Check builds ####
if(length(builds)>1 && (length(builds)!=length(ids))){
stop("builds must be same length as ids.")
#### Get GSM names ####
id_list <- process_ids(ids = ids,
verbose = verbose)
#### Check query_granges ####
## Standardise to UCSC style
query_granges <- dt_to_granges(query_granges,
style = "UCSC",
verbose = verbose)
stopper("query_granges_build must be",
"set when using query_granges.")
#### Check for pre-existing data ####
if((!is.null(save_path)) &&
file.exists(save_path) &
messager("Importing stored peaks data.",v=verbose)
out_list <- readRDS(save_path)
} else {
out_list <- list()
# build <- parse_build(builds=builds,
# id=id,
# verbose=TRUE)
#### Import GEO data ####
out_list[["GEO"]] <- import_peaks_geo(
ids = id_list$GEO,
build = builds,
query_granges = query_granges,
query_granges_build = query_granges_build,
split_chromosomes = split_chromosomes,
method = method,
cutoff = cutoff,
searches = searches,
peaks_dir = peaks_dir,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = verbose)
#### Import ENCODE data ####
out_list[["ENCODE"]] <- import_peaks_encode(
ids = id_list$ENCODE,
build = builds,
query_granges = query_granges,
query_granges_build = query_granges_build,
split_chromosomes = split_chromosomes,
method = method,
cutoff = cutoff,
searches = searches,
peaks_dir = peaks_dir,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = verbose)
#### Import ROADMAP data ####
out_list[["ROADMAP"]] <- import_peaks_roadmap(
ids = id_list$ROADMAP,
build = builds,
query_granges = query_granges,
query_granges_build = query_granges_build,
split_chromosomes = split_chromosomes,
method = method,
cutoff = cutoff,
searches = searches,
peaks_dir = peaks_dir,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = verbose)
#### Import ROADMAP data ####
out_list[["AnnotationHub"]] <- import_peaks_annotationhub(
ids = id_list$AnnotationHub,
build = builds,
query_granges = query_granges,
query_granges_build = query_granges_build,
split_chromosomes = split_chromosomes,
method = method,
cutoff = cutoff,
searches = searches,
peaks_dir = peaks_dir,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = verbose)
#### Local/remote files ####
out_list[["file"]] <- import_peaks_files(
ids = id_list$file,
build = builds,
query_granges = query_granges,
query_granges_build = query_granges_build,
split_chromosomes = split_chromosomes,
method = method,
cutoff = cutoff,
searches = searches,
peaks_dir = peaks_dir,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = verbose)
#### Remove empty entries ####
messager("Removing empty entries.",v=verbose)
out_list <- mapply(out_list,
#### Save ####
messager("No results to save.",save_path)
} else {
messager("Saving results ==> ",save_path,v=verbose)
showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
saveRDS(out_list, save_path)
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