#' Load the reference genome data for SNPs of interest
#' @param snps Character vector SNPs by rs_id from sumstats file of interest.
#' @param ref_genome Name of the reference genome used for the GWAS
#' (GRCh37 or GRCh38)
#' @param dbSNP version of dbSNP to be used (144 or 155)
#' @param msg Optional name of the column missing from the dataset in question.
#' Default is NULL
#' @param chr_filt Internal for testing - filter reference genomes and sumstats
#' to specific chromosomes for testing. Pass a list of chroms in format:
#' c("1","2"). Default is NULL i.e. no filtering.
#' @return data table of snpsById, filtered to SNPs of interest.
#' @importFrom data.table setDT setkey := setnames setorder
#' @importFrom BSgenome snpsById
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
#' @source
#' \code{
#' sumstats_dt <- formatted_example()
#' rsids <- MungeSumstats:::load_ref_genome_data(snps = sumstats_dt$SNP,
#' ref_genome = "GRCH37",
#' dbSNP=144)
#' }
load_ref_genome_data <- function(snps,
msg = NULL,
chr_filt = NULL) {
SNP_LOC_DATA <- load_snp_loc_data(ref_genome, dbSNP, msg = msg)
# Get correct ref genome
message("Loading reference genome data.")
if (toupper(ref_genome) == "GRCH37") {
genome <-
} else { # =="GRCH38"
genome <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38::BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38
#snps can contain odd characters, need to sort these
#so the snp should be all numeric or should start with rs and then be
#numeric. Find any that aren't and exclude these. The rs id can be inferred
#in a later function
messager("Preprocessing RSIDs.")
snp_check <- suppressMessages(as.numeric(
stringr::str_sub(string = snps, start = 3, end = -1L)
snps <- snps[!is.na(snp_check)]
#need to make snps unique for cases where non bi-allelic or indels
snps <- unique(snps)
messager("Validating RSIDs of",formatC(length(snps),big.mark = ","),
"SNPs using BSgenome::snpsById...")
#this is memory intensive
#if user specifies for testing, filt to a specific chr
#chr should be in format "1", "2" etc
#from here: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/83588/
keepBSgenomeSequences <- function(genome, seqnames)
stopifnot(all(seqnames %in% seqnames(genome)))
genome@user_seqnames <- setNames(seqnames, seqnames)
genome@seqinfo <- genome@seqinfo[seqnames]
genome <- keepBSgenomeSequences(genome, chr_filt)
#can't find a method to filter ODLT_SNPlocs object ....
#SNP_LOC_DATA <- SNP_LOC_DATA[[chr_filt]]
tm <- system.time({
gr_rsids <- BSgenome::snpsById(
id = snps,
genome = genome,
ifnotfound = "drop"
messager("BSgenome::snpsById done in",round(tm[[3]]),"seconds.")
rsids <- data.table::setDT(data.frame(gr_rsids))
data.table::setnames(rsids, "RefSNP_id", "SNP")
data.table::setorder(rsids, SNP)
data.table::setkey(rsids, SNP)
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