#' Startrac-based diversity indices for single-cell RNA-seq
#' @description This function utilizes the Startrac approach derived from
#' [PMID: 30479382](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30479382/).
#' Required to run the function, the "type" variable needs to include the
#' difference in where the cells were derived. The output of this function
#' will produce 3 indices: **expa** (clonal expansion), **migra**
#' (cross-tissue migration), and **trans** (state transition). In order
#' to understand the underlying analyses of the outputs please
#' read and cite the linked manuscript.
#' @examples
#' #Getting the combined contigs
#' combined <- combineTCR(contig_list,
#' samples = c("P17B", "P17L", "P18B", "P18L",
#' "P19B","P19L", "P20B", "P20L"))
#' #Getting a sample of a Seurat object
#' scRep_example <- get(data("scRep_example"))
#' scRep_example <- combineExpression(combined, scRep_example)
#' scRep_example$Patient <- substring(scRep_example$orig.ident,1,3)
#' scRep_example$Type <- substring(scRep_example$orig.ident,4,4)
#' #Using StartracDiversity()
#' StartracDiversity(scRep_example,
#' type = "Type",
#' group.by = "Patient")
#' @param sc.data The single-cell object after [combineExpression()].
#' For SCE objects, the cluster variable must be in the meta data under
#' "cluster".
#' @param cloneCall How to call the clone - VDJC gene (**gene**),
#' CDR3 nucleotide (**nt**), CDR3 amino acid (**aa**),
#' VDJC gene + CDR3 nucleotide (**strict**) or a custom variable
#' in the data.
#' @param chain indicate if both or a specific chain should be used -
#' e.g. "both", "TRA", "TRG", "IGH", "IGL".
#' @param type The variable in the meta data that provides tissue type.
#' @param group.by The variable in the meta data to group by, often samples.
#' @param exportTable Returns the data frame used for forming the graph.
#' @param palette Colors to use in visualization - input any [hcl.pals][grDevices::hcl.pals].
#' @export
#' @concept SC_Functions
#' @return ggplot object of Startrac diversity metrics
#' @author Liangtao Zheng
StartracDiversity <- function(sc.data,
cloneCall = "strict",
chain = "both",
type = NULL,
group.by = NULL,
exportTable = FALSE,
palette = "inferno") {
majorCluster <- NULL
df <- .grabMeta(sc.data)
cloneCall <- .theCall(df, cloneCall)
barcodes <- rownames(df)
colnames(df)[ncol(df)] <- "majorCluster"
if (is.null(group.by)) {
if("orig.ident" %!in% colnames(df)) {
stop("Please select a group.by variable")
group.by <- "orig.ident"
group.levels <- unique(df[,group.by])
if (chain != "both") {
df <- .off.the.chain(df, chain, cloneCall)
df <- df %>%
group_by(df[,group.by], df[,cloneCall]) %>%
dplyr::mutate(n = n()) %>%
rownames(df) <- barcodes
remove.pos <- which(df[,cloneCall] %in% c("", NA))
if (length(remove.pos) > 0) {
df <- df[-remove.pos,]
df[,"clone.status"] <- ifelse(df[,"n"] > 1, "Yes", "No")
processed <- data.frame(rownames(df), df[,cloneCall], df$clone.status,
df[,group.by], df[,"majorCluster"],
df[,type], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(processed) <- c("Cell_Name", "clone.id", "clone.status", "patient",
"majorCluster", "loc")
processed[processed == "NA"] <- NA
processed <- na.omit(processed)
mat.list <- list()
for(i in seq_along(group.levels)) {
mat.list[[i]] <- as.data.frame(.calIndex(processed[processed[,4] == group.levels[i],]))
names(mat.list) <- group.levels
mat <- bind_rows(mat.list, .id = "group")
if (exportTable) {
mat_melt <- melt(mat, id = c("group", "majorCluster"))
values <- str_sort(unique(mat_melt$majorCluster), numeric = TRUE)
mat_melt$majorCluster <- factor(mat_melt$majorCluster, levels = values)
mat_melt$value <- as.numeric(mat_melt$value)
col <- length(unique(mat_melt[,"majorCluster"]))
plot <- ggplot(mat_melt, aes(x=majorCluster, y=value)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(fill = majorCluster), outlier.alpha = 0, na.rm = TRUE) +
facet_grid(variable ~.) +
theme_classic() +
ylab("Index Score") +
guides(fill="none") +
scale_fill_manual(values = .colorizer(palette, col)) +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())
# Calculate cluster level indices
#' @importFrom plyr llply
.calIndex <- function(processed){
clonotype.dist.cluster <- table(processed[,c("clone.id","majorCluster")])
clonotype.dist.loc <- unclass(table(processed[,c("clone.id","loc")]))
.entropy <- .mcol.entropy(clonotype.dist.cluster)
.entropy.max <- log2(colSums(clonotype.dist.cluster > 0))
expa <- 1-.entropy/.entropy.max
.entropy.migr.max <- 1
.entropy.tran.max <- 1
clonotype.data <-
weights.mtx <- sweep(clonotype.dist.cluster,2,colSums(clonotype.dist.cluster),"/")
calIndex.matrix <- t(weights.mtx) %*% (as.matrix(clonotype.data[,c("migr","tran")]))
calIndex.matrix <- cbind(calIndex.matrix, expa = expa)
calIndex.matrix[is.nan(calIndex.matrix)] <- NA
calIndex.matrix <- cbind(rownames(calIndex.matrix), calIndex.matrix)
colnames(calIndex.matrix)[1] <- "majorCluster"
# entropy of each row of the input matrix
.mrow.entropy <- function(x)
freqs <- sweep(x,1,rowSums(x),"/")
H <- - rowSums(ifelse(freqs>0,freqs* log2(freqs),0))
# entropy of each column of the input matrix
.mcol.entropy <- function(x)
freqs <- sweep(x,2,colSums(x),"/")
H <- - colSums(ifelse(freqs>0,freqs* log2(freqs),0))
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