#' Loading the contigs derived from single-cell sequencing
#' This function generates a contig list and formats the data to allow for
#' function with [combineTCR()] or [combineBCR()]. If
#' using data derived from filtered outputs of 10X Genomics, there is no
#' need to use this function as the data is already compatible.
#' The files that this function parses includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 10X = "filtered_contig_annotations.csv"
#' \item AIRR = "airr_rearrangement.tsv"
#' \item BD = "Contigs_AIRR.tsv"
#' \item Dandelion = "all_contig_dandelion.tsv"
#' \item Immcantation = "data.tsv"
#' \item JSON = ".json"
#' \item ParseBio = "barcode_report.tsv"
#' \item MiXCR = "clones.tsv"
#' \item Omniscope = ".csv"
#' \item TRUST4 = "barcode_report.tsv"
#' \item WAT3R = "barcode_results.csv"
#' }
#' @examples
#' TRUST4 <- read.csv("https://www.borch.dev/uploads/contigs/TRUST4_contigs.csv")
#' contig.list <- loadContigs(TRUST4, format = "TRUST4")
#' BD <- read.csv("https://www.borch.dev/uploads/contigs/BD_contigs.csv")
#' contig.list <- loadContigs(BD, format = "BD")
#' WAT3R <- read.csv("https://www.borch.dev/uploads/contigs/WAT3R_contigs.csv")
#' contig.list <- loadContigs(WAT3R, format = "WAT3R")
#' @param input The directory in which contigs are located or a list with contig
#' elements
#' @param format The format of the single-cell contig, currently supporting:
#' "10X", "AIRR", "BD", "Dandelion", "JSON", "MiXCR", "ParseBio", "Omniscope",
#' "TRUST4", "WAT3R", and "Immcantation"
#' @importFrom utils read.csv read.delim
#' @importFrom rjson fromJSON
#' @export
#' @concept Loading_and_Processing_Contigs
#' @return List of contigs for compatibility with [combineTCR()] or
#' [combineBCR()]
loadContigs <- function(input, format = "10X") {
assert_that(is.string(input) || is.list(input) || is.data.frame(input))
assert_that(format %in% c(
"10X", "AIRR", "BD", "Dandelion", "JSON", "MiXCR", "ParseBio",
"Omniscope", "TRUST4", "WAT3R", "Immcantation"
#Loading from directory, recursively
rawDataDfList <- if (inherits(x = input, what = "character")) {
format.list <- list(
"WAT3R" = "barcode_results.csv",
"10X" = "filtered_contig_annotations.csv",
"AIRR" = "airr_rearrangement.tsv",
"Dandelion" = "all_contig_dandelion.tsv",
"Immcantation" = "_data.tsv",
"MiXCR" = "clones.tsv",
"JSON" = ".json",
"TRUST4" = "barcode_report.tsv",
"BD" = "Contigs_AIRR.tsv",
"Omniscope" = c("_OSB.csv", "_OST.csv"),
"ParseBio" = "barcode_report.tsv"
file.pattern <- format.list[[format]]
contig.files <- list.files(
paste0("*", file.pattern, "$", collapse = "|"),
recursive = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE
if (length(contig.files) == 0) {
warning("No files found in the directory")
reader <- if (format == "json") {
function(x) as.data.frame(fromJSON(x))
} else if (format %in% c("10X", "WAT3R", "Omniscope")) {
} else {
lapply(contig.files, reader)
} else { # handle an already loaded list of dfs / 1 df
loadFunc <- switch(format,
"10X" = .parse10x,
"AIRR" = .parseAIRR,
"Dandelion" = .parseDandelion,
"JSON" = .parseJSON,
"MiXCR" = .parseMiXCR,
"TRUST4" = .parseTRUST4,
"BD" = .parseBD,
"WAT3R" = .parseWAT3R,
"Omniscope" = .parseOmniscope,
"Immcantation" = .parseImmcantation,
"ParseBio" = .parseParse
#Formats TRUST4 data
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
.parseTRUST4 <- function(df) {
processChain <- function(data, chain_col) {
if (all(is.na(data[[chain_col]]))) {
chain <- matrix(ncol = 7, nrow = length(data[[chain_col]]))
} else {
chain <- str_split(data[[chain_col]], ",", simplify = TRUE)
chain <- chain[, seq_len(7), drop = FALSE]
chain[chain == "*"] <- "None"
colnames(chain) <- c(
"v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "reads"
data.frame(barcode = data$barcode, chain)
formattedDfs <- lapply(df, function(data) {
colnames(data)[1] <- "barcode"
data[data == "*"] <- NA
# not a mistake, opposite definitions in TRUST4 and scRepertoire
chain1 <- processChain(data, "chain2")
chain2 <- processChain(data, "chain1")
combined_data <- rbind(chain1, chain2)
combined_data[combined_data == ""] <- NA
# is it necessary to drop rows that are fully NA with an existing barcode?
#Grabs the chain info from v_gene
.chain.parser <- function(df) {
lapply(df, function(x) {
x$chain <- substr(x$v_gene, 1, 3)
#Formats wat3r data
#' @author Kyle Romine, Nick Borcherding
.parseWAT3R <- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
df[[i]][df[[i]] == ""] <- NA
chain2 <- df[[i]][,c("BC","TRBV","TRBD","TRBJ","TRB_CDR3nuc","TRB_CDR3","TRB_nReads","TRB_CDR3_UMIcount")]
chain2 <- data.frame(chain2[,1], chain = "TRB", chain2[,2:4], c_gene = NA, chain2[,5:8])
colnames(chain2) <- c("barcode", "chain", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "reads", "umis")
#TRA Chain 1
chain1 <- df[[i]][,c("BC","TRAV","TRAJ","TRA_CDR3nuc","TRA_CDR3","TRA_nReads","TRA_CDR3_UMIcount")]
chain1 <- data.frame(chain1[,1], chain = "TRA",chain1[,2], d_gene = NA, chain1[,3], c_gene = NA, chain1[,4:7])
colnames(chain1) <- c("barcode", "chain", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "reads", "umis")
data2 <- rbind(chain1, chain2)
data2[data2 == ""] <- NA
#TRA Chain 2
chain3 <- df[[i]][,c("BC","TRAV.2","TRAJ.2","TRA.2_CDR3nuc","TRA.2_CDR3","TRA.2_nReads","TRA.2_CDR3_UMIcount")]
chain3 <- data.frame(chain3[,1], chain = "TRA",chain3[,2], d_gene = NA, chain3[,3], c_gene = NA, chain3[,4:7])
colnames(chain3) <- c("barcode", "chain", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "reads", "umis")
data2 <- rbind(chain1, chain2, chain3)
data2[data2 == ""] <- NA
df[[i]] <- data2
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][with(df[[i]], order(reads, chain)),]
#Formats AIRR data
.parseAIRR <- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,c("cell_id", "locus", "consensus_count", "v_call", "d_call", "j_call", "c_call", "junction", "junction_aa")]
colnames(df[[i]]) <- c("barcode", "chain", "reads", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3")
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][with(df[[i]], order(reads, chain)),]
#Loads 10x data
.parse10x <- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
df[[i]] <- subset(df[[i]], chain != "Multi")
df[[i]] <- subset(df[[i]], productive %in% c(TRUE, "TRUE", "True", "true"))
if (nrow(df[[i]]) == 0) { stop(
"There are 0 contigs after internal filtering -
check the contig list to see if any issues exist
for productive chains", call. = FALSE) }
df[[i]] <- subset(df[[i]], cdr3 != "None")
df[[i]][df[[i]] == ""] <- NA
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][with(df[[i]], order(reads, chain)),]
#Loads BD AIRR
.parseBD <- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,c("cell_id","locus","v_call","d_call","j_call", "c_call", "cdr3","cdr3_aa","consensus_count", "productive")]
colnames(df[[i]]) <- c("barcode", "chain", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "reads", "productive")
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][with(df[[i]], order(reads, chain)),]
.parseOmniscope <- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
if("c_call" %in% colnames(df[[i]])) {
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,c("cell_id", "locus", "umi_count", "v_call", "d_call", "j_call", "c_call", "cdr3", "cdr3_aa", "productive")]
colnames(df[[i]]) <- c("barcode", "chain", "reads", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "productive")
} else { #TCR contigs do not include C gene
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,c("cell_id", "locus", "umi_count", "v_call", "d_call", "j_call", "cdr3", "cdr3_aa", "productive")]
colnames(df[[i]]) <- c("barcode", "chain", "reads", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "productive")
df[[i]][,"c_gene"] <- NA
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][with(df[[i]], order(reads, chain)),]
.parseJSON <- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
df[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, df[[i]])
df[[i]][df[[i]] == ""] <- NA
df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(df[[i]])
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,c("cell_id", "locus", "consensus_count", "v_call", "d_call", "j_call", "c_call", "junction", "junction_aa")]
colnames(df[[i]]) <- c("barcode", "chain", "reads", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3")
.parseMiXCR <- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
df[[i]][df[[i]] == ""] <- NA
df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(df[[i]])
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,c("tagValueCELL", "topChains", "readCount", "allVHitsWithScore", "allDHitsWithScore", "allJHitsWithScore", "allCHitsWithScore", "nSeqCDR3", "aaSeqCDR3")]
colnames(df[[i]]) <- c("barcode", "chain", "reads", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3")
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
.parseImmcantation<- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
df[[i]][df[[i]] == ""] <- NA
df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(df[[i]])
if("c_call" %in% colnames(df[[i]])) {
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,c("sequence_id", "locus", "consensus_count", "v_call", "d_call", "j_call", "c_call", "cdr3", "cdr3_aa", "productive")]
colnames(df[[i]]) <- c("barcode", "chain", "reads", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "productive")
} else {
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,c("sequence_id", "locus", "consensus_count", "v_call", "d_call", "j_call", "cdr3", "cdr3_aa", "productive")]
colnames(df[[i]]) <- c("barcode", "chain", "reads", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "productive")
df[[i]][,"c_gene"] <- NA
df[[i]]$barcode <- str_split(df[[i]][,"barcode"], "_", simplify = TRUE)[,1]
.parseParse <- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
df[[i]][df[[i]] == ""] <- NA
df[[i]][df[[i]] == "NaN"] <- NA
df[[i]][df[[i]] == "nan"] <- NA
df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(df[[i]])
TRA.1 <- df[[i]][,c("Barcode", "TRA_V", "TRA_D", "TRA_J", "TRA_C", "TRA_cdr3_aa", "TRA_read_count", "TRA_transcript_count")]
TRA.2 <- df[[i]][,c("Barcode", "secondary_TRA_V", "secondary_TRA_D", "secondary_TRA_J", "secondary_TRA_C", "secondary_TRA_cdr3_aa", "secondary_TRA_read_count", "secondary_TRA_transcript_count")]
colnames(TRA.1) <- 1:8
colnames(TRA.2) <- 1:8
TRA <- rbind(TRA.1, TRA.2)
TRA$chain <- "TRA"
TRB.1 <- df[[i]][,c("Barcode", "TRB_V", "TRB_D", "TRB_J", "TRB_C", "TRB_cdr3_aa", "TRB_read_count", "TRB_transcript_count")]
TRB.2 <- df[[i]][,c("Barcode", "secondary_TRB_V", "secondary_TRB_D", "secondary_TRB_J", "secondary_TRB_C", "secondary_TRB_cdr3_aa", "secondary_TRB_read_count", "secondary_TRB_transcript_count")]
colnames(TRB.1) <- 1:8
colnames(TRB.2) <- 1:8
TRB <- rbind(TRB.1, TRB.2)
TRB$chain <- "TRB"
data2 <- rbind(TRA, TRB)
data2 <- data2[rowSums(is.na(data2[2:8])) != 7, ]
colnames(data2) <- c("barcode", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3", "reads", "umis", "chain")
data2$cdr3_nt <- NA
data2 <- data2[,c("barcode", "chain", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "reads", "umis")]
df[[i]] <- data2
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][with(df[[i]], order(reads, chain)),]
.parseDandelion <- function(df) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,c("cell_id", "locus", "consensus_count", "v_call", "d_call", "j_call", "c_call", "cdr3", "cdr3_aa", "productive")]
colnames(df[[i]]) <- c("barcode", "chain", "reads", "v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene", "cdr3_nt", "cdr3", "productive")
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