#' Exporting clones
#' This function saves a csv file of clones (genes, amino acid, and
#' nucleotide sequences) by barcodes. **format** determines
#' the structure of the csv file - *paired* will export sequences
#' by barcodes and include multiple chains, *airr* will export a data
#' frame that is consistent with the AIRR format, and *TCRMatch* will
#' export a data frame that has the TRB chain with count information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Making combined contig data
#' combined <- combineTCR(contig_list,
#' samples = c("P17B", "P17L", "P18B", "P18L",
#' "P19B","P19L", "P20B", "P20L"))
#' exportClones(combined,
#' format = "paired")
#' }
#' @param input.data The product of [combineTCR()],
#' [combineBCR()], or [combineExpression()].
#' @param format The format to export the clones - "paired", "airr", or "TCRMatch".
#' @param group.by The variable to use for grouping.
#' @param write.file **TRUE**, save the file or **FALSE**,
#' return a data.frame
#' @param dir directory location to save the csv
#' @param file.name the csv file name
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @export
#' @concept Loading_and_Processing_Contigs
#' @return CSV file of the paired sequences.
#' @author Jonathan Noonan, Nick Borcherding
exportClones <- function(input.data,
format = "paired",
group.by = NULL,
write.file = TRUE,
dir = NULL,
file.name = "clones.csv") {
summaryFunc <- switch(format,
"paired" = .PairedExport,
"airr" = .AIRRExport,
"TCRMatch" = .TCRmatchExport,
stop("Invalid format provided"))
mat <- summaryFunc(input.data)
mat[mat == "NA"] <- NA
if(!write.file) {
if(is.null(dir)) {
dir <- "."
filepath <- file.path(dir, file.name)
write.csv(mat, file = filepath)
.TCRmatchExport <- function(input.data) {
input.data <- .data.wrangle(input.data, NULL, "CTgene", "TRB")
for(i in seq_along(input.data)) {
input.data[[i]] <- .off.the.chain(input.data[[i]], "TRB", "CTaa", check = FALSE)
input.data[[i]] <- .off.the.chain(input.data[[i]], "TRB", "CTnt", check = FALSE)
input.data <- bind_rows(input.data, .id = "group")
#Remove cells without TRB
if(any(c("IGH", "IGL", "IGK", "TRG", "TRA", "TRD") %in% unique(substr(input.data$CTgene, 1,3)))) {
input.data <- input.data[-grep("IGH|TRG|IGL|IGK|TRA|TRD", substr(input.data$CTgene, 1,3)),]
mat <- data.frame(chain2_aa = substring(input.data[,"CTaa"], 2, nchar(input.data[,"CTaa"])),
group = input.data[,"group"])
mat <- na.omit(mat)
mat <- mat %>%
group_by(group, chain2_aa) %>%
dplyr::mutate(clonalFrequency = n())
mat <- unique(mat)
.PairedExport <- function(input.data) {
input.data <- .data.wrangle(input.data, group.by, "CTgene", "both")
input.data <- bind_rows(input.data, .id = "group")
genes <- str_split(input.data[,"CTgene"], "_", simplify = TRUE)
aa <- str_split(input.data[,"CTaa"], "_", simplify = TRUE)
nt <- str_split(input.data[,"CTnt"], "_", simplify = TRUE)
mat <- data.frame(row.names = input.data[,"barcode"],
chain1_aa = aa[,1],
chain1_nt = nt[,1],
chain1_genes = genes[,1],
chain2_aa = aa[,2],
chain2_nt = nt[,2],
chain2_genes = genes[,2],
group = input.data[,"group"])
.AIRRExport <- function(input.data) {
input.data <- .data.wrangle(input.data, group.by, "CTgene", "both")
input.data <- bind_rows(input.data, .id = "group")
mat <- list()
mat <- list()
# Define a function for processing each row - main speed bottleneck
.process_row <- function(row) {
# Split gene, amino acid, and nucleotide columns
genes <- str_split(row$CTgene, "_", simplify = TRUE)
aa <- str_split(row$CTaa, "_", simplify = TRUE)
nt <- str_split(row$CTnt, "_", simplify = TRUE)
# Remove secondary chain if multiple chains
if (any(grepl(";", aa))) {
multi.chain.pos <- grep(";", aa)
genes[, multi.chain.pos] <- sapply(genes[, multi.chain.pos], function(x)
str_split(x, ";", simplify = TRUE)[, 1])
aa[, multi.chain.pos] <- sapply(aa[, multi.chain.pos], function(x)
str_split(x, ";", simplify = TRUE)[, 1])
nt[, multi.chain.pos] <- sapply(nt[, multi.chain.pos], function(x)
str_split(x, ";", simplify = TRUE)[, 1])
# Extract locus information
chain1_gene <- str_split(genes[, 1], "[.]", simplify = TRUE)
chain2_gene <- str_split(genes[, 2], "[.]", simplify = TRUE)
locus1 <- substr(chain1_gene[, 1], 1, 3)
locus2 <- substr(chain2_gene[, 1], 1, 3)
# Define a function to sort gene calls
.sort_gene_calls <- function(gene) {
if (length(gene) == 3) {
gene <- cbind(gene, NA)
colnames(gene) <- c("v_call", "j_call", "c_call", "d_call")
} else if (length(gene) == 4) {
colnames(gene) <- c("v_call", "d_call", "j_call", "c_call")
} else if (all(gene == "NA")) {
gene <- matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 1, NA)
colnames(gene) <- c("v_call", "j_call", "c_call", "d_call")
# Sort gene calls for both chains
chain1_gene <- .sort_gene_calls(chain1_gene)
chain2_gene <- .sort_gene_calls(chain2_gene)
# Create the formatted data frame - smaller speed bottleneck of ~10 sec
tmp.out <- data.frame(
cell_id = row$barcode,
locus = c(locus1, locus2),
v_call = c(chain1_gene[,"v_call"], chain2_gene[,"v_call"]),
d_call = c(chain1_gene[,"d_call"], chain2_gene[,"d_call"]),
j_call = c(chain1_gene[,"j_call"], chain2_gene[,"j_call"]),
c_call = c(chain1_gene[,"c_call"], chain2_gene[,"c_call"]),
junction = c(nt[, 1], nt[, 2]),
junction_aa = c(aa[, 1], aa[, 2])
# Replace "NA" with NA in the data frame
tmp.out[tmp.out == "NA"] <- NA
# Identify rows with more than 4 NA values and remove them
na.to.remove <- which(rowSums(is.na(tmp.out)) > 4)
if (length(na.to.remove) >= 1) {
tmp.out <- tmp.out[-na.to.remove, ]
# Process each row and store the results in the list
for (i in seq_len(nrow(input.data))) {
mat[[i]] <- .process_row(input.data[i, ]) # main speed bottleneck (see above)
mat <- do.call(rbind, mat)
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