
Defines functions runGSEmods

Documented in runGSEmods

#' Perform hyperenrichment of split specific gene signatures
#' Adds hyperenrichment analysis results to the output of runDGEmods().
#' @param K2res An object of class K2. The output of runDGEmods().
#' @param genesets A named list of feature IDs
#' @param qthresh A numeric value between 0 and 1 of the FDR cuttoff to define
#' feature sets.
#' @param cthresh A positive value for the coefficient cuttoff to define
#' @param ntotal The total number of genes sampled from.
#' feature sets.
#' @return An object of class K2.
#' @references
#'    \insertRef{reed_2020}{K2Taxonomer}
#'    \insertRef{bh}{K2Taxonomer}
#' @keywords clustering
#' @export
#' @import Biobase
#' @examples
#' ## Read in ExpressionSet object
#' library(Biobase)
#' data(sample.ExpressionSet)
#' ## Pre-process and create K2 object
#' K2res <- K2preproc(sample.ExpressionSet)
#' ## Run K2 Taxonomer algorithm
#' K2res <- K2tax(K2res,
#'             stabThresh=0.5)
#' ## Run differential analysis on each partition
#' K2res <- runDGEmods(K2res)
#' ## Create dummy set of gene sets
#' DGEtable <- getDGETable(K2res)
#' genes <- unique(DGEtable$gene)
#' genesetsMadeUp <- list(
#'     GS1=genes[1:50],
#'     GS2=genes[51:100],
#'     GS3=genes[101:150])
#' ## Run gene set hyperenrichment
#' K2res <- runGSEmods(K2res,
#'                 genesets=genesetsMadeUp,
#'                 qthresh=0.1)

runGSEmods <- function(K2res, genesets=NULL, qthresh=NULL,
    cthresh=NULL, ntotal=NULL) {

    ## Run checks

    ## K2 algorithm
    if (length(K2results(K2res)) == 0) {
        stop("No results found. Please run K2tax() or runK2Taxonomer().\n")

    ## DGE
    if (is.null(K2results(K2res)[[1]]$dge)) {
        stop("No differential analysis results found. Please run runDGEmods().\n")

    ## Change meta data if new value is specific
    K2meta(K2res)$qthresh <- qthresh <- .checkK2(K2res, "qthresh",
    K2meta(K2res)$cthresh <- cthresh <- .checkK2(K2res, "cthresh",
    K2meta(K2res)$ntotal <- ntotal <- .checkK2(K2res, "ntotal",

    ## Check K2 object
    k2Check <- .checkK2(K2res)

    ## Set genesets if not null
    if (!is.null(genesets)) {
        K2genesets(K2res) <- genesets

    ## If genesets is empty then stop
    if (length(K2genesets(K2res)) == 0) {
        stop("No named list of genesets provided")

    ## Run hyperenrichment
    K2results(K2res) <- lapply(K2results(K2res), function(x) {

        ## Get DGE results
        res <- x$dge

        ## Assign genes to each group
        one <- res[res$edge == "1", ]
        two <- res[res$edge == "2", ]

        ## For each group get a set of up and down-regulated genes
        oneUp <- one$gene[one$fdr < K2meta(K2res)$qthresh & one$coef >
        oneDown <- one$gene[one$fdr < K2meta(K2res)$qthresh &
            one$coef < (-K2meta(K2res)$cthresh)]
        twoUp <- two$gene[two$fdr < K2meta(K2res)$qthresh & two$coef >
        twoDown <- two$gene[two$fdr < K2meta(K2res)$qthresh &
            two$coef < (-K2meta(K2res)$cthresh)]
        sigList <- list(oneUp, oneDown, twoUp, twoDown)

        ## Run hyperenrichment
        x$gse <- lapply(sigList, function(sig) {
            enrichFram <- NULL
            if (length(sig) > 0) {
                hits <- vapply(K2genesets(K2res), function(x,
                    y) paste(intersect(x, y), collapse=","),
                    sig, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
                nhits <- vapply(K2genesets(K2res), function(x,
                    y) length(intersect(x, y)), sig, FUN.VALUE=integer(1))
                ndrawn <- length(sig)
                ncats <- vapply(K2genesets(K2res), length, FUN.VALUE=integer(1))
                nleft <- K2meta(K2res)$ntotal - ncats
                pval <- phyper(q=nhits - 1, m=ncats, n=nleft,
                    k=ndrawn, lower.tail=FALSE)
                enrichFram <- data.frame(category=names(K2genesets(K2res)),
                    pval=pval, nhits=nhits, ndrawn=ndrawn,
                    ncats=ncats, ntot=K2meta(K2res)$ntotal,
                    hits=hits, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        names(x$gse) <- c("g1_up", "g1_down", "g2_up", "g2_down")

    ## Calculate and merge FDR values
    pValueDF <- data.frame(pval=unlist(lapply(K2results(K2res),
        function(x) lapply(x$gse, function(y) y$pval))))
    pValueDF$fdr <- p.adjust(pValueDF$pval, method="BH")
    pValueDF <- unique(pValueDF)
    K2results(K2res) <- lapply(K2results(K2res), function(x,
        pValueDF) {
        x$gse <- lapply(x$gse, function(y, pValueDF) {
            y <- merge(y, pValueDF)
            if (nrow(y) > 0) {
                y <- y[, c("category", "pval", "fdr", "nhits",
                    "ndrawn", "ncats", "ntot", "hits")]
        }, pValueDF)
    }, pValueDF)

    ## Set gene2pathway and make K2gSet empty
    K2gene2Pathway(K2res) <- getGenePathways(K2genesets(K2res))
    K2gSet(K2res) <- ExpressionSet()

montilab/K2Taxonomer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2024, 2:36 a.m.