
Defines functions K2tax

Documented in K2tax

#' Function K2 Taxonomer
#' This function performs K2 Taxonomer procedure only. Arguments values are
#' extracted from K2meta(K2res) unless othewise specified.
#' @param K2res An object of class K2. The output of K2preproc().
#' @param nFeats A numeric value <= P of subsets of the data to use.
#' @param featMetric Metric to use to assign variance/signal score. Options are
#' 'square' (default), 'mad' to use MAD scores, 'sd' to use standard deviation
#' @param recalcDataMatrix Recalculate dataMatrix for each partion?
#' @param nBoots A numeric value of the number of bootstraps to run at each
#' split.
#' @param clustFunc Wrapper function to cluster a P x N (See details).
#' @param clustCors Number of cores to use for clustering.
#' @param clustList List of objects to use for clustering procedure.
#' @param linkage Linkage criteria for splitting cosine matrix ('method' in
#' hclust).
#' @param oneoff Logical. Allow 1 member clusters?
#' @param stabThresh A numeric value < 1, to set stopping threshold (use any
#' negative value for no threshold).
#' @return An object of class K2.
#' @references
#'    \insertRef{reed_2020}{K2Taxonomer}
#' @keywords clustering
#' @export
#' @import parallel
#' @import robustbase
#' @examples
#' ## Read in ExpressionSet object
#' library(Biobase)
#' data(sample.ExpressionSet)
#' ## Pre-process and create K2 object
#' K2res <- K2preproc(sample.ExpressionSet)
#' ## Run K2 Taxonomer algorithm
#' K2res <- K2tax(K2res,
#'             stabThresh=0.5)

K2tax <- function(K2res, nFeats=NULL, featMetric=NULL, recalcDataMatrix=NULL,
    nBoots=NULL, clustFunc=NULL, clustCors=NULL, clustList=NULL,
    linkage=NULL, oneoff=NULL, stabThresh=NULL) {

    ## Run checks

    ## Change meta data if new value is specific
    K2meta(K2res)$nFeats <- nFeats <- .checkK2(K2res, "nFeats",
    K2meta(K2res)$featMetric <- featMetric <- .checkK2(K2res,
        "featMetric", featMetric)
    K2meta(K2res)$recalcDataMatrix <- recalcDataMatrix <- .checkK2(K2res,
        "recalcDataMatrix", recalcDataMatrix)
    K2meta(K2res)$nBoots <- nBoots <- .checkK2(K2res, "nBoots",
    K2meta(K2res)$clustFunc <- clustFunc <- .checkK2(K2res, "clustFunc",
    K2meta(K2res)$clustCors <- clustCors <- .checkK2(K2res, "clustCors",
    K2meta(K2res)$clustList <- clustList <- .checkK2(K2res, "clustList",
    K2meta(K2res)$linkage <- linkage <- .checkK2(K2res, "linkage",
    K2meta(K2res)$oneoff <- oneoff <- .checkK2(K2res, "oneoff",
    K2meta(K2res)$stabThresh <- stabThresh <- .checkK2(K2res,
        "stabThresh", stabThresh)

    ## Create Splits of the data
    taxList <- list(list(colnames(K2data(K2res))))
    resList <- stabList <- list(list(NULL))
    iter <- 1
    while (max(unlist(lapply(taxList[[iter]], function(x) {

        length(x[x != "Vehicle"])

    }))) > (2 - oneoff)) {
        outList <- lapply(taxList[[iter]], function(samps, nFeats,
            nBoots, clustFunc, K2res) {
            if (length(samps) > 1) {
                Dsub <- K2data(K2res)[, samps]
                outList <- .doSplit(Dsub, nFeats=nFeats, featMetric=featMetric,
                    recalcDataMatrix=recalcDataMatrix, nBoots=nBoots,
                    clustFunc=clustFunc, clustCors=clustCors,
                    clustList=clustList, linkage=linkage, K2res=K2res)

                ## Get minimum size
                minSize <- min(table(outList$mods))

                ## Get determinant
                nodeStab <- outList$stability$node

                ## Check stopping criteria
                if ((!oneoff & minSize == 1 & iter != 1) | (nodeStab <=
                    stabThresh & iter != 1)) {
                    outList <- list(mods=samps, propBoots=NULL,

                ## If first split was below threshold, print warning.
                if (nodeStab <= stabThresh & iter == 1) {
                    warning("First split below stability threshold.")

            } else {
                outList <- list(mods=samps, propBoots=NULL,
        }, nFeats, nBoots, clustFunc, K2res)
        iter <- iter + 1
        taxList[[iter]] <- list()
        outMods <- lapply(outList, function(x) x[[1]])
        slot <- 1
        for (i in seq_len(length(outMods))) {
            taxList[[iter]][[slot]] <- names(outMods[[i]])[outMods[[i]] ==
            slot <- slot + 1
            taxList[[iter]][[slot]] <- names(outMods[[i]])[outMods[[i]] ==
            slot <- slot + 1

        if (length(taxList[[iter]]) == 0) {
            taxList[[iter]] <- list(NULL)

        resList[[iter]] <- list()
        stabList[[iter]] <- list()
        outRes <- lapply(outList, function(x) x[[2]])
        outStab <- lapply(outList, function(x) x[[3]])
        slot <- 1
        for (i in seq_len(length(outRes))) {
            resList[[iter]][[slot]] <- outRes[[i]]
            stabList[[iter]][[slot]] <- outStab[[i]]
            slot <- slot + 1
    resList <- resList[-1]
    stabList <- stabList[-1]

    if (is.null(unlist(taxList[[iter]])))
        taxList <- taxList[-iter]

    ## Get instances where the split had > 1 samples in cluster
    modList <- lapply(taxList[-1], function(x) {
        combs <- seq_len(length(x)/2)
        combList <- list()
        for (i in combs) {
            combList[[i]] <- list()
            combList[[i]][[1]] <- x[[i * 2 - 1]]
            combList[[i]][[2]] <- x[[i * 2]]
            if (length(combList[[i]]) > 0) {
                if (length(combList[[i]][[1]]) < (2 - oneoff) |
                    length(combList[[i]][[2]]) < (2 - oneoff))
                    combList[[i]] <- list()

    ## Create list of modules and bootstrap stats
    K2c <- lapply(seq_len(length(modList)), function(x) {
        lapply(seq_len(length(modList[[x]])), function(y) {
            modSub <- modList[[x]][[y]]
            if (length(modSub) > 0) {
                resSub <- resList[[x]][[y]]
                stabSub <- stabList[[x]][[y]]
                return(list(obs=modSub, bootP=resSub, stability=stabSub))
            } else {
    K2c <- unlist(K2c, recursive=FALSE)
    K2c <- K2c[!unlist(lapply(K2c, is.null))]

    ## Add names
    len <- length(K2c)
    nAlphabets <- ceiling(len/length(LETTERS))
    ALPHABETS <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(nAlphabets), function(x) vapply(LETTERS,
        function(y) paste(rep(y, x), collapse=""), FUN.VALUE=character(1))))
    names(K2c) <- ALPHABETS[seq_len(length(K2c))]

    ## Add to K2res and return
    K2results(K2res) <- K2c

montilab/K2Taxonomer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2024, 2:36 a.m.