
Defines functions K2dendro

Documented in K2dendro

#' Reformat K2Taxonomer results to dendrogram object
#' Reformats the output of K2tax() to an object of class, dendrogram,
#' which can be easily plotted.
#' @param K2res An object of class K2. The output of K2tax().
#' @return An object of class dendrogram.
#' @keywords clustering
#' @export
#' @references
#'    \insertRef{reed_2020}{K2Taxonomer}
#' @import dendextend
#' @examples
#' ## Read in ExpressionSet object
#' library(Biobase)
#' data(sample.ExpressionSet)
#' ## Pre-process and create K2 object
#' K2res <- K2preproc(sample.ExpressionSet)
#' ## Run K2 Taxonomer algorithm
#' K2res <- K2tax(K2res,
#'             stabThresh=0.5)
#' ## Create dendrogram object from K2 Taxonomer results
#' K2dendro(K2res)

K2dendro <- function(K2res) {

    ## Run checks

    ## K2 algorithm
    if (length(K2results(K2res)) == 0) {
        stop("No results found. Please run K2tax() or runK2Taxonomer().\n")

    ## Get labels order
    K2labs <- colnames(K2data(K2res))

    ## Pull out K2 results
    K2res <- K2results(K2res)

    ## Get split identifiers

    ## Create Matric of results
    mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(K2res), ncol=length(K2res[[1]]$obs[[1]]) +
    colnames(mat) <- c(K2res[[1]]$obs[[1]], K2res[[1]]$obs[[2]])
    for (i in seq_len(length(K2res))) {
        mat[i, K2res[[i]]$obs[[1]]] <- 1
        mat[i, K2res[[i]]$obs[[2]]] <- 2

    ### Collapse mat
    matCollapse <- sort(apply(mat, 2, function(x) paste(x[x !=
        0], collapse="")))
    matUnique <- unique(matCollapse)

    ## Get branchlist
    bList <- c()
    j <- 1
    for (i in seq_len(max(nchar(matUnique)))) {
        sLength <- matUnique[nchar(matUnique) >= i]
        sLength <- unique(substr(sLength, 1, i))
        for (k in sLength) {
            bList[j] <- k
            j <- j + 1

    if (nrow(mat) > 1) {
        ## Add edgenames
        for (i in 2:nrow(mat)) {
            matNow <- mat[i, ]
            wn0 <- which(matNow != 0)[1]
            matPrev <- mat[seq_len(i - 1), wn0]
            matPrev <- paste(matPrev[matPrev != 0], collapse="")
            names(splitNames)[i] <- matPrev

    ## Max height=number of observations
    mHeight <- ncol(mat)

    ## Add list
    aList <- list()
    newLabel <- splitNames[1]
    names(newLabel) <- NULL
    stability <- K2res[[splitNames[1]]]$stability$node
    log_stab_cum <- log(stability)
    attributes(aList) <- list(members=length(matCollapse),
        height=NULL, midpoint=(length(matCollapse) - 1)/2,
        label=newLabel, stability=stability, log_stab_cum=log_stab_cum)

    for (i in bList) {

        ## Add element
        iSplit <- unlist(strsplit(i, ""))
        iPaste <- paste0("aList", paste(paste0("[[", iSplit,
            "]]"), collapse=""))
        eval(parse(text=paste0(iPaste, "<-list()")))

        ## Get parent node height
        pSplit <- iSplit[-length(iSplit)]
        if (length(pSplit) == 0) {
            pPaste <- "aList"
        } else {
            pPaste <- paste0("aList", paste(paste0("[[", pSplit,
                "]]"), collapse=""))
        pNode <- eval(parse(text=pPaste))

        ## Add attributes
        members <- sum(substr(matCollapse, 1, nchar(i)) == i)
        newLabel <- splitNames[i]
        names(newLabel) <- NULL

        ## Set height=1 if terminal split, otherwise get stability and
        ## cumulative stability
        if (!any(substr(bList, 1, nchar(bList) - 1) == i)) {
            height <- 1
            stability <- log_stab_cum <- NULL
        } else {
            stability <- K2res[[splitNames[i]]]$stability$node
            log_stab_cum=log(stability) + attributes(pNode)$log_stab_cum
        att <- list(members=members, height=height, midpoint=(members -
            1)/2, label=newLabel, stability=stability,
                log_stab_cum=log_stab_cum, index=iSplit)

        eval(parse(text=paste0("attributes(", iPaste, ") <- att")))

        ## Add leaves
        leaves <- matCollapse[matCollapse == i]
        if (length(leaves) > 0) {
            for (l in seq_len(length(leaves))) {

                ## Get attributes
                members <- 1
                leaf <- names(leaves)[l]
                names(leaf) <- NULL
                height <- 0

                ## Add element
                lPaste <- paste0(iPaste, "[[", l, "]]")
                eval(parse(text=paste0(lPaste, "<-", which(K2labs ==
                    leaf), "L")))

                att <- list(members=members, height=height,
                    label=leaf, leaf=TRUE, index=c(iSplit,
                eval(parse(text=paste0("attributes(", lPaste,
                    ") <- att")))
    class(aList) <- "dendrogram"

    ## Get heights scaling factor
    logStabCums <- get_nodes_attr(aList, "log_stab_cum")
    members <- get_nodes_attr(aList, "members")
    minHeight <- min(log(members) + logStabCums, na.rm=t)

    ## Add heights to upper nodes
    aList <- dendrapply(aList, function(x, minHeight) {
        attr <- attributes(x)
        if (is.null(attr$height)) {
            attr$height <- log(attr$members) + attr$log_stab_cum -
                minHeight + 1
        attributes(x) <- attr
    }, minHeight)

montilab/K2Taxonomer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2024, 2:36 a.m.