#' @importFrom data.table fread
.makeExprMat <- function(file, normMethod, dataType, mergeSize = 1000, arrayData = FALSE)
#Get selected type only
tmpCols = read.delim(file,nrows=1,colClasses="character")
if (!arrayData) {
colOrder <- 1:ncol(tmpCols)
colOrder <- colOrder[startsWith(unlist(tmpCols[1, ]), normMethod)]
} else {
colOrder <- 2:ncol(tmpCols)
message(paste(dataType,"data will be imported! This may take a while!",sep=" "))
message(paste0("Start: ",Sys.time()))
tmpMat <- fread(file,header=FALSE,colClasses = "character", select=c(1,colOrder), data.table = FALSE)
message(paste0("Done: " ,Sys.time()))
if (!arrayData) {
colnames(tmpMat) <- tmpMat[1,]
} else {
colnames(tmpMat) <- c("Symbol",tmpMat[1,2:ncol(tmpMat)])
tmpMat <- tmpMat[-c(1:2),]
removeQM <- grepl("\\?\\|",tmpMat[,1])
tmpMat <- tmpMat[!removeQM,]
names1 <- tmpMat[,1]
names2 <- sapply(names1,function(x) {unlist(strsplit(x,"\\|"))[1]})
names1 <- duplicated(names2)
tmpMat <- tmpMat[!names1,]
rownames(tmpMat) <- names2[!names1]
tmpMat <- tmpMat[,-1]
cNames <- colnames(tmpMat)
rNames <- rownames(tmpMat)
tmpMat <- apply(tmpMat,2,as.numeric)
colnames(tmpMat) <- cNames
rownames(tmpMat) <- rNames
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
.getLinks <- function(keyWord1,keyWord2,datasetLink=NULL,doc) {
plinks <- grep(keyWord1, doc, value = TRUE)
search <-
if (is.null(datasetLink)) keyWord2 else paste0("*.", datasetLink, keyWord2)
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom RJSONIO fromJSON
#' @importFrom RCurl getURL
.barcodeUUID <- function(object) {
message("Converting barcodes to UUID")
barcodes <- NULL
if (dim(object@RNASeqGene)[1] > 0 & dim(object@RNASeqGene)[2] > 0) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,colnames(object@RNASeqGene))
if (dim(object@RNASeq2Gene)[1] > 0 & dim(object@RNASeq2Gene)[2] > 0) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,colnames(object@RNASeq2Gene))
if (dim(object@RNASeq2GeneNorm)[1] > 0 & dim(object@RNASeq2GeneNorm)[2] > 0) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,colnames(object@RNASeq2GeneNorm))
if (dim(object@miRNASeqGene)[1] > 0 & dim(object@miRNASeqGene)[2] > 0) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,colnames(object@miRNASeqGene))
if (dim(object@CNASNP)[1] > 0 & dim(object@CNASNP)[2] > 0) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,as.character(object@CNASNP[,1]))
if (dim(object@CNVSNP)[1] > 0 & dim(object@CNVSNP)[2] > 0) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,as.character(object@CNVSNP[,1]))
if (dim(object@CNASeq)[1] > 0 & dim(object@CNASeq)[2] > 0) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,as.character(object@CNASeq[,1]))
if (length(object@CNACGH) > 0 ) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,as.character(object@CNACGH[,1]))
if (length(object@Methylation) > 0 ) {
for(i in 1:length(object@Methylation)) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,colnames(object@Methylation[[i]]@DataMatrix))
if (length(object@mRNAArray) > 0 ) {
for(i in 1:length(object@mRNAArray)) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,colnames(object@mRNAArray[[i]]@DataMatrix))
if (length(object@miRNAArray) > 0 ) {
for(i in 1:length(object@miRNAArray)) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,colnames(object@miRNAArray[[i]]@DataMatrix))
if (length(object@RPPAArray) > 0 ) {
for(i in 1:length(object@RPPAArray)) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,colnames(object@RPPAArray[[i]]@DataMatrix))
if (length(object@GISTIC@Dataset) > 0) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,colnames(object@GISTIC@AllByGene)[-c(1:3)])
if (dim(object@Mutation)[1] > 0 & dim(object@Mutation)[2] > 0) {
barcodes <- c(barcodes,unique(as.character(object@Mutation[,16])))
barcodes <- c(barcodes,unique(as.character(object@Mutation[,17])))
barcodes <- unique(barcodes)
barcodes <- toupper(barcodes)
barcodes <- gsub(pattern = "\\.",replacement = "-",x = barcodes)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(barcodes), style = 3)
breakPoints <- seq(1,length(barcodes),20)
for(i in breakPoints) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
urlToGo <- "https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/uuid/uuidws/mapping/json/barcode/batch"
endPoint <- (i+19)
if (endPoint > length(barcodes)) {endPoint = length(barcodes)}
searchBarcode <- paste(barcodes[i:endPoint], collapse=",")
uuids = fromJSON(getURL(urlToGo, customrequest="POST",
httpheader=c("Content-Type: text/plain"),
if (is.character(uuids)) {
if (exists("convertTable")) {
convertTable <- rbind(convertTable,c(uuids[1],uuids[2]))
} else {
convertTable <- data.frame(Barcode=uuids[1],UUID=uuids[2])
} else {
if (exists("convertTable")) {
convertTable <- rbind(convertTable,
data.frame(matrix(unlist(uuids), nrow=length(uuids), byrow=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
} else {
convertTable <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(uuids), nrow=length(uuids), byrow=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if ((endPoint %% 400) == 0) {
message("RTCGAToolbox will wait 185 seconds due to TCGA web service limitations")
shortNames <- apply(convertTable,1,function(x) {
as.character(paste(strsplit(x[1],split = "-")[[1]][1:3],collapse = "-"))
convertTable <- cbind(convertTable,shortNames)
colnames(convertTable) <- c("Barcode","UUID","ShortName")
setTxtProgressBar(pb, length(barcodes))
.checkFileSize <- function(dataURL, fileSizeLimit) {
fileSize <- httr::HEAD(dataURL)
# this should convert file size from byte to MB
fileSize <- as.numeric(fileSize$headers$`content-length`)/1e6
if (fileSize > fileSizeLimit) {
message(paste("File Size: ~"), fileSize, "MB")
message("File above won't be downloaded due to data size, RTCGAToolbox will skip this data!")
} else {
#' @importFrom utils download.file untar
.exportFiles <- function(fileLink, dataset, fileExt, searchName,subSearch=FALSE,
exportName, manifest=FALSE, destdir=destdir, forceDownload=FALSE, runDate)
if (!dir.exists(destdir))
stop("Directory does not exist")
tcgafile <- file.path(destdir, paste0(dataset, fileExt, sep=""))
destfile <- file.path(destdir, paste0(runDate,"-",dataset,exportName))
if (forceDownload || !file.exists(destfile)) {
download.file(url=fileLink, destfile=tcgafile, method="auto",
quiet = FALSE, mode = "wb")
fileList <- untar(tcgafile, list = TRUE)
fullList <- paste(destdir, fileList, sep = "/")
if (any(nchar(fullList) > 259) && identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows"))
warning("File path too long, make 'destdir' shorter")
if (!subSearch) {
fileList = fileList[grepl(searchName,fileList)]
} else {
if (!manifest) {
grepSearch = paste0("*.",dataset,searchName)
fileList = fileList[grepl(grepSearch,fileList)]
} else {
fileList = fileList[!grepl("MANIFEST.txt",fileList)]
untar(tcgafile, files = fileList, exdir = destdir)
file.rename(from=file.path(destdir, fileList), to=destfile)
unlink(file.path(destdir, dirname(fileList)), recursive = TRUE)
} else {
message(sprintf('Using locally cached version of %s',destfile))
.files_from_html_table <- function(url) {
page_table <- rvest::html_table(rvest::read_html(url))[[1L]]
rm.cols <- vapply(page_table, function(x) !all(is.na(x)), logical(1L))
page_table <- page_table[, rm.cols]
doc <- page_table[
-which(page_table[["Name"]] %in% c("", "Parent Directory")), "Name"
#' Get data from Firehose portal.
#' `getFirehoseData` returns `FirehoseData` object that stores TCGA data.
#' This is a main client function to download data from Firehose TCGA portal.
#' @details To avoid unnecessary downloads, we use
#' `tools::R_user_dir("RTCGAToolbox", "cache")` to set the default `destdir`
#' parameter to the cached directory. To get the actual default directory,
#' one can run `RTCGAToolbox:::.setCache()`.
#' @param dataset A cohort disease code. TCGA cancer codes can be obtained via
#' [getFirehoseDatasets]
#' @param runDate Standard data run dates. Date list can be accessible via
#' [getFirehoseRunningDates]
#' @param gistic2Date Analysis run date for GISTIC obtained via
#' [getFirehoseAnalyzeDates]
#' @param RNASeqGene Logical (default FALSE) RNAseq TPM data.
#' @param clinical Logical (default TRUE) clinical data.
#' @param RNASeq2Gene Logical (default FALSE) RNAseq v2 (RSEM processed) data;
#' see `RNAseqNorm` argument.
#' @param RNASeq2GeneNorm Logical (default FALSE) RNAseq v2 (RSEM processed)
#' data.
#' @param miRNASeqGene Logical (default FALSE) smallRNAseq data.
#' @param miRNASeqGeneType Character (default "read_count") Indicate which type
#' of data should be pulled from the miRNASeqGene data. Must be one of
#' "reads_per_million_miRNA_mapped", "read_count", or "cross-mapped".
#' @param CNASNP Logical (default FALSE) somatic copy number alterations data
#' from SNP array.
#' @param CNVSNP Logical (default FALSE) germline copy number variants data from
#' SNP array.
#' @param CNASeq Logical (default FALSE) somatic copy number alterations data
#' from sequencing.
#' @param CNACGH Logical (default FALSE) somatic copy number alterations data
#' from CGH.
#' @param Methylation Logical (default FALSE) methylation data.
#' @param Mutation Logical (default FALSE) mutation data from sequencing.
#' @param mRNAArray Logical (default FALSE) mRNA expression data from
#' microarray.
#' @param miRNAArray Logical (default FALSE) miRNA expression data from
#' microarray.
#' @param RPPAArray Logical (default FALSE) RPPA data
#' @param RNAseqNorm RNAseq data normalization method. (Default raw_count)
#' @param RNAseq2Norm RNAseq v2 data normalization method. (Default
#' normalized_count or one of RSEM_normalized_log2, raw_count,
#' scaled_estimate)
#' @param GISTIC logical (default FALSE) processed copy number data
#' @param forceDownload A logic (Default FALSE) key to force download
#' RTCGAToolbox every time. By default if you download files into your working
#' directory once than RTCGAToolbox using local files next time.
#' @param destdir Directory in which to store the resulting downloaded file.
#' Defaults to a cache directory given by `RTCGAToolbox:::.setCache()`.
#' @param fileSizeLimit Files that are larger than set value (megabyte) won't be
#' downloaded (Default: 500)
#' @param getUUIDs Logical key to get UUIDs from barcode (Default: FALSE)
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass down.
#' @return A `FirehoseData` data object that stores data for selected data types.
#' @seealso \link{getLinks}, \url{https://gdac.broadinstitute.org/}
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @examples
#' # Sample Dataset
#' data(accmini)
#' accmini
#' \dontrun{
#' BRCAdata <- getFirehoseData(dataset="BRCA",
#' runDate="20140416",gistic2Date="20140115",
#' RNASeqGene=TRUE,clinical=TRUE,mRNAArray=TRUE,Mutation=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export getFirehoseData
getFirehoseData <- function(dataset, runDate="20160128", gistic2Date="20160128",
RNASeqGene=FALSE, RNASeq2Gene=FALSE, clinical=TRUE, miRNASeqGene=FALSE,
miRNASeqGeneType =
c("read_count", "reads_per_million_miRNA_mapped", "cross-mapped"),
CNACGH=FALSE, Methylation=FALSE, Mutation=FALSE, mRNAArray=FALSE,
miRNAArray=FALSE, RPPAArray=FALSE, GISTIC=FALSE, RNAseqNorm="raw_count",
RNAseq2Norm = c(
"normalized_counts", "RSEM_normalized_log2", "raw_counts", "scaled_estimate"
forceDownload=FALSE, destdir=.setCache(),
fileSizeLimit=500, getUUIDs=FALSE, ...) {
#check input parameters
if (!is.character(dataset) || is.null(dataset) || !length(dataset) == 1 || nchar(dataset) < 2) {
stop('Please set "dataset" parameter! You should specify one dataset name. Ex: dataset="BRCA"...')
runDatasets <- getFirehoseDatasets()
if (!any(runDatasets==dataset)) {
stop('Please use valid dataset name! "getFirehoseDatasets" function gives you the vector of valid dataset names!')
if (!is.null(runDate)) {
if (!is.character(runDate) || !length(runDate) == 1 || !nchar(runDate) == 8) {
stop('Please set "runDate" parameter! You should specify one Firehose run date. Ex: runDate="20140416"...')
runDateList <- getFirehoseRunningDates()
if (!any(runDateList==runDate)) {
stop('Please use valid run date! "getFirehoseRunningDates" function gives you the vector of valid dates!')
if (GISTIC) {
if (!S4Vectors::isSingleString(gistic2Date) &&
!gistic2Date %in% getFirehoseAnalyzeDates())
stop('Please set a valid "gistic2Date" parameter.')
trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
resultClass <- new("FirehoseData", Dataset = dataset)
if (!is.null(runDate)) {
resultClass@runDate <- runDate
} else {
resultClass@runDate <- NA_character_
if (GISTIC) {
resultClass@gistic2Date <- gistic2Date
} else {
resultClass@gistic2Date <- NA_character_
if (!is.null(runDate))
##build URL for getting file links
fh_url <- "https://gdac.broadinstitute.org/runs/stddata__"
fh_url <- paste0(fh_url,substr(runDate,1,4),"_",substr(runDate,5,6),"_",substr(runDate,7,8),"/data/")
fh_url <- paste0(fh_url,dataset,"/",runDate,"/")
doc <- .files_from_html_table(fh_url)
#Download clinical data
if (clinical)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks(".Clinical_Pick_Tier1.Level_4","*.tar[.]gz$",NULL,doc)
for(i in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,i),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,i),dataset,"-Clinical.tar.gz","*.clin.merged.picked.txt$",FALSE,
raw.clin <- read.delim(export.file,colClasses="character")
df.clin <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, raw.clin[, -1]),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(df.clin) <- raw.clin[, 1]
resultClass@clinical <- df.clin
#Download RNAseq gene level data
if (RNASeqGene)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("Level_3__gene_expression__data.Level_3","*.Merge_rnaseq__.*._rnaseq__.*.tar[.]gz$",NULL,doc)
for(i in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,i),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,i),dataset,"-RNAseqGene.tar.gz",
#Get selected type only
resultClass@RNASeqGene <- .makeExprMat(export.file,RNAseqNorm,"RNAseq",mergeSize=1000,arrayData=FALSE)
#Download RNAseq2 gene level data (scaled estimates = TPM / 1e6 or raw_count, not rounded)
if (RNASeq2Gene)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("Level_3__RSEM_genes__data.Level_3","*.Merge_rnaseqv2__.*._rnaseqv2__.*.tar[.]gz$",NULL,doc)
for(i in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,i),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,i),dataset,"-RNAseq2Gene.tar.gz",
#Get selected type only
resultClass@RNASeq2Gene <- .makeExprMat(export.file, RNAseqNorm, "RNAseq2",mergeSize=1000,arrayData=FALSE)
#Download RNAseq2 gene level data
if (RNASeq2GeneNorm)
#Search for links
RNAseq2Norm <- match.arg(RNAseq2Norm)
if (identical(RNAseq2Norm, "normalized_counts")) {
searchName <- "[.]rnaseqv2__.*.__Level_3__RSEM_genes_normalized__data.data.txt$"
plinks <- .getLinks("Level_3__RSEM_genes_normalized__data.Level_3","*.Merge_rnaseqv2__.*._rnaseqv2__.*.tar[.]gz$",NULL,doc)
} else {
searchName <- paste0(".*\\.mRNAseq_", RNAseq2Norm, "\\.txt$")
plinks <- .getLinks("mRNAseq_Preprocess",".*\\.Level_3\\..*\\.tar\\.gz$",NULL,doc)
plinks <- stats::setNames(
vapply(plinks, function(x)
.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url, x), fileSizeLimit), logical(1L)
plinks <- plinks[plinks]
res <- lapply(seq_along(plinks), function(k) {
i <- names(plinks)[k]
export.file <- .exportFiles(
fileLink = paste0(fh_url,i),
dataset = dataset,
fileExt = "-RNAseq2GeneNorm.tar.gz",
searchName = searchName,
subSearch = TRUE,
exportName =
paste0("-RNAseq2GeneNorm-", RNAseq2Norm, "-", k, ".txt"),
manifest = FALSE,
destdir = destdir,
forceDownload = forceDownload,
runDate = runDate
# res <- res[[which.max(vapply(res, ncol, integer(1L)))]]
resultClass@RNASeq2GeneNorm <- res
#Download miRNAseq gene level data
if (miRNASeqGene)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("Level_3__miR_gene_expression__data.Level_3","[.]Merge_mirnaseq__.*.hiseq_mirnaseq__.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
miRNAtype <- match.arg(miRNASeqGeneType)
for(i in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,i),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(
fileLink = paste0(fh_url,i),
dataset = dataset,
fileExt = "-miRNAseqGene.tar.gz",
searchName = "[.]mirnaseq__.*.__Level_3__miR_gene_expression__data.data.txt$",
subSearch = TRUE,
exportName = paste0("-", miRNAtype, "-miRNAseqGene.txt"),
manifest = FALSE,
destdir = destdir,
forceDownload = forceDownload,
runDate = runDate
resultClass@miRNASeqGene <- .makeExprMat(export.file,miRNAtype,"miRNAseq",mergeSize=100,arrayData=FALSE)
#Download CNA SNP data
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("Level_3__segmented_scna_hg19__seg.Level_3","[.]Merge_snp__.*.__Level_3__segmented_scna_hg19__seg.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
for(i in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,i),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,i),dataset,
#Get selected type only
tmpMat = fread(export.file,header=TRUE,colClasses=c("character","numeric","numeric",
"numeric","numeric","numeric"),data.table = FALSE)
resultClass@CNASNP <- tmpMat
#Download CNV SNP data
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("Level_3__segmented_scna_minus_germline_cnv_hg19__seg.Level_3","[.]Merge_snp__.*.__Level_3__segmented_scna_minus_germline_cnv_hg19__seg.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
for(i in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,i),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,i),dataset,
#Get selected type only
tmpMat = fread(export.file,header=TRUE,colClasses=c("character","numeric","numeric",
"numeric","numeric","numeric"),data.table = FALSE)
resultClass@CNVSNP <- tmpMat
#Download CNA DNAseq data
if (CNASeq)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("__Level_3__segmentation__seg.Level_3","[.]Merge_cna__.*.dnaseq.*.__Level_3__segmentation__seg.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
for(i in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,i),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,i),dataset,
#Get selected type only
tmpMat = fread(export.file,
data.table = FALSE)
#tmpMat = read.delim(paste0(runDate,"-",dataset,"-CNAseq.txt"),header=TRUE,colClasses=c("character","numeric","numeric",
# "numeric","numeric"))
resultClass@CNASeq <- tmpMat
#Download CNA CGH data
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("__Level_3__segmentation__seg.Level_3","[.]Merge_cna__.*.cgh.*.__Level_3__segmentation__seg.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
dataLists <- list()
listCount = 1
for(i in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,i),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,i),dataset,
#Get selected type only
tmpMat = fread(export.file,
data.table = FALSE)
#tmpMat = read.delim(paste0(runDate,"-",dataset,"-CNACGH-",listCount,".txt",sep=""),header=TRUE,colClasses=c("character","numeric","numeric",
# "numeric","numeric"))
tmpReturn <- new("FirehoseCGHArray",Filename=i,DataMatrix=tmpMat)
dataLists[[listCount]] <- tmpReturn
listCount = listCount + 1
resultClass@CNACGH <- dataLists
#Download methylation
if (Methylation)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("__Level_3__within_bioassay_data_set_function__data.Level_3","[.]Merge_methylation__.*.methylation.*.__Level_3__within_bioassay_data_set_function__data.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
dataLists <- list()
listCount = 1
for(ii in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,ii),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,ii),dataset,
#Get selected type only
tmpCols <- read.delim(export.file,nrows=1,colClasses="character")
BetaCols <- which(tmpCols[1L,] == "Beta_value")
fixedCols <- match(c("Composite Element REF", "Gene_Symbol", "Chromosome", "Genomic_Coordinate"), tmpCols[1L, ])
colOrder <- c(fixedCols, BetaCols)
tmpMat <- fread(export.file,header=FALSE,colClasses = "character", select=colOrder, data.table = FALSE)
fixedCols <- match(c("Composite Element REF", "Gene_Symbol", "Chromosome", "Genomic_Coordinate"), tmpMat[2L, ])
BetaCols <- which(tmpMat[2L, ] == "Beta_value")
colOrder <- c(fixedCols, BetaCols)
tmpMat <- tmpMat[, colOrder]
tmpMat[2L, ] <- gsub(" ", "", tmpMat[2L, ])
firstFixed <- seq_along(fixedCols)
BetaCols <- setdiff(seq_along(tmpMat), firstFixed)
colnames(tmpMat) <- unlist(c(tmpMat[2L, firstFixed], tmpMat[1L, BetaCols]))
tmpMat <- tmpMat[-c(1:2),]
removeQM <- grepl("\\?\\|",tmpMat[,1])
tmpMat <- tmpMat[!removeQM,]
names1 <- tmpMat[,1]
tmpMat <- tmpMat[,-1]
rownames(tmpMat) <- names1
tmpReturn <- new("FirehoseMethylationArray",Filename=ii,DataMatrix=tmpMat)
dataLists[[listCount]] <- tmpReturn
listCount = listCount + 1
resultClass@Methylation <- dataLists
#Download mRNA array
if (mRNAArray)
#Search for links
plinks1 <- .getLinks("Merge_transcriptome__agilentg4502a_07","[.]Merge_transcriptome__agilentg4502a_.*.__Level_3__unc_lowess_normalization_gene_level__data.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
plinks2 <- .getLinks("Merge_transcriptome__ht_hg_u133a","[.]Merge_transcriptome__ht_hg_u133a__.*.__Level_3__gene_rma__data.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
plinks3 <- .getLinks("Merge_exon__huex_1_0_st_v2","[.]Merge_exon__huex_1_0_st_v2__.*.__Level_3__quantile_normalization_gene__data.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
plinks = c(plinks1,plinks2,plinks3)
plinks = unique(plinks[plinks != ""])
dataLists <- list()
listCount = 1
for(ii in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,ii),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,ii),dataset,
tmpReturn <- new("FirehosemRNAArray",Filename=ii,
dataLists[[listCount]] <- tmpReturn
listCount = listCount + 1
resultClass@mRNAArray <- dataLists
#Download miRNA array
if (miRNAArray)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("h_mirna_8x15k","[.]Merge_mirna__h_mirna_8x15k.*.data.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
plinks = unique(plinks[plinks != ""])
dataLists <- list()
listCount = 1
for(ii in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,ii),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,ii),dataset,
tmpReturn <- new("FirehosemRNAArray",Filename=ii,
dataLists[[listCount]] <- tmpReturn
listCount = listCount + 1
resultClass@miRNAArray <- dataLists
#Download RPPA array
if (RPPAArray)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("rppa_core","[.]Merge_protein_exp.*.protein_normalization__data.Level_3.*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
plinks = unique(plinks[plinks != ""])
dataLists <- list()
listCount = 1
for(ii in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,ii),fileSizeLimit))
export.file <- .exportFiles(paste0(fh_url,ii),dataset,
tmpReturn <- new("FirehosemRNAArray",Filename=ii,
dataLists[[listCount]] <- tmpReturn
listCount = listCount + 1
resultClass@RPPAArray <- dataLists
#Download RPPA array
if (Mutation)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("Mutation_Packager_Calls","[.]Mutation_Packager_Calls[.]Level_3[.].*.tar[.]gz$",dataset,doc)
plinks = unique(plinks[plinks != ""])
dataLists <- list()
listCount = 1
for(ii in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,ii),fileSizeLimit))
allsampsfile <- paste0(destdir,"/",runDate,"-",dataset,"-Mutations-AllSamples.txt")
if (forceDownload || !file.exists(allsampsfile)) {
download_link = paste(fh_url,ii,sep="")
tarfile <- file.path(destdir, paste0(dataset, "-Mutation.tar.gz"))
download.file(url=download_link,destfile=tarfile,method="auto",quiet = FALSE, mode = "wb")
fileList <- untar(tarfile, list = TRUE)
grepSearch = "MANIFEST.txt"
fileList = fileList[!grepl(grepSearch,fileList)]
untar(tarfile, files = fileList, exdir = destdir)
datalist <- lapply(file.path(destdir, fileList),FUN=function(files) {
dlengths <- lengths(datalist)
if (!identical(length(unique(dlengths)), 1L)) {
splitlist <- split(datalist, dlengths)
splitlist <- lapply(splitlist, function(g) do.call(rbind, g))
retMutations <-
Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all = TRUE), splitlist)
} else {
retMutations <- do.call(rbind, datalist)
delFolder <- file.path(destdir, dirname(fileList[[1L]]))
unlink(delFolder, recursive = TRUE)
} else {
retMutations <- fread(allsampsfile,header=TRUE,colClasses="character", data.table = FALSE)
resultClass@Mutation <- retMutations
if (GISTIC) {
tag <- switch(dataset, SKCM = "TM", LAML = "TB", "TP")
dset <- paste0(dataset, "-", tag)
##build URL for getting file links
fh_url <- "https://gdac.broadinstitute.org/runs/analyses__"
fh_url <- paste(fh_url, substr(gistic2Date, 1, 4), "_",
substr(gistic2Date, 5, 6), "_", substr(gistic2Date, 7, 8),
"/data/", sep="")
fh_url <- paste(fh_url, dset, "/", gistic2Date, "/", sep="")
doc <- .files_from_html_table(fh_url)
#Search for links
plinks <- .getLinks("CopyNumber_Gistic2.Level_4",
"[.]CopyNumber_Gistic2[.]Level_4.*.tar[.]gz$", dset, doc)
for (ii in trim(plinks))
if (.checkFileSize(paste0(fh_url,ii),fileSizeLimit)) {
if (forceDownload || !file.exists(paste0(destdir,"/",gistic2Date,"-",dataset,"-all_thresholded.by_genes.txt"))) {
download_link <- paste(fh_url, ii, sep = "")
fileLoc <- file.path(destdir, paste0(dataset,"-Gistic2.tar.gz"))
download.file(url = download_link, destfile = fileLoc,
method = "auto", quiet = FALSE, mode = "wb")
fileList <- untar(fileLoc, list = TRUE)
grepSearch = "all_data_by_genes.txt"
fileList = fileList[grepl(grepSearch,fileList)]
untar(fileLoc, files = fileList, exdir = destdir)
filepaths <- file.path(destdir, fileList)
tmpCNAll = fread(filepaths, header = TRUE, colClasses = "character",
data.table = FALSE)
file.rename(from = filepaths,
to = paste0(destdir, "/", gistic2Date, "-",
dataset, "-all_data_by_genes.txt"))
fileList <- untar(fileLoc, list = TRUE)
grepSearch = "all_thresholded.by_genes.txt"
fileList = fileList[grepl(grepSearch,fileList)]
untar(fileLoc, files = fileList, exdir = destdir)
filepaths <- file.path(destdir, fileList)
tmpCNThreshhold = fread(filepaths, header = TRUE,
colClasses = "character", data.table = FALSE)
file.rename(from = filepaths,
to = paste0(destdir, "/", gistic2Date, "-",
dataset, "-all_thresholded.by_genes.txt"))
fileList <- untar(fileLoc, list = TRUE)
grepSearch = "all_lesions.conf_99.txt"
fileList = fileList[grepl(grepSearch,fileList)]
untar(fileLoc, files = fileList, exdir = destdir)
filepaths <- file.path(destdir, fileList)
tmpPeaks <- fread(filepaths, header = TRUE,
colClasses = "character", data.table = FALSE)
file.rename(from = filepaths,
to = paste0(destdir, "/", gistic2Date, "-",
dataset, "-all_lesions.conf_99.txt"))
delFodler <- file.path(destdir, dirname(fileList))
unlink(delFodler, recursive = TRUE)
} else {
tmpCNThreshhold = fread(paste0(destdir,"/",gistic2Date,"-",dataset,"-all_thresholded.by_genes.txt"),header=TRUE,colClasses = "character", data.table = FALSE)
tmpCNAll = fread(paste0(destdir,"/",gistic2Date,"-",dataset,"-all_data_by_genes.txt"),header=TRUE,colClasses="character", data.table = FALSE)
tmpPeaks = fread(paste0(destdir, "/", gistic2Date, "-", dataset, "-all_lesions.conf_99.txt"), header = TRUE, colClasses = "character", data.table = FALSE)
tmpReturn <- new("FirehoseGISTIC",Dataset=dataset,AllByGene=data.frame(tmpCNAll),
ThresholdedByGene=data.frame(tmpCNThreshhold), Peaks = data.frame(tmpPeaks))
resultClass@GISTIC <- tmpReturn
if (getUUIDs) {
resultClass@BarcodeUUID <- .barcodeUUID(resultClass)
.setCache <- function(
directory = tools::R_user_dir("RTCGAToolbox", "cache"),
verbose = TRUE,
ask = interactive()
) {
if (!dir.exists(directory)) {
if (ask) {
qtxt <- sprintf(
"Create RTCGAToolbox cache at \n %s? [y/n]: ",
answer <- .getAnswer(qtxt, allowed = c("y", "Y", "n", "N"))
if ("n" == answer)
stop("RTCGAToolbox directory not created")
dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (verbose)
message("RTCGAToolbox cache directory set to:\n ", directory)
.getAnswer <- function(msg, allowed) {
if (interactive()) {
repeat {
answer <- readLines(n = 1)
if (answer %in% allowed)
} else {
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