#' Summarization Laplacian approach with exact computation
#' This function implements an exact Laplace FARMS algorithm.
#' @param probes A matrix with numeric values.
#' @param mu Hyperparameter value which allows to quantify different aspects of potential prior knowledge. Values near zero assumes that most positions do not contain a signal, and introduces a bias for loading matrix elements near zero. Default value is 0 and it's recommended not to change it.
#' @param weight Hyperparameter value which determines the influence of the Gaussian prior of the loadings
#' @param weightSignal Hyperparameter value on the signal.
#' @param weightZ Hyperparameter value which determines how strong the Laplace prior of the factor should be at 0. Users should be aware, that a change of weightZ in comparison to the default parameter might also entail a need to change other parameters. Unexperienced users should not change weightZ.
#' @param weightProbes Parameter (TRUE/FALSE), that determines, if the number of probes should additionally be considered in weight. If TRUE, weight will be modified.
#' @param cyc Number of cycles. If the length is two, it is assumed, that a minimum and a maximum number of cycles is given. If the length is one, the value is interpreted as the exact number of cycles to be executed (minimum == maximum).
#' @param tol States the termination tolerance if cyc[1]!=cyc[2]. Default is 0.00001.
#' @param weightType Flag, that is used to summarize the probes of a sample.
#' @param centering States how the data should be centered ("mean", "median"). Default is median.
#' @param rescale Parameter (TRUE/FALSE), that determines, if moments in exact Laplace FARMS are rescaled in each iteration. Default is FALSE.
#' @param backscaleComputation Parameter (TRUE/FALSE), that determines if the moments of hidden variables should be reestimated after rescaling the parameters.
#' @param maxIntensity Parameter (TRUE/FALSE), that determines if the expectation value (=FALSE) or the maximum value (=TRUE) of p(z|x_i) should be used for an estimation of the hidden varaible.
#' @param refIdx index or indices which are used for computation of the centering
#' @param ... Further parameters for expert users.
#' @return A list including:
#' the found parameters: lambda0, lambda1, Psi
#' the estimated factors: z (expectation), maxZ (maximum)
#' p: log-likelihood of the data given the found lambda0, lambda1,
#' Psi (not the posterior likelihood that is optimized)
#' varzx: variances of the hidden variables given the data
#' KL: Kullback Leibler divergences between between posterior and prior
#' distribution of the hidden variables
#' IC: Information Content considering the hidden variables and data
#' ICtransform: transformed Information Content
#' Case: Case for computation of a sample point (non-exception, special exception)
#' L1median: Median of the lambda vector components
#' intensity: back-computed summarized probeset values with mean correction
#' L_z: back-computed summarized probeset values without mean correction
#' rawCN: transformed values of L_z
#' SNR: some additional signal to noise ratio value
#' @author Andreas Mayr \email{mayr@@bioinf.jku.at} and Djork-Arne Clevert \email{okko@@clevert.de} and Andreas Mitterecker \email{mitterecker@@bioinf.jku.at}
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(100, 11), 20, 5)
#' summarizeFarmsExact(x)
#' @export
summarizeFarmsExact <- function(
mu = 1.0,
weight = 0.001,
weightSignal = 1.0,
weightZ = 1.0,
weightProbes = TRUE,
cyc = c(10, 10),
tol = 0.00001,
weightType = "mean",
centering = "median",
rescale = FALSE,
backscaleComputation = FALSE,
maxIntensity = TRUE,
...) {
eps1 <- 0.01
eps2 <- 10^-10
probes <- as.matrix(probes)
sigmaZ <- 1 / sqrt(2 * weightZ)
if(length(cyc) == 1)
cyc <- c(cyc, cyc)
additional <- list(...)
if("initPsi" %in% names(additional)) {
initPsi <- additional$initPsi
} else {
initPsi <- 0.1
if("init" %in% names(additional)) {
init <- additional$init
} else {
init <- "mean"
if("algorithm" %in% names(additional)) {
algorithm <- additional$algorithm
} else {
algorithm <- "exact"
if(algorithm == "v" || algorithm == "ard") {
if("boundedLapla" %in% names(additional)) {
boundedLapla <- additional$boundedLapla
} else {
boundedLapla <- TRUE
if("spuriousCorrelation" %in% names(additional)) {
spuriousCorrelation <- additional$spuriousCorrelation
} else {
spuriousCorrelation <- 1.0
if(algorithm == "ard") {
if("ard2Max" %in% names(additional))
ard2Max <- additional$ard2Max
ard2Max <- -1
## Initialize variables
Data <- probes
DataT <- t(probes)
n <- ncol(Data)
dimension <- nrow(Data)
if(algorithm == "mean") {
allMedian <- median(Data)
twoMedian <- median(apply(Data, 1, median))
allMean <- mean(Data)
twoMean <- mean(apply(Data, 1, mean))
if (centering == "median") { mean.Data <- apply(Data, 1, median) }
if (centering == "mean") { mean.Data <- rowMeans(Data) }
NData <- Data - mean.Data
sd.Data <- sqrt(rowSums(NData^2) / n)
NData <- NData / (sd.Data + 10^-3)
return(list(colMean = colMeans(NData), colMedian = apply(NData, 2, median),
allMedian = allMedian, twoMedian = twoMedian,
allMean = allMean, twoMean = twoMean))
if (missing(refIdx)) {
refIdx <- 1:n
if (centering == "median") {
if (length(refIdx) == 1) {
mean.Data <- Data[, refIdx]
else {
mean.Data <- Biobase::rowMedians(Data[, refIdx])
if (centering == "mean") {
if (length(refIdx) == 1) {
mean.Data <- Data[, refIdx]
else {
mean.Data <- rowMeans(Data[, refIdx])
NData <- Data - mean.Data
sd.Data <- sqrt(rowSums(NData^2) / n)
NData <- NData / (sd.Data + 10^-3)
NDataT <- t(NData)
DataCov <- NData %*% NDataT / n
DataCov[DataCov <= 0] <- 10^-3
DataCov <- (DataCov + t(DataCov)) / 2
myLambda <- rep(mu, dimension)
PsiLambda <- rep(1.0 / weight, dimension)
if(weightProbes) {
PsiLambda <- rep(1.0 / (weight*dimension), dimension)
sigmaS <- 1/sqrt(weightSignal)
s <- 1.0
Psi <- initPsi * diag(DataCov)
lambda <- sqrt(diag(DataCov) - Psi)
lapla <- rep(1, n)
if(init == "maxAbsSample") {
sampleIdx <- which.max(abs(apply(NData, 2, mean)))
lambda <- (abs(NData[, sampleIdx])/max(abs(NData[, sampleIdx])))*sqrt(1-initPsi)
Psi <- diag(DataCov)-lambda^2
} else if(init == "maxAbs") {
maxAcrossSamples <- apply(NData, 1, function(x) max(abs(x)))
lambda <- (maxAcrossSamples/max(maxAcrossSamples))*sqrt(1-initPsi)
Psi <- diag(DataCov)-lambda^2
} else if(init == "absEqual") {
sumSamples <- abs(rowSums(NData))
lambda <- (sumSamples/max(sumSamples))*sqrt(1-initPsi)
Psi <- diag(DataCov)-lambda^2
NData2 <- NData^2
#EM algorithm
nrCyc <- cyc[2]
PsiOld <- Psi
results <- list()
log_p_ges <- 0
lambda_old <- lambda
Psi_old <- Psi
for (i in 1:cyc[2]) {
## E-Step
if (algorithm == "exact") {
InvPsi <- 1 / Psi
av <- rep(-0.5 * (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1], n)
bv <- as.vector((lambda * InvPsi) %*% NData)
cv <- -0.5 * colSums(NData2 * InvPsi)
nv <- rep(1 / ((2 * pi)^(dimension / 2) * prod(Psi)^(1/2) * 2 * sigmaZ), n)
moments <- .Call("momentsGauss", i, eps1, eps2, av, bv, cv, sigmaZ,
nv, 1, 0, PACKAGE = "cn.farms")
if(rescale) {
sdmom <- sqrt(1 / n * sum(moments$moment2)) / (sqrt(2.0) * sigmaZ) + 10^-3
moments$moment1 <- moments$moment1 / sdmom
moments$moment2 <- moments$moment2 / sdmom^2
avg_xEz <- as.vector(NData %*% moments$moment1 / n)
avg_Ez2 <- mean(moments$moment2)
} else if (algorithm == "v") {
InvPsi <- 1 / Psi
sigma2 <- 1 / (lapla + (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1])
Ez <- as.vector((lambda * InvPsi) %*% NData) * sigma2
Ez2 <- Ez^2 + sigma2
avg_xEz <- as.vector(NData %*% Ez / n)
avg_Ez2 <- mean(Ez2)
## M-Step only for v
lapla <- 1 / sqrt(Ez2)
lapla[lapla < spuriousCorrelation] <- spuriousCorrelation
} else if (algorithm == "ard") {
InvPsi <- 1 / Psi
sigma2 <- 1 / (lapla + (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1])
Ez <- as.vector((lambda * InvPsi) %*% NData) * sigma2
Ez2 <- Ez^2 + sigma2
avg_xEz <- as.vector(NData %*% Ez / n)
avg_Ez2 <- mean(Ez2)
## M-Step only for ard
lapla <- 1 / Ez2
lapla[lapla < spuriousCorrelation] <- spuriousCorrelation
} else if (algorithm == "g") {
PsiM1_Lambda <- lambda / Psi
sigmaZ2 <- 1 / (1 + sum(lambda * PsiM1_Lambda))
avg_xEz <- (as.vector(DataCov %*% PsiM1_Lambda) * sigmaZ2)
avg_Ez2 <- sum(PsiM1_Lambda * avg_xEz) * sigmaZ2 + sigmaZ2
lambda <- lambda_old
## M-Step
Psi_PsiLambdaM1 <- Psi / PsiLambda
s <- sum(lambda*avg_xEz/Psi)/(1/sigmaS^2+sum(lambda^2/Psi)*avg_Ez2)
lambda <- (avg_xEz * s + Psi_PsiLambdaM1 * myLambda) / (avg_Ez2 * s^2 * rep(1, dimension) + Psi_PsiLambdaM1)
#lambda <- (avg_xEz + Psi_PsiLambdaM1 * myLambda) / (avg_Ez2 * rep(1, dimension) + Psi_PsiLambdaM1)
lambda <- ifelse(lambda < 0.0, rep(0, length(lambda)), lambda)
Psi <- diag(DataCov) - avg_xEz * s * lambda + Psi_PsiLambdaM1 * (myLambda - lambda) * lambda
#Psi <- diag(DataCov) - avg_xEz * lambda + Psi_PsiLambdaM1 * (myLambda - lambda) * lambda
Psi[Psi < 10^-3] <- 10^-3
lambda_old <- lambda
lambda <- lambda*s
if(i > cyc[1] && max(abs(Psi - PsiOld)) / max(abs(PsiOld)) < tol) {
nrCyc <- i + 1
PsiOld <- Psi
InvPsi <- 1 / Psi
av <- rep(-0.5 * (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1], n)
bv <- as.vector((lambda * InvPsi) %*% NData)
cv <- -0.5 * colSums(NData2 * InvPsi)
nv <- rep(1 / ((2 * pi)^(dimension/2) * prod(Psi)^(1 / 2) * 2 * sigmaZ), n)
moments <- .Call("momentsGauss", i, eps1, eps2, av, bv, cv, sigmaZ, nv, 1, 0, PACKAGE="cn.farms")
if(algorithm == "exact") {
z <- moments$moment1
maxZ <- moments$max
varzx <- moments$moment2 - moments$moment1^2
KL <- moments$CrossEntropy - moments$Entropy
IC <- log(2 * exp(1.0) * sigmaZ) - moments$Entropy
sdz <- sqrt(1 / n * sum(moments$moment2)) / (sqrt(2.0) * sigmaZ)
} else if ((algorithm == "v") || (algorithm == "ard")) {
sigma2 <- 1 / (lapla + (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1])
z <- as.vector((lambda * InvPsi) %*% NData) * sigma2
maxZ <- z
if(algorithm == "ard" && (ard2Max > 0)) {
disc <- 8 * av + bv^2 * ard2Max
maxZ[] <- 0.0
maxZP <- maxZ
maxZM <- maxZ
d0 <- disc > 0.0
maxZP[d0] <- 2.0 / (bv[d0] * ard2Max + sqrt(ard2Max * disc[d0]))
maxZM[d0] <- 2.0 / (bv[d0] * ard2Max - sqrt(ard2Max * disc[d0]))
d0P <- (disc > 0.0) & (maxZP > 0.0)
maxZ[d0P] <- maxZM[d0P]
d0M <- (disc > 0.0) & (maxZM < 0.0)
maxZ[d0M] <- maxZP[d0M]
varzx <- sigma2
KL <- (0.5 * log(2 * pi) - 0.5 * log(lapla) + ((z^2 + sigma2) * lapla) / 2.0) - 0.5 * (log(2 * sigma2 * pi * exp(1)))
IC <- 0.5 * log(1.0 + (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1] / lapla)
sdz <- sqrt(1 / n * sum(z^2 + varzx))
} else if (algorithm == "g") {
PsiM1_Lambda <- lambda / Psi
sigma2 <- 1 / (1 + sum(lambda * PsiM1_Lambda))
z <- as.vector(NDataT %*% PsiM1_Lambda) * sigma2
maxZ <- z
varzx <- rep(sigma2, ncol(Data))
KL <- (0.5 * log(2 * pi) + ((z^2 + sigma2)) / 2.0) - 0.5*(log(2 * sigma2 * pi * exp(1)))
IC <- 0.5 * log(1.0 + (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1])
sdz <- sqrt(1 / n * sum(z^2 + varzx))
ICtransform <- 1 / exp(IC * 2.0)
if(sdz == 0.0)
sdz <- 1
z <- z / sdz
maxZ <- maxZ / sdz
lambda <- lambda * sdz
if(algorithm == "v") {
lapla <- lapla / sdz
} else if (algorithm == "ard") {
lapla <- lapla / sdz^2
avRET <- rep(-0.5 * (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1], n)
bvRET <- as.vector((lambda * InvPsi) %*% NData)
cvRET <- -0.5 * colSums(NData2 * InvPsi)
nvRET <- rep(1 / ((2 * pi)^(dimension/2) * prod(Psi)^(1 / 2) * 2 * sigmaZ), n)
momentsRET <- .Call("momentsGauss", i, eps1, eps2, avRET, bvRET, cvRET, sigmaZ, nvRET, 1, 0, PACKAGE="cn.farms")
cvCOMP <- -0.5 * colSums(NData2 * rep(1.0, dimension))
nvCOMP <- rep(1 / ((2 * pi)^(dimension/2)), n)
MLQ <- pchisq(2 * (sum(log(momentsRET$normConst) - (cvCOMP + log(nvCOMP)))), dimension)
log_p_ges <- sum(log(momentsRET$normConst))
if(algorithm == "exact") {
zScaled <- momentsRET$moment1
maxZScaled <- momentsRET$max
varzxScaled <- momentsRET$moment2 - momentsRET$moment1^2
KLScaled <- momentsRET$CrossEntropy - momentsRET$Entropy
ICScaled <- log(2 * exp(1.0) * sigmaZ) - momentsRET$Entropy
} else if ((algorithm == "v")||(algorithm == "ard")) {
sigma2Scaled <- 1 / (lapla + (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1])
zScaled <- as.vector((lambda * InvPsi) %*% NData) * sigma2Scaled
maxZScaled <- zScaled
if(algorithm == "ard" && (ard2Max > 0)) {
disc <- 8 * avRET + bvRET^2 * ard2Max
maxZScaled[] <- 0.0
maxZScaledP <- maxZScaled
maxZScaledM <- maxZScaled
d0 <- disc > 0.0
maxZScaledP[d0] <- 2.0 / (bvRET[d0] * ard2Max + sqrt(ard2Max * disc[d0]))
maxZScaledM[d0] <- 2.0 / (bvRET[d0] * ard2Max - sqrt(ard2Max * disc[d0]))
d0P <- (disc > 0.0) & (maxZScaledP > 0.0)
maxZScaled[d0P] <- maxZScaledM[d0P]
d0M <- (disc > 0.0) & (maxZScaledM < 0.0)
maxZScaled[d0M] <- maxZScaledP[d0M]
varzxScaled <- sigma2Scaled
KLScaled <- (0.5 * log(2 * pi) - 0.5 * log(lapla) + ((zScaled^2 + sigma2Scaled) * lapla) / 2.0) - 0.5*(log(2 * sigma2Scaled * pi * exp(1)))
ICScaled <- 0.5 * log(1.0 + (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1] / lapla)
} else if (algorithm == "g") {
PsiM1_Lambda <- lambda / Psi
sigma2Scaled <- 1 / (1 + sum(lambda * PsiM1_Lambda))
zScaled <- as.vector(NDataT %*% PsiM1_Lambda) * sigma2Scaled
maxZScaled <- zScaled
varzxScaled <- rep(sigma2Scaled, ncol(Data))
KLScaled <- (0.5 * log(2 * pi) + ((zScaled^2 + sigma2Scaled)) / 2.0) - 0.5*(log(2 * sigma2Scaled * pi * exp(1)))
ICScaled <- 0.5 * log(1.0 + (t(lambda) %*% (InvPsi * lambda))[1])
ICtransformScaled <- 1 / exp(ICScaled * 2.0)
if(backscaleComputation == TRUE) {
z <- zScaled
maxZ <- maxZScaled
if(maxIntensity) {
zint <- maxZ
} else {
zint <- z
lambdaNormalized <- lambda
PsiNormalized <- Psi
lambda0 <- mean.Data
lambda1 <- lambda * sd.Data
Psi <- Psi * sd.Data^2
names(lambdaNormalized) <- rownames(probes)
names(PsiNormalized) <- rownames(probes)
names(z) <- colnames(probes)
names(maxZ) <- colnames(probes)
names(lambda0) <- rownames(probes)
names(lambda1) <- rownames(probes)
names(Psi) <- rownames(probes)
lambdaMeanNormalized <- mean(lambdaNormalized)
lambdaMedianNormalized <- median(lambdaNormalized)
lambda1Mean <- mean(lambda1)
lambda1Median <- median(lambda1)
SNR <- 1/(1+sum(lambda1^2/Psi))
PsiLL <- (lambda1^2 / Psi)
sumPsiLL <- sum(PsiLL)
if (sumPsiLL == 0) {
sumPsiLL <- 1
propPsiLL <- PsiLL / sumPsiLL
L_c_Linear <- as.vector(crossprod(lambda1, propPsiLL)) * zint
L_c_Linear_Normalized <- as.vector(crossprod(lambdaNormalized, propPsiLL)) * zint
expressLinear <- mean(lambda0) + L_c_Linear
PsiLL <- (lambda1^2 / Psi)^2
sumPsiLL <- sum(PsiLL)
if (sumPsiLL == 0) {
sumPsiLL <- 1
propPsiLL <- PsiLL / sumPsiLL
L_c_Square <- as.vector(crossprod(lambda1, propPsiLL)) * zint
L_c_Square_Normalized <- as.vector(crossprod(lambdaNormalized, propPsiLL)) * zint
expressSquare <- mean(lambda0) + L_c_Square
PsiLL <- exp(lambda1)
sumPsiLL <- sum(PsiLL)
if (sumPsiLL == 0) {
sumPsiLL <- 1
propPsiLL <- PsiLL / sumPsiLL
L_c_Softmax <- as.vector(crossprod(lambda1, propPsiLL)) * zint
L_c_Softmax_Normalized <- as.vector(crossprod(lambdaNormalized, propPsiLL)) * zint
expressSoftmax <- mean(lambda0) + L_c_Softmax
L_c_Mean <- mean(lambda1)*zint
L_c_Mean_Normalized <- mean(lambdaNormalized)*zint
expressMeanBC <- mean(lambda0)+mean(lambda1)*zint
expressBCMean <- colMeans(lambda0+lambda1%o%zint)
L_c_Median <- median(lambda1)*zint
L_c_Median_Normalized <- median(lambdaNormalized)*zint
expressMedianBC <- median(lambda0)+median(lambda1)*zint
expressBCMedian <- apply(lambda0+lambda1%o%zint, 2, median)
if (weightType == "linear") {
L_c <- L_c_Linear
L_c_Normalized <- L_c_Linear_Normalized
express <- expressLinear
} else if(weightType == "square") {
L_c <- L_c_Square
L_c_Normalized <- L_c_Square_Normalized
express <- expressSquare
} else if (weightType == "softmax") {
L_c <- L_c_Softmax
L_c_Normalized <- L_c_Softmax_Normalized
express <- expressSoftmax
} else if ((weightType == "medianBC")||(weightType == "median")) {
L_c <- L_c_Median
L_c_Normalized <- L_c_Median_Normalized
express <- expressMedianBC
} else if ((weightType == "meanBC")||(weightType == "mean")) {
L_c <- L_c_Mean
L_c_Normalized <- L_c_Mean_Normalized
express <- expressMeanBC
} else if (weightType == "BCMedian") {
L_c <- L_c_Median
L_c_Normalized <- L_c_Median_Normalized
express <- expressBCMedian
} else if (weightType == "BCMean") {
L_c <- L_c_Mean
L_c_Normalized <- L_c_Mean_Normalized
express <- expressBCMean
cnINIMean <- mean(lambda1)*zint
cnINIMedian <- median(lambda1)*zint
cnINIMeanSignal <- cnINIMean*((sum(lambda1^2/Psi))/(1+sum(lambda1^2/Psi)))
cnINIMedianSignal <- cnINIMedian*((sum(lambda1^2/Psi))/(1+sum(lambda1^2/Psi)))
IndividualExactKL=momentsRET$CrossEntropy - momentsRET$Entropy,
SummaryExactKL=mean(momentsRET$CrossEntropy - momentsRET$Entropy),
IndividualExactKLScaled=moments$CrossEntropy - moments$Entropy,
SummaryExactKLScaled=mean(moments$CrossEntropy - moments$Entropy),
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