
Defines functions plotMASwish boxplot2 plotInfReps

Documented in plotInfReps plotMASwish

#' Plot inferential replicates for a gene or transcript
#' For datasets with inferential replicates, boxplots are
#' drawn for the two groups and potentially grouped by
#' covariates. For datasets with only mean and variance,
#' points and intervals (95% intervals using Normal
#' approximation) are drawn. Additionally, for numeric
#' \code{x} values, points and intervals will be drawn
#' and \code{\link{computeInfRV}} should be run first
#' in order to add the mean and variance statistics.
#' @param y a SummarizedExperiment (see \code{swish})
#' @param idx the name or row number of the gene or transcript
#' @param x the name of the condition variable for splitting
#' and coloring the samples or cells. Also can be a numeric,
#' e.g. pseudotime, in which case, \code{cov} can be used
#' to designate groups for coloring
#' @param cov the name of the covariate for adjustment
#' @param colsDrk dark colors for the lines of the boxes
#' @param colsLgt light colors for the inside of the boxes
#' @param xaxis logical, whether to label the sample numbers.
#' default is \code{TRUE} if there are less than 30 samples
#' @param xlab the x-axis label
#' @param ylim y limits
#' @param main title
#' @param mainCol name of metadata column to use for title
#' (instead of rowname)
#' @param legend logical, show simple legend (default FALSE)
#' @param legendPos character, position of the legend (default "topleft")
#' @param legendTitle logical, whether to add the name of the
#' grouping variable as a title on the legend (default FALSE)
#' @param legendCex numeric, size of the legend (default 1)
#' @param useMean logical, when inferential replicates
#' are not present or when \code{x} is continuous,
#' whether to use the \code{mean} assay or the
#' \code{counts} assay for plotting
#' @param q numeric, the quantile to use when plotting
#' the intervals when inferential replicates are not
#' present or when \code{x} is continuous. Default
#' is \code{qnorm(.975) ~= 1.96} corresponding to 95%
#' intervals
#' @param applySF logical, when inferential replicates are
#' not present, should \code{y$sizeFactor} be divided out
#' from the mean and interval plots (default FALSE)
#' @param reorder logical, should points within a group
#' defined by condition and covariate be re-ordered by
#' their count value (default is FALSE, except for alevin data)
#' @param thin integer, should the mean and interval lines
#' be drawn thin (the default switches from 0 [not thin]
#' to 1 [thinner] at n=150 cells, and from 1 [thinner]
#' to 2 [thinnest] at n=400 cells)
#' @param shiftX when \code{x} is continuous and \code{cov}
#' is provided, the amount to shift the values on the x-axis
#' to improve visibility of the point and line ranges
#' (will be subtracted from the first level of \code{cov}
#' and added to the second level of \code{cov})
#' @return nothing, a plot is displayed
#' @examples
#' y <- makeSimSwishData()
#' plotInfReps(y, 3, "condition")
#' y <- makeSimSwishData(n=40)
#' y$batch <- factor(rep(c(1,2,3,1,2,3),c(5,10,5,5,10,5)))
#' plotInfReps(y, 3, "condition", "batch")
#' @export
plotInfReps <- function(y, idx, x, cov=NULL,
                        xaxis, xlab, ylim,
                        main, mainCol,
                        shiftX) {

  # define key variables
  stopifnot(x %in% names(colData(y)))
  condition <- colData(y)[[x]]
  # whether x is a factor variable or numeric (e.g. pseudotime)
  xfac <- is(condition, "factor")
  if (!xfac) stopifnot(is(condition, "numeric"))

  # boxplot depends on whether there are inf reps (and other factors)
  hasInfReps <- any(grepl("infRep", assayNames(y)))
  # boxplot if inf reps are present and x factorial
  drawBoxplot <- hasInfReps & xfac
  stopifnot(length(colsDrk) == length(colsLgt))
  if (xfac) {
    # define colors for boxplot
    ncond <- nlevels(condition)
    stopifnot(ncond <= length(colsDrk))
    colsDrk <- colsDrk[seq_len(ncond)]
    colsLgt <- colsLgt[seq_len(ncond)]
  if (!drawBoxplot) {
    if (useMean & !("mean" %in% assayNames(y))) {
      message("using 'counts' assay, as 'mean' is missing, see argument 'useMean'")
      useMean <- FALSE
    # make sure variance assay is present
    if (!"variance" %in% assayNames(y)) 
      stop("'variance' assay is missing, use computeInfRV() first")
  if (missing(xaxis)) {
    if (xfac) {
      xaxis <- ncol(y) < 30
    } else {
      xaxis <- TRUE
  if (missing(thin)) {
    thin <- if (ncol(y) >= 400) 2 else if (ncol(y) >= 150) 1 else 0
  } else {
    stopifnot(thin >= 0 & thin <= 2)
  if (!is.null(cov)) {
    stopifnot(cov %in% names(colData(y)))
    covariate <- factor(colData(y)[[cov]])
    stopifnot(is(covariate, "factor"))
    ngrp <- nlevels(covariate)
  infRepsScaled <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(metadata(y)$infRepsScaled)) {
    infRepsScaled <- metadata(y)$infRepsScaled
  # single cell?
  sc <- FALSE 
  if (!is.null(metadata(y)$tximetaInfo$type)) {
    if (metadata(y)$tximetaInfo$type == "alevin") {
      sc <- TRUE
  if (missing(xlab)) {
    if (xfac) {
      xlab <- if (sc) "cells" else "samples"
    } else {
      xlab <- x
  if (missing(reorder)) {
    if (xfac) {
      reorder <- sc
    } else {
      reorder <- FALSE
  } else {
    if (!xfac & reorder) stop("reorder not used when 'x' is numeric")
  ylab <- if (infRepsScaled) "scaled counts" else "counts"
  # this is a dummy variable used when making the plot()
  # if we don't put x-axis ticks, then we will move
  # the label up higher using title()
  xlabel <- if (xaxis) xlab else ""
  if (missing(main)) {
    if (missing(mainCol)) {
      if (is.character(idx)) {
        main <- idx
      } else {
        main <- rownames(y)[idx]
    } else {
      stopifnot(mainCol %in% names(mcols(y)))
      main <- mcols(y)[idx,mainCol]
  if (reorder) {
    if (drawBoxplot) {
      infReps <- assays(y[idx,])[grep("infRep",assayNames(y))]
      value <- colMeans(unlist(infReps))
    } else {
      which.assay <- if (useMean) "mean" else "counts"
      value <- assays(y)[[which.assay]][idx,]
      if (applySF & !is.null(y$sizeFactor)) {
        value <- value/y$sizeFactor
    if (is.null(cov)) {
      o <- order(condition, value)
    } else {
      o <- order(covariate, condition, value)
    # not reordering:
  } else {
    if (xfac) {
      if (is.null(cov)) {
        o <- order(condition)
      } else {
        o <- order(covariate, condition)
      # numeric 'x', don't reorder
    } else {
      o <- seq_along(condition)
  # col - dark color for boxplot border, points
  # col.hglt - highlight color for inside boxplot, lines when n >= 400
  if (xfac) {
    if (is.null(cov)) {
      samp.nums <- unlist(lapply(table(condition), seq_len))
      col <- rep(colsDrk, table(condition))
      col.hglt <- rep(colsLgt, table(condition))
    } else {
      vec.tab <- as.vector(table(condition, covariate))
      samp.nums <- unlist(lapply(vec.tab, seq_len))
      col <- rep(rep(colsDrk, ngrp), vec.tab)
      col.hglt <- rep(rep(colsLgt, ngrp), vec.tab)
  } else {
    if (is.null(cov)) {
      col <- colsDrk[1]
      col.hglt <- colsLgt[1]
    } else {
      col <- colsDrk[covariate]
      col.hglt <- colsLgt[covariate]
  ## boxplot ##
  if (drawBoxplot) {
    infReps <- assays(y[idx,])[grep("infRep",assayNames(y))]
    cts <- unlist(infReps)[,o]
    ymax <- max(cts)
    ymin <- if (is.null(cov)) 0 else -0.02 * ymax
    if (missing(ylim)) {
      ylim <- c(ymin,ymax)
    } else {
      stopifnot(length(ylim) == 2)
    boxplot2(cts, col=col, col.hglt=col.hglt, ylim=ylim,
             xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylab, main=main)
    ## point and line plot by factor or numeric x ##
  } else {
    which.assay <- if (useMean) "mean" else "counts"
    cts <- assays(y)[[which.assay]][idx,o]
    sds <- sqrt(assays(y)[["variance"]][idx,o])
    if (applySF & !is.null(y$sizeFactor)) {
      cts <- cts / y$sizeFactor[o]
      sds <- sds / y$sizeFactor[o]
      ylab <- "scaled counts"
    # shifting x values
    if (!missing(shiftX)) {
      covLvl1 <- covariate == levels(covariate)[1]
      condition[covLvl1] <- condition[covLvl1] - shiftX
      condition[!covLvl1] <- condition[!covLvl1] + shiftX
    ymax <- max(cts + q*sds)
    ymin <- 0
    if (xfac & !is.null(cov)) {
      ymin <- -0.02 * ymax
    if (missing(ylim)) {
      ylim <- c(ymin, ymax)
    } else {
      stopifnot(length(ylim) == 2)
    if (xfac) {
      plot(cts, type="n", main=main,
           xaxt="n", ylim=ylim,
           xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylab)
    } else {
      plot(condition, cts, type="n", main=main,
           xaxt="n", ylim=ylim,
           xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylab)
    seg.lwd <- if (thin == 0) 2 else if (thin == 1) 1 else 3
    seg.col <- if (thin < 2) col else col.hglt
    if (xfac) {
      segments(seq_along(cts), pmax(cts - q*sds, 0),
               seq_along(cts), cts + q*sds,
               col=seg.col, lwd=seg.lwd)
    } else {
      segments(condition, pmax(cts - q*sds, 0),
               condition, cts + q*sds,
               col=seg.col, lwd=seg.lwd)
    pts.pch <- if (thin == 0) 22 else 15
    pts.lwd <- if (thin == 0) 1. else 1
    pts.cex <- if (thin == 0) 1 else 0.5
    if (xfac) {
             col=col, pch=pts.pch, bg=col.hglt,
             cex=pts.cex, lwd=pts.lwd)
    } else {
      points(condition, cts,
             col=col, pch=pts.pch, bg=col.hglt,
             cex=pts.cex, lwd=pts.lwd)
  if (xaxis) {
    if (xfac && !all(samp.nums == 1)) {
      axis(1, seq_along(condition), samp.nums)
    } else {
  if (!xaxis) {
    title(xlab=xlab, mgp=c(1,1,0))
  # make alternating black/grey lines on bottom denoting pairs/batches
  if (xfac & !is.null(cov)) {
    cuts <- cumsum(table(covariate))
  if (legend & (xfac | !is.null(cov))) {
    group <- if (xfac) condition else covariate
    group.name <- if (xfac) x else cov
    ltitle <- if (legendTitle) group.name else NULL
    # here we reverse the R default order,
    # so the reference level will be on the bottom, not top
    legend(legendPos, legend=rev(levels(group)), title=ltitle,
           col=rev(head(colsDrk, nlevels(group))),
           pt.bg=rev(head(colsLgt, nlevels(group))),
           pch=22, cex=legendCex, bg="white", box.col=NA, inset=.01)

boxplot2 <- function(x, w=.4, ylim, col, col.hglt, xlab="", ylab="", main="") {
  qs <- rowQuantiles(t(x), probs=0:4/4)
  if (missing(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(min(x),max(x))
  plot(qs[,3], type="n", xlim=c(0.5,ncol(x)+.5), xaxt="n",
       xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ylim=ylim)
  s <- seq_len(ncol(x))
  rect(s-w,qs[,2],s+w,qs[,4], col=col.hglt, border=col)
  segments(s-w, qs[,3], s+w, qs[,3], col=col, lwd=3, lend=1)
  segments(s, qs[,2], s, qs[,1], col=col, lend=1)
  segments(s, qs[,4], s, qs[,5], col=col, lend=1)
  segments(s-w/2, qs[,1], s+w/2, qs[,1], col=col)
  segments(s-w/2, qs[,5], s+w/2, qs[,5], col=col)

#' MA plot - log fold change over average counts
#' @param y a SummarizedExperiment (see \code{swish})
#' @param alpha the FDR threshold for coloring points
#' @param sigcolor the color for the significant points
#' @param ... passed to plot
#' @return nothing, a plot is displayed
#' @examples
#' y <- makeSimSwishData()
#' y <- scaleInfReps(y)
#' y <- labelKeep(y)
#' y <- swish(y, x="condition")
#' plotMASwish(y)
#' @export
plotMASwish <- function(y, alpha=.05, sigcolor="blue", ...) {
  dat <- data.frame(log10mean=mcols(y)$log10mean,
                    sig=mcols(y)$qvalue < alpha)
  dat <- dat[order(dat$sig),]
  with(dat, plot(log10mean, log2FC, pch=20, cex=.4,
                 col=ifelse(sig, sigcolor, "grey60"), ...))
  abline(h=0, col="grey40")
mikelove/fishpond documentation built on Jan. 4, 2025, 1:14 p.m.