#' Functions for accessing taxonomic data stored in \code{rowData}.
#' These function work on data present in \code{rowData} and define a way to
#' represent taxonomic data alongside the features of a
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment}.
#' \code{taxonomyRanks} returns, which columns of \code{rowData(x)} are regarded
#' as columns containing taxonomic information.
#' \code{taxonomyRankEmpty} checks, if a selected rank is empty of information.
#' \code{checkTaxonomy} checks, if taxonomy information is valid and whether
#' it contains any problems. This is a soft test, which reports some
#' diagnostic and might mature into a data validator used upon object
#' creation.
#' \code{getTaxonomyLabels} generates a character vector per row consisting of
#' the lowest taxonomic information possible. If data from different levels,
#' is to be mixed, the taxonomic level is prepended by default.
#' \code{IdTaxaToDataFrame} extracts taxonomic results from results of
#' \code{\link[DECIPHER:IdTaxa]{IdTaxa}}.
#' \code{mapTaxonomy} maps the given features (taxonomic groups; \code{taxa})
#' to the specified taxonomic level (\code{to} argument) in \code{rowData}
#' of the \code{SummarizedExperiment} data object
#' (i.e. \code{rowData(x)[,taxonomyRanks(x)]}). If the argument \code{to} is
#' not provided, then all matching taxonomy rows in \code{rowData} will be
#' returned. This function allows handy conversions between different
# taxonomic levels.
#' @inheritParams agglomerate-methods
#' @param with.rank \code{Logical scalar}. Should the level be add as a
#' suffix? For example: "Phylum:Crenarchaeota". (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param with_rank Deprecated. Use \code{with.rank} instead.
#' @param make.unique \code{Logical scalar}. Should the labels be made
#' unique, if there are any duplicates? (Default: \code{TRUE})
#' @param make_unique Deprecated. Use \code{make.unique} instead.
#' @param resolve.loops \code{Logical scalar}. Should \code{resolveLoops}
#' be applied to the taxonomic data? Please note that has only an effect,
#' if the data is unique. (Default: \code{TRUE})
#' @param resolve_loops Deprecated. Use \code{resolve.loops} instead.
#' @param taxa \code{Character vector}. Used for subsetting the
#' taxonomic information. If no information is found,\code{NULL} is returned
#' for the individual element. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param from
#' \itemize{
#' \item For \code{mapTaxonomy}: \code{character scalar}. A value which
#' must be a valid taxonomic rank. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' \item otherwise a \code{Taxa} object as returned by
#' \code{\link[DECIPHER:IdTaxa]{IdTaxa}}
#' }
#' @param to \code{Character Scalar}. Must be a valid
#' taxonomic rank. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param use.grepl \code{Logical}. Should pattern matching via
#' \code{grepl} be used? Otherwise literal matching is used.
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param use_grepl Deprecated. Use \code{use.grepl} instead.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{lowest.rank}: A lowest taxonomy level to be considered in
#' \code{getTaxonomyLabels}. Ranks lower than this will be collapsed into rank
#' specified by \code{lowest.rank}. For example, if genus level is specified,
#' species will be collapsed into genus. If \code{NULL}, the data is not
#' collapsed. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' }
#' @param ranks \code{Character vector}. A vector of ranks to be set.
#' @details
#' Taxonomic information from the \code{IdTaxa} function of \code{DECIPHER}
#' package are returned as a special class. With \code{as(taxa,"DataFrame")}
#' the information can be easily converted to a \code{DataFrame} compatible
#' with storing the taxonomic information a \code{rowData}. Please note that the
#' assigned confidence information are returned as \code{metatdata} and can
#' be accessed using \code{metadata(df)$confidence}.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{taxonomyRanks}: a \code{character} vector with all the
#' taxonomic ranks found in \code{colnames(rowData(x))}
#' \item \code{taxonomyRankEmpty}: a \code{logical} value
#' \item \code{mapTaxonomy}: a \code{list} per element of taxa. Each
#' element is either a \code{DataFrame}, a \code{character} or \code{NULL}.
#' If all \code{character} results have the length of one, a single
#' \code{character} vector is returned.
#' }
#' @name taxonomy-methods
#' @seealso \code{\link[=agglomerate-methods]{agglomerateByRank}},
#' \code{\link[TreeSummarizedExperiment:toTree]{toTree}},
#' \code{\link[TreeSummarizedExperiment:resolveLoop]{resolveLoop}}
#' @examples
#' data(GlobalPatterns)
#' GlobalPatterns
#' taxonomyRanks(GlobalPatterns)
#' checkTaxonomy(GlobalPatterns)
#' table(taxonomyRankEmpty(GlobalPatterns,"Kingdom"))
#' table(taxonomyRankEmpty(GlobalPatterns,"Species"))
#' getTaxonomyLabels(GlobalPatterns[1:20,])
#' # Taxonomy labels represent the lowest taxonomy name that identifies each
#' # taxa. For instance, they can represent OTUs which does no necessarily
#' # tell much. In this case, you might want to get the labels with higher
#' # taxonomy rank
#' getTaxonomyLabels(GlobalPatterns[1:20,], lowest.rank = "Class")
#' # mapTaxonomy
#' ## returns the unique taxonomic information
#' mapTaxonomy(GlobalPatterns)
#' # returns specific unique taxonomic information
#' mapTaxonomy(GlobalPatterns, taxa = "Escherichia")
#' # returns information on a single output
#' mapTaxonomy(GlobalPatterns, taxa = "Escherichia",to="Family")
#' # setTaxonomyRanks
#' tse <- GlobalPatterns
#' colnames(rowData(tse))[1] <- "TAXA1"
#' setTaxonomyRanks(colnames(rowData(tse)))
#' # Taxonomy ranks set to: taxa1 phylum class order family genus species
#' # getTaxonomyRanks is to get/check if the taxonomic ranks is set to "TAXA1"
#' getTaxonomyRanks()
# This function returns all supported ranks and their prefixes. These ranks are
# used to detect ranks in imported data.
.taxonomy_rank_prefixes <- c(
domain = "d",
superkingdom = "sk",
kingdom = "k",
phylum = "p",
class = "c",
order = "o",
family = "f",
genus = "g",
species = "s",
strain = "t"
# Function to set taxonomy ranks prefixes (not exported)
#' @importFrom utils assignInMyNamespace
setTaxonomyRankPrefixes <- function(prefixes) {
# Check if prefixes is a character vector with length >= 1 and it has names
if( !(is.character(prefixes) && length(prefixes) > 0 &&
!is.null(names(prefixes))) ){
"'prefixes' must be a non-empty character vector and it must have ",
"names.", call. = FALSE)
# Replace default value of mia:::.taxonomy_rank_prefixes
assignInMyNamespace(".taxonomy_rank_prefixes", prefixes)
# Function to get taxonomy ranks prefixes (not exported)
getTaxonomyRankPrefixes <- function() {
#' @format a \code{character} vector of length containing all the taxonomy ranks
#' recognized. In functions this is used as case insensitive.
TAXONOMY_RANKS <- names(.taxonomy_rank_prefixes)
#' @rdname taxonomy-methods
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
#' @export
setMethod("taxonomyRanks", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
ranks <- colnames(rowData(x))
#' @rdname taxonomy-methods
#' @aliases taxonomyRankEmpty
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
#' @export
setMethod("taxonomyRankEmpty", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, rank = taxonomyRanks(x)[1],
empty.fields = c(NA, "", " ", "\t", "-", "_")){
# input check
if(ncol(rowData(x)) == 0L){
stop("rowData needs to be populated.", call. = FALSE)
stop("'rank' must be an non empty single character value.",
call. = FALSE)
if(!is.character(empty.fields) || length(empty.fields) == 0L){
stop("'empty.fields' must be a character vector with one or ",
"more value", call. = FALSE)
.check_taxonomic_rank(rank, x)
rowData(x)[,rank] %in% empty.fields
#' @rdname taxonomy-methods
#' @aliases checkTaxonomy
#' @export
setMethod("checkTaxonomy", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
tmp <- try(.check_for_taxonomic_data_order(x), silent = TRUE)
ans <- !is(tmp,"try-error")
attr(ans, "msg") <- as.character(ans)
#' @rdname taxonomy-methods
#' @importFrom utils assignInMyNamespace
#' @aliases checkTaxonomy
#' @export
# Function to set taxonomy ranks
setTaxonomyRanks <- function(ranks) {
ranks <- tolower(ranks)
# Check if rank is a character vector with length >= 1
if (!is.character(ranks) || length(ranks) < 1
|| any(ranks == "" | ranks == " " | ranks == "\t" | ranks == "-" |
ranks == "_")
|| any(grepl("\\s{2,}", ranks))) {
stop("Input 'rank' should be a character vector with non-empty strings,
no spaces, tabs, hyphens, underscores, and non-continuous spaces.",
call. = FALSE)
#Replace default value of mia::TAXONOMY_RANKS
assignInMyNamespace("TAXONOMY_RANKS", ranks)
#' @rdname taxonomy-methods
#' @export
# Function to get taxonomy ranks
getTaxonomyRanks <- function() {
.check_taxonomic_rank <- function(rank, x){
if(length(rank) != 1L){
stop("'rank' must be a single character value.",call. = FALSE)
if( !(rank %in% taxonomyRanks(x) ) ){
stop("'rank' must be a value from 'taxonomyRanks()'",call. = FALSE)
.check_taxonomic_ranks <- function(ranks, x){
if(length(ranks) == 0L){
stop("'ranks' must contain at least one value.",call. = FALSE)
if( !all(ranks %in% taxonomyRanks(x) ) ){
stop("'ranks' must contain values from 'taxonomyRanks()'")
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
.check_for_taxonomic_data_order <- function(x){
ranks <- colnames(rowData(x))
f <- tolower(ranks) %in% TAXONOMY_RANKS
stop("no taxonomic ranks detected in rowData(). Columns with one of ",
"the following names can be used: '",
paste(TAXONOMY_RANKS, collapse = "', '"), "'", call. = FALSE)
m <- match(TAXONOMY_RANKS, tolower(ranks[f]))
m <- m[!is.na(m)]
# check that taxonomic ranks are in order. If they are all value in check
# should be 1 or 0
check <- unique(c(m[-1], m[length(m)]) - m )
if(!all(check %in% c(1L,0L))){
stop("Taxonomic ranks are not in order. Please reorder columns, which ",
"correspond to taxonomic ranks like this:\n'",
paste(TAXONOMY_RANKS, collapse = "', '"), "'.",
call. = FALSE)
#' @rdname taxonomy-methods
#' @aliases checkTaxonomy
#' @export
setMethod("getTaxonomyLabels", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, empty.fields = c(NA, "", " ", "\t", "-", "_"),
with.rank = with_rank,
with_rank = FALSE, make.unique = make_unique, make_unique = TRUE,
resolve.loops = resolve_loops, resolve_loops = FALSE, ...){
# input check
if(nrow(x) == 0L){
stop("No data available in `x` ('x' has nrow(x) == 0L.)",
call. = FALSE)
if(ncol(rowData(x)) == 0L){
stop("rowData needs to be populated.", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.character(empty.fields) || length(empty.fields) == 0L){
stop("'empty.fields' must be a character vector with one or ",
"more values.", call. = FALSE)
stop("'with.rank' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
stop("'make.unique' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
stop("'resolve.loops' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
# Collapse taxonomy ranks if user has specified so
x <- .collapse_lowest_taxonomy_ranks(x, ...)
dup <- duplicated(rowData(x)[,taxonomyRanks(x), drop = FALSE])
td <- apply(
rowData(x)[,taxonomyRanks(x), drop = FALSE],
paste, collapse = "___")
td_non_dup <- td[!dup]
m <- match(td, td_non_dup)
ans <- .get_taxonomic_label(x[!dup,],
empty.fields = empty.fields,
with.rank = with.rank,
resolve.loops = resolve.loops)
ans <- ans[m]
# last resort - this happens, if annotation data contains ambiguous data
# sometimes labeled as "circles"
if(make.unique && anyDuplicated(ans)){
dup <- which(ans %in% ans[which(duplicated(ans))])
ans[dup] <- make.unique(ans[dup], sep = "_")
# This function is for collapsing the lowest taxonomy ranks into single value.
# For instance, if user specifies genus rank, genus and species are collapsed
# into one, and species rank is removed from the taxonomy table. If family is
# specified, along with these two, also family is incorporated into this value.
.collapse_lowest_taxonomy_ranks <- function(
x, lowest.rank = NULL, empty.fields = c(NA, "", " ", "\t", "-", "_"),
sep = "_", ...){
if( !.is_a_string(sep) ){
stop("'sep' must be a single character value.", call. = FALSE)
# By default, we keep the taxonomy table untouched.
if( !is.null(lowest.rank) ){
.check_taxonomic_rank(lowest.rank, x)
# Get available taxonomy ranks
available_ranks <- taxonomyRanks(x)
# Get indices of ranks that we are going to collapse into one
mod_ranks <- seq(
which(available_ranks == lowest.rank), length(available_ranks))
# For each row, collapse ranks into one
new_rank <- apply(rowData(x)[, mod_ranks, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x){
# Check if empty, and replace with NA if it is
x[ x %in% empty.fields ] <- NA
# Collapse values
x <- paste(na.omit(x), collapse = sep)
# Remove the collapsed ranks from the original table
rowData(x) <- rowData(x)[, -mod_ranks, drop = FALSE]
# Add the collapsed values to the taxonomy table
new_rank <- unname(new_rank)
rowData(x)[[lowest.rank]] <- new_rank
#' @importFrom IRanges CharacterList LogicalList
.get_tax_ranks_selected <- function(x,rd, tax_cols, empty.fields){
# We need DataFrame here to handle cases with a single entry in tax_cols
charlist <- CharacterList(t(rd[,tax_cols, drop=FALSE]))
tax_ranks_non_empty <- !is.na(charlist) &
tax_ranks_non_empty <- t(as(tax_ranks_non_empty,"matrix"))
tax_ranks_selected <- apply(tax_ranks_non_empty,1L,which)
# Check if every row got at least some rank information from taxonomy table
# i.e. the info was not empty.
if( any(lengths(tax_ranks_selected) == 0L) || length(
tax_ranks_selected) == 0L){
stop("Only empty taxonomic information detected. Some rows contain ",
"only entries selected by 'empty.fields'. Cannot generated ",
"labels. Try option na.rm = TRUE in the function call.",
call. = FALSE)
tax_ranks_selected <- apply(tax_ranks_selected,2L,max)
} else if(is.list(tax_ranks_selected)) {
tax_ranks_selected <- lapply(tax_ranks_selected,max)
tax_ranks_selected <- unlist(tax_ranks_selected)
} else if(is.vector(tax_ranks_selected)){
tax_ranks_selected <- max(tax_ranks_selected)
} else {
.add_taxonomic_type <- function(rd, ans, tax_cols_selected){
sep <- rep(":", length(ans))
tax_cols_selected <- unlist(tax_cols_selected)
# sep[tax_cols_selected != max(tax_cols_selected)] <- "::"
types <- colnames(rd)[tax_cols_selected]
ans <- paste0(types, sep, ans)
.get_taxonomic_label <- function(x,
empty.fields = c(NA, "", " ", "\t", "-", "_"),
with.rank = FALSE,
resolve.loops = FALSE){
rd <- rowData(x)
tax_cols <- .get_tax_cols_from_se(x)
tax_ranks_selected <- .get_tax_ranks_selected(x, rd, tax_cols, empty.fields)
tax_cols_selected <- tax_cols[tax_ranks_selected]
# resolve loops
td <- as.data.frame(rd[,tax_cols])
td <- suppressWarnings(resolveLoop(td))
rd[,tax_cols] <- as(td,"DataFrame")
all_same_rank <- length(unique(tax_cols_selected)) == 1L
ans <- mapply("[",
ans <- unlist(ans, use.names = FALSE)
if(with.rank || !all_same_rank){
ans <- .add_taxonomic_type(rd, ans, tax_cols_selected)
#' Calculate hierarchy tree
#' These functions generate a hierarchy tree using taxonomic information from a
#' \code{\link[TreeSummarizedExperiment:TreeSummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' object and add this hierarchy tree into the \code{rowTree}.
#' @inheritParams taxonomy-methods
#' @param ... optional arguments not used currently.
#' @details
#' \code{addHierarchyTree} calculates a hierarchy tree from the available
#' taxonomic information and add it to \code{rowTree}.
#' \code{getHierarchyTree} generates a hierarchy tree from the available
#' taxonomic information. Internally it uses
#' \code{\link[TreeSummarizedExperiment:toTree]{toTree}} and
#' \code{\link[TreeSummarizedExperiment:resolveLoop]{resolveLoop}} to sanitize
#' data if needed.
#' Please note that a hierarchy tree is not an actual phylogenetic tree.
#' A phylogenetic tree represents evolutionary relationships among features.
#' On the other hand, a hierarchy tree organizes species into a hierarchical
#' structure based on their taxonomic ranks.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{addHierarchyTree}: a \code{TreeSummarizedExperiment} whose
#' \code{phylo} tree represents the hierarchy among available taxonomy
#' information.
#' \item \code{getHierarchyTree}: a \code{phylo} tree representing the
#' hierarchy among available taxonomy information.
#' }
#' @name hierarchy-tree
#' @examples
#' # Generate a tree based on taxonomic rank hierarchy (a hierarchy tree).
#' data(GlobalPatterns)
#' tse <- GlobalPatterns
#' getHierarchyTree(tse)
#' # Add a hierarchy tree to a TreeSummarizedExperiment.
#' # Please note that any tree already stored in rowTree() will be overwritten.
#' tse <- addHierarchyTree(tse)
#' tse
#' @rdname hierarchy-tree
#' @aliases getHierarchyTree
#' @export
#' @importFrom ape drop.tip
setMethod("getHierarchyTree", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, ...){
# Input check
# If there is no rowData it is not possible to create rowTree
if( ncol(rowData(x)) == 0L ){
stop("'x' does not have rowData. Tree cannot be created.",
call. = FALSE)
# If there are no taxonomy ranks
if( length(taxonomyRanks(x)) < 2L ){
"'x' does not contain adequate taxonomy information, and ",
"hierarchy tree cannot be created. Check rowData and consider ",
"using setTaxonomyRanks() if ranks differ from defaults..",
call. = FALSE)
# Get rowData as data.frame
td <- rowData(x)[, taxonomyRanks(x), drop = FALSE]
td <- as.data.frame(td)
# Get information on empty nodes. It will be used later to polish the
# created tree.
td_NA <- .get_empty_nodes(td, ...)
# Replace empty cells with NA (also "" can be empty value)
for( i in seq_len(ncol(td_NA)) ){
td[td_NA[[i]], i] <- NA
# Remove empty taxonomic levels
td <- td[ , !vapply(td_NA, all, logical(1)), drop = FALSE]
# Check if there is no taxonomy information left after removing empty
# columns
if( ncol(td) < 2L ){
"'x' does not contain adequate taxonomy information, and ",
"hierarchy tree cannot be created. Check rowData and consider ",
"using setTaxonomyRanks() if ranks differ from defaults.",
call. = FALSE)
# Make cells unique. Add suffix, if duplicated values are found from
# certain rank.
td <- suppressWarnings(resolveLoop(td))
# Build tree
tree <- toTree(td)
tree$tip.label <- paste0(colnames(td)[ncol(td)],":",tree$tip.label)
# remove empty nodes
for(i in rev(seq_len(ncol(td)))){
to_drop <- paste0(colnames(td)[i],":",td[,i][td_NA[,i]])
tree <- drop.tip(
trim.internal = FALSE,
collapse.singles = FALSE)
#' @rdname hierarchy-tree
#' @export
setMethod("addHierarchyTree", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, ...){
# Get the tree
tree <- getHierarchyTree(x, ...)
# Ensure that the object has rowTree slot
x <- as(x,"TreeSummarizedExperiment")
# Get node labs: which row represents which node in the tree?
node_labs <- getTaxonomyLabels(
x, with.rank = TRUE, resolve.loops = TRUE, make.unique = FALSE)
# Add tree
x <- changeTree(x, tree, node_labs)
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics %in% grepl
.get_taxa_row_match <- function(taxa, td, from, use.grepl = FALSE){
r_f <- is.na(td[[from]])
} else {
r_f <- grepl(taxa, td[[from]], ignore.case = TRUE)
} else {
r_f <- td[[from]] %in% taxa
r_f[is.na(r_f)] <- FALSE
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics %in% grepl
.get_taxa_any_match <- function(taxa, td, use.grepl = FALSE){
r_f <- is.na(td)
} else {
r_f <- vapply(
td, grepl, logical(nrow(td)), pattern=taxa, ignore.case = TRUE)
} else {
r_f <- t(as.matrix(td %in% taxa))
r_f <- rowSums(r_f, na.rm = TRUE) > 0
r_f[is.na(r_f)] <- FALSE
#' @rdname taxonomy-methods
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics %in%
#' @export
setMethod("mapTaxonomy", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, taxa = NULL, from = NULL, to = NULL, use.grepl = use_grepl,
use_grepl = FALSE){
# input check
stop("Non compatible taxonomic information found. ",
"checkTaxonomy(x) must be TRUE.",
call. = FALSE)
stop("'taxa' must be a character vector.",
call. = FALSE)
stop("'from' must be a single character value.",
call. = FALSE)
if(!(from %in% taxonomyRanks(x))){
stop("'from' must be an element of taxonomyRanks(x).",
call. = FALSE)
stop("'to' must be a single character value.",
call. = FALSE)
if(!(to %in% taxonomyRanks(x))){
stop("'to' must be an element of taxonomyRanks(x).",
call. = FALSE)
if(!is.null(from) && !is.null(to)){
if(from == to){
stop("'from' and 'to' must be different values.", call. = FALSE)
stop("'use.grepl' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
td <- rowData(x)[,taxonomyRanks(x)]
r_fs <- NULL
c_f <- rep(TRUE,ncol(td))
# Get unique taxa to search
taxa <- unique(taxa)
r_fs <- lapply(
taxa, .get_taxa_row_match, td = td, from = from,
use.grepl = use.grepl)
names(r_fs) <- taxa
} else {
r_fs <- lapply(
taxa, .get_taxa_any_match, td = td,
use.grepl = use.grepl)
names(r_fs) <- taxa
if(!is.null(to)) {
c_f <- colnames(td) == to
c_f[is.na(c_f)] <- FALSE
# assemble the result
ans <- lapply(r_fs, .get_map_result, td = td, c_f = c_f)
names(ans) <- names(r_fs)
u_len <- unique(lengths(ans))
if(length(u_len) == 1L && u_len == 1L){
ans <- unlist(ans)
.get_map_result <- function(r_f, td, c_f){
ans <- td[r_f,c_f]
ans <- unique(ans)
if(is(ans,"DataFrame") && nrow(ans) == 0L){
# helper functions
.get_tax_cols_logical <- function(x){
tolower(x) %in% TAXONOMY_RANKS
.get_tax_cols <- function(x){
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
.get_tax_cols_from_se <- function(x){
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
.get_tax_groups <- function(x, col, ignore.taxonomy = onRankOnly,
onRankOnly = FALSE, ...){
# input check
stop("'ignore.taxonomy' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
tax_cols <- .get_tax_cols_from_se(x)
tax_col_n <- seq_along(tax_cols)
if(length(tax_col_n) < col){
groups <- rowData(x)[,tax_cols[tax_col_n == col],drop=TRUE]
} else {
groups <- rowData(x)[,tax_cols[tax_col_n <= col],drop=FALSE]
groups <- apply(groups,1L,paste,collapse="_")
factor(groups, unique(groups))
# IDTAXA to DataFrame conversion
#' @importFrom IRanges CharacterList NumericList
#' @importFrom S4Vectors pc DataFrame
.idtaxa_to_DataFrame <- function(from){
ranks <- CharacterList(lapply(from,"[[","rank"))
conf <- NumericList(lapply(from,"[[","confidence"))
taxa <- CharacterList(lapply(from,"[[","taxon"))
# even out the lengths
l <- lengths(ranks)
ml <- max(l)
diff <- ml - l
add <- CharacterList(lapply(diff,rep,x=NA))
ranks <- pc(ranks,add)
conf <- pc(conf,as(add,"NumericList"))
taxa <- pc(taxa,add)
# convert to DataFrame
names <- unique(unlist(ranks))
names <- names[!is.na(names)]
taxa <- DataFrame(as.matrix(taxa))
colnames(taxa) <- names
conf <- DataFrame(as.matrix(conf))
colnames(conf) <- names
# subset to valid taxonomic information
f <- tolower(names) %in% TAXONOMY_RANKS
taxa <- taxa[,f]
conf <- conf[,f]
# combine with confidence data
metadata(taxa)$confidence <- conf
#' @rdname taxonomy-methods
#' @export
IdTaxaToDataFrame <- .idtaxa_to_DataFrame
# This function gives information on if cell in taxonomy table is empty or not.
.get_empty_nodes <- function(
td, empty.fields = c(NA, "", " ", "\t", "-", "_"), ...){
# Check empty.fields
if(!is.character(empty.fields) || length(empty.fields) == 0L){
"'empty.fields' must be a character vector with one or ",
"more value", call. = FALSE)
# Loop over columns. For each cell, get info if the cell is empty or not.
is_empty <- lapply(td, function(x){
temp <- x %in% empty.fields
# Convert to data.frame
is_empty <- as.data.frame(is_empty)
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