## Simple query engine to define a query for a e.g. CompDb based on
## provided table and columns
#' @description
#' Utility function to create a SQL query for a `CompDb` database
#' given the provided column names and filter.
#' @param x `CompDb`
#' @details
#' + Check first the parameter `columns` to see if valid column names were
#' provided.
#' + Based on the columns, get the table name from which the data should be
#' retrieved (or which tables should be joined if more than one).
#' + `start_from` allows to specify from which table we want to start the join
#' query. That's important if we don't have all features in all tables
#' annotated. Example is that we don't have MS/MS spectra from all compounds!
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.build_query_CompDb <- function(x, columns, filter, order, start_from) {
if (missing(x))
stop("'x' is required")
if (missing(columns))
stop("'columns' is required")
tbls <- .tables(x)
col_ok <- columns %in% unique(unlist(tbls, use.names = FALSE))
if (!all(col_ok))
stop("Columns ", paste0(columns[!col_ok], collapse = ", "),
" are not present in the database. Use 'tables' to list ",
"all tables and their columns.")
## Depending on 'filter' we might have to add some more tables/columns!
if (!missing(filter)) {
filter <- .process_filter(filter, x)
columns_flts <- .field(filter)
columns <- unique(c(columns, columns_flts))
## By default we return also the filter columns!
columns_tbl <- .reduce_tables_start_from(tbls, columns, start_from)
paste0(.select(unlist(.prefix_columns(columns_tbl), use.names = FALSE)),
.where(filter, columns_tbl), .order(order))
#' @description
#' Create the *select* part of the SQL query based on the provided columns.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.select <- function(columns, distinct = TRUE) {
if (missing(columns))
stop("No columns provided")
if (distinct)
dst <- "distinct "
else dst <- ""
paste0("select ", dst, paste0(columns, collapse = ","))
#' @description
#' Create the *from* part of the SQL query based on the provided table names.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.from <- function(tables) {
q <- .join_tables(tables)
paste0(" from ", q)
#' @description Joins two tables from the database.
#' @param x `character` with the names of the tables to be joined.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.join_tables <- function(x){
.JOINS <- rbind(
c("compound", "synonym",
"on (compound.compound_id=synonym.compound_id)",
"left outer join"),
c("compound", "msms_spectrum",
"on (compound.compound_id=msms_spectrum.compound_id)",
"left outer join"),
c("msms_spectrum", "synonym",
"on (msms_spectrum.compound_id=synonym.compound_id)",
"left outer join"),
c("msms_spectrum", "msms_spectrum_peak",
"on (msms_spectrum.spectrum_id=msms_spectrum_peak.spectrum_id)",
"left outer join")
x <- .add_join_tables(x)
q <- x[1]
tbls_used <- x[1]
tbls <- x[-1]
while(length(tbls)) {
got_it <- which((.JOINS[, 1] %in% tbls_used & .JOINS[, 2] %in% tbls) |
(.JOINS[, 2] %in% tbls_used & .JOINS[, 1] %in% tbls))
join <- .JOINS[got_it[1], ]
if (length(got_it)) {
new_tbl <- join[1:2][!(join[1:2] %in% tbls_used)]
q <- paste(q, join[4], new_tbl, join[3])
tbls_used <- c(tbls_used, new_tbl)
tbls <- tbls[tbls != new_tbl]
else stop("Tables ", paste(tbls_used, collapse = ", ") ,
" can not be joined with ", paste(tbls, collapse = ", "))
#' @description Helper function to add additional tables required to join the
#' provided tables.
#' @note This function uses some hard-coded logic based on the database layout
#' to define if, and which, tables are needed for a join.
#' @param x `character` with the names of the tables to be joined.
#' @return `character` with all tables needed to join the tables in `x`
#' (contain `x` plus eventually required additional tables).
#' @md
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.add_join_tables <- function(x) {
## ## msms_spectrum_peak with any other table: need also msms_spectrum_metadata
## if (any(x == "msms_spectrum_peak") & length(x) > 1)
## x <- c(x, "msms_spectrum_metadata")
#' @description
#' Create the *where* condition for the SQL query based on the provided filter.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.where <- function(filter, column_list = list()) {
if (!missing(filter)) {
if (length(column_list)) {
nms <- unlist(column_list, use.names = FALSE)
column_list <- unlist(.prefix_columns(column_list),
use.names = FALSE)
names(column_list) <- nms
paste0(" where ", .where_filter(filter, column_list))
} else NULL
#' @description
#' Add a order statement. Thus far we are not testing/checking for correctness.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.order <- function(order) {
if (!missing(order))
paste0(" order by ", order)
else NULL
#' @description
#' Helper function that reduces the provided `list` of table columns to
#' contain only the provided columns. In addition the function ensures that
#' each element in `columns` is only present once across all tables: if a
#' column is present in more than one table, it is retained in the table with
#' most columns and removed from all other tables. See examples below for
#' details.
#' @details
#' This function works well for databases where each entity is annotated/linked
#' to each other. For databases where e.g. not all features in one table a
#' have entries in table b this function might lead to unexpected/unwanted
#' results since table joins are always performed as left (outer joins). In
#' such cases the [.reduce_tables_start_from()] function should be used instead.
#' @param tables `list` of `character`. Names of the list are the table names,
#' the elements its column names.
#' @param columns `character` with the column names that should be retained.
#' @param start_with `character(1)` with the name of the table from which
#' the query should start.
#' @return `list` being a subset of `tables` that contains only the `columns`.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' tabs <- list(gene = c("gene_name", "gene_id", "redundant_field"),
#' tx = c("tx_id", "gene_id", "tx_name", "redundant_field", "tx_start"),
#' exon = c("exon_id", "redundant_field", "tx_id"))
#' CompoundDb:::.reduce_tables(tabs, columns = c("tx_id", "gene_id"))
#' CompoundDb:::.reduce_tables(tabs, columns = c("gene_id", "gene_name"))
#' CompoundDb:::.reduce_tables(tabs, columns = c("gene_name", "exon_id",
#' "redundant_field", "tx_id"))
.reduce_tables <- function(tables, columns) {
## Get to known in which tables the columns are.
columns_tbl <- lapply(tables, function(z){
z[z %in% columns]
columns_tbl <- columns_tbl[order(lengths(columns_tbl), decreasing = TRUE)]
## If we have redundancy, i.e. the same-named column in multiple tables,
## remove it from the table with fewer columns.
tmp_columns <- columns
for (i in 1:length(columns_tbl)) {
got_them <- tmp_columns %in% columns_tbl[[i]]
columns_tbl[[i]] <- tmp_columns[got_them]
tmp_columns <- tmp_columns[!got_them]
columns_tbl[lengths(columns_tbl) > 0]
#' @description
#' This function is similar to [.reduce_tables()] function but ensures in
#' addition that the table defined by `start_from` is included in the result
#' set and is listed as first table. The function thus can be used for database
#' queries that should contain elements from a certain database table and join
#' other tables to that. See examples below for more details.
#' @note
#' `columns` has to contain at least one column from the database table
#' `start_from`, otherwise `start_from` can not be included resulting in a
#' warning.
#' @param tables see [.reduce_tables()]
#' @param columns see [.reduce_tables()]
#' @param start_from `character(1)` defining the database table name that
#' should be listed as first table in the result.
#' @md
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' ## Define database tables with some redundand fields.
#' tabs <- list(
#' compound = c("compound_id", "compound_name", "red_field"),
#' spectrum = c("spectrum_id", "compound_id"),
#' other_tab = c("compound_id", "red_field"))
#' .reduce_tables_start_from(tabs, c("compound_id"))
#' .reduce_tables_start_from(tabs, c("compound_id", "red_field"))
#' .reduce_tables_start_from(tabs, c("compound_id", "red_field"),
#' start_from = "other_tab")
#' .reduce_tables_start_from(tabs, c("compound_id", "red_field"),
#' start_from = "spectrum")
#' .reduce_tables_start_from(tabs, c("compound_name", "red_field"),
#' start_from = "spectrum")
#' .reduce_tables_start_from(tabs, c("compound_name", "red_field"),
#' start_from = "spectrum_bla")
.reduce_tables_start_from <- function(tables, columns, start_from) {
tbls <- .reduce_tables(tables, columns)
if (!missing(start_from)) {
if (!any(names(tables) == start_from))
stop("Table '", start_from, "' not known")
start_from_clms <- intersect(tables[[start_from]], unlist(tbls))
if (length(start_from_clms)) {
tbls <- lapply(tbls, function(z) {
z[!(z %in% start_from_clms)]
tbls <- tbls[lengths(tbls) > 0]
tbls <- c(list(start_from_clms), tbls)
names(tbls)[1] <- start_from
} else
warning("No column from table '", start_from, "' in 'columns' ",
.call = FALSE)
.prefix_columns <- function(x) {
mapply(names(x), x, FUN = function(y, z) paste0(y, ".", z),
#' Main interface function to retrieve data from the database. Performs the
#' SQL call, gets data, formats data etc.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.fetch_data <- function(x, columns, filter, start_from, order) {
## If any column is mz or intensity we have to add also spectrum_id, other
## wise it's not possible to assign them correctly
if (any(columns %in% c("mz", "intensity")) & !any(columns == "spectrum_id"))
columns <- c(columns, "spectrum_id")
res <- dbGetQuery(.dbconn(x), .build_query_CompDb(x, columns = columns,
filter = filter,
start_from = start_from,
order = order))
if (any(columns == "predicted"))
res$predicted <- as.logical(res$predicted)
#' Deserialize m/z and intensity values stored as BLOB in the database.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.deserialize_mz_intensity <- function(x) {
if (nrow(x)) {
if (is.raw(x$mz[[1]]))
x$mz <- lapply(x$mz, unserialize)
if (is.raw(x$intensity[[1]]))
x$intensity <- lapply(x$intensity, unserialize)
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