#' @include createCompDbPackage.R
#' @name CompDb
#' @title Simple compound (metabolite) databases
#' @aliases CompDb-class show dbconn,CompDb-method show,CompDb-method
#' @description
#' `CompDb` objects provide access to general (metabolite) compound
#' annotations along with *metadata* information such as the annotation's
#' source, date and release version. The data is stored internally in a
#' database (usually an SQLite database).
#' @details
#' `CompDb` objects should be created using the constructor function
#' `CompDb` providing the name of the (SQLite) database file providing
#' the compound annotation data.
#' @section Retrieve annotations from the database:
#' Annotations/compound informations can be retrieved from a `CompDb` database
#' with the `compounds` and `Spectra` functions:
#' - `compounds` extracts compound data from the `CompDb` object. In contrast
#' to `src_compdb` it returns the actual data as a `data.frame` (if
#' `return.type = "data.frame"`) or a [tibble::tibble()] (if
#' `return.type = "tibble"`). A `compounds` call will always return all
#' elements from the *compound* table (unless a `filter` is used). Also, the
#' result `data.frame` will always contain the compound identifier in column
#' `"compound_id"`.
#' - `Spectra` extract spectra from the database and returns them as a
#' [Spectra()] object from the `Spectra` package. Additional annotations
#' requested with the `columns` parameter are added as additional spectra
#' variables.
#' @section Filtering the database:
#' Data access methods such as `compounds` and `Spectra` allow to filter the
#' results using specific filter classes and expressions. Filtering uses the
#' concepts from Bioconductor's `AnnotationFilter` package. All information
#' for a certain compound with the ID `"HMDB0000001"` can for example be
#' retrieved by passing the filter expression
#' `filter = ~ compound_id == "HMDB0000001"` to the `compounds` function.
#' Use the [supportedFilters] passing the [CompDb] object as an argument to
#' get a list of all supported filters.
#' @usage
#' show(object)
#' @param object For all methods: a `CompDb` object.
#' @param x For `CompDb`: `character(1)` with the file name of the SQLite
#' compound database. Alternatively it is possible to provide the connection
#' to the database with parameter `x`.
#' For all other methods: a `CompDb` object.
#' @param flags flags passed to the SQLite database connection.
#' See [SQLite()]. Defaults to read-only, i.e. RSQLite::SQLITE_RO.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @seealso
#' [createCompDb()] for the function to create a SQLite compound database.
#' [CompoundIdFilter()] for filters that can be used on the `CompDb` database.
#' @examples
#' ## Create a small CompDb from a provided HMDB subset
#' cmps <- compound_tbl_sdf(system.file("sdf/HMDB_sub.sdf.gz",
#' package = "CompoundDb"))
#' metad <- data.frame(name = c("source", "url", "source_version",
#' "source_date", "organism"),
#' value = c("sub_HMDB", "http://www.hmdb.ca", "4", "2017", "Hsapiens"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' ## Load also MS/MS spectra from HMDB xml files
#' xml_path <- system.file("xml", package = "CompoundDb")
#' spctra <- msms_spectra_hmdb(xml_path)
#' ## Create the SQLite database:
#' db_file <- createCompDb(cmps, metadata = metad, msms_spectra = spctra,
#' path = tempdir())
#' ## Create a CompDb object
#' cmp_db <- CompDb(db_file)
#' cmp_db
#' ## List all tables in the database and their columns
#' tables(cmp_db)
#' ## Extract a data.frame with the id, name and inchi of all compounds
#' compounds(cmp_db, columns = c("compound_id", "compound_name", "inchi"))
#' ## Add also the synonyms (aliases) for the compounds. This will cause the
#' ## tables compound and synonym to be joined. The elements of the compound_id
#' ## and compound_name are now no longer unique
#' res <- compounds(cmp_db, columns = c("compound_id", "compound_name", "synonym"))
#' head(res)
#' ## Extract spectra for a specific HMDB compound.
#' sps <- Spectra(cmp_db, filter = ~ compound_id == "HMDB0000001")
#' sps
#' ## Using return.type = "tibble" the result will be returned as a "tibble"
#' compounds(cmp_db, return.type = "tibble")
#' ## Use the CompDb in a dplyr setup
#' library(dplyr)
#' src_cmp <- src_compdb(cmp_db)
#' src_cmp
#' ## Get a tbl for the compound table
#' cmp_tbl <- tbl(src_cmp, "compound")
#' ## Extract the id, name and inchi
#' cmp_tbl %>% select(compound_id, compound_name, inchi) %>% collect()
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @exportClass CompDb
.CompDb <- setClass("CompDb",
slots = c(dbcon = "DBIConnection",
.properties = "list"),
prototype = list(.properties = list(),
dbcon = NULL))
#' @importFrom methods validObject
setValidity("CompDb", function(object) {
if (!is.null(object@dbcon))
else TRUE
#' @importFrom DBI dbListTables dbGetQuery
.validCompDb <- function(x) {
txt <- character()
tables <- dbListTables(x)
required_tables <- c("compound", "metadata")
got <- required_tables %in% tables
if (!all(got))
txt <- c(txt, paste0("Required tables ", paste0(required_tables[!got]),
"not found in the database"))
## Check table columns.
comps <- dbGetQuery(x, "select * from compound limit 3")
res <- .valid_compound(comps, error = FALSE)
if (is.character(res))
txt <- c(txt, res)
metad <- .metadata(x)
res <- .valid_metadata(metad, error = FALSE)
if (is.character(res))
txt <- c(txt, res)
if (length(grep("msms", tables))) {
if (!all(c("msms_spectrum", "msms_spectrum_peak") %in% tables))
txt <- c(txt, paste0("Required tables msms_spectrum and ",
"msms_spectrum_peak not found in",
" the database"))
res <- dbGetQuery(x, "select * from msms_spectrum limit 3")
if (!any(colnames(res) == "spectrum_id"))
stop("Required column 'spectrum_id' not found in table msms_spectrum")
res2 <- dbGetQuery(x, "select * from msms_spectrum_peak limit 3")
if (!all(c("spectrum_id", "mz", "intensity", "peak_id") %in%
stop("Required columns 'spectrum_id', 'mz', 'intensity' and ",
"'peak_id' not found in table msms_spectrum_peak")
res <- dbGetQuery(
x, paste0("select * from msms_spectrum join msms_spectrum_peak on ",
"id) where compound_id = '", res$compound_id[1], "'"))
res$predicted <- as.logical(res$predicted)
res <- .valid_msms_spectrum(res, error = FALSE)
if (is.character(res))
txt <- c(txt, res)
compound_cmp_id <- dbGetQuery(x, "select compound_id from compound")[,1]
spectrum_cmp_id <- dbGetQuery(x, paste0("select compound_id from ",
"msms_spectrum"))[, 1]
if (!all(spectrum_cmp_id %in% compound_cmp_id))
txt <- c(txt, paste0("Not all compound ids in the msms_spectrum",
" table are also in the compound table"))
if (length(txt)) txt else TRUE
#' @description `CompDb` *constructs* a `CompDb` object by connecting
#' to the provided database file.
#' @export
CompDb <- function(x, flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RO) {
if (missing(x))
stop("Argument 'x' is required")
if (is.character(x)) {
## Assume it's the file name of the SQLite database
x <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname = x,
flags = flags)
if (is(x, "DBIConnection")) {
res <- .validCompDb(x)
if (is.character(res))
cdb <- .CompDb(dbcon = x)
## fetch all tables and all columns for all tables.
tbl_nms <- dbListTables(x)
tbls <- lapply(tbl_nms, function(z) {
colnames(dbGetQuery(x, paste0("select * from ", z, " limit 1")))
names(tbls) <- tbl_nms
cdb@.properties$tables <- tbls
stop("Can not create a 'CompDb' from 'x' of type '", class(x), "'.")
#' @importFrom methods is
.metadata <- function(x) {
if (!is(x, "DBIConnection"))
x <- .dbconn(x)
dbGetQuery(x, "select * from metadata")
.metadata_value <- function(x, key) {
metad <- .metadata(x)
metad[metad$name == key, "value"]
.dbconn <- function(x) {
.has_msms_spectra <- function(x) {
## all(c("msms_spectrum_peak", "msms_spectrum_metadata") %in%
## names(.tables(x)))
any(names(.tables(x)) == "msms_spectrum")
#' @description `hasMsMsSpectra` returns `TRUE` if MS/MS spectrum data is
#' available in the database and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @export
#' @rdname CompDb
hasMsMsSpectra <- function(x) {
#' @param columns For `compounds`, `Spectra`: `character` with the names of the
#' database columns that should be retrieved. Use [tables()] for a list of
#' available column names.
#' @param filter For `compounds` and `Spectra`: filter expression or
#' [AnnotationFilter()] defining a filter to be used to retrieve specific
#' elements from the database.
#' @param return.type For `compounds`: either `"data.frame"` or `"tibble"` to
#' return the result as a [data.frame()] or [tibble()], respectively.
#' @param ... additional arguments. Currently not used.
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @export
#' @rdname CompDb
compounds <- function(x, columns, filter,
return.type = c("data.frame", "tibble"), ...) {
if (!is(x, "CompDb"))
stop("'x' is supposed to be a 'CompDb' object")
return.type <- match.arg(return.type)
if (missing(columns))
columns <- .tables(x, "compound")[[1]]
if (!any(columns == "compound_id"))
columns <- c("compound_id", columns)
res <- .fetch_data(x, columns = columns, filter = filter,
start_from = "compound")
if (return.type == "tibble")
else res
#' @description
#' `src_compdb` provides access to the `CompDb`'s database *via*
#' the functionality from the `dplyr`/`dbplyr` package.
#' @importFrom dbplyr src_dbi
#' @export
#' @rdname CompDb
src_compdb <- function(x) {
if (!is(x, "CompDb"))
stop("'x' is supposed to be a 'CompDb' object")
src_dbi(.dbconn(x), auto_disconnect = FALSE)
#' @description Get a list of all tables and their columns.
#' @param x `CompDb` object.
#' @param name optional `character` to return the table/columns for specified
#' tables.
#' @param metadata `logical(1)` whether the metadata should be returned too.
#' @md
#' @noRd
.tables <- function(x, name, metadata = FALSE) {
tbls <- .get_property(x, "tables")
if (!missing(name))
tbls <- tbls[name]
if (!metadata)
tbls <- tbls[names(tbls) != "metadata"]
#' @description `tables` returns a named `list` (names being table names) with
#' the fields/columns from each table in the database.
#' @export
#' @rdname CompDb
tables <- function(x) {
.get_property <- function(x, name) {
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