#' Get signal counts in regions of interest
#' Get the sum of the signal in \code{dataset.gr} that overlaps each range in
#' \code{regions.gr}. If \code{expand_regions = FALSE},
#' \code{getCountsByRegions} is written to calculate \emph{readcounts}
#' overlapping each region, while \code{expand_regions = TRUE} will calculate
#' "coverage signal" (see details below).
#' @param dataset.gr A GRanges object in which signal is contained in metadata
#' (typically in the "score" field), or a named list of such GRanges objects.
#' If a list is given, a dataframe is returned containing the counts in each
#' region for each dataset.
#' @param regions.gr A GRanges object containing regions of interest.
#' @param field The metadata field of \code{dataset.gr} to be counted. If
#' \code{length(field) > 1}, a dataframe is returned containing the counts for
#' each region in each field. If \code{field} not found in
#' \code{names(mcols(dataset.gr))}, will default to using all fields found in
#' \code{dataset.gr}.
#' @param NF An optional normalization factor by which to multiply the counts.
#' If given, \code{length(NF)} must be equal to \code{length(field)}.
#' @param blacklist An optional GRanges object containing regions that should be
#' excluded from signal counting.
#' @param melt If \code{melt = TRUE}, a dataframe is returned containing a
#' column for regions and another column for signal. If multiple datasets are
#' given (if \code{dataset.gr} is a list or if \code{length(field) > 1}), the
#' output dataframe is melted to contain a third column indicating the sample
#' names. (See section on return values below).
#' @param region_names If \code{melt = TRUE}, an optional vector of names for
#' the regions in \code{regions.gr}. If left as \code{NULL}, indices of
#' \code{regions.gr} are used instead.
#' @param expand_ranges Logical indicating if ranges in \code{dataset.gr} should
#' be treated as descriptions of single molecules (\code{FALSE}), or if ranges
#' should be treated as representing multiple adjacent positions with the same
#' signal (\code{TRUE}). If the ranges in \code{dataset.gr} do not all have a
#' width of 1, this option has a substantial effect on the results
#' returned. (See details).
#' @param ncores Multiple cores will only be used if \code{dataset.gr} is a list
#' of multiple datasets, or if \code{length(field) > 1}.
#' @return An atomic vector the same length as \code{regions.gr} containing the
#' sum of the signal overlapping each range of \code{regions.gr}. If
#' \code{dataset.gr} is a list of multiple GRanges, or if \code{length(field)
#' > 1}, a dataframe is returned. If \code{melt = FALSE} (the default),
#' dataframes have a column for each dataset and a row for each region. If
#' \code{melt = TRUE}, dataframes contain one column to indicate regions
#' (either by their indices, or by \code{region_names}, if given), another
#' column to indicate signal, and a third column containing the sample name
#' (unless \code{dataset.gr} is a single GRanges object).
#' @section \code{expand_ranges = FALSE}: In this configuration,
#' \code{getCountsByRegions} is designed to work with data in which each range
#' represents one type of molecule, whether it's a single base (e.g. the 5'
#' ends, 3' ends, or centers of reads) or entire reads (i.e. paired 5' and 3'
#' ends of reads).
#' This is in contrast to standard run-length compressed GRanges object, as
#' imported using \code{\link[rtracklayer:import.bw]{rtracklayer::import.bw}},
#' in which a single range can represent multiple contiguous positions that
#' share the same signal information.
#' As an example, a range of covering 10 bp with a score of 2 is treated as 2
#' reads (each spanning the same 10 bases), not 20 reads.
#' @section \code{expand_ranges = TRUE}: In this configuration, this function
#' assumes that ranges in \code{dataset.gr} that cover multiple bases are
#' compressed representations of multiple adjacent positions that contain the
#' same signal. This type of representation is typical of "coverage" objects,
#' including bedGraphs and bigWigs generated by many command line utilities,
#' but \emph{not} bigWigs as they are imported by
#' \code{\link[BRGenomics:import-functions]{BRGenomics::import_bigWig}}.
#' As an example, a range covering 10 bp with a score of 2 is treated as
#' representing 20 signal counts, i.e. there are 10 adjacent positions that
#' each contain a signal of 2.
#' If the data truly represents basepair-resolution coverage, the "coverage
#' signal" is equivalent to readcounts. However, users should consider how
#' they interpret results from whole-read coverage, as the "coverage signal"
#' is determined by both the read counts as well as read lengths.
#' @author Mike DeBerardine
#' @seealso \code{\link[BRGenomics:getCountsByPositions]{getCountsByPositions}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("PROseq") # load included PROseq data
#' data("txs_dm6_chr4") # load included transcripts
#' counts <- getCountsByRegions(PROseq, txs_dm6_chr4)
#' length(txs_dm6_chr4)
#' length(counts)
#' head(counts)
#' # Assign as metadata to the transcript GRanges
#' txs_dm6_chr4$PROseq <- counts
#' txs_dm6_chr4[1:6]
getCountsByRegions <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr, field = "score",
NF = NULL, blacklist = NULL, melt = FALSE,
region_names = NULL, expand_ranges = FALSE,
ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L)) {
FXN <- if (expand_ranges) .getCoverageByRegions else .getCountsByRegions
if (is.null(field))
field <- list(NULL)
FXN(dataset.gr, regions.gr, field = field, NF = NF, blacklist = blacklist,
melt = melt, region_names = region_names, ncores = ncores)
#' @importFrom parallel mcMap mclapply
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps mcols
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
.getCountsByRegions <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr, field, NF, blacklist,
melt, region_names, ncores) {
if (!is.null(blacklist))
dataset.gr <- .blacklist(dataset.gr, blacklist, ncores)
if (is.list(dataset.gr) || is(dataset.gr, "GRangesList")) {
NF <- .check_nfs(dataset.gr, NF, field)
# subset to increase performance for large datasets
dataset.gr <- mclapply(dataset.gr, subsetByOverlaps, regions.gr,
mc.cores = ncores)
cl <- mcMap(.get_cbr, dataset.gr, list(regions.gr), field, NF,
mc.cores = ncores)
cl <- as.data.frame(cl)
if (melt) return(.melt_counts(cl, colnames(cl), region_names))
# convenience: if field not in dataset.gr, use all fields that are
field <- .check_fields(dataset.gr, field)
NF <- .check_nfs(dataset.gr, NF, field)
# subset to increase performance for large datasets
dataset.gr <- subsetByOverlaps(dataset.gr, regions.gr)
if (length(field) > 1L) {
cl <- mcMap(.get_cbr, list(dataset.gr), list(regions.gr), field, NF,
mc.cores = ncores)
names(cl) <- field
cl <- as.data.frame(cl)
if (melt) return(.melt_counts(cl, field, region_names))
} else {
counts <- .get_cbr(dataset.gr, regions.gr, field, NF)
if (melt) return(.melt_counts(counts, snames = NULL, region_names))
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
.blacklist <- function(dataset.gr, blacklist, ncores) {
if (is.list(dataset.gr) || is(dataset.gr, "GRangesList")) {
mclapply(dataset.gr, subsetByOverlaps, blacklist, invert = TRUE,
mc.cores = ncores)
} else {
subsetByOverlaps(dataset.gr, blacklist, invert = TRUE)
#' @importFrom methods is
.check_nfs <- function(dataset.gr, NF, field) {
if (is.list(dataset.gr) || is(dataset.gr, "GRangesList")) {
n <- length(dataset.gr)
} else {
n <- length(field)
if (is.null(NF)) NF <- rep.int(1L, n)
if (length(NF) != n) {
if (is.list(dataset.gr))
stop(.nicemsg("If dataset.gr is a list and an NF is given, then
length(NF) must equal length(dataset.gr)"))
stop(.nicemsg("If NF is given and length(NF) > 1, then length(NF) must
equal length(field)"))
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps mcols
#' @importFrom S4Vectors from to
.get_cbr <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr, field, NF) {
hits <- findOverlaps(regions.gr, dataset.gr)
counts <- aggregate(mcols(dataset.gr)[[field]][to(hits)],
by = list(from(hits)), FUN = sum)
names(counts) <- c("idx", "signal")
counts.all <- rep.int(0L, length(regions.gr)) # include regions without hits
counts.all[counts$idx] <- counts$signal
counts.all * NF
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols
.check_fields <- function(dataset.gr, field) {
fnames <- names(mcols(dataset.gr))
if (!all(field %in% fnames)) {
message(.nicemsg("field not found in dataset.gr; will default to using
all fields in dataset.gr"))
field <- fnames
.melt_counts <- function(df, snames, region_names) {
if (is.vector(df))
df <- data.frame(df)
nr <- nrow(df) # number of regions
ns <- ncol(df) # number of samples
if (is.null(region_names))
region_names <- seq_len(nr)
if (length(snames) > 1L) {
df <- data.frame(region = rep.int(region_names, ns),
signal = unlist(df),
sample = rep(snames, each = nr))
} else {
df <- data.frame(region = region_names,
signal = unlist(df))
rownames(df) <- NULL
# For coverage-signal-counting methods:
# pintersect(findOverlapPairs) will both make a hits-like object, and
# trim the data ranges down to not "overhang" the hit region;
# We don't want to use "hits" after this because the intersection is
# region/hit-specific, and the same underlying data ranges can overlap
# multiple regions and be trimmed in multiple ways)
# since there's no "revmap" option in findOverlapPairs, we set the names in
# pairs@second correspond to relevant index in regions.gr
#' @importFrom parallel mcMap
.getCoverageByRegions <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr, field, NF, blacklist,
melt, region_names, ncores) {
if (!is.null(blacklist))
dataset.gr <- .blacklist_cvg(dataset.gr, blacklist, ncores)
if (is.list(dataset.gr) || is(dataset.gr, "GRangesList")) {
NF <- .check_nfs(dataset.gr, NF, field)
cl <- mcMap(.get_cvbr, dataset.gr, list(regions.gr), field, NF,
mc.cores = ncores)
cl <- as.data.frame(cl)
if (melt) return(.melt_counts(cl, colnames(cl), region_names))
# convenience: if field not in dataset.gr, use all fields that are
field <- .check_fields(dataset.gr, field)
NF <- .check_nfs(dataset.gr, NF, field)
if (length(field) > 1L) {
cl <- mcMap(.get_cvbr, list(dataset.gr), list(regions.gr), field, NF,
mc.cores = ncores)
names(cl) <- field
cl <- as.data.frame(cl)
if (melt) return(.melt_counts(cl, field, region_names))
} else {
counts <- .get_cvbr(dataset.gr, regions.gr, field, NF)
if (melt) return(.melt_counts(counts, snames = NULL, region_names))
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges strand gaps
#' @importFrom IRanges findOverlapPairs pintersect
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths
.blacklist_cvg <- function(dataset.gr, blacklist, ncores) {
if (is.list(dataset.gr) || is(dataset.gr, "GRangesList")) {
return(mclapply(dataset.gr, .blacklist_cvg, blacklist,
mc.cores = ncores))
# use of gaps fxn requires unstranded blacklist to be made "stranded"
if (any(idx_n <- strand(blacklist) == "*")) {
bl_p <- bl_m <- blacklist[idx_n]
blacklist <- blacklist[!idx_n]
strand(bl_p) <- "+"
strand(bl_m) <- "-"
blacklist <- do.call(c, list(blacklist, bl_p, bl_m, use.names = FALSE))
whitelist <- gaps(blacklist, end = seqlengths(dataset.gr))
whitelist <- whitelist[strand(whitelist) != "*"]
pintersect(findOverlapPairs(dataset.gr, whitelist),
drop.nohit.ranges = TRUE)
#' @importFrom IRanges findOverlapPairs pintersect
.get_cvbr <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr, field, NF) {
if (!isDisjoint(dataset.gr)) # will not work if not disjoint
stop(.nicemsg("dataset.gr is not disjoint. Are you sure this is
coverage data? Consider using getStrandedCoverage()"))
names(regions.gr) <- seq_along(regions.gr)
pairs <- findOverlapPairs(dataset.gr, regions.gr)
idx <- as.integer(names(pairs@second))
p_int <- pintersect(pairs, drop.nohit.ranges = TRUE)
p_int_sig <- mcols(p_int)[[field]] * width(p_int)
cvg <- aggregate(p_int_sig, by = list(idx), FUN = sum)
names(cvg) <- c("idx", "signal")
cvg.all <- rep.int(0L, length(regions.gr)) # include regions without hits
cvg.all[cvg$idx] <- cvg$signal
cvg.all * NF
#' Get signal counts at each position within regions of interest
#' Get the sum of the signal in \code{dataset.gr} that overlaps each position
#' within each range in \code{regions.gr}. If binning is used (i.e. positions
#' are wider than 1 bp), any function can be used to summarize the signal
#' overlapping each bin. For a description of the critical difference between
#' \code{expand_ranges = FALSE} and \code{expand_ranges = TRUE}, see
#' \code{\link[BRGenomics:getCountsByRegions]{getCountsByRegions}}.
#' @param dataset.gr A GRanges object in which signal is contained in metadata
#' (typically in the "score" field), or a named list of such GRanges objects.
#' @param regions.gr A GRanges object containing regions of interest.
#' @param binsize Size of bins (in bp) to use for counting within each range of
#' \code{regions.gr}. Note that counts will \emph{not} be length-normalized.
#' @param FUN If \code{binsize > 1}, the function used to aggregate the signal
#' within each bin. By default, the signal is summed, but any function
#' operating on a numeric vector can be used.
#' @param simplify.multi.widths A string indicating the output format if the
#' ranges in \code{regions.gr} have variable widths. By default, an error is
#' returned. See details below.
#' @param field The metadata field of \code{dataset.gr} to be counted. If
#' \code{length(field) > 1}, the output is a list whose elements contain the
#' output for generated each field. If \code{field} not found in
#' \code{names(mcols(dataset.gr))}, will default to using all fields found in
#' \code{dataset.gr}.
#' @param NF An optional normalization factor by which to multiply the counts.
#' If given, \code{length(NF)} must be equal to \code{length(field)}.
#' @param blacklist An optional GRanges object containing regions that should be
#' excluded from signal counting.
#' @param NA_blacklisted A logical indicating if NA values should be returned
#' for blacklisted regions. By default, signal in the blacklisted sites is
#' ignored, i.e. the reads are excluded. If \code{NA_blacklisted = TRUE},
#' those positions are set to \code{NA} in the final output.
#' @param melt A logical indicating if the count matrices should be melted. If
#' set to \code{TRUE}, a dataframe is returned in containing columns for
#' "region", "position", and "signal". If \code{dataset.gr} is a list of
#' multiple GRanges, or if \code{length(field) > 1}, a single dataframe is
#' returned, which contains an additional column "sample", which contains
#' individual sample names. If used with multi-width \code{regions.gr}, the
#' resulting dataframe will only contain positions that are found within each
#' respective region.
#' @param expand_ranges Logical indicating if ranges in \code{dataset.gr} should
#' be treated as descriptions of single molecules (\code{FALSE}), or if ranges
#' should be treated as representing multiple adjacent positions with the same
#' signal (\code{TRUE}). See \code{\link[BRGenomics:getCountsByRegions]{
#' getCountsByRegions}}.
#' @param ncores Multiple cores will only be used if \code{dataset.gr} is a list
#' of multiple datasets, or if \code{length(field) > 1}.
#' @return If the widths of all ranges in \code{regions.gr} are equal, a matrix
#' is returned that contains a row for each region of interest, and a column
#' for each position (each base if \code{binsize = 1}) within each region. If
#' \code{dataset.gr} is a list, a parallel list is returned containing a
#' matrix for each input dataset.
#' @section Use of multi-width regions of interest: If the input
#' \code{regions.gr} contains ranges of varying widths, setting
#' \code{simplify.multi.widths = "list"} will output a list of variable-length
#' vectors, with each vector corresponding to an individual input region. If
#' \code{simplify.multi.widths = "pad 0"} or \code{"pad NA"}, the output is a
#' matrix containing a row for each range in \code{regions.gr}, but the number
#' of columns is determined by the largest range in \code{regions.gr}. For
#' each region of interest, columns that correspond to positions outside of
#' the input range are set, depending on the argument, to \code{0} or
#' \code{NA}.
#' @author Mike DeBerardine
#' @seealso \code{\link[BRGenomics:getCountsByRegions]{getCountsByRegions}},
#' \code{\link[BRGenomics:bootstrap-signal-by-position]{metaSubsample}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("PROseq") # load included PROseq data
#' data("txs_dm6_chr4") # load included transcripts
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # counts from 0 to 50 bp after the TSS
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' txs_pr <- promoters(txs_dm6_chr4, 0, 50) # first 50 bases
#' countsmat <- getCountsByPositions(PROseq, txs_pr)
#' countsmat[10:15, 41:50] # show only 41-50 bp after TSS
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # redo with 10 bp bins from 0 to 100
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # column 5 is sums of rows shown above
#' txs_pr <- promoters(txs_dm6_chr4, 0, 100)
#' countsmat <- getCountsByPositions(PROseq, txs_pr, binsize = 10)
#' countsmat[10:15, ]
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # same as the above, but with the average signal in each bin
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' countsmat <- getCountsByPositions(PROseq, txs_pr, binsize = 10, FUN = mean)
#' countsmat[10:15, ]
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # standard deviation of signal in each bin
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' countsmat <- getCountsByPositions(PROseq, txs_pr, binsize = 10, FUN = sd)
#' round(countsmat[10:15, ], 1)
getCountsByPositions <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr,
binsize = 1L, FUN = sum,
simplify.multi.widths = c("error", "list",
"pad 0", "pad NA"),
field = "score", NF = NULL, blacklist = NULL,
NA_blacklisted = FALSE, melt = FALSE,
expand_ranges = FALSE,
ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L)) {
FXN <- if (expand_ranges) .getCoverageByPositions else .getCountsByPositions
if (is.null(field))
field <- list(NULL)
FXN(dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize = binsize, FUN = FUN,
simplify.multi.widths = simplify.multi.widths, field = field, NF = NF,
blacklist = blacklist, NA_blacklisted = NA_blacklisted, melt = melt,
ncores = ncores)
#' @importFrom parallel mcMap mclapply
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
.getCountsByPositions <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN,
simplify.multi.widths, field, NF, blacklist,
NA_blacklisted, melt, ncores) {
smw <- match.arg(simplify.multi.widths, c("error", "list",
"pad 0", "pad NA"))
# apply blacklisting; xy positions (matrix row, column) of blacklist hits;
# delay application if multiwidth -> send down arg as xy.bl
xy.bl <- if (smw == "error") NULL else NA_blacklisted
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
dataset.gr <- .blacklist(dataset.gr, blacklist, ncores)
if (NA_blacklisted & smw == "error") {
blacklist <- GPos(reduce(blacklist))
hits.bl <- findOverlaps(regions.gr, blacklist)
xy.bl <- .get_positions_in_regions(hits.bl, blacklist, regions.gr)
# function dispatch (for lists)
if (is.list(dataset.gr) || is(dataset.gr, "GRangesList")) {
NF <- .check_nfs(dataset.gr, NF, field)
# subset to increase performance for large datasets
dataset.gr <- mclapply(dataset.gr, subsetByOverlaps, regions.gr,
mc.cores = ncores)
cl <- mcMap(.get_cbp, dataset.gr, list(regions.gr), binsize, list(FUN),
smw, field, NF, melt, list(blacklist), list(xy.bl),
ncores = 1, mc.cores = ncores)
if (melt) cl <- .dfList2df(cl, prepend = FALSE)
} else {
# convenience: if field not in dataset.gr, use all fields that are
field <- .check_fields(dataset.gr, field)
NF <- .check_nfs(dataset.gr, NF, field)
# increase performance for large datasets
dataset.gr <- subsetByOverlaps(dataset.gr, regions.gr)
.get_cbp(dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field, NF, melt,
blacklist, xy.bl, ncores)
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width findOverlaps
.get_cbp <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field, NF, melt,
blacklist, xy.bl, ncores) {
# function makes practical use of single-width dataset.gr
if (!isBRG(dataset.gr))
stop(.nicemsg("ranges in dataset.gr are not all single-width. If they
should be expanded, set expand_ranges = TRUE, or otherwise
format them using makeGRangesBRG."))
# get hits early (so happens once for if multiple fields)
hits <- findOverlaps(regions.gr, dataset.gr)
# function dispatch
if (length(field) > 1L) {
call_multifield <- function(field.i, NF.i) {
.split_cbp(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize = binsize,
FUN = FUN, smw = smw, field = field.i, NF = NF.i,
melt = melt, blacklist = blacklist, xy.bl = xy.bl)
cl <- mcMap(call_multifield, field, NF, mc.cores = ncores)
names(cl) <- field
if (melt) cl <- .dfList2df(cl, prepend = FALSE)
} else {
.split_cbp(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize = binsize, FUN = FUN,
smw, field = field, NF = NF, melt = melt,
blacklist = blacklist, xy.bl = xy.bl)
.split_cbp <- function(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field,
NF, melt, blacklist, xy.bl) {
multi_width <- length(unique(width(regions.gr))) > 1L
if (multi_width) {
.get_cbp_mw(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field, NF,
melt, blacklist, xy.bl)
} else {
if (smw != "error")
# check is necessary because NA_blacklisting would fail otherwise,
# but will give an error in every case for the sake of consistency
stop(.nicemsg("simplify.multi.widths changed from default, but
regions.gr is not multiwidth"))
.get_signal_mat(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, field, NF,
melt, blacklist, xy.bl)
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width resize
.get_cbp_mw <- function(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field,
NF, melt, blacklist, xy.bl) {
if (smw == "error")
stop(.nicemsg("regions.gr contains ranges with multiple widths, but
simplify.multi.widths is set to 'error'. Did you mean
to call getCountsByRegions instead?"))
# expand all regions to be the same width, then get counts
widths <- width(regions.gr) # save widths
suppressWarnings( regions.gr <- resize(regions.gr, max(widths)) )
# check if NA_blacklisted (which for multiwidth is xy.bl)
if (xy.bl) {
blacklist <- GPos(reduce(blacklist))
hits.bl <- findOverlaps(regions.gr, blacklist)
xy.bl <- .get_positions_in_regions(hits.bl, blacklist, regions.gr)
} else {
xy.bl <- NULL
# get counts matrix
mat <- .get_signal_mat(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, field,
NF, melt = FALSE, blacklist, xy.bl)
nbins <- floor(widths / binsize) # number of bins to keep for each region
if (melt | smw == "list") {
# list of vectors whose lengths determined by width of range i
cl <- Map(function(row.i, nbins.i) mat[row.i, seq_len(nbins.i),
drop = FALSE],
seq_len(nrow(mat)), nbins)
if (melt) return(.meltmw(cl))
} else {
# get array indices for out-of-range bins
arridx_pad <- vapply(nbins, function(n) seq_len(ncol(mat)) > n,
FUN.VALUE = logical(ncol(mat)))
# (transpose as sapply/vapply cbinds the rows)
arridx_pad <- which( t(arridx_pad), arr.ind = TRUE )
mat[arridx_pad] <- ifelse(smw == "pad 0", 0L, NA)
.meltmw <- function(cl) {
lens <- lengths(cl)
df <- data.frame(region = rep.int(seq_along(cl), lens),
position = unlist(lapply(lens, seq_len)),
signal = unlist(cl))
rownames(df) <- NULL
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges start mcols
#' @importFrom S4Vectors to
.get_signal_mat <- function(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, field,
NF, melt, blacklist, xy.bl) {
# initialize signal matrix of dim = (region, position within region)
rwidth <- width(regions.gr[1L])
if (length(rwidth) == 0L)
stop("Cannot make counts matrix because regions.gr is empty")
mat <- matrix(0L, length(regions.gr), rwidth)
# find (x, y) = (region, position)
xy <- .get_positions_in_regions(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr)
mat[xy] <- mcols(dataset.gr)[[field]][to(hits)]
if (!is.null(xy.bl)) # apply NA_blacklisting
mat[xy.bl] <- NA
if (binsize > 1L) {
mat <- apply(mat, 1L, function(x) .binVector(x, binsize = binsize,
FUN = match.fun(FUN)))
mat <- t(mat) # apply will cbind rather than rbind
mat <- mat * NF # apply normalization
if (melt) return(.meltmat(mat))
#' @importFrom S4Vectors from to
.get_positions_in_regions <- function(hits, dataset.gr, regions.gr) {
# (x = from(hits))
y1 <- start(dataset.gr[to(hits)]) # site of signal
y2 <- start(resize(regions.gr, 1L))[from(hits)] # beginning of window
y <- abs(y1 - y2) + 1L # position of signal within region
cbind(from(hits), y)
.meltmat <- function(mat) {
mat <- t(mat) # (to sort by region, rather than position)
df <- expand.grid( seq_len(nrow(mat)), seq_len(ncol(mat)) )
df <- cbind(df, data.frame(as.vector(mat)))
names(df) <- c("position", "region", "signal")
rownames(df) <- NULL
df[, c(2L, 1L, 3L), drop = FALSE]
#' @importFrom parallel mcMap
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GPos findOverlaps
.getCoverageByPositions <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN,
simplify.multi.widths, field, NF, blacklist,
NA_blacklisted, melt, ncores) {
smw <- match.arg(simplify.multi.widths, c("error", "list",
"pad 0", "pad NA"))
# apply blacklisting; xy positions (matrix row, column) of blacklist hits;
# delay application if multiwidth -> send down arg as xy.bl
xy.bl <- if (smw == "error") NULL else NA_blacklisted
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
dataset.gr <- .blacklist_cvg(dataset.gr, blacklist, ncores)
if (NA_blacklisted & smw == "error") {
blacklist <- GPos(reduce(blacklist))
hits.bl <- findOverlaps(regions.gr, blacklist)
xy.bl <- .get_positions_in_regions(hits.bl, blacklist, regions.gr)
# function dispatch (for lists)
if (is.list(dataset.gr) || is(dataset.gr, "GRangesList")) {
NF <- .check_nfs(dataset.gr, NF, field)
cl <- mcMap(.get_cvbp, dataset.gr, list(regions.gr), binsize, list(FUN),
smw, field, NF, melt, list(blacklist), list(xy.bl),
ncores = 1L, mc.cores = ncores)
if (melt) cl <- .dfList2df(cl, prepend = FALSE)
} else {
# convenience: if field not in dataset.gr, use all fields that are
field <- .check_fields(dataset.gr, field)
NF <- .check_nfs(dataset.gr, NF, field)
.get_cvbp(dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field, NF, melt,
blacklist, xy.bl, ncores)
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges isDisjoint
#' @importFrom IRanges findOverlapPairs pintersect
#' @importFrom parallel mcMap
.get_cvbp <- function(dataset.gr, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field, NF,
melt, blacklist, xy.bl, ncores) {
if (!isDisjoint(dataset.gr)) # will not work if not disjoint
stop(.nicemsg("dataset.gr is not disjoint. Are you sure this is
coverage data? Consider using getStrandedCoverage()"))
# get hits early (so happens once for if multiple fields)
# (actually pointless for coverage data...)
# this gets hits and trims overhangs
names(regions.gr) <- seq_along(regions.gr)
pairs <- findOverlapPairs(dataset.gr, regions.gr)
x <- as.integer(names(pairs@second)) # x = idx of regions.gr/matrix row)
p_int <- pintersect(pairs, drop.nohit.ranges = TRUE) # dataset over regions
# function dispatch
if (length(field) > 1L) {
call_multifield <- function(field.i, NF.i) {
.split_cvbp(p_int, x, regions.gr, binsize = binsize,
FUN = FUN, smw = smw, field = field.i, NF = NF.i,
melt = melt, blacklist = blacklist, xy.bl = xy.bl)
cl <- mcMap(call_multifield, field, NF, mc.cores = ncores)
names(cl) <- field
if (melt) cl <- .dfList2df(cl, prepend = FALSE)
} else {
.split_cvbp(p_int, x, regions.gr, binsize = binsize, FUN = FUN,
smw = smw, field = field, NF = NF, melt = melt,
blacklist = blacklist, xy.bl = xy.bl)
.split_cvbp <- function(p_int, x, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field, NF,
melt, blacklist, xy.bl) {
multi_width <- length(unique(width(regions.gr))) > 1L
if (multi_width) {
.get_cvbp_mw(p_int, x, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field, NF, melt,
blacklist, xy.bl)
} else {
if (smw != "error")
# check is necessary because NA_blacklisting would fail otherwise,
# but will give an error in every case for the sake of consistency
stop(.nicemsg("simplify.multi.widths changed from default, but
regions.gr is not multiwidth"))
.get_cov_mat(p_int, x, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, field, NF, melt,
blacklist, xy.bl)
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width resize GPos findOverlaps
.get_cvbp_mw <- function(p_int, x, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, smw, field,
NF, melt, blacklist, xy.bl) {
if (smw == "error")
stop(.nicemsg("regions.gr contains ranges with multiple widths, but
simplify.multi.widths is set to 'error'. Did you mean
to call getCountsByRegions instead?"))
# expand all regions to be the same width, then get counts
widths <- width(regions.gr) # save widths
suppressWarnings( regions.gr <- resize(regions.gr, max(widths)) )
# check if NA_blacklisted (which for multiwidth is xy.bl)
if (xy.bl) {
blacklist <- GPos(reduce(blacklist))
hits.bl <- findOverlaps(regions.gr, blacklist)
xy.bl <- .get_positions_in_regions(hits.bl, blacklist, regions.gr)
} else {
xy.bl <- NULL
# get counts matrix
mat <- .get_cov_mat(p_int, x, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, field,
NF, melt = FALSE, blacklist, xy.bl)
nbins <- floor(widths / binsize) # number of bins to keep for each region
if (melt | smw == "list") {
# list of vectors whose lengths determined by width of range i
cl <- Map(function(row.i, nbins.i) mat[row.i, seq_len(nbins.i),
drop = FALSE],
seq_len(nrow(mat)), nbins)
if (melt) return(.meltmw(cl))
} else {
# get array indices for out-of-range bins
arridx_pad <- vapply(nbins, function(n) seq_len(ncol(mat)) > n,
FUN.VALUE = logical(ncol(mat)))
# (transpose as sapply/vapply cbinds the rows)
arridx_pad <- which( t(arridx_pad), arr.ind = TRUE )
mat[arridx_pad] <- ifelse(smw == "pad 0", 0L, NA)
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges start mcols
.get_cov_mat <- function(p_int, x, regions.gr, binsize, FUN, field,
NF, melt, blacklist, xy.bl) {
# initialize signal matrix of dim = (region, position within region)
rwidth <- width(regions.gr[1L])
if (length(rwidth) == 0L)
stop("Cannot make counts matrix because regions.gr is empty")
mat <- matrix(0L, length(regions.gr), rwidth)
# get site of signal
ir <- ranges(p_int)
is_minus <- strand(regions.gr)[x] == "-"
sdist <- ifelse(is_minus, 1L + end(regions.gr)[x] - end(ir),
1L + start(ir) - start(regions.gr)[x])
# populate matrix
assn <- function(x, start, width, z)
mat[x, seq(start, length.out = width)] <<- z
invisible(Map(assn, x, sdist, width(ir), mcols(p_int)[[field]]))
if (!is.null(xy.bl)) # apply NA_blacklisting
mat[xy.bl] <- NA
if (binsize > 1L) {
mat <- apply(mat, 1L, function(x) .binVector(x, binsize = binsize,
FUN = match.fun(FUN)))
mat <- t(mat) # apply will cbind rather than rbind
mat <- mat * NF # apply normalization
if (melt) return(.meltmat(mat))
#' Calculate pausing indices from user-supplied promoters & genebodies
#' Pausing index (PI) is calculated for each gene (within matched
#' \code{promoters.gr} and \code{genebodies.gr}) as promoter-proximal (or pause
#' region) signal counts divided by genebody signal counts. If
#' \code{length.normalize = TRUE} (recommended), the signal counts within each
#' range in \code{promoters.gr} and \code{genebodies.gr} are divided by their
#' respective range widths (region lengths) before pausing indices are
#' calculated.
#' @param dataset.gr A GRanges object in which signal is contained in metadata
#' (typically in the "score" field), or a named list of such GRanges objects.
#' @param promoters.gr A GRanges object containing promoter-proximal regions of
#' interest.
#' @param genebodies.gr A GRanges object containing genebody regions of
#' interest.
#' @param field The metadata field of \code{dataset.gr} to be counted. If
#' \code{length(field) > 1}, a dataframe is returned containing the pausing
#' indices for each region in each field. If \code{field} not found in
#' \code{names(mcols(dataset.gr))}, will default to using all fields found in
#' \code{dataset.gr}. If \code{dataset.gr} is a list, a single \code{field}
#' should be given, or \code{length(field)} should be the equal to the number
#' of datasets in \code{dataset.gr}.
#' @param length.normalize A logical indicating if signal counts within regions
#' of interest should be length normalized. The default is \code{TRUE}, which
#' is recommended, especially if input regions don't all have the same width.
#' @param remove.empty A logical indicating if genes without any signal in
#' \code{promoters.gr} should be removed. No genes are filtered by default. If
#' \code{dataset.gr} is a list of datasets, or if \code{length(field) > 1},
#' regions are filtered unless they have promoter signal in all datasets.
#' @param blacklist An optional GRanges object containing regions that should be
#' excluded from signal counting. If \code{length.normalize = TRUE},
#' blacklisted positions will be excluded from length calculations. Users
#' should take care to note if regions of interest substantially overlap
#' blacklisted positions.
#' @param melt If \code{melt = TRUE}, a dataframe is returned containing a
#' column for regions and another column for pausing indices. If multiple
#' datasets are given (if \code{dataset.gr} is a list or if
#' \code{length(field) > 1}), the output dataframe is melted to contain a
#' third column indicating the sample names. (See section on return values
#' below).
#' @param region_names If \code{melt = TRUE}, an optional vector of names for
#' the regions in \code{regions.gr}. If left as \code{NULL}, indices of
#' \code{regions.gr} are used instead.
#' @param expand_ranges Logical indicating if ranges in \code{dataset.gr} should
#' be treated as descriptions of single molecules (\code{FALSE}), or if ranges
#' should be treated as representing multiple adjacent positions with the same
#' signal (\code{TRUE}). See \code{\link[BRGenomics:getCountsByRegions]{
#' getCountsByRegions}}.
#' @param ncores Multiple cores will only be used if \code{dataset.gr} is a list
#' of multiple datasets, or if \code{length(field) > 1}.
#' @return A vector parallel to the input genelist, unless \code{remove.empty =
#' TRUE}, in which case the vector may be shorter. If \code{dataset.gr} is a
#' list, or if \code{length(field) > 1}, a dataframe is returned, containing a
#' column for each field. However, if \code{melt = TRUE}, dataframes contain
#' one column to indicate regions (either by their indices, or by
#' \code{region_names}, if given), another column to indicate signal, and a
#' third column containing the sample name (unless \code{dataset.gr} is a
#' single GRanges object).
#' @author Mike DeBerardine
#' @seealso \code{\link[BRGenomics:getCountsByRegions]{getCountsByRegions}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom parallel mcMap
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' data("PROseq") # load included PROseq data
#' data("txs_dm6_chr4") # load included transcripts
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Get promoter-proximal and genebody regions
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # genebodies from +300 to 300 bp before the poly-A site
#' gb <- genebodies(txs_dm6_chr4, 300, -300, min.window = 400)
#' # get the transcripts that are large enough (>1kb in size)
#' txs <- subset(txs_dm6_chr4, tx_name %in% gb$tx_name)
#' # for the same transcripts, promoter-proximal region from 0 to +100
#' pr <- promoters(txs, 0, 100)
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Calculate pausing indices
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' pidx <- getPausingIndices(PROseq, pr, gb)
#' length(txs)
#' length(pidx)
#' head(pidx)
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Without length normalization
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' head( getPausingIndices(PROseq, pr, gb, length.normalize = FALSE) )
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Removing empty means the values no longer match the genelist
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' pidx_signal <- getPausingIndices(PROseq, pr, gb, remove.empty = TRUE)
#' length(pidx_signal)
getPausingIndices <- function(dataset.gr, promoters.gr, genebodies.gr,
field = "score", length.normalize = TRUE,
remove.empty = FALSE, blacklist = NULL,
melt = FALSE, region_names = NULL,
expand_ranges = FALSE,
ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L)) {
if (length(promoters.gr) != length(genebodies.gr))
stop(message = .nicemsg("Number of ranges in promoters.gr not equal to
number of ranges in genebodies.gr"))
dwidth <- NULL # differences in width caused by blacklisting
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
dataset.gr <- .blacklist(dataset.gr, blacklist, ncores)
if (length.normalize) {
dwidth <- mclapply(list(promoters.gr, genebodies.gr),
.get_dwidth, blacklist, mc.cores = ncores)
# vectors for single dataset; dataframes for lists or multiple fields
counts_pr <- getCountsByRegions(dataset.gr, promoters.gr, field = field,
expand_ranges = expand_ranges,
ncores = ncores)
counts_gb <- getCountsByRegions(dataset.gr, genebodies.gr, field = field,
expand_ranges = expand_ranges,
ncores = ncores)
if (is.list(dataset.gr) || is(dataset.gr, "GRangesList")) {
.pidx_multi(counts_pr, counts_gb, promoters.gr, genebodies.gr,
names(dataset.gr), length.normalize, remove.empty, melt,
region_names, dwidth)
} else if (length(field) > 1L) {
.pidx_multi(counts_pr, counts_gb, promoters.gr, genebodies.gr,
field, length.normalize, remove.empty, melt, region_names,
} else {
.pidx_single(counts_pr, counts_gb, promoters.gr, genebodies.gr,
length.normalize, remove.empty, melt, region_names, dwidth)
#' @importFrom S4Vectors from to
.get_dwidth <- function(regions, blacklist) {
dwidth <- rep.int(0L, length(regions))
hits <- findOverlaps(regions, blacklist)
bloverlap <- pintersect(regions[from(hits)], blacklist[to(hits)])
dwidth[from(hits)] <- width(bloverlap)
.pidx_single <- function(counts_pr, counts_gb, promoters.gr, genebodies.gr,
length.normalize, remove.empty, melt, region_names,
dwidth) {
if (length.normalize) {
pwidths <- GenomicRanges::width(promoters.gr)
gwidths <- GenomicRanges::width(genebodies.gr)
if (!is.null(dwidth)) {
pwidths <- pwidths - dwidth[[1L]]
gwidths <- gwidths - dwidth[[2L]]
counts_pr <- counts_pr / pwidths
counts_gb <- counts_gb / gwidths
if (remove.empty) {
idx <- which(counts_pr != 0L)
counts_pr <- counts_pr[idx]
counts_gb <- counts_gb[idx]
pidx <- counts_pr / counts_gb
if (melt) {
if (remove.empty) {
if (is.null(region_names)) {
region_names <- idx
} else {
region_names <- region_names[idx]
pidx <- .melt_counts(pidx, NULL, region_names)
colnames(pidx) <- c("region", "pauseIndex")
.pidx_multi <- function(counts_pr, counts_gb, promoters.gr, genebodies.gr,
dnames, length.normalize, remove.empty, melt,
region_names, dwidth) {
if (length.normalize) {
if (is.null(dwidth))
dwidth <- list(NULL, NULL)
counts_pr <- .lnorm_multi(counts_pr, promoters.gr, dnames, dwidth[[1]])
counts_gb <- .lnorm_multi(counts_gb, genebodies.gr, dnames, dwidth[[2]])
if (remove.empty) {
# idx to drop
idx <- lapply(counts_pr, function(x) which(x == 0L))
idx <- unique(unlist(idx))
counts_pr <- counts_pr[-idx, ]
counts_gb <- counts_gb[-idx, ]
pidx <- counts_pr / counts_gb
if (melt) {
if (remove.empty) {
if (is.null(region_names)) {
region_names <- seq_along(promoters.gr)[-idx]
} else {
region_names <- region_names[-idx]
pidx <- .melt_counts(pidx, colnames(pidx), region_names)
colnames(pidx) <- c("region", "pauseIndex", "sample")
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width
.lnorm_multi <- function(counts, regions, dnames, dwidth.i) {
widths.i <- width(regions)
if (!is.null(dwidth.i))
widths.i <- widths.i - dwidth.i
counts <- as.data.frame(lapply(counts, "/", widths.i))
names(counts) <- dnames
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