grridgeCV <- function (grr, highdimdata, response, outerfold = length(response),
fixedfolds = TRUE, recalibrate = FALSE) {
#grr = grridge(highdimdata=simdata, response=round(exp(Y)/(1+exp(Y))), partitions=part5, unpenal = ~1, innfold=10,selectionEN=TRUE)
#highdimdata=simdata; response=round(exp(Y)/(1+exp(Y))); partitions=part5; unpenal = ~1; outerfold=3;fixedfolds = TRUE; recalibrate = FALSE
model <- grr$model
arg <- grr$arguments
if(model=="linear") return(.grridgeCVlin(grr=grr, highdimdata=highdimdata, response=response, outerfold = outerfold, fixedfolds = fixedfolds, recalibrate = recalibrate))
print("Covariates are standardized")
sds <- apply(highdimdata,1,sd)
sds2 <- sapply(sds,function(x) max(x,10^{-5}))
highdimdata <- (highdimdata-apply(highdimdata,1,mean))/sds2
if (model == "survival")
allobstimes <- sort(response[, 1])
balance <- FALSE
nsam <- ncol(highdimdata)
if (is.null(colnames(highdimdata))) {
print("No sample names available. Creating names S1, ..., Sn.")
cnames <- sapply(1:nsam, function(i) paste("S", i, sep = ""))
colnames(highdimdata) <- cnames
if (outerfold < 10 & model != "linear") {
print("Stratified splits for events applied")
balance <- TRUE
if (fixedfolds)
else set.seed(NULL)
if (!balance) {
rand <- sample(1:nsam)
grs1 <- floor(nsam/outerfold)
grs2 <- grs1 + 1
ngr1 <- outerfold * grs2 - nsam
folds <- lapply(1:outerfold, function(xg) {
if (xg <= ngr1)
els <- rand[(1 + (xg - 1) * grs1):(xg * grs1)]
else els <- rand[(ngr1 * grs1 + 1 + (xg - ngr1 -
1) * grs2):(ngr1 * grs1 + (xg - ngr1) * grs2)]
else {
if (model == "logistic")
if (class(response) == "factor")
nev <- which((as.numeric(response) - 1) == 1)
else nev <- which(response == 1)
if (model == "survival")
nev <- which(response[, 1] == 1)
nsamev <- length(nev)
randev <- sample(nev)
grs1 <- floor(nsamev/outerfold)
grs2 <- grs1 + 1
ngr1 <- outerfold * grs2 - nsamev
foldsev <- lapply(1:outerfold, function(xg) {
if (xg <= ngr1)
els <- randev[(1 + (xg - 1) * grs1):(xg * grs1)]
else els <- randev[(ngr1 * grs1 + 1 + (xg - ngr1 -
1) * grs2):(ngr1 * grs1 + (xg - ngr1) * grs2)]
nonev <- setdiff(1:nsam, nev)
nsamnonev <- length(nonev)
randnonev <- sample(nonev)
grs1 <- floor(nsamnonev/outerfold)
grs2 <- grs1 + 1
ngr1 <- outerfold * grs2 - nsamnonev
foldsnonev <- lapply(1:outerfold, function(xg) {
if (xg <= ngr1)
els <- randnonev[(1 + (xg - 1) * grs1):(xg *
else els <- randnonev[(ngr1 * grs1 + 1 + (xg - ngr1 -
1) * grs2):(ngr1 * grs1 + (xg - ngr1) * grs2)]
folds <- lapply(1:outerfold, function(i) c(foldsev[[i]],
if (!(is.null(grr$arguments$dataunpen)) & recalibrate ==
recalibrate <- FALSE
print("Recalibration currently only feasible for designs without unpenalized covariates. Recalibrate set to FALSE")
if (model == "survival" & recalibrate == TRUE) {
recalibrate <- FALSE
print("Recalibration currently only feasible for linear and binary response. Recalibrate set to FALSE")
ntest <- length(folds[[1]])
if (ntest < 25 & recalibrate == TRUE) {
recalibrate <- FALSE
print("Test sample size too small for recalibration. Need at least 25 test samples. Recalibrate set to FALSE")
whichfold <- rep(NA, nsam)
linpreds <- c()
preds <- c()
responsesam <- c()
predsbres <- c()
for (k in 1:length(folds)) {
print(paste("Fold nr:", k))
samout <- folds[[k]]
whichfold[samout] <- k
nout <- length(samout)
highdimdatamin <- highdimdata[, -samout]
responsemin <- response[-samout]
dataunpenmin <- arg$dataunpen[-samout, , drop = FALSE]
offsarg <- arg$offset
unpenal = arg$unpenal
dataunpenout <- arg$dataunpen[samout, , drop = FALSE]
if((is.null(dataunpenout)) | (unpenal == ~0) | (unpenal == ~1)) {
mmout <- NULL
} else {
mmout <- model.matrix(unpenal,dataunpenout)
if(prod(mmout[,1]==rep(1,nout))==1) {
mmout <- mmout[,-1,drop=FALSE]
if (length(offsarg) > 1) offsmin <- offsarg[-samout] else offsmin <- offsarg
#switch of standardization, as this is done before fitting
grmin <- grridge(highdimdatamin, responsemin, partitions = arg$partitions,
unpenal = arg$unpenal, offset = offsmin, method = arg$method,
niter = arg$niter, monotone = arg$monotone, optl = arg$optl,
innfold = arg$innfold, fixedfoldsinn = arg$fixedfoldsinn,
maxsel = arg$maxsel, cvlmarg = arg$cvlmarg, dataunpen = dataunpenmin,
savepredobj = arg$savepredobj, ord = arg$ord, comparelasso = arg$comparelasso,
optllasso = arg$optllasso, selectionEN = arg$selectionEN,
compareunpenal = arg$compareunpenal, modus = arg$modus,EBlambda=arg$EBlambda, standardizeX = FALSE)
penobj <- grmin$predobj
dataunpen <- arg$dataunpen
Xsam <- t(highdimdata[, samout, drop = FALSE])
optllasso <- grmin$arguments$optllasso
if (length(offsarg) > 1) offsout <- offsarg[samout] else offsout <- rep(0,nout)
dataunpensam <- dataunpen[samout, , drop = FALSE]
responsesam <- c(responsesam, samout)
responseout <- response[samout]
if (is.null(dataunpensam)) dataunpensam <- data.frame(fake = rep(NA, length(samout)))
predellall <- c()
predellall2 <- c()
linpredall <- c()
if (is.null(penobj)) {
cat("No prediction objection available. Run grridge using either savepredobj=\"last\" or savepredobj=\"all\"\n")
unpenal <- arg$unpenal
if (!is.null(offsarg)) {
noffs <- length(offsarg)
offsargs <- "c("
if (nout > 1) {
if (noffs == 1) {
for (i in 1:(nout - 1)) offsargs <- paste(offsargs,
offsarg, ",", sep = "")
else {
for (i in 1:(nout - 1)) offsargs <- paste(offsargs,
offsarg[i], ",", sep = "")
if (noffs == 1)
offsargs <- paste(offsargs, offsarg, ")", sep = "")
else offsargs <- paste(offsargs, offsarg[nout], ")",
sep = "")
if ((unpenal != ~0) & (unpenal != ~1)) {
unpenal <- formula(paste(deparse(unpenal), "+ offset(",
offsargs, ")", sep = ""))
else {
unpenal <- formula(paste("~", "offset(", offsargs,
")", sep = ""))
nmp <- names(penobj)
npreds <- length(penobj)
if (arg$comparelasso)
npreds <- npreds - 1
if (arg$compareunpenal)
npreds <- npreds - 1
if (arg$selectionEN) npredsEN <- length(arg$maxsel) else npredsEN <- 0
npreds <- npreds - npredsEN
if (npreds > 0) {
for (ell in 1:npreds) {
predobj <- penobj[[ell]]
lmvecall <- grmin$lambdamultvec[, ell]
Xsamw <- t(t(Xsam)/sqrt(lmvecall))
if(model != "survival") predell <- predict(predobj, Xsamw, unpenalized = unpenal, data = dataunpensam)[1:nout]
else { #survival (PENALIZED DOES NOT SUPPLY linear predictor...
mmunpen <- as.matrix(model.matrix(unpenal, dataunpensam))
wh <- match(names(predobj@unpenalized),colnames(mmunpen))
coeffpen <- matrix(predobj@penalized, ncol = 1)
coeffunpen <- matrix(predobj@unpenalized, ncol = 1)
if (length(coeffunpen) == 0) predell <- exp(Xsamw %*% coeffpen) else predell <- exp(Xsamw %*% coeffpen +
mmunpen[,wh,drop=FALSE] %*% coeffunpen)
predellall <- cbind(predellall, predell)
if (recalibrate) {
datlp <- Xsamw %*% predobj@penalized
if (model == "logistic")
refitmod <- glm(responseout ~ 1 + datlp,
family = "binomial")
else refitmod <- glm(responseout ~ 1 + datlp,
family = "gaussian")
print(paste("Recalibration intercept and slope for (gr)-ridge model",
ell, ":", round(refitmod$coefficients[1],
3), ";", round(refitmod$coefficients[2],
predell2 <- predict(refitmod, type = "response")
predellall2 <- cbind(predellall2, predell2)
if (arg$comparelasso) {
take <- npreds + 1
predobj <- penobj[[take]]
#UPDATED 9/4/2018: glmnet changed its new for the new offset....
predell <- try(as.numeric(predict(predobj,cbind(Xsam,mmout),s=c(optllasso),offset=offsout, type="response")), silent=T)
if(class(predell) == "try-error") predell <- as.numeric(predict(predobj,cbind(Xsam,mmout),s=c(optllasso),newoffset=offsout,type="response"))
predellall <- cbind(predellall, predell)
if (recalibrate) {
datlp <- Xsam %*% predobj$beta
if (model == "logistic")
refitmod <- glm(responseout ~ 1 + datlp,
family = "binomial")
else refitmod <- glm(responseout ~ 1 + datlp,
family = "gaussian")
print(paste("Recalibration intercept and slope for lasso model:",
round(refitmod$coefficients[1], 3), ";",
round(refitmod$coefficients[2], 3)))
predell2 <- predict(refitmod, type = "response")
predellall2 <- cbind(predellall2, predell2)
if (arg$selectionEN) {
nadd <- arg$comparelasso
toadd <- npreds + nadd
for (ell in 1:npredsEN) {
predobj <- penobj[[toadd+ell]]
nc <- ncol(grmin$lambdamultvec)
lmvecall <- grmin$lambdamultvec[, nc]
Xsamw <- t(t(Xsam)/sqrt(lmvecall))
whEN <- grmin$resEN[[ell]]$whichEN
Xsamw <- Xsamw[, whEN, drop = FALSE]
if(model != "survival") predell <- predict(predobj, Xsamw, unpenalized = unpenal, data = dataunpensam)[1:nout]
else { #survival (PENALIZED DOES NOT SUPPLY linear predictor...
mmunpen <- as.matrix(model.matrix(unpenal, dataunpensam))
wh <- match(names(predobj@unpenalized),colnames(mmunpen))
coeffpen <- matrix(predobj@penalized, ncol = 1)
coeffunpen <- matrix(predobj@unpenalized, ncol = 1)
if (length(coeffunpen) == 0) predell <- exp(Xsamw %*% coeffpen) else predell <- exp(Xsamw %*% coeffpen +
mmunpen[,wh,drop=FALSE] %*% coeffunpen)
predellall <- cbind(predellall, predell)
if (recalibrate) {
datlp <- Xsamw %*% predobj@penalized
if (model == "logistic")
refitmod <- glm(responseout ~ 1 + datlp,
family = "binomial")
else refitmod <- glm(responseout ~ 1 + datlp,
family = "gaussian")
print(paste("Recalibration intercept and slope for EN model",
ell, ":", round(refitmod$coefficients[1],
3), ";", round(refitmod$coefficients[2],
predell2 <- predict(refitmod, type = "response")
predellall2 <- cbind(predellall2, predell2)
} #end for ell
if (arg$compareunpenal) {
nadd <- arg$comparelasso + npredsEN
take <- npreds + nadd + 1
predobj <- penobj[[take]]
if(model != "survival") predell <- predict(predobj, newdata = dataunpensam, #bug repaired 19/12/2016: data -> newdata
type = "response")[1:nout]
else { #survival (PENALIZED DOES NOT SUPPLY linear predictor...
mmunpen <- as.matrix(model.matrix(unpenal, dataunpensam))
wh <- match(names(predobj@unpenalized),colnames(mmunpen))
coeffunpen <- matrix(predobj@unpenalized, ncol = 1)
predell <- exp(mmunpen[,wh,drop=FALSE] %*% coeffunpen)
predellall <- cbind(predellall, predell)
print(paste("Sample(s) left out:", samout))
colnames(predellall) <- nmp
if (recalibrate) {
colnames(predellall2) <- paste(nmp, "_recalib",
sep = "")
predellall <- cbind(predellall, predellall2)
print(data.frame(response = response[samout], predellall))
preds <- rbind(preds, predellall)
} #end outer CV for loop
sams <- unlist(folds)
od <- order(sams)
mat <- data.frame(response[responsesam], preds)[od, ]
mat <- data.frame(mat, whichfold)
colnames(mat) <- c("TrueResponse", colnames(preds), "whichfold")
} #end non-linear
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