### An function used to calculate the pairwise scores.
### We can restrict the pairs for which we calculate the scores.
SWAP.CalculateSignedScore <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup,
FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs, handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
## Check inputMat conformity
SWAP.Check.Input(phenoGroup = phenoGroup, inputMat = inputMat,
RestrictedPairs = RestrictedPairs)
## Filter input and format the data
formattedInput <- SWAP.Format.Input(phenoGroup =phenoGroup,
inputMat = inputMat, RestrictedPairs = RestrictedPairs,
FilterFunc = FilterFunc, verbose = verbose, ...)
## Compute the "unrestricted" classifier
if ( missing(RestrictedPairs) ) {
## Obtain the TSP scores
tryCatch(out <- calculateSignedScore(phenoGroup = phenoGroup ,
inputMat1 = formattedInput$inputMat,
inputMat2 = formattedInput$inputMat,
handleTies = handleTies, verbose = verbose)
,error = function(c){
if(verbose) cat(c$message, "\nYou may consider increasing the memory or filtering features")
} else {
## Then calculate the scores for these RestrictedPairs
tryCatch(out <- calculateSignedScore(phenoGroup = phenoGroup,
inputMat1 = formattedInput$inputMat,
inputMat2 = formattedInput$inputMat,
RestrictedPairs = formattedInput$FilteredPairs,
handleTies = handleTies, verbose = verbose )
,error = function(c){
if(verbose) cat(c$message, "\nYou may consider increasing the memory or filtering features")
### Return output
### SWAP.KTSP.Train trains a KTSP classifier.
### `inputMat' is a numerical matrix with columns representing samples
### and rows representing features (e.g. genes).
### `phenoGroup' is a factor containing the training labels.
### `krange' is the range of top disjoint pairs used in the KTSP classifier
### If after picking some pairs, only pairs with negligible score remains,
### then no more pair is chosen even the 'n' has not been reached.
SWAP.KTSP.Train <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, krange = 2:10, #c(3, 5, 7:10),
FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs, handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
## Check inputMat conformity
SWAP.Check.Input(phenoGroup = phenoGroup, inputMat = inputMat,
RestrictedPairs = RestrictedPairs)
## Filter input and format the data
formattedInput <- SWAP.Format.Input(phenoGroup, inputMat = inputMat,
RestrictedPairs = RestrictedPairs, FilterFunc = FilterFunc, ...)
## Prepare final output
if( handleTies){
## Compute the "unrestricted" classifier
if ( missing(RestrictedPairs) ) {
classifier <- SWAP.KTSP.Train.Plain.Ties(inputMat = formattedInput$inputMat,
phenoGroup = phenoGroup, maxK = max(krange), verbose = verbose )
} else {
## Develop restricted classifier
classifier <- SWAP.KTSP.Train.Restricted.Ties(inputMat = formattedInput$inputMat,
phenoGroup = phenoGroup, maxK = max(krange),
RestrictedPairs = formattedInput$FilteredPairs, verbose = verbose)
## Compute the "unrestricted" classifier
if ( missing(RestrictedPairs) ) {
classifier <- SWAP.KTSP.Train.Plain(inputMat = formattedInput$inputMat,
phenoGroup = phenoGroup, maxK = max(krange), verbose = verbose )
} else {
## Develop restricted classifier
classifier <- SWAP.KTSP.Train.Restricted(inputMat = formattedInput$inputMat,
phenoGroup = phenoGroup, maxK = max(krange),
RestrictedPairs = formattedInput$FilteredPairs, verbose = verbose)
## Use min T-test to select k
if(verbose) cat("Selecting K...\n")
kmin <- bestKByTtest(classifier = classifier, inputMat = inputMat,
phenoGroup = phenoGroup, krange = krange)
## Best K
kstar <- min(krange[kmin], nrow(classifier$TSPs))
if ( kstar != krange[kmin] ) {
if(verbose) cat(paste("The required range of k is not available!\n",
"The minimum number of available TSP (", kstar,
") will be used instead.\n", sep=""))
} else {
if(verbose) cat(paste(kstar, "TSP will be used to build the final classifier.\n"))
out <- list(name = sprintf("%dTSPs", kstar),
TSPs = classifier$TSPs[ 1:kstar , ],
score = classifier$score[ 1:kstar ],
labels = classifier$labels)
if("tieVote" %in% names(classifier))
out$tieVote = classifier$tieVote[ 1:kstar ]
## Return out
### It calculates the KTSP statistics : \sum_{k} I(X_i_k <X_j_k) - I(X_j_k <X_i_k)
### statistics = SWAP.KTSP.Statitsics(datTraining, classifiers)
SWAP.KTSP.Statistics <- function(inputMat, classifier, CombineFunc) {
## Checking inputMat
if ( !is.matrix(inputMat) || !is.numeric(inputMat) ) {
stop("inputMat must be a numeric matrix.")
## Check if this a one sample classification situation
if ( ncol(inputMat) == 1 ) {
inputMat <- as.matrix(inputMat)
## Comparisons
#loop over all comparisons
comparisons <- matrix(nrow = ncol(inputMat), ncol = nrow(classifier$TSPs))
comparisonnames <- vector(mode="character", length= nrow(classifier$TSPs))
rownames(comparisons) <- colnames(inputMat)
for( i in seq_len(nrow(classifier$TSPs))){
if(classifier$tieVote[i]=="both"){ #if the equality is not counted in favor of either classes
comparisons[,i] <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 2 ] , ]
+ 0.5* inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 1 ] , ] == inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 2 ] , ]
comparisonnames[i] = sprintf("%s>%s", classifier$TSPs[ i, 1 ], classifier$TSPs[ i, 2 ] )
}else if(classifier$tieVote[i] == classifier$labels[2]){#if the equality is counted in favor of class 1
comparisons[,i] <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 2 ] , ]
comparisonnames[i] = sprintf("%s>=%s", classifier$TSPs[ i, 1 ], classifier$TSPs[ i, 2 ] )
}else{#if the equality is counted in favor of class 0
comparisons[,i] <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 1 ] , ] >= inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 2 ] , ]
comparisonnames[i] = sprintf("%s>>%s", classifier$TSPs[ i, 1 ], classifier$TSPs[ i, 2 ] )
## Add row and column names
colnames(comparisons) <- comparisonnames
## Compute feature by samples switching
stats1 <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ]
stats2 <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] < inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ]
## Set the combine function if missing
if (missing(CombineFunc)) {
## Compute standard K statistics
KTSPstat <- apply(comparisons, 1 , sum) - nrow(classifier$TSPs)/2
## Add names
names(KTSPstat) <- colnames(inputMat)
} else {
## Apply combined function
KTSPstat <- apply(comparisons, 1, CombineFunc)
## ## Make plot if needed
## if (show)
## plot the figure like the figure in the paper.
## Comparisons
comparisons <- t(inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ])
## For 1-TSP
if(nrow(classifier$TSPs) == 1)
comparisons <- matrix(comparisons, , 1)
## Add row and column names
colnames(comparisons) <- mapply(x = classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] ,
y = classifier$TSPs [ , 2 ] ,
FUN = function(x,y) sprintf("%s>%s", x, y ) )
rownames(comparisons) <- colnames(inputMat)
## Compute feature by samples switching
stats1 <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ]
stats2 <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] < inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ]
## For 1-TSP
if(nrow(classifier$TSPs) == 1){
stats1 = t(matrix(stats1, , 1))
stats2 = t(matrix(stats2, , 1))
## Set the combine function if missing
if (missing(CombineFunc)) {
## Compute standard K statistics
stats1 <- apply(as.matrix(stats1), 2 , sum)
stats2 <- apply(as.matrix(stats2), 2 , sum)
KTSPstat <- stats1 - stats2
## Add names
names(KTSPstat) <- colnames(inputMat)
} else {
## Apply combined function
x <- stats1
KTSPstat <- apply(x, 2, CombineFunc)
## ## Make plot if needed
## if (show)
## plot the figure like the figure in the paper.
## Return statistics
out <- list(statistics = KTSPstat , comparisons = comparisons)
### The classifier for the test inputMat. 'inputMat' is the test inputMat.
### just threshold the outcome of KTSP Statistics
### This will be handled by a function inthe future
### CombineFunc must return a logical indicator
### TRUE for Good (2nd level in phenoGroup)
### FALSE for Bad (1st level in phenoGroup)
SWAP.KTSP.Classify <- function(inputMat, classifier, DecisionFunc) {
## Get the group labels
mylabels <- classifier$labels
## If CombineFunction is missing use default (majority wins)
if (missing(DecisionFunc)) {
## Compute the KTSP statistics
ktspStat <- SWAP.KTSP.Statistics(inputMat, classifier)$statistics > 0
} else {
## Use CombineFunc to compute the KTSP statistics
ktspStat <- SWAP.KTSP.Statistics(inputMat, classifier, DecisionFunc)$statistics
## Prepare and return the results
out <- factor(ifelse(ktspStat, mylabels[[2]], mylabels[[1]]), levels=mylabels)
### A function to filter the genes, other functions taking similar
### arguments will be passed to SWAP.KTSP.Train() in the future.
### Here the default filtering is based on the Wilcoxon rank-sum test:
### 50 top up-regulated and 50 top down-regulated genes
SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon <- function(phenoGroup, inputMat, featureNo = 100,
UpDown = TRUE) {
## Check inputMat conformity
SWAP.Check.Input(phenoGroup, inputMat)
## Get ranks and perform test
tiedData <- apply(inputMat, 2 , rank)
tiedDataP <- t(apply(tiedData, 1 , rank))
n <- sum(phenoGroup == levels(phenoGroup)[1])
m <- sum(phenoGroup == levels(phenoGroup)[2])
sumzeros <- apply(tiedDataP[ , which(phenoGroup == levels(phenoGroup)[1])], 1 , sum)
windex <- (sumzeros - n*(n+m+1)/2) / sqrt(n*m*(n+m+1)/12)
## Retrieve the features
if (UpDown) {
s <- order(windex, decreasing = TRUE)
lens <- length(s)
## UP
featuresIndexUp <- s[1:min(c(round(featureNo/2) , lens))]
featuresIndexDown <- s[ max(c(lens - round(featureNo/2) , 1)) : lens]
## Gene indexes
featuresIndex <- unique(c(featuresIndexUp , featuresIndexDown))
} else {
## The top features
s <- order(abs(windex) , decreasing=TRUE)
featuresIndex <- s[1:min(c(featureNo , length(s)))]
## Return results as ronames of inputMat
out <- rownames(inputMat)[featuresIndex]
### ====================================================================================================================================
### Replacement functions
SWAP.CalculateScores <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes = NULL, FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs = NULL,
handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, score_fn = signedTSPScores, score_opts = list(), ...){
calculateScores(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes, FilterFunc, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, verbose, score_fn, score_opts, ...)
SWAP.Train.KTSP <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes = NULL, krange = 2:10,
FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs = NULL,
handleTies = FALSE, disjoint = TRUE,
k_selection_fn = KbyTtest, k_opts = list(), score_fn = signedTSPScores, score_opts = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, ...){
classifier = trainkTSP(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes, krange,
FilterFunc, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, disjoint,
k_selection_fn, k_opts, score_fn, score_opts,
verbose, ...)
### New kTSP functions
SWAP.Train.1TSP <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes = NULL,
FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs = NULL,
handleTies = FALSE, disjoint = TRUE,
score_fn = signedTSPScores, score_opts = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, ...){
train1TSP(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes, FilterFunc, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, disjoint,
score_fn, score_opts, verbose, ...)
SWAP.Kby.Measurement <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, scoreTable, classes, krange,
k_opts=list(disjoint=TRUE, measurement="auc")){
KbyMeasurement(inputMat, phenoGroup, scoreTable, classes, krange, k_opts)
SWAP.Kby.Ttest <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, scoreTable, classes, krange, k_opts=list()){
KbyTtest(inputMat, phenoGroup, scoreTable, classes, krange, k_opts)
SWAP.MakeTSPTable <- function(Scores, maxk, disjoint = TRUE){
makeTSPTable(Scores, maxk, disjoint)
### Score functions
SWAP.Calculate.SignedTSPScores <- function(phenoGroup, inputMat1, inputMat2 = NULL, classes = NULL, RestrictedPairs = NULL,
handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, score_opts=list()){
signedTSPScores(phenoGroup, inputMat1, inputMat2, classes, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, verbose, score_opts)
SWAP.Calculate.BasicTSPScores <- function(phenoGroup, inputMat1, inputMat2 = NULL, classes = NULL, RestrictedPairs = NULL,
handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, score_opts=list()){
basicTSPScores(phenoGroup, inputMat1, inputMat2, classes, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, verbose, score_opts)
### Plotting functions
SWAP.PlotKTSP.Genes <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes, genes, colors=c(), legends=c(), ...){
plotGenes(inputMat, Groups, classes, genes, colors, legends, ...)
SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairScatter <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes, genes, colors=c(), legends=c(), ...){
plotGenePairScatter(inputMat, Groups, classes, genes, colors, legends, ...)
SWAP.PlotKTSP.TrainTestROC <- function(result, colors=c(), legends=c(), ...){
plotkTSPTrainTestROC(result, colors, legends, ...)
SWAP.PlotKTSP.Votes <- function(classifier, inputMat, Groups=NULL, CombineFunc, ...){
plotkTSPVotes(classifier, inputMat, Groups, CombineFunc, ...)
SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairBoxplot <- function(genes, inputMat, Groups=NULL, classes=NULL, points=FALSE, point_coloring="byGene", colors=c(), point_colors=c(), ...){
plotGenePairBoxplot(genes, inputMat, Groups, classes, points, point_coloring, colors, point_colors, ...)
SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairClassesBoxplot <- function(genes, inputMat, Groups, classes=NULL, points=FALSE, ordering="byGene", colors=c(), point_colors=c(),
point_directions=FALSE, ...){
plotGenePairClassesBoxplot(genes, inputMat, Groups, classes, points, ordering, colors, point_colors, point_directions, ...)
### Utility functions
SWAP.GetKTSP.PredictionStats <- function(predictions, truth, classes=NULL, decision_values=NULL){
getPredictionStats(predictions, truth, classes, decision_values)
SWAP.GetKTSP.Result <- function(classifier, inputMat, Groups, classes=NULL, predictions=FALSE, decision_values=FALSE){
getkTSPResult(classifier, inputMat, Groups, classes, predictions, decision_values)
SWAP.GetKTSP.TrainTestResults <- function(trainMat, trainGroup, testMat, testGroup, classes=NULL, predictions=FALSE, decision_values=FALSE, ...){
getkTSPTrainTestResults(trainMat, trainGroup, testMat, testGroup, classes, predictions, decision_values, ...)
SWAP.KTSP.CV <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes = NULL, k = 4, folds = NULL, randomize = TRUE, ...){
kTSPCV(inputMat, Groups, classes, k, folds, randomize, ...)
SWAP.KTSP.LOO <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes = NULL, ...){
kTSPLOO(inputMat, Groups, classes, ...)
### Miscellaneous functions
SWAP.ScoreMatrixToVector <- function(M){
SWAP.ScoreVectorToMatrix <- function(V){
SWAP.MakeTrainTestData <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes = NULL, p = .5){
make_train_test_data(inputMat, Groups, classes, p)
SWAP.GetKFoldIndices <- function(Groups, k = 4){
get_kfold_indices(Groups, k)
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