
Defines functions make_rc_url browseRC check_url_for_go_on_init check_url_for_basic_parameters reactive_url clipboard_url_button make_url_from_inputs getPageFromURL

Documented in browseRC make_rc_url

getPageFromURL <- function(session = NULL, url = session$clientData$url_hash) {
  utils::URLdecode(sub("#", "", session$clientData$url_hash))

#' Make URL from shiny reactive input
#' @noRd
make_url_from_inputs <- function(input, session) {
  host <- session$clientData$url_hostname
  if (host != "ribocrypt.org") {
    host <- paste0(host, ":", session$clientData$url_port)
  settings <- "/?"
  settings <- paste(settings,
                    paste("dff", input$dff, sep = "="),
                    paste("gene", input$gene, sep = "="),
                    paste("tx", input$tx, sep = "="),
                    paste("library", paste(input$library, collapse = ","), sep = "="),
                    paste("frames_type", input$frames_type, sep = "="),
                    paste("kmer", input$kmer, sep = "="),
                    paste("log_scale", input$log_scale, sep = "="),
                    paste("extendLeaders", input$extendLeaders, sep = "="),
                    paste("extendTrailers", input$extendTrailers, sep = "="),
                    paste("viewMode", input$viewMode, sep = "="),
                    paste("other_tx", input$other_tx, sep = "="),
                    paste("add_uorfs", input$add_uorfs, sep = "="),
                    paste("genomic_region", sub("\\+$", "p", input$genomic_region), sep = "="),
                    paste("customSequence", input$customSequence, sep = "="),
                    paste("phyloP", input$phyloP, sep = "="),
                    paste("summary_track", input$summary_track, sep = "="),
                    paste("go", "TRUE", sep = "="),
                    sep = "&")

  page <- getPageFromURL(session)
  page <- ifelse(page == "", "", paste0("#", page))
  # Now combine
  url <- paste0(host, settings, page)
  print(paste("URL:", url))

clipboard_url_button <- function(input, session) {
    inputId = "clip",
    label = "Get URL",
    clipText = make_url_from_inputs(input, session),
    icon = icon("clipboard"),
    tooltip = "Get URL to share for this plot. Copied to clipboard (ctrl+v to paste)",
    placement = "top",
    options = list(delay = list(show = 600, hide = 100), trigger = "hover")

#' Make the URL field reactive to page given
#' Currently does not support update of input fields other than selected page
#' @noRd
reactive_url <- function() {
  with(rlang::caller_env(), {
    observeEvent(session$clientData$url_hash, {
      currentHash <- getPageFromURL(session)
      if (is.null(input$navbarID) || !is.null(currentHash) && currentHash != input$navbarID){
        freezeReactiveValue(input, "navbarID")
        updateNavbarPage(session, "navbarID", selected = currentHash)
    }, priority = 1)
    observeEvent(input$navbarID, {
      currentHash <- getPageFromURL(session)
      pushQueryString <- paste0("#", input$navbarID)
      if(is.null(currentHash) || currentHash != input$navbarID){
        freezeReactiveValue(input, "navbarID")
        updateQueryString("?", mode = "replace", session)
        updateQueryString(pushQueryString, mode = "push", session)
    }, priority = 0, ignoreInit = TRUE)

check_url_for_basic_parameters <- function() {
  with(rlang::caller_env(), {
    observeEvent(session$clientData$url_hash, {
      # Update experiment from url api
      page <- getPageFromURL(session)
      req(id == page || (page == "" && id == "browser") || (page == "MetaBrowser" && id == "browser_allsamp"))
      query <- getQueryString()

      tag <- "dff"
      value <- query[tag][[1]]
      if (is.null(input[[tag]]) || !is.null(value) && value != input[[tag]]
          && rv$exp != value) {
        print("Update experiment from url API")
        rv$exp <- value
    }, priority = -5)

    observeEvent(session$clientData$url_hash, {
      page <- getPageFromURL(session)
      req(id == page || (page == "" && id == "browser") || (page == "MetaBrowser" && id == "browser_allsamp"))
      query <- getQueryString()
      req(length(query) > 0)
      print(paste("Page:", id))
      tag <- "gene"
      value <- query[tag][[1]]
      if (is.null(input[[tag]]) || !is.null(value) && value != input[[tag]]) {
        print(paste("Gene before:",isolate(input$gene)))
        print(paste("Update to:", value))
        gene_update_select(gene_name_list, selected = value)
        print(paste("Gene after:", isolate(input$gene)))

      tag <- "tx"
      value <- query[tag][[1]]
      if (is.null(input[[tag]]) || !is.null(value) && value != input[[tag]]){
        # freezeReactiveValue(input, tag)
        tx_update_select(gene_name_list = gene_name_list, selected = value)
      tag <- "library"
      value <- query[tag][[1]]
      if (!is.null(value)) {
        print(paste("Library update to:", value))
        value <- strsplit(x = value, ",")[[1]]
        if (length(value) > 0) {
          is_run_ids <- grep("SRR|ERR|DRR", value)
          l <- isolate(libs())
          matches_run <- matches_run_other <- TRUE
          if (length(is_run_ids) >  0) {
            print("Convert to ")
            run_ids <- runIDs(isolate(df()))
            matches_run <- run_ids %in% value[is_run_ids]
            matches_run_other <- value %in% run_ids

          if (length(value) == 1 && value == "all") {
            value <- l
          } else {
            matches <- (l %in% value) | matches_run
            matches_other <- (value %in% l) | matches_run_other
            if (!all(matches)) {
              warning("Given libraries from URL are not part of this experiment:", paste(value[!matches_other], collapse = ", "))
              if (all(!matches_other)) {
                value <- l[1]
              } else value <- l[matches]

        library_update_select(libs, selected = value)

      tag <- "frames_type"
      value <- query[tag][[1]]
      if (!is.null(value)) {
      tag <- "kmer"
      value <- query[tag][[1]]
      if (!is.null(value)) {

      # Numeric box updates
      for (tag in c("extendLeaders", "extendTrailers")) {
        value <- query[tag][[1]]
        if (!is.null(value)) {
          updateNumericInput(inputId = tag, value = value)
      # Free character box updated
      for (tag in c("customSequence", "genomic_region")) {
        value <- query[tag][[1]]
        if (!is.null(value)) {
          if (tag == "genomic_region") value <- sub("p$", "+", value)
          updateTextInput(inputId = tag, value = as.character(value))

      # Checkbox updates
      for (tag in c("viewMode", "other_tx", "add_uorfs", "summary_track", "log_scale", "phyloP")) {
        value <- query[tag][[1]]
        if (!is.null(value)) {
          updateCheckboxInput(inputId = tag, value = as.logical(value))
    }, priority = -10)


check_url_for_go_on_init <- function() {
  with(rlang::caller_env(), {
    no_go_yet <- reactiveVal(TRUE)
    observeEvent(session$clientData$url_hash, {
      page <- getPageFromURL(session)
      req(id == page || (page == "" && id == "browser") || (page == "MetaBrowser" && id == "browser_allsamp"))
      query <- getQueryString()
      tag <- "go"
      value <- query[tag][[1]]
      if (!is.null(value)) {
        if (value[1] == TRUE) {
          print("Ready, set...")
          browser_options["plot_on_start"] <- "FALSE"
          print("Set plot_on_start to FALSE")
    }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = FALSE, priority = -100)
    # Timer for running plot, we have to wait for setup to finish
    rtimer <- reactiveTimer(1000)
    timer <- reactive({req(no_go_yet() == FALSE);print("Timer activated!"); rtimer()}) %>%
      bindEvent(rtimer(), ignoreInit = TRUE)

    observeEvent(timer(), {
      if (!no_go_yet()) {
        req(input$gene != "")
        print(paste("Fire gene: ", isolate(input$gene)))
        query <- getQueryString()
        tag <- "gene"
        value <- query[tag][[1]]
        if (!is.null(value)) req(input$gene == value)
        req(input$tx != "" && !is.null(input$tx))
        tag <- "tx"
        value <- query[tag][[1]]
        if (!is.null(value)) req(input$tx == value)
        print(paste("Fire tx: ", isolate(input$tx)))
        print("Fire button!")
    }, ignoreInit = TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE, priority = -200)


#' Browse a gene on Ribocrypt webpage
#' Can also disply local RiboCrypt app
#' @inheritParams make_rc_url
#' @param browser getOption("browser")
#' @return browseURL, opens browse with page
#' @export
#' @examples
#' browseRC("ATF4", "ENSG00000128272")
browseRC <- function(symbol = NULL, gene_id = NULL, tx_id = NULL,
                     exp = "all_merged-Homo_sapiens_modalities",
                     libraries = NULL, leader_extension = 0, trailer_extension = 0,
                     viewMode = FALSE, other_tx = FALSE,
                     plot_on_start = TRUE, frames_type = "columns", kmer=1,
                     host = "https://ribocrypt.org",
                     browser = getOption("browser")) {

  full_url <- make_rc_url(symbol, gene_id, tx_id, exp, libraries,
                          leader_extension, trailer_extension,
                          viewMode, other_tx, plot_on_start, frames_type,
                          kmer, host)
  browseURL(full_url, browser = browser)

#' Create URL to browse a gene on Ribocrypt webpage
#' Can also make url for local RiboCrypt app'
#' On the actuall app, the function make_url_from_inputs is used on
#' the shiny reactive input object. This one is for manual use.
#' @inheritParams multiOmicsPlot_list
#' @param symbol gene symbol, default NULL
#' @param gene_id gene symbol, default NULL
#' @param tx_id gene symbol, default NULL
#' @param exp experiment name, default "all_merged-Homo_sapiens_modalities"
#' @param libraries NULL, default to first in experiment, c("RFP","RNA") would add RNA to default.
#' @param plot_on_start logical, default TRUE. Plot gene when opening browser.
#' @param frames_type "columns"
#' @param viewMode FALSE (transcript view), TRUE gives genomic.
#' @param other_tx FALSE, show all other annotation in region (isoforms etc.)
#' @param kmer integer, default 1 (no binning), binning size of windows, to smear out the signal.
#' @param host url, default "https://ribocrypt.org". Set to localhost for local version.
#' @return character, URL.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_rc_url("ATF4", "ENSG00000128272")
make_rc_url <- function(symbol = NULL, gene_id = NULL, tx_id = NULL,
                        exp = "all_merged-Homo_sapiens_modalities",
                        libraries = NULL, leader_extension = 0, trailer_extension = 0,
                        viewMode = FALSE, other_tx = FALSE,
                        plot_on_start = TRUE, frames_type = "columns", kmer=1,
                        host = "https://ribocrypt.org") {
  if (is.null(symbol) & is.null(gene_id))
    stop("At least on of symbol and gene_id must be defined!")
  settings <- "/?"
  settings <- paste(settings,
                    paste("dff", exp, sep = "="),
                    paste0("frames_type", frames_type, sep = "="),
                    paste0("kmer", kmer, sep = "="),
                    paste0("extendLeaders", leader_extension, sep = "="),
                    paste0("extendTrailers", trailer_extension, sep = "="),
                    paste0("viewMode", viewMode, sep = "="),
                    paste0("other_tx", other_tx, sep = "="),
                    sep = "&")
  prefix_url <- paste0(host, settings)
  gene <- paste0(if (!is.na(symbol) & !is.null(symbol)) {paste0(symbol, "-")} else NULL, gene_id)
  if (!is.null(tx_id)) tx_id <- paste0("&tx=", tx_id)
  if (!is.null(libraries)) libraries <- paste0("&library=", paste(libraries, collapse = ","))

  select <- paste0("&gene=", gene, tx_id, libraries)
  plot_on_start <- paste0("&go=", as.logical(plot_on_start))
  full_url <- paste0(prefix_url, select, plot_on_start)
m-swirski/RiboCrypt documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 11:57 p.m.