
Defines functions click_plot_codon get_fastq_page click_plot_boxplot click_plot_browser browser_track_panel_shiny phylo_custom_seq_track_panel custom_seq_track_panels bottom_panel_shiny get_exp get_gene_name_categories_collection get_gene_name_categories

get_gene_name_categories <- function(df) {
  print("Updating gene symbol / id table")
  dt <- suppressMessages(symbols(df))
  if (nrow(dt) == 0) {
    # Todo: make it faster
    dt <- mcols(GenomicFeatures::transcripts(loadTxdb(df),
                               columns = c("gene_id", "tx_name")))
    dt <- data.table(gene_id = unlist(dt$gene_id, use.names = FALSE),
                     tx_name = dt$tx_name)
    return(data.table(value = dt$tx_name, label = dt$gene_id))
  dt[, merged_name := do.call(paste, .SD, ), .SDcols = c(2,1)]
  dt[, merged_name := sub(" ",  "-", merged_name, fixed = TRUE)]
  dt[, merged_name := sub("(^-)|(^NA-)",  "", merged_name, perl = TRUE)]
  output_dt <- data.table(value = dt$ensembl_tx_name, label = dt$merged_name)
  if (! is.null(dt$uniprot_id))  output_dt[, uniprot_id := dt$uniprot_id]

get_gene_name_categories_collection <- function(df) {
  valid <- list.files(collection_dir_from_exp(df))
  valid <- gsub("\\.fst", "", valid)

  all_genes <- get_gene_name_categories(df)
  return(all_genes[value%in% valid,])

get_exp <- function(dff, experiments, env,
                    exps_dir = ORFik::config()["exp"]) {
  print(paste("Loading exp"))
  req(dff %in% experiments)
  print("New experiment loaded")
  return(read.experiment(dff, output.env = env, validate = FALSE,
                         in.dir = exps_dir))

bottom_panel_shiny <- function(mainPlotControls) {
  time_before <- Sys.time()
  print("Creating bottom panel..")
  viewMode <- ifelse(mainPlotControls()$viewMode, "genomic", "tx")
  df <- mainPlotControls()$dff
  annotation_list <- annotation_controller(df = df,
                                           display_range = mainPlotControls()$display_region,
                                           annotation = mainPlotControls()$annotation,
                                           leader_extension = mainPlotControls()$extendLeaders,
                                           trailer_extension = mainPlotControls()$extendTrailers,
                                           viewMode = viewMode)

  bottom_panel <- multiOmicsPlot_bottom_panels(reference_sequence = findFa(df),
                                               start_codons = "ATG", stop_codons = c("TAA", "TAG", "TGA"),
                                               custom_motif = mainPlotControls()$custom_sequence,
                                               custom_regions = mainPlotControls()$customRegions,
                                               tx_annotation = mainPlotControls()$tx_annotation)
  custom_bigwig_panels <- custom_seq_track_panels(mainPlotControls,
  cat("Done (bottom):"); print(round(Sys.time() - time_before, 2))
  return(c(bottom_panel, annotation_list, custom_bigwig_panels))

custom_seq_track_panels <- function(mainPlotControls, display_range) {
  if (!mainPlotControls()$phyloP) return(NULL)
  df <- mainPlotControls()$dff

  return(phylo_custom_seq_track_panel(df, display_range))

phylo_custom_seq_track_panel <- function(df, display_range) {
  phylo_dir <- file.path(dirname(df@fafile), "phyloP100way")
  if (dir.exists(phylo_dir)) {
    phylo_track <- list.files(phylo_dir, pattern = "\\.phyloP100way\\.bw$", full.names = TRUE)[1]
    if (length(phylo_track) == 1) {
      print("- Loading PhyloP track")
      grl <- display_range

      seqlevelsStyle(grl) <- seqlevelsStyle(rtracklayer::BigWigFile(phylo_track))[1]
      # TODO: Use ORFik:::coverage_random_access_file here!
      is_minus_strand <- !strandBool(grl)

      rl <- ranges(grl)
      names(rl) <- seqnamesPerGroup(grl, FALSE)
      res <- rtracklayer::import.bw(phylo_track, as = "NumericList",
                                    which = rl)
      if (is_minus_strand) {
        temp_cov2 <- rev(res)
        res <- relist(rev(unlist(temp_cov2)), skeleton = res)

      dt <- data.table(phyloP = unlist(res, use.names = FALSE))
      dt[, position := seq.int(.N)]
      p <- ggplot(data = dt) + geom_bar(aes(y = phyloP, x = position), stat="identity") +
        theme_classic() + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
                                axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
                                axis.text.x = element_blank(),
                                axis.title.y = element_blank(),
                                axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
                                axis.text.y = element_blank(),
                                plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "pt")) +
        scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))
      return(list(custom_bigwig_panels = p))
  return(NULL) # If no valid file found

browser_track_panel_shiny <- function(mainPlotControls, bottom_panel, session,
                                      reads = mainPlotControls()$reads,
                                      withFrames = mainPlotControls()$withFrames,
                                      viewMode = ifelse(mainPlotControls()$viewMode, "genomic","tx"),
                                      frames_type = mainPlotControls()$frames_type,
                                      colors = NULL,
                                      kmers = mainPlotControls()$kmerLength,
                                      kmers_type = c("mean", "sum")[1],
                                      ylabels = bamVarName(mainPlotControls()$dff),
                                      lib_to_annotation_proportions = c(0.8,0.2), lib_proportions = NULL,
                                      annotation_proportions = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL,
                                      plot_name = "default", plot_title = NULL,
                                      display_sequence = "nt", seq_render_dist = 100,
                                      aa_letter_code = c("one_letter", "three_letters")[1],
                                      log_scale = mainPlotControls()$log_scale,
                                      BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
                                      summary_track = mainPlotControls()$summary_track,
                                      summary_track_type = mainPlotControls()$summary_track_type,
                                      export.format = mainPlotControls()$export_format) {
  time_before <- Sys.time()
  print("Creating full browser panel..")
  # Input controller
  # Get NGS data track panels
  # browser()
  profiles <- multiOmicsPlot_all_profiles(bottom_panel$display_range, reads, kmers,
                                          kmers_type, frames_type,
                                          withFrames, log_scale, BPPARAM)
  track_panel <- multiOmicsPlot_all_track_plots(profiles, withFrames, colors, ylabels,
                                                ylabels_full_name, bottom_panel$lines,
                                                frames_type, total_libs,
                                                summary_track, summary_track_type,
  plot <- multiOmicsPlot_complete_plot(track_panel, bottom_panel,
                                       proportions, seq_render_dist,
                                       display_sequence, display_dist,
                                       input_id = session$ns("selectedRegion"),
                                       plot_name, plot_title, width, height,
  cat("Done (Full):"); print(round(Sys.time() - time_before, 2))

click_plot_browser <- function(mainPlotControls, session) {
  time_before <- Sys.time()
  print("Starting loading + Profile + plot calc")

  a <- RiboCrypt::multiOmicsPlot_ORFikExp(
    display_range = mainPlotControls()$display_region,
    df = mainPlotControls()$dff,
    display_sequence = "nt",
    reads = mainPlotControls()$reads,
    trailer_extension = mainPlotControls()$extendTrailers,
    leader_extension = mainPlotControls()$extendLeaders,
    annotation = mainPlotControls()$annotation,
    viewMode = ifelse(mainPlotControls()$viewMode, "genomic","tx"),
    kmers = mainPlotControls()$kmerLength,
    frames_type = mainPlotControls()$frames_type,
    custom_regions = mainPlotControls()$customRegions,
    custom_motif = mainPlotControls()$custom_sequence,
    log_scale = mainPlotControls()$log_scale,
    input_id = session$ns("selectedRegion"),
    summary_track = mainPlotControls()$summary_track,
    summary_track_type = mainPlotControls()$summary_track_type,
    export.format = mainPlotControls()$export_format

  cat("lib loading + Coverage calc: "); print(round(Sys.time() - time_before, 2))

click_plot_boxplot <- function(boxPlotControls, session) {

get_fastq_page <- function(input, libs, df, relative_dir) {
  print("In fastq page")
  dff <- observed_exp_subset(isolate(input$library), libs, df)
  trim_dir <- file.path(libFolder(dff), relative_dir)
  if (!dir.exists(trim_dir)) {
    warning("No valid trim directory")
  candidates <- list.files(trim_dir, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "html")
  candidates_base <- gsub("report_", "", sub(".html$", "", basename(candidates)))
  proper_names <- gsub("_Aligned.*", "", ORFik:::remove.file_ext(dff$filepath,basename = TRUE))
  path <- grep(pattern = proper_names, candidates, value = TRUE)
  if (length(path) != 1) {
    hits <- lapply(candidates_base, function(x) grep(x, proper_names))
    path <- candidates[unlist(hits)]
    if (length(path) != 1) {
      warning("No valid html file found in folder!")
  addResourcePath("tmpuser", dirname(path))
  path <- file.path("tmpuser", basename(path))
  page <- tags$iframe(seamless="seamless", src= path, width=1000, height=900)

click_plot_codon <- function(input, coverage) {
  message("-- Plotting codon usage")

  score_column <-
    if (input$codon_score == "percentage") {
      score_column_name <- "relative_to_max_score"
    } else if (input$codon_score == "dispersion(NB)") {
      score_column_name <- "dispersion_txNorm"
    } else if (input$codon_score == "alpha(DMN)") {
      score_column_name <- "alpha"
    } else if (input$codon_score == "sum") {
      score_column_name <- "sum"

  if (input$differential) {
    pairs <- ORFik::combn.pairs(unique(coverage()$variable))
    dt <- data.table()
    type <- NULL # avoid BiocCheck error
    for (pair in pairs) {
      sample1 <- coverage()[variable == pair[1],]
      sample2 <- coverage()[variable == pair[2],]
      score_column <-
        sample1[, score_column_name, with = FALSE] /
        sample2[, score_column_name, with = FALSE]
      dt <- rbindlist(list(dt,
                 data.table(variable = paste(sample1$variable,
                                            sample2$variable, sep = " vs "),
                            seqs = sample1$seqs,
                            type = sample1$type,
                            score_column = score_column[[1]])))
                            aes(score_column, seqs)) +
                       geom_point(color = "blue") +
                       scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "orange",
                                            mid = "white") +
                       theme(axis.text.y = element_text(family = "monospace")) +
                       facet_grid(type ~ variable))
  } else {
                            aes(type, seqs, fill = score_column)) +
                       geom_tile(color = "white") +
                       scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "orange",
                                            mid = "white") +
                       theme(axis.text.y = element_text(family = "monospace")) +
                       facet_wrap(coverage()$variable, ncol = 4))

m-swirski/RiboCrypt documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 12:20 a.m.