#' Estimate nuisance values
#' Generic function interface
#' @param input_obj Main object
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @return Output dependent on class of \code{input_obj}
#' @export
estimate_nuisance <- function(input_obj, ...) {UseMethod("estimate_nuisance")}
#' Estimate nuisance values for eSVD objects (i.e., over-dispersion)
#' Assumes a Gamma-Poisson model where the mean and variance are proportionally
#' related.
#' @param input_obj \code{eSVD} object outputed from \code{opt_esvd.eSVD}.
#' Specifically, the nuisance parameters will be estimated
#' based on the fit in \code{input_obj[[input_obj[["latest_Fit"]]]]}.
#' @param bool_covariates_as_library Boolean to adjust the numerator in the posterior by the donor covariates, default is \code{FALSE}.
#' This parameter is experimental, and we have not yet encountered a scenario where it is useful to be set to be \code{TRUE}.
#' @param bool_library_includes_interept Boolean if the intercept term from the eSVD matrix factorization should be included in the calculation for the covariate-adjusted library size, default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param bool_use_log Boolean if the nuisance (i.e., over-dispersion) parameter should be estimated on the log scale, default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param min_val Minimum value of the nuisance parameter.
#' @param verbose Integer.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return \code{eSVD} object with \code{nuisance_vec} appended to the list in
#' \code{input_obj[[input_obj[["latest_Fit"]]]]}.
#' @export
estimate_nuisance.eSVD <- function(input_obj,
bool_covariates_as_library = F,
bool_library_includes_interept = T,
bool_use_log = F,
min_val = 1e-4,
verbose = 0, ...){
stopifnot(inherits(input_obj, "eSVD"), "latest_Fit" %in% names(input_obj),
input_obj[["latest_Fit"]] %in% names(input_obj),
inherits(input_obj[[input_obj[["latest_Fit"]]]], "eSVD_Fit"))
dat <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "dat", which_fit = NULL)
covariates <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "covariates", which_fit = NULL)
latest_Fit <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "latest_Fit", which_fit = NULL)
case_control_variable <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "init_case_control_variable", which_fit = "param")
if(is.null(case_control_variable)) case_control_variable <- numeric(0)
x_mat <-.get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "x_mat", which_fit = latest_Fit)
y_mat <-.get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "y_mat", which_fit = latest_Fit)
z_mat <-.get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "z_mat", which_fit = latest_Fit)
library_size_variable <- .get_object(input_obj,
which_fit = "param",
what_obj = "init_library_size_variable")
library_size_variables <- library_size_variable
if(bool_covariates_as_library) library_size_variables <- c(library_size_variables, setdiff(colnames(covariates), c("Intercept", case_control_variable)))
if(bool_library_includes_interept) library_size_variables <- c("Intercept", library_size_variables)
library_idx <- which(colnames(covariates) %in% library_size_variables)
nat_mat1 <- tcrossprod(x_mat, y_mat)
nat_mat2 <- tcrossprod(covariates[,-library_idx], z_mat[,-library_idx])
nat_mat_nolib <- nat_mat1 + nat_mat2
mean_mat_nolib <- exp(nat_mat_nolib)
library_mat <- exp(tcrossprod(
covariates[,library_idx], z_mat[,library_idx]
nuisance_vec <- estimate_nuisance.default(
input_obj = dat,
mean_mat = mean_mat_nolib,
library_mat = library_mat,
bool_use_log = bool_use_log,
min_val = min_val,
verbose = verbose
input_obj[[latest_Fit]]$nuisance_vec <- nuisance_vec
param <- .format_param_nuisance(bool_covariates_as_library = bool_covariates_as_library,
bool_library_includes_interept = bool_library_includes_interept,
bool_use_log = bool_use_log,
min_val = min_val)
input_obj$param <- .combine_two_named_lists(input_obj$param, param)
#' Estimate nuisance values for matrix or sparse matrices.
#' @param input_obj Dataset (either \code{matrix} or \code{dgCMatrix}) where the \eqn{n} rows represent cells
#' and \eqn{p} columns represent genes.
#' The rows and columns of the matrix should be named.
#' @param mean_mat A \code{matrix} of \eqn{n} rows and \eqn{p} columns that represents the
#' expected value of each entry.
#' @param library_mat A \code{matrix} of \eqn{n} rows and \eqn{p} columns that represents the
#' library size of each entry.
#' @param bool_use_log Boolean if the nuisance (i.e., over-dispersion) parameter should be estimated on the log scale, default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param min_val Minimum value of the nuisance parameter.
#' @param verbose Integer.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return Vector of length \eqn{p}
#' @export
estimate_nuisance.default <- function(input_obj,
bool_use_log = F,
min_val = 1e-4,
verbose = 0, ...){
stopifnot(inherits(input_obj, c("matrix", "dgCMatrix")),
is.matrix(mean_mat), is.matrix(library_mat),
all(dim(mean_mat) == dim(input_obj)),
all(dim(library_mat) == dim(input_obj)))
p <- ncol(input_obj)
nuisance_vec <- sapply(1:p, function(j){
if(verbose ==1 && p > 10 && j %% floor(p/10) == 0) cat('*')
if(verbose >= 2) print(paste0(j, " of ", p))
.nuisance_in_sequence(j = j,
mu = mean_mat[,j],
s = library_mat[,j],
x = as.numeric(input_obj[,j]),
bool_use_log = bool_use_log,
verbose = verbose)
if(length(colnames(input_obj)) > 0) names(nuisance_vec) <- colnames(input_obj)
pmax(nuisance_vec, min_val)
.nuisance_in_sequence <- function(j, mu, s, x, bool_use_log, verbose){
res <- tryCatch(
gamma_rate(x = x,
mu = mu,
s = s),
warning = function(e){NULL},
error = function(e){NULL})
if(!all(is.null(res))) {return(res)}
res <- tryCatch(
exp(log_gamma_rate(x = x,
mu = mu,
s = s)),
warning = function(e){NULL},
error = function(e){NULL})
if(!all(is.null(res))) {return(res)}
if(verbose > 0) warning(paste0("Nuisance estimation failed at variable ", j))
.format_param_nuisance <- function(bool_covariates_as_library,
min_val) {
list(nuisance_bool_covariates_as_library = bool_covariates_as_library,
nuisance_bool_library_includes_interept = bool_library_includes_interept,
nuisance_bool_use_log = bool_use_log,
nuisance_min_val = min_val)
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