
Defines functions .annotateMappingBias .findOverlapsCheckAlt .annotateMappingBiasVcf setMappingBiasVcf

Documented in setMappingBiasVcf

#' Set Mapping Bias VCF
#' Function to set mapping bias for each variant in the provided
#' \code{CollapsedVCF} object. By default, it returns the same value for all
#' variants, but a mapping bias file can be provided for position-specific
#' mapping bias calculation.
#' @param vcf \code{CollapsedVCF} object, read in with the \code{readVcf}
#' function from the VariantAnnotation package.
#' @param tumor.id.in.vcf Id of tumor in case multiple samples are stored in
#' VCF.
#' @param mapping.bias.file A precomputed mapping bias database 
#' obtained by \code{\link{calculateMappingBiasVcf}}.
#' instead.
#' reference and alt counts as AD genotype field. Should be compressed and
#' @param smooth Impute mapping bias of variants not found in the panel by
#' smoothing of neighboring SNPs. Requires \code{mapping.bias.file}.
#' @param smooth.n Number of neighboring variants used for smoothing.
#' @return Adds elements to the \code{vcf} \code{INFO} field
#' \item{bias}{A \code{numeric(nrow(vcf))} 
#' vector with the mapping bias of for each
#' variant in the \code{CollapsedVCF}. Mapping bias is expected as scaling
#' factor. Adjusted allelic fraction is (observed allelic fraction)/(mapping
#' bias). Maximum scaling factor is 1 and means no bias.}
#' \item{pon.count}{A \code{numeric(nrow(vcf))} vector with the number
#' of hits in the \code{mapping.bias.file}.}
#' \item{shape1, shape2}{Fit of a beta distribution.}
#' @author Markus Riester
#' @examples
#' # This function is typically only called by runAbsoluteCN via 
#' # fun.setMappingBiasVcf and args.setMappingBiasVcf.
#' vcf.file <- system.file("extdata", "example.vcf.gz", package="PureCN")
#' vcf <- readVcf(vcf.file, "hg19")
#' vcf.bias <- setMappingBiasVcf(vcf)        
#' @export setMappingBiasVcf
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb genome<-
setMappingBiasVcf <- function(vcf, tumor.id.in.vcf = NULL, mapping.bias.file = NULL,
smooth = TRUE, smooth.n = 5) {
    if (is.null(tumor.id.in.vcf)) {
        tumor.id.in.vcf <- .getTumorIdInVcf(vcf)

    mappingBias <- 1
    if (!is.null(info(vcf)$SOMATIC) && ncol(vcf) > 1) {
         normal.id.in.vcf <- .getNormalIdInVcf(vcf, tumor.id.in.vcf)
         faAll <- as.numeric(geno(vcf)$FA[!info(vcf)$SOMATIC, normal.id.in.vcf])
         mappingBias <- mean(faAll, na.rm=TRUE) * 2
         if (is.nan(mappingBias)) {
             flog.warn("Calculated mapping bias from somatic SNVs is not a number. Setting it to 0.49 but there is likely an issue with your input VCF.")
             mappingBias <- 0.49
         flog.info("Found SOMATIC annotation in VCF. Setting mapping bias to %.3f.",
    if (is.null(info(vcf)$SOMATIC) && is.null(mapping.bias.file)) {
            "VCF does not contain somatic status. For best results, consider%s%s",
            " providing mapping.bias.file when matched normals are not ",
    tmp <- rep(mappingBias, nrow(vcf))
    if (is.null(mapping.bias.file)) {
                    data.frame(bias = tmp, pon.count = 0, mu = NA, rho = NA)))

    if (tolower(file_ext(mapping.bias.file)) == "rds") {
        flog.info("Loading mapping bias file %s...",
        mappingBias <- readRDS(mapping.bias.file)
        flog.info("Found %i variants in mapping bias file.", length(mappingBias))
    } else {
        .stopUserError("mapping.bias.file must be a file with *.rds suffix.")
        .annotateMappingBias(tmp, vcf, mappingBias, smooth, smooth.n)

.annotateMappingBiasVcf <- function(vcf, mappingBias) {
    prefix <- .getPureCNPrefixVcf(vcf)
    if (length(vcf) != nrow(mappingBias)) {
        .stopRuntimeError("vcf and mappingBias do not align.")
    newInfo <- DataFrame(
        Number = 1, 
        Type = c("Float", "Integer", "Float", "Float"),
        Description = c("Mapping Bias", "PoN Count", "mu of beta-binomial fit",
                        "rho of beta-binomial fit"),
        row.names = paste0(prefix, c("MBB", "MBPON", "MBMU", "MBRHO")))
    colnames(mappingBias) <- rownames(newInfo)
    info(header(vcf)) <- rbind(info(header(vcf)), newInfo)
    info(vcf) <- cbind(info(vcf), mappingBias) 
.findOverlapsCheckAlt <- function(a, b) {
    ov1 <- findOverlaps(a, b, select = "first")
    if ( (!is(a, "VCF") && is.null(a$ALT)) || 
         (!is(b, "VCF") && is.null(b$ALT)))
    ov2 <- findOverlaps(a, b, select = "last")
    .get_alt <- function(x) {
        if (!is.null(x$ALT)) {
            if (is(x$ALT, "character")) {
                # GenomicsDB cleanup
            } else {
                return(sapply(x$ALT, as.character))
        sapply(alt(x), as.character)
    idx <- which(ov1 != ov2)
    if (length(idx)) {
        alt_a <- .get_alt(a[idx])
        alt_b <- list(.get_alt(b[ov1[idx]]), .get_alt(b[ov2[idx]]))
        alt_m <- sapply(seq_along(alt_a), function(i)
            ifelse(alt_a[i] %in% unlist(alt_b[[2]][i]), 2, 1))
        ov1[idx[which(alt_m != 1)]] <- ov2[idx[which(alt_m != 1)]] 
.annotateMappingBias <- function(tmp, vcf, mappingBias, smooth, smooth.n) {
    mappingBias <- .checkSeqlevelStyle(vcf, mappingBias, "mapping.bias.file", "vcf")
    .compareGenomes <- function(x, y) {
        gx <- genome(x)
        gy <- genome(y)
        isc <- intersect(names(gx), names(gy))
        identical(gx[isc], gy[isc])
    if (!.compareGenomes(vcf, mappingBias)) {
        genome(mappingBias) <- genome(vcf)
    .extractBias <- function(i, start.var) {
        start <- max(1, i-smooth.n)
        end <- min(length(mappingBias), (i+smooth.n))
        bias <- mappingBias[seq(start,end)]
        #make sure
        bias <- bias[seqnames(bias)==seqnames(mappingBias)[i]]
        #weighted.mean(bias$bias, w = sqrt(bias$pon.count)/sqrt(abs(start(bias) - start.var)+1))
        weighted.mean(bias$bias, w = bias$pon.count)
    ponCnt <- integer(length(tmp))
    mu <- rep(NA, length(tmp))
    rho <- rep(NA, length(tmp))
    ov <- .findOverlapsCheckAlt(vcf, mappingBias)
    idx <- !is.na(ov)
    tmp[idx] <- mappingBias$bias[ov][idx]
    ponCnt[idx] <- mappingBias$pon.count[ov][idx]
    if (!is.null(mappingBias$mu)) {
        mu[idx] <- mappingBias$mu[ov][idx]
        rho[idx] <- mappingBias$rho[ov][idx]
    if (smooth) {
        idx <- !(idx | grepl("purecn_ignore", fixed(vcf)$FILTER))
        flog.info("Imputing mapping bias for %i variants...", 
            sum(idx, na.rm = TRUE))
        near <- nearest(vcf[idx], mappingBias, ignore.strand=TRUE)
        start.var <- start(vcf)[idx]
        tmp[idx][!is.na(near)] <- sapply(which(!is.na(near)), function(i) .extractBias(near[i], start.var[i]))
    if (anyNA(tmp)) {
        flog.warn("Could not impute mapping bias for all variants. Did you use calculateMappingBiasVcf?")
        tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- 1
    return(data.frame(bias = tmp, pon.count = ponCnt,
                mu = mu, rho = rho))
lima1/PureCN documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:48 a.m.