#' Read allelic counts file
#' Read file containing counts of ref and alt alleles of common
# SNPs by external tools like The Genome Analysis
#' Toolkit 4.
#' @param file Input file containing counts of ref and alt alleles
#' @param format File format. If missing, derived from the file
#' extension. Currently only GATK4 CollectAllelicCounts (tsv)
#' format supported.
#' @param zero Start position is 0-based. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' for GATK, \code{TRUE} for BED file based intervals.
#' @return A \code{CollapsedVCF} with the parsed allelic counts.
#' @author Markus Riester
#' @examples
#' ac.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_allelic_counts.tsv",
#' package="PureCN")
#' vcf_ac <- readAllelicCountsFile(ac.file)
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet DNAStringSetList
#' @export readAllelicCountsFile
readAllelicCountsFile <- function(file, format, zero=NULL) {
if (missing(format)) format <- "tsv"
.readAllelicCountsFileGatk4(file, zero)
.writeAllelicCountsFileGatk <- function(vcf, id = 1, file) {
outputCounts <- data.frame(
CONTIG = seqnames(vcf),
POSITION = start(vcf),
REF_COUNT = sapply(geno(vcf)$AD[,id], function(x) x[1]),
ALT_COUNT = sapply(geno(vcf)$AD[,id], function(x) x[2]),
REF_NUCLEOTIDE = as.character(ref(vcf)),
ALT_NUCLEOTIDE = unlist(CharacterList(alt(vcf)))
con <- file(file, open = "w")
.writeGATKHeader(vcf, id, con, "allelic counts")
write.table(outputCounts, con, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
.parseGATKHeader <- function(con) {
.extractField <- function(line, field) {
fields <- strsplit(line, "\t")[[1]]
key <- paste0("^", field, ":")
fields <- fields[grep(key, fields)]
gsub(key, "", fields[1])
sid <- NULL
sl <- list()
while ( TRUE ) {
line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
if ( length(line) == 0 || !grepl("^@", line)[1]) {
if (grepl("^@RG", line)[1]) sid <- .extractField(line, "SM")
if (grepl("^@SQ", line)[1]) {
sl[[.extractField(line, "SN")]] <- .extractField(line, "LN")
return(list(sid = sid, sl = sl, last_line = line))
.readAllelicCountsFileGatk4 <- function(file, zero) {
if (!is.null(zero)) flog.warn("zero ignored for GATK4 files.")
con <- file(file, open = "r")
header <- .parseGATKHeader(con)
inputCounts <- try(read.delim(con, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if (is(inputCounts, "try-error")) {
.stopUserError("Error reading AllelicCountsFile ", file)
colnames(inputCounts) <- strsplit(header$last_line, "\t")[[1]]
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = inputCounts$CONTIG, IRanges(start = inputCounts$POSITION, end = inputCounts$POSITION))
vcf <- VCF(gr,
colData = DataFrame(Samples = 1, row.names = header$sid),
exptData = list(header = VCFHeader(samples = header$sid)))
ref(vcf) <- DNAStringSet(inputCounts$REF_NUCLEOTIDE)
#alt(vcf) <- DNAStringSetList(split(inputCounts$ALT_NUCLEOTIDE, seq(length(vcf))))
alt(vcf) <- DNAStringSetList(as.list(inputCounts$ALT_NUCLEOTIDE))
info(header(vcf)) <- DataFrame(
Number = "0",
Type = "Flag",
Description = "Likely somatic status, based on SOMATIC or Cosmic.CNT info fields, population allele frequency, or germline database membership",
row.names = "DB")
geno(header(vcf)) <- DataFrame(
Number =".",
Type = "Integer",
Description = "Allelic depths for the ref and alt alleles in the order listed",
row.names = "AD")
info(vcf)$DB <- TRUE
geno(vcf)$AD <- matrix(lapply(seq(nrow(inputCounts)), function(i)
c(inputCounts$REF_COUNT[i], inputCounts$ALT_COUNT[i])),
ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, header$sid))
names(vcf) <- paste0(seqnames(vcf), ":", start(vcf))
if (length(header$sl)) {
header$sl <- sapply(header$sl, as.numeric)
seqlengths(vcf) <- header$sl[names(seqlengths(vcf))]
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