#' Performs a plethora of set enrichment analyses over varied inputs.
#' This is a wrapper function that delegates GSEA analyses to different
#' "workers", each of which implements the flavor of GSEA of your choosing.
#' The particular analyses that are performed are specified by the
#' `methods` argument, and these methods are fine tuned by passing their
#' arguments down through the `...` of this wrapper function.
#' Set enrichment analyses can either be performed over an expression object,
#' which requires the specification of the experiment design and contrast of
#' interest, or over a set of features to rank (stored as a data.frame or
#' vector).
#' Note that we are currently in the middle of a refactor to accept and fully
#' take advantage of `data.frame` as inputs for `x`, which will be used for
#' preranked type of GSEA methods. See the following issue for more details:
#' https://github.com/lianos/multiGSEA/issues/24
#' The bulk of the GSEA methods currently available in this package come from
#' edgeR/limma, however others are included (and are being added), as well.
#' *GSEA Methods* and *GSEA Method Parameterization* sections for more details.
#' In addition to performing GSEA, this function also internally orchestrates
#' a differential expression analysis, which can be tweaked by identifying
#' the parameters in the [calculateIndividualLogFC()] function, and
#' passing them down through `...` here. The results of the differential
#' expression analysis (ie. the [limma::topTable()]) are accessible by calling
#' the [logFC()] function on the [SparrowResult()] object returned from this
#' function call.
#' **Please Note**: be sure to cite the original GSEA method when using
#' results generated from this function.
#' @section GSEA Methods:
#' You can choose the methods you would like to run by providing a character
#' vector of GSEA method names to the \code{methods} parameter. Valid methods
#' you can select from include:
#' - `"camera"`: from [limma::camera()] (*)
#' - `"cameraPR"`: from [limma::cameraPR()]
#' - `"ora"`: overrepresentation analysis optionally accounting for bias
#' ([ora()]). This method is a wrapper function that makes the functionality
#' in [limma::kegga()] available to an arbitrary GeneSetDb.
#' - `"roast"`: from [limma::roast()] (*)
#' - `"fry"`: from [limma::fry()] (*)
#' - `"romer"`: from [limma::romer()] (*)
#' - `"geneSetTest"`: from [limma::geneSetTest()]
#' - `"goseq"`: from [goseq::goseq()]
#' - `"fgsea"`: from [fgsea::fgsea()]
#' Methods annotated with a `(*)` indicate that these methods require
#' a complete expression object, a valid design matrix, and a contrast
#' specification in order to run. These are all of the same things you need to
#' provide when performing a vanilla differential gene expression analysis.
#' Methods missing a `(*)` can be run on a feature-named input vector
#' of gene level statistics which will be used for ranking (ie. a named vector
#' of logFC's or t-statistics for genes). They can also be run by providing
#' an expression, design, and contrast vector, and the appropriate statistics
#' vector will be generated internally from the t-statistics, p-values, or
#' log-fold-changes, depending on the value provided in the `score.by`
#' parameter.
#' The worker functions that execute these GSEA methods are functions named
#' `do.METHOD` within this package. These functions are not meant to be executed
#' directly by the user, and are therefore not exported. Look at the respective
#' method's help page (ie. if you are running `"camera"`, look at the
#' [limma::camera()] help page for full details. The formal parameters that
#' these methods take can be passed to them via the `...` in this `seas()`
#' function.
#' @section GSEA Method Parameterization:
#' Each GSEA method can be tweaked via a custom set of parameters. We leave the
#' documentation of these parameters and how they affect their respective GSEA
#' methods to the documentation available in the packages where they are
#' defined. The `seas()` call simply has to pass these parameters down
#' into the `...` parameters here. The `seas` function will then pass these
#' along to their worker functions.
#' **What happens when two different GSEA methods have parameters with the
#' same name?**
#' Unfortunately you currently cannot provide different values for these
#' parameters. An upcoming version version of sparrow will support this
#' feature via slightly different calling semantics. This will also allow the
#' caller to call the same GSEA method with different parameterizations so that
#' even these can be compared against each other.
#' @section Differential Gene Expression:
#' When the `seas()` call is given an expression matrix, design, and
#' contrast, it will also internally orchestrate a gene level differential
#' expression analysis. Depending on the type of expression object passed in
#' via `x`, this function will guess on the best method to use for this
#' analysis.
#' If `x` is a \code{DGEList}, then ensure that you have already called
#' [edgeR::estimateDisp()] on `x` and edgeR's quasilikelihood framework will be
#' used, otherwise we'll use limma (note that `x` can be an `EList` run through
#' `voom()`, `voomWithQuailityWeights()`, or when where you have leveraged
#' limma's [limma::duplicateCorrelation()] functionality, even.
#' The parameters of this differential expression analysis can also be
#' customized. Please refer to the [calculateIndividualLogFC()] function for
#' more information. The `use.treat`, `feature.min.logFC`,
#' `feature.max.padj`, as well as the `...` parameters from this function are
#' passed down to that funciton.
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply SerialParam bpparam
#' @param x An object to run enrichment analyses over. This can be an
#' ExpressoinSet-like object that you can differential expression over
#' (for roast, fry, camera), a named (by feature_id) vector of scores to run
#' ranked-based GSEA, a data.frame with feature_id's, ranks, scores, etc.
#' @param gsd The [GeneSetDb()] that defines the gene sets of interest.
#' @param methods A character vector indicating the GSEA methods you want to
#' run. Refer to the GSEA Methods section for more details.
#' If no methods are specified, only differential gene expression and geneset
#' level statistics for the contrast are computed.
#' @param design A design matrix for the study
#' @param contrast The contrast of interest to analyze. This can be a column
#' name of `design`, or a contrast vector which performs "coefficient
#' arithmetic" over the columns of `design`. The `design` and `contrast`
#' parameters are interpreted in *exactly* the same way as the same parameters
#' in limma's [limma::camera()] and [limma::roast()] methods.
#' @param use.treat should we use limma/edgeR's "treat" functionality for the
#' gene-level differential expression analysis?
#' @param feature.min.logFC The minimum logFC required for an individual
#' feature (not geneset) to be considered differentialy expressed. Used in
#' conjunction with `feature.max.padj` primarily for summarization
#' of genesets (by [geneSetsStats()], but can also be used by GSEA methods
#' that require differential expression calls at the individual feature level,
#' like [goseq()].
#' @param feature.max.padj The maximum adjusted pvalue used to consider an
#' individual feature (not geneset) to be differentially expressed. Used in
#' conjunction with `feature.min.logFC`.
#' @param trim The amount to trim when calculated trimmed `t` and
#' `logFC` statistics for each geneset. This is passed down to the
#' [geneSetsStats()] function.
#' @param verbose make some noise during execution?
#' @param ... The arguments are passed down into
#' [calculateIndividualLogFC()] and the various geneset analysis functions.
#' @param score.by This tells us how to rank the features after differential
#' expression analysis when `x` is an expression container. It specifies the
#' name of the column to use downstream of a differential expression analysis
#' over `x`. If `x` is a data.frame that needs to be ranked, see `rank_by`.
#' @param rank_by Only works when `x` is a data.frame-like input. The name of a
#' column that should be used to rank the features in `x` for pre-ranked gsea
#' tests like cameraPR or fgsea. `rank_by` overrides `score.by`
#' @param rank_order Only used when `x` is a data.frame-like input. Specifies
#' how the features in `x` should be used to rank the features in `x` using
#' the `rank_by` column. Accepted values are:
#' `"ordered"` (default) means that the rows in `x` are pre-ranked already.
#' `"descendeing"`, and `"ascending"`.
#' @param xmeta. A hack to support data.frame inputs for `x`. End users should
#' not use this.
#' @param BPPARAM a *BiocParallel* parameter definition, like one generated from
#' [BiocParallel::MulticoreParam()], or [BiocParallel::BatchtoolsParam()],
#' for instance, which is passed down to [BiocParallel]::bplapply()]. Default
#' is set to [BiocParallel::SerialParam()]
#' @return A [SparrowResult()] which holds the results of all the analyses
#' specified in the `methods` parameter.
#' @examples
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet()
#' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' mg <- seas(vm, gdb, c('camera', 'fry'),
#' design = vm$design, contrast = 'tumor',
#' # customzie camera parameter:
#' inter.gene.cor = 0.04)
#' resultNames(mg)
#' res.camera <- result(mg, 'camera')
#' res.fry <- result(mg, 'fry')
#' res.all <- results(mg)
seas <- function(x, gsd, methods = NULL,
design = NULL, contrast = NULL, use.treat = FALSE,
feature.min.logFC = if (use.treat) log2(1.25) else 1,
feature.max.padj = 0.10, trim = 0.10, verbose = FALSE, ...,
score.by = c('t', 'logFC', 'pval'),
rank_by = NULL,
rank_order = c("ordered", "descending", "ascending"),
xmeta. = NULL, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam()) {
stopifnot(is(BPPARAM, 'BiocParallelParam'))
if (!is(gsd, "GeneSetDb")) {
gsd <- GeneSetDb(gsd, ...)
if (missing(methods) || length(methods) == 0) {
methods <- "logFC"
# score.by was the original parameter used, and rank_by was introduced later
# when we wanted to support data.frame inputs. This makes life difficult.
score.by <- match.arg(score.by)
if (test_string(rank_by)) {
score.by <- rank_by
if (missing(rank_by) || is.null(rank_by)) {
rank_by <- score.by
if (score.by != rank_by) {
stop("score.by and rank_by need to be reconsiled into one variable, but ",
"for now their values must be the same")
# Supporting for data.frames is painful right now, and will be refactored
# during a future release cycle.
if (is.data.frame(x)) {
rank_order <- match.arg(rank_order)
if (rank_order != "ordered" && (!test_string(rank_by) || ! test_numeric(x[[rank_by]]))) {
msg <- paste(
"data.frame inputs for `x` require that the `rank_by` parameter is the",
"names a numeric colum in `x` that can be used to rank its rows.\n",
"If your GSEA method does not require ranks (like 'ora'), the rankings",
"will not be used, but you still need rank_by to point to a numeric",
"column.\n This requirement will be fixed in a future version of",
if (rank_order != "ordered") {
xo <- order(x[[rank_by]], decreasing = rank_order == "descending")
x <- x[xo,,drop = FALSE]
xmeta. <- x
x <- setNames(x[[rank_by]], x[["feature_id"]])
is.numeric(feature.min.logFC) && length(feature.min.logFC) == 1L,
is.numeric(feature.max.padj) && length(feature.max.padj) == 1L,
is.numeric(trim) && length(trim) == 1L)
if (is.null(xmeta.) && !is.null(fdata(x))) {
xmeta. <- fdata(x)
xmeta.[["feature_id"]] <- rownames(x)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Argument sanity checking and input sanitization
inputs <- validateInputs(x, design, contrast, methods, xmeta. = xmeta.,
require.x.rownames=TRUE, ...)
x <- inputs[["x"]]
design <- inputs[["design"]]
contrast <- inputs[["contrast"]]
xmeta. <- inputs[["xmeta."]]
if (!is.conformed(gsd, x)) {
gsd <- conform(gsd, x, ...)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run the analyses
# First calculate differential expression statistics, or wrap a pre-ranked
# vector into a data.frame returned by an internal dge analysis
treat.lfc <- if (use.treat) feature.min.logFC else NULL
logFC <- calculateIndividualLogFC(x, design, contrast, treat.lfc = treat.lfc,
verbose = verbose, ...,
xmeta. = xmeta., as.dt = TRUE)
test_type <- attr(logFC, "test_type")
if (!is.logical(logFC[["significant"]])) {
# If xmeta. was passed in, it may already have been defined
logFC[, significant := {
if (test_type == "anova" || !is.numeric(logFC)) {
padj <= feature.max.padj
} else {
padj <= feature.max.padj & abs(logFC) >= feature.min.logFC
# the 'logFC' method is just a pass through -- we don't call it if it was
# provided
methods <- setdiff(methods, "logFC")
# Let's do this!
results <- list()
if (length(methods) > 0L) {
# I'm being too clever here. The loop that calls the GSEA methods catches
# errors thrown during iteration. I'm putting some code here to eat those
# error so that the other GSEA methods that can finish.
finished <- FALSE
if (!finished) {
warning("An error in `seas` stopped it from finishing ...",
## Many methods create a geneset to rowname/index vector. Let's run it once
## here and pass it along
gs.idxs <- as.list(gsd, active.only = TRUE, value = "x.idx")
if (verbose) message("methods: ", paste(methods, collapse = ","))
res1 <- bplapply(methods, function(method.) {
if (verbose) message("... ", method.)
tryCatch(mg.run(method., gsd, x, design, contrast, logFC, use.treat,
feature.min.logFC, feature.max.padj, verbose=verbose,
gs.idxs=gs.idxs, score.by = score.by, ...),
error=function(e) list(NULL))
names(res1) <- methods
failed <- sapply(res1, function(res) is.null(res[[1L]]))
if (any(failed)) {
warning("The following GSEA methods failed and are removed from the ",
"downstream result: ",
paste(names(res1)[failed], collapse=','), "\n")
res1 <- res1[!failed]
results <- unlist(res1, recursive=FALSE)
names(results) <- sub('\\.all$', '', names(results))
out <- .SparrowResult(gsd=gsd, results=results, logFC=logFC)
gs.stats <- geneSetsStats(out, feature.min.logFC=feature.min.logFC,
trim=trim, reannotate.significance = FALSE,
axe.gsd.cols <- setdiff(colnames(gs.stats), c('collection', 'name'))
axe.gsd.cols <- intersect(axe.gsd.cols, colnames(out@gsd@table))
new.table <- copy(out@gsd@table)
## Remove any columns in gs.stats that are already in the GeneSetDb@table
## (ie. if we got a GeneSetDb from a previous SparrowResult and we don't
## remove these columns, you will get thigns like mean.logFC.x and
## mean.logFC.y
if (length(axe.gsd.cols)) {
name <- NULL
for (name in axe.gsd.cols) new.table[, c(name) := NULL]
out@gsd@table <- merge(new.table, gs.stats, by=key(new.table))
finished <- TRUE
#' Helper function that runs a single GSEA method
#' this method insures that all results (even for single data.frames) are
#' returned in a list object. this allows for the goseq.all, goseq.up,
#' goseq.down hacks from a single goseq call
#' @noRd
mg.run <- function(xmethod, gsd, x, design, contrast, logFC=NULL,
use.treat=TRUE, feature.min.logFC=log2(1.25),
feature.max.padj=0.10, verbose=FALSE, ...) {
fn.name <- paste0('do.', xmethod)
if (verbose) {
message("... calling: ", fn.name)
fn <- getFunction(fn.name)
res <- fn(gsd, x, design, contrast, logFC=logFC,
use.treat=use.treat, feature.min.logFC=feature.min.logFC,
feature.max.padj=feature.max.padj, verbose=verbose, ...)
if (!isTRUE(attr(res, 'mgunlist', TRUE))) {
res <- list(all=res)
out <- res
if (verbose) {
message("... ", fn.name, " finishd without error.")
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