#' Generates single sample gene set scores across a datasets by many methods
#' It is common to assess the activity of a gene set in a given sample. There
#' are many ways to do that, and this method is analogous to the
#' [seas()] function in that it enables the user to run a multitude of
#' single-sample-gene-set-scoring algorithms over a target expression matrix
#' using a [GeneSetDb()] object.
#' Please refer to the "Generating Single Sample Gene Set Scores" of the
#' sparrow vignette for further exposition.
#' @section Single Sample Scoring Methods:
#' The following `methods` are currenly provided.
#' * `"ewm"`: The [eigenWeightedMean()] calculates the fraction each gene
#' contributes to a pre-specified principal component. These contributions
#' act as weights over each gene, which are then used in a simple weighted
#' mean calculation over all the genes in the geneset per sample. This is
#' similar, in spirit, to the svd/gsdecon method (ie. `method = "gsd"``)
#' You can use this method to perform an "eigenweighted" zscore by setting
#' `unscale` and `uncenter` to `FALSE`.
#' `"ewz"`: with `unscale` and `uncenter` set to `FALSE`.
#' * `"gsd"`: This method was first introduced by Jason Hackney in
#' [doi:10.1038/ng.3520](https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.3520). Please refer to
#' the [gsdScore()] function for more information.
#' * `"ssgsea"`: Using ssGSEA as implemented in the GSVA package.
#' * `"zscore"`: The features in the expression matrix are rowwise z transformed.
#' The gene set level score is then calculated by adding up the zscores for
#' the genes in the gene set, then dividing that number by either the the
#' size (or its sqaure root (default)) of the gene set.
#' * `"mean"`: Simply take the mean of the values from the expression matrix
#' that are in the gene set. Right or wrong, sometimes you just want the mean
#' without transforming the data.
#' * `"gsva"`: The gsva method of GSVA package.
#' * `"plage"`: Using "plage" as implemented in the GSVA package
#' @export
#' @param gdb A GeneSetDb
#' @param y An expression matrix to score genesets against
#' @param methods A character vector that enumerates the scoring methods you
#' want to run over the samples. Please reference the "Single Sample Scoring
#' Methods" section for more information.
#' @param as.matrix Return results as a list of matrices instead of a melted
#' data.frame? Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param drop.sd Genes with a standard deviation across columns in \code{y}
#' that is less than this value will be dropped.
#' @param drop.unconformed When `TRUE`, genes in `y` that are not found in
#' `gdb` are removed from the expression container. You may want to set this
#' to `TRUE` when `y` is very large until better sparse matrix support is
#' injected. This will change the scores for gsva and ssGSEA, though.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param verbose make some noise? Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param recenter,rescale If `TRUE`, the scores computed by each method
#' are centered and scaled using the `scale` function. These variables
#' correspond to the `center` and `scale` parameters in the
#' `scale` function. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param ... these parameters are passed down into the the individual single
#' sample scoring funcitons to customize them further.
#' @template asdt-param
#' @return A long data.frame with sample_id,method,score values per row. If
#' `as.matrix=TRUE`, a matrix with as many rows as `geneSets(gdb)`
#' and as many columns as `ncol(x)`
#' @examples
#' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet()
#' scores <- scoreSingleSamples(
#' gdb, vm, methods = c("ewm", "gsva", "zscore"),
#' center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, ssgsea.norm = TRUE, as.dt = TRUE)
#' sw <- data.table::dcast(scores, name + sample_id ~ method, value.var='score')
#' \donttest{
#' corplot(
#' sw[, c("ewm", "gsva", "zscore")],
#' title = "Single Sample Score Comparison")
#' }
#' zs <- scoreSingleSamples(
#' gdb, vm, methods = c('ewm', 'ewz', 'zscore'), summary = "mean",
#' center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, uncenter = FALSE, unscale = FALSE,
#' as.dt = TRUE)
#' zw <- data.table::dcast(zs, name + sample_id ~ method, value.var='score')
#' \donttest{
#' corplot(zw[, c("ewm", "ewz", "zscore")], title = "EW zscores")
#' }
scoreSingleSamples <- function(gdb, y, methods = "ewm", as.matrix = FALSE,
drop.sd = 1e-4, drop.unconformed = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE, recenter = FALSE,
rescale = FALSE, ...,
as.dt = FALSE) {
methods <- tolower(methods)
if (as.matrix && length(methods) > 1L) {
stop("Can only score with one method if returning a matrix")
bad.methods <- setdiff(methods, names(gs.score.map))
if (length(bad.methods)) {
stop("Uknown geneset scoring methods: ",
paste(bad.methods, collapse=','),
"\nValid methods are: ",
paste(names(gs.score.map), collapse=','))
if (!is(gdb, "GeneSetDb")) gdb <- GeneSetDb(gdb, ...)
assert_class(gdb, "GeneSetDb")
gdb <- conform(gdb, y, ...)
# We used to filter down y.all to only include rows that appeared as features
# in the in the GeneSetDb object, however this will change the scoring output
# of some methods, namely *all* of the ones in GSVA (gsva, ssgsea, plage).
if (isTRUE(drop.unconformed)) {
y.all <- as_matrix(y, gdb)
} else {
y.all <- as_matrix(y)
if (is(y.all, "sparseMatrix")) {
# Can't get everything to be transparent with sparse matrices just yet
# If you are scoring single cell data with a gdb that covers a large
# proportion of your feature space, you might be sorry right about now.
y.all <- as.matrix(y.all)
sds <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowSds(y.all)
sd0 <- sds < drop.sd
y <- y.all[!sd0,,drop=FALSE]
if (any(sd0)) {
warning(sum(sd0), " row(s) removed from expression object (y) due to 0sd")
gdb <- conform(gdb, y, ...)
# y.slim <- as_matrix(y, gdb) # subsets y down to features in gdb
if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
colnames(y) <- if (ncol(y) == 1) 'score' else paste0('scores', seq(ncol(y)))
gs.names <- encode_gskey(geneSets(gdb))
gs.idxs <- as.list(gdb, active.only=TRUE, value='x.idx')
scores <- sapply(methods, function(method) {
fn <- gs.score.map[[method]]
out <- fn(gdb, y, method = method, as.matrix = as.matrix, verbose = verbose,
gs.idxs = gs.idxs, ...)
rownames(out) <- gs.names
if (!isFALSE(recenter) || !isFALSE(rescale)) {
out <- scale_rows(out, center = recenter, scale = rescale)
if (!as.matrix) {
out <- melt.gs.scores(gdb, out)
out$method <- method
}, simplify=FALSE)
if (length(scores) == 1L) {
scores <- scores[[1L]]
} else {
if (!as.matrix) {
scores <- rbindlist(scores)
if (!as.matrix && !as.dt) setDF(scores)
# I'm not a bad person, I just want to keep this S3 so end users can
# use the data.frame results in dplyr chains.
# if (is.matrix(scores)) {
# class(scores) <- c('sss_matrix', class(scores))
# } else {
# class(scores) <- c('sss_frame', class(scores))
# }
#' Melts the geneset matrix scores from the do.scoreSingleSamples.* methods
#' @noRd
#' @param gdb A [GeneSetDb()] used for scoring
#' @param scores The `matrix` of geneset scores returned from the various
#' `do.scoreSingleSamples.*` methods.
#' @param a melted `data.table` of scores
melt.gs.scores <- function(gdb, scores) {
out <- cbind(geneSets(gdb, as.dt=TRUE)[, list(collection, name, n)], scores)
out <- data.table::melt.data.table(out, c("collection", "name", "n"),
variable.name = "sample_id",
# handle non std eval NOTE in R CMD check when using `:=` data.table mojo
sample_id <- NULL
out[, sample_id := as.character(sample_id)]
#' @noRd
#' @param zsummary use `"sqrt"` in denominator of zscores to stabilize the
#' variance of the mean, cf. Lee, E., et al. Inferring pathway activity toward
#' precise disease classification. PLoS Comput. Biol. 4, e1000217 (2008).
do.scoreSingleSamples.zscore <- function(gdb, y, zsummary=c('mean', 'sqrt'),
trim=0, gs.idxs=NULL, do.scale=TRUE,
...) {
stopifnot(is.conformed(gdb, y))
zsummary <- match.arg(zsummary)
score.fn <- if (zsummary == 'mean') {
function(vals) mean(vals, trim=trim, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
function(vals) {
keep <- !is.na(vals)
sum(vals[keep]) / sqrt(sum(keep))
if (is.null(gs.idxs)) gs.idxs <- as.list(gdb, active.only=TRUE, value='x.idx')
if (do.scale) y <- t(scale(t(y)))
scores <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(y)), function(y.col) {
col.vals <- y[, y.col]
sapply(seq(gs.idxs), function(gs.idx) {
vidx <- gs.idxs[[gs.idx]]
if (!is.matrix(scores)) {
## This happens when the GeneSetDb had only one signature. Turn it into
## a matrix because things upstream expect matrices as outputs of these
## do.* functions.
scores <- matrix(scores, nrow=1L)
colnames(scores) <- colnames(y)
#' Just take the average of the raw scores from the expression matrix
#' Right or wrong, sometimes you want this (most often you want mean Z, though)
#' @noRd
do.scoreSingleSamples.mean <- function(gdb, y, gs.idxs=NULL, ...) {
do.scoreSingleSamples.zscore(gdb, y, zsummary='mean',
trim=0, gs.idxs=gs.idxs, do.scale=FALSE)
# #' @importFrom GSVA gsva
# #' @noRd
# do.scoreSingleSamples.gsva <- function(gdb, y, method, as.matrix=FALSE,
# parallel.sz=1, ssgsea.norm=FALSE,
# gs.idxs=NULL, ...) {
# if (is.null(gs.idxs)) {
# gs.idxs <- as.list(gdb, active.only=TRUE, value='x.idx')
# }
# idxs <- lapply(gs.idxs, function(i) rownames(y)[i])
# f <- formals(GSVA:::.gsva)
# args <- list(...)
# ## I want to explicity show that we are setting parallel.sz to 4 here, since
# ## it will defalut to "Infinity" (all your cores are belong to GSVA)
# args$parallel.sz <- parallel.sz
# args$ssgsea.norm <- ssgsea.norm
# take <- intersect(names(args), names(f))
# gargs <- list(expr=y, gset.idx.list=idxs, method=method)
# gargs <- c(gargs, args[take])
# gres <- do.call(gsva, gargs)
# gres
# }
#' This can handle method = "gsva", "ssgsea", and "plage"
#' @noRd
do.scoreSingleSamples.gsva <- function(
gdb, y, method, kcdf = c("Gaussian", "Poisson", "none"),
abs.ranking = FALSE, mx.diff = TRUE, tau = 1, alpha = 0.25,
ssgsea.norm = TRUE, gs.idxs = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(progressbar = verbose)) {
method <- match.arg(method, c("gsva", "ssgsea", "plage"))
kcdf <- match.arg(kcdf)
if (is.null(tau)) tau <- switch(method, gsva = 1, ssgsea = 0.25, NA)
# gsva requires that the geneset list is defined using the rownames
# of the expression matrix
if (is.null(gs.idxs)) {
gs.idxs <- as.list(gdb, active.only = TRUE, value = "x.idx")
idxs <- lapply(gs.idxs, function(i) rownames(y)[i])
params <- switch(
gsva = GSVA::gsvaParam(y, idxs, maxDiff = mx.diff, kcdf = kcdf,
tau = tau, absRanking = abs.ranking),
ssgsea = GSVA::ssgseaParam(y, idxs, alpha = alpha, normalize = ssgsea.norm),
plage = GSVA::plageParam(y, idxs))
# GSVA::gsva(y, idxs, method = method, kcdf = kcdf,
# abs.ranking = abs.ranking, parallel.sz = parallel.sz,
# mx.diff = mx.diff, tau = tau, ssgsea.norm = ssgsea.norm,
# verbose = verbose)
GSVA::gsva(params, verbose = verbose, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
#' Normalize a vector of ssGSEA scores in the ssGSEA way.
#' ssGSEA normalization (as implemented in GSVA (ssgsea.norm)) normalizes the
#' individual scores based on ALL scores calculated across samples AND
#' genesets. It does NOTE normalize the scores within each geneset
#' independantly of the others.
#' This method is an internal utilit function and not exported on purpose
#' @param x a `numeric` vector of ssGSEA scores for a single signature
#' @param bounds the maximum and minimum scores obvserved used to normalize
#' against.
#' @return normalized \code{numeric} vector of \code{x}
ssGSEA.normalize <- function(x, bounds=range(x)) {
## apply(es, 2, function(x, es) x / (range(es)[2] - range(es)[1]), es)
stopifnot(length(bounds) == 2L)
max.b <- max(bounds)
min.b <- min(bounds)
stopifnot(all(x <= max.b) && all(x >= min.b))
x / (max.b - min.b)
#' A no dependency call to GSDecon-like eigengene scoring
#' @noRd
do.scoreSingleSamples.gsd <- function(gdb, y, as.matrix=FALSE, center=TRUE,
scale=TRUE, uncenter=center,
unscale=scale, gs.idxs=NULL, ...) {
stopifnot(is.conformed(gdb, y))
if (is.null(gs.idxs)) {
gs.idxs <- as.list(gdb, active.only=TRUE, value='x.idx')
scores <- lapply(gs.idxs, function(idxs) {
gsdScore(y[idxs,,drop = FALSE], center=center, scale=scale, uncenter=uncenter,
out <- t(sapply(scores, '[[', 'score'))
rownames(out) <- names(gs.idxs)
colnames(out) <- colnames(y)
#' @noRd
do.scoreSingleSamples.eigenWeightedMean <- function(gdb, y, eigengene = 1L,
center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
gs.idxs=NULL, ...) {
stopifnot(is.conformed(gdb, y))
if (is.null(gs.idxs)) {
gs.idxs <- as.list(gdb, active.only=TRUE, value='x.idx')
scores <- sapply(gs.idxs, function(idxs) {
eigenWeightedMean(y[idxs,,drop = FALSE], center=center, scale=scale,
uncenter=uncenter, unscale=unscale, weights=weights,
normalize=normalize, all.x=y)$score
out <- t(scores)
rownames(out) <- names(gs.idxs)
colnames(out) <- colnames(y)
#' @noRd
do.scoreSingleSamples.ewzscore <- function(gdb, y, weights = NULL,
eigengene = 1L,
center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
gs.idxs=NULL, ...) {
gdb, y, eigengene = eigengene, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
uncenter = FALSE, unscale = FALSE, weights = weights, normalize = normalize,
as.matrix = as.matrix, gs.idxs = gs.idxs, ...)
#' An internal map of abbreviated scoring method names to functions
#' @noRd
gs.score.map <- list(
zscore = do.scoreSingleSamples.zscore,
ewz = do.scoreSingleSamples.ewzscore,
gsva = do.scoreSingleSamples.gsva,
plage = do.scoreSingleSamples.gsva,
ssgsea = do.scoreSingleSamples.gsva,
svd = do.scoreSingleSamples.gsd,
gsd = do.scoreSingleSamples.gsd,
ewm = do.scoreSingleSamples.eigenWeightedMean,
mean = do.scoreSingleSamples.mean)
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