#' Retrieve gene set collections from from reactome.db
#' @export
#' @param species the species to get pathay information for
#' @param rm.species.prefix pathways are provided with species prefixes from
#' `reactome.db`, when `TRUE` (default), these are stripped from the gene set
#' names.
#' @param id.type `"entrez"` or `"ensembl"`
#' @return a reactome BiocSet object
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' bsc.h <- getReactomeCollection("human")
#' gdb.h <- getReactomeGeneSetDb("human")
#' }
getReactomeCollection <- function(species = 'human',
id.type = c("entrez", "ensembl"),
rm.species.prefix = TRUE) {
id.type <- match.arg(id.type)
out <- getReactomeGeneSetDb(species, id.type, rm.species.prefix)
as(out, "BiocSet")
#' @describeIn getReactomeCollection returns a GeneSetDb object
getReactomeGeneSetDb <- function(species = 'human',
id.type = c("entrez", "ensembl"),
rm.species.prefix = TRUE) {
id.type <- match.arg(id.type)
id.col <- if (id.type == "entrez") "ENTREZID" else "ENSG"
rdb <- tryCatch(loadNamespace('reactome.db'), error=function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(rdb)) {
stop("reactome.db package required for this functionality")
dbi <- tryCatch(loadNamespace('AnnotationDbi'), error=function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(dbi)) {
stop("AnnotationDbi required")
# species <- resolve.species(species)
si <- species_info(species)
# The species info in reactome needs to look like:
# Homo_sapiens, Mus_musculus, etc.
species <- sub(" ", "_", si$species) #
## Find all KEGG pathways for the given species.
## Pathways are prefixed with the organism name like so:
org.prefix <- paste0('^', sub('_', ' ', species), ': *')
pathnames <- dbi$keys(rdb$reactome.db, keytype='PATHNAME')
org.keep <- grepl(org.prefix, pathnames)
org.pathnames <- pathnames[org.keep]
info <- suppressMessages({
## Generates 1:many mapping because of ENTREZID
columns=c('PATHID', 'PATHNAME', 'ENTREZID'),
stopifnot(setequal(org.pathnames, info$PATHNAME))
info <- info[!is.na(info[['ENTREZID']]),,drop=FALSE]
N.pathid <- PATHNAME <- ENTREZID <- PATHID <- NULL # silence R CMD check NOTEs
## Are there multiple mappings for PATHNAME:PATHID combo?
## maybe from different organisms?
u.id2name <- unique(info[, c('PATHID', 'PATHNAME'), with=FALSE])
u.id2name[, N.pathid := .N, by='PATHID']
if (nrow(dups <- u.id2name[N.pathid > 1])) {
warning("Multiple PATHID to PATHNAME not resolved", immediate.=TRUE)
if (rm.species.prefix) {
info[, PATHNAME := sub(org.prefix, '', PATHNAME)]
# Somehow only one of the 'name's of the reactome genesets is encoded in
# UTF-8:
# Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization
# from the centrosome
# All of the rest are "unknown". This causes annoying warnings when
# data.table tries to join on collection,name -- so I'm just nuking the
# encoding here.
info <- info[, list(collection = "Reactome", name = PATHNAME,
feature_id = ENTREZID, gs_id = PATHID)]
Encoding(info$name) <- "unknown"
# there is some duplication in the genesets, which we identify by the
# pathway id (gs_id). let's identify them and remove the duplicate one
u <- unique(as.data.table(info), by = c("name", "gs_id"))
duped <- duplicated(u$name)
if (any(duped)) {
axid <- u$gs_id[duped]
# handle non std eval NOTE in R CMD check and data.table
gs_id <- NULL
info <- info[!gs_id %in% axid]
gdb <- GeneSetDb(info)
geneSetCollectionURLfunction(gdb, "Reactome") <- ".geneSetURL.REACTOME"
featureIdType(gdb, "Reactome") <- GSEABase::EntrezIdentifier()
.geneSetURL.REACTOME <- function(coll, gsname, gdb = NULL, ...) {
url <- "https://reactome.org/"
if (is(gdb, "GeneSetDb")) {
gs <- geneSets(gdb)
gset <- gs[gs[["collection"]] == "Reactome" & gs[["name"]] == gsname,]
if (nrow(gset) == 1L) {
url <- sprintf("https://reactome.org/content/detail/%s", gset[["gs_id"]])
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