#' Get pathways/GOslim collections from PANTHER.db Biocondcutor package.
#' This is a convience function that orchestrates the PANTHER.db package to
#' return GeneSetDb objects for either pathway or GOslim information for
#' human or mouse.
#' Note that for some reason the `PANTHER.db` package needs to be
#' installed in a user-writable package location for this to work properly.
#' If you see an error like "Error in resqlite_send_query ... attempt to
#' write a readonly database", this is the problem. Please install another
#' version of the `PANTHER.db` package in a user-writable directory using
#' [BiocManager::install()].
#' @section GOSLIM:
#' [GO Slims](http://geneontology.org/page/go-slim-and-subset-guide) are
#' "cut down" versions of the GO ontology that contain a subset of the terms in
#' the whole GO.
#' PANTHER provides their own set of
#' [GO slims](http://www.pantherdb.org/panther/ontologies.jsp), although
#' it's not clear how often these get updated.
#' @export
#' @importFrom GSEABase EntrezIdentifier
#' @param type "pathway" or, "goslim"
#' @param species "human" or "mouse"
#' @return A BiocSet of panther pathways
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # this requires you have the PANTHER.db package installed via BiocManager
#' bsc.panther <- getPantherCollection(species = "human")
#' }
getPantherCollection <- function(type = c("pathway", "goslim"),
species = c("human", "mouse")) {
type <- match.arg(type)
species <- match.arg(species)
out <- getPantherGeneSetDb(type, species)
as(out, "BiocSet")
#' @describeIn getPantherCollection returns a GeneSetDb
#' @export
getPantherGeneSetDb <- function(type=c('pathway', 'goslim'),
species=c('human', 'mouse')) {
species <- match.arg(species)
type <- match.arg(type)
if (!requireNamespace('PANTHER.db', quietly=TRUE)) {
stop("The PANTHER.db bioconductor package is required")
if (species == 'human') {
org.pkg <- 'org.Hs.eg.db'
xorg <- 'Homo_sapiens'
} else {
org.pkg <- 'org.Mm.eg.db'
xorg <- 'Mus_musculus'
if (!requireNamespace(org.pkg, quietly=TRUE)) {
stop(org.pkg, " bioconductor package required for this species query")
p.db <- PANTHER.db::PANTHER.db
PANTHER.db::pthOrganisms(p.db) <- toupper(species)
org.db <- getFromNamespace(org.pkg, org.pkg)
out <- switch(type,
pathway=getPantherPathways(p.db, org.db),
goslim=getPantherGOSLIM(p.db, org.db))
mapIds <- getFromNamespace('mapIds', 'AnnotationDbi')
out@db$symbol <- mapIds(org.db, out@db$feature_id, 'SYMBOL', 'ENTREZID')
# Internal Helper functions ----------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
getPantherPathways <- function(p.db, org.db) {
cname <- "PANTHER pathway"
aselect <- getFromNamespace('select', 'AnnotationDbi')
p.all <- aselect(p.db, AnnotationDbi::keys(p.db, keytype="PATHWAY_ID"),
## Map uniprot to entrez
umap <- aselect(org.db, p.all$UNIPROT, c('UNIPROT', 'ENTREZID'), 'UNIPROT')
m <- merge(p.all, umap, by='UNIPROT')
m <- m[!is.na(m[['ENTREZID']]),,drop=FALSE]
names(m) <- c("uniprot_id", "pathway_id", "name", "feature_id")
gdb <- GeneSetDb(m, collectionName = cname)
geneSetCollectionURLfunction(gdb, cname) <- ".geneSetURL.PANTHERpathway"
featureIdType(gdb, cname) <- EntrezIdentifier()
.geneSetURL.PANTHERpathway <- function(coll, gsname, gdb, ...) {
info <- gdb@table[collection == coll & name == gsname]
if (nrow(info) == 0) {
} else {
#' @noRd
getPantherGOSLIM <- function(p.db, org.db) {
cname <- "GOSLIM"
if (!requireNamespace("GO.db")) {
stop("GO.db is required for this functionality")
aselect <- getFromNamespace('select', 'AnnotationDbi')
p.all <- aselect(p.db,
AnnotationDbi::keys(p.db, keytype='GOSLIM_ID'),
columns=c('ENTREZ', 'GOSLIM_ID', 'GOSLIM_TERM'),
p.all <- p.all[!is.na(p.all[['ENTREZ']]),,drop=FALSE]
p.all <- p.all[order(p.all[['ENTREZ']]),]
go.all <- aselect(
c('GOID', 'TERM'),
go <- go.all[!is.na(go.all[['TERM']]),,drop=FALSE]
go <- go[!duplicated(go$GOID),]
GO <- merge(p.all, go, by.x = 'GOSLIM_ID', by.y = 'GOID', all.x = TRUE)
names(GO) <- c("gs_id", "feature_id", "ontology", "name")
GO <- GO[!is.na(GO$name),]
if (FALSE) {
u <- unique(as.data.table(GO), by = c("ontology", "name", "gs_id"))
u[name %in% u$name[duplicated(u$name)]]
GO$collection <- sprintf("GOSLIM_%s", GO$ontology)
GO$ontology <- NULL
gdb <- GeneSetDb(GO)
for (coll in unique(GO$collection)) {
geneSetCollectionURLfunction(gdb, coll) <- ".geneSetURL.GOSLIM"
featureIdType(gdb, coll) <- EntrezIdentifier()
.geneSetURL.GOSLIM <- function(coll, gsname, gdb = NULL, ...) {
if (!is(gdb, "GeneSetDb")) {
info <- gdb@table[collection == coll & name == gsname]
if (nrow(info) != 1) {
} else {
sprintf("http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/%s", info$gs_id)
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