# The geneSetSummaryByGenes function (and its utility helper funcionts) are
# too hairy to separate, so putting them here. I especially don't intend the
# rename.feature.columns function, in particular, to be reused.
# Although the code looks hairy, note that there are unit tests in
# test-geneSetSummaryByGenes.R
#' @rdname geneSetSummaryByGenes
setMethod("geneSetSummaryByGenes", c(x="GeneSetDb"),
function(x, features, with.features=TRUE, feature.rename=NULL, ...,
as.dt = FALSE) {
unk.f <- setdiff(features, featureIds(x))
if (length(unk.f)) {
warning(length(unk.f), "/", length(features), " do not exist in GeneSetDb")
features <- setdiff(features, unk.f)
if (length(features) == 0) {
stop("No selected features in GeneSetDb")
x.sub <- subsetByFeatures(x, features)
x.db <- x.sub@db[feature_id %in% features]
x.gs <- geneSets(x.sub, as.dt=TRUE)
gs.cols <- c('collection', 'name', 'active')
if (is.conformed(x)) {
out <- x.gs[, c(gs.cols, 'n'), with=FALSE]
setnames(out, 'n', 'N')
} else {
out <- x.gs[, c(gs.cols, 'N'), with=FALSE]
## Each geneset row will be annotated with the number of features it
## it has, even if caller doesn't ask for `with.features`. To do so we first
## create geneset <-> feature_id contingency table.
## we turn x.dt$feature_id into a factor with levels == features because there
## maybe be some features that don't appear anywhere (due to conformation(?))
x.dt <- dcast.data.table(transform(x.db, present=TRUE),
collection + name ~ feature_id,
value.var='present', fill=FALSE)
## I was once given a strange GeneSetDb object with genesets in gdb@db that
## were not in gdb@table. Such an object would fail validObject(gdb), so this
## should never be. Let's dance around it, but also warn when it happens.
nfids <- intersect(features, tail(names(x.dt), -2))
if (!setequal(nfids, features)) {
warning("You are in a scenario you thought should be impossible",
features <- nfids
x.dt$n <- rowSums(as.matrix(x.dt[, -(1:2), with=FALSE]))
setcolorder(x.dt, c(setdiff(names(x.dt), features), features))
if (with.features) {
x.dt <- rename.feature.columns(x.dt, x.sub, feature.rename)
} else {
## If the caller didn't want the features, we just return the n
x.dt <- x.dt[, list(collection, name, n)]
out <- out[x.dt, nomatch=0]
if (!as.dt) out <- setDF(copy(out))
#' @describeIn geneSetSummaryByGenes get geneset:feature incidence table from
#' a SparrowResult, optionally filtered by statistical significance from
#' a given gsea `method`
#' @param method The GSEA method to pull statistics from
#' @param max.p the maximum p-value from the analysis `method` to allow for the
#' geneSets included in the returned table
#' @param p.col which p-value column to select from: `'padj'`,
#' `'padj.by.collection'`, or `'pval'`
setMethod("geneSetSummaryByGenes", c(x="SparrowResult"),
function(x, features, with.features=TRUE, feature.rename=NULL,
method=NULL, max.p=0.3, p.col=c('padj', 'padj.by.collection', 'pval'),
..., as.dt=FALSE) {
unk.f <- setdiff(features, featureIds(x))
if (length(unk.f)) {
warning(length(unk.f), "/", length(features), " do not exist in GeneSetDb")
features <- setdiff(features, unk.f)
if (length(features) == 0) {
stop("No selected features in GeneSetDb")
if (is.character(method)) {
p.col <- match.arg(p.col)
method <- match.arg(method, resultNames(x))
stopifnot(max.p >= 0 & max.p <= 1)
r <- result(x, method, as.dt=TRUE)
gdb <- copy(geneSetDb(x))
gs <- geneSets(x)
res <- geneSetSummaryByGenes(gdb, features, with.features,
feature.rename=FALSE, as.dt=TRUE, ...)
if (with.features) {
## Account for impossible scenario that I "dance around" in the function
## upstairs
features <- intersect(features, names(res))
fstart <- ncol(res) - length(features) + 1
meta <- res[, 1:(fstart - 1), with=FALSE]
fcols <- res[, fstart:ncol(res), with=FALSE]
} else {
meta <- res
## add logFC and pvalues
xref <- match(paste(res$collection, res$name), paste(gs$collection, gs$name))
meta$logFC <- gs$mean.logFC.trim[xref]
if (is.character(method)) {
rxref <- match(paste(res$collection, res$name), paste(r$collection, r$name))
meta$padj <- r$padj[rxref]
## When this is called on a result object, instead of a TRUE/FALSE
## geneset <-> feature contingency table, we replace the TRUE's with the
## logFC of that feature
if (with.features) {
## spank on the logFCs of the genes
lfc <- setkeyv(copy(logFC(x, as.dt=TRUE)), 'feature_id')
for (fid in features) {
replace.me <- fcols[[fid]]
fcols[, (fid) := ifelse(replace.me, lfc[fid]$logFC, 0)]
if (is.character(feature.rename)) {
feature.rename <- feature.rename[1]
## Where do we find the feature_id <-> renamed xref? If we find this column
## in the logFC(x) table, then that trumps all.
if (is.character(lfc[[feature.rename]])) {
xref <- match(gdb@db$feature_id, lfc$feature_id)
gdb@db[[feature.rename]] <- lfc[[feature.rename]][xref]
fcols <- rename.feature.columns(fcols, gdb, feature.rename)
res <- cbind(meta, fcols)
} else {
res <- meta
setkeyv(res, c('collection', 'name'))
if (is.character(method)) {
keep <- r[[p.col]] <= max.p
keep <- r[keep][, list(collection, name)]
res <- res[keep, nomatch=0]
if (!as.dt) res <- setDF(copy(res))
#' utility function. accepts a pivoted geneset <-> feature table, and renames
#' the columns associated with features in gdb. if feature.names is NULL, then
#' the column names are prefixed with 'featureId_' to avoid column names that
#' are numbers.
#' columns in `out` are identified as features by virtue of them matching values
#' returned from `featureids(gdb)`
#' when an internal function calls this with feature.rename=FALSE, then no
#' rename will happen at all.
#' @noRd
rename.feature.columns <- function(x, gdb, feature.rename=NULL) {
stopifnot(is(gdb, "GeneSetDb"))
if (is.logical(feature.rename[1L]) && !feature.rename[1L]) {
rename.cols <- colnames(x)[colnames(x) %in% featureIds(gdb)]
if (length(rename.cols) == 0) {
if (!is.null(feature.rename)) {
feature.rename <- feature.rename[1L]
if (is.null(gdb@db[[feature.rename]])) {
warning("Can't rename features by: ", feature.rename,
" (not found as a column in gdb@db")
feature.rename <- NULL
default.names <- setNames(paste0('featureId_', rename.cols), rename.cols)
if (is.null(feature.rename)) {
new.names <- default.names
} else {
db <- gdb@db[feature_id %in% rename.cols]
db <- unique(db, by=c('feature_id'))
new.names <- setNames(db[[feature.rename]], db[['feature_id']])
isna <- is.na(new.names)
new.names[isna] <- default.names[isna]
setnames(x, names(new.names), new.names)
setcolorder(x, c(setdiff(names(x), new.names), sort(new.names)))
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