#' Utility function to run limma differential expression analysis
#' @details
#' This function fits linear modles (or glms) to perform differential
#' expression analyses. If the `x` object is a `DGEList` the
#' analysis will be performed using edgeR's quasi-likelihood framework,
#' otherwise limma will be used for all other scenarios.
#' If `x` is a [edgeR::DGEList()] we require that [edgeR::estimateDisp()] has
#' already been called. If you prefer to analyze rnaseq data using voom, be sure
#' that `x` is the object that has been returned from a call to [limma::voom()]
#' (or [limma::voomWithQualityWeights()].
#' The documentation here is speaking the language of a "limma" analysis,
#' however for each parameter, there is an analagous function/parameter that
#' will be delegated to.
#' Lastly, if `x` is simply a single column matrix, we assume that we are
#' just passing a single pre-ranked vector of statistics through sparrow::seas's
#' analysis pipelines (for use in methods like "fgsea", "cameraPR", etc.), and
#' a logFC-like data.frame is constructed with these statistics in the
#' `logFC` and `t` columns.
#' @export
#' @importFrom limma eBayes contrasts.fit lmFit topTreat topTable treat
#' @importFrom edgeR glmFit glmLRT glmQLFit glmQLFTest glmTreat topTags
#' @param x The expression object. This can be 1 column matrix if you are not
#' running any analysis, and this function essentially is just a
#' "pass through"
#' @param design The design matrix for the experiment
#' @param contrast The contrast you want to test and provide stats for. By
#' default this tests the last column of the `design` matrix. If you
#' want to test a custom contrast, this can be a contrast vector, which
#' means that it should be as long as `ncol(design)` and it most-often sum to
#' one. In the future, the user will be able to specify a range of
#' coefficients over `design` to perform an ANOVA analysis, cf.
#' Issue #11 (https://github.com/lianos/multiGSEA/issues/11).
#' @param robust.fit The value of the `robust` parameter to pass down to the
#' [limma::lmFit()] function. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param robust.eBayes The value of the `robust` parameter to pass down to
#' the limma::eBayes()] function.
#' @param trend.eBayes The value of the `trend` parameter to pass down to the
#' [limma::eBayes()] function.
#' @param treat.lfc If this is numeric, this activates limma's "treat"
#' functionality and tests for differential expression against this
#' specified log fold change threshold. This defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param weights an option matrix of weights to use in [limma::lmFit()].
#' If `x` is an EList already, and `x$weights` is already defined, this
#' argument will be ignored.
#' @param confint add confidence intervals to `topTable` output (default
#' `TRUE`)? Ignored if `x` is a `DGEList`.
#' @param with.fit If `TRUE`, this function returns a list object with
#' both the fit and the table of logFC statistics, otherwise just the
#' logFC statistics table is returned.
#' @param use.qlf If `TRUE` (default), will use edgeR's quasilikelihood
#' framework for analysis, otherwise uses glmFit/glmTest.
#' @param ... parameters passed down into the relevant limma/edgeR based
#' functions.
#' @param xmeta. a data.frame to add meta data (symbol, primarly) to the outgoing
#' logFC data.frame. This is used when `x` was a vector (pre-ranked).
#' @template asdt-param
#' @return If `with.fit == FALSE` (the default) a `data.table` of
#' logFC statistics for the contrast under test. Otherwise, a list is
#' returned with `$result` containing the logFC statistics, and
#' `$fit` has the limma fit for the data/design/contrast under test.
#' @examples
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet(do.voom = TRUE)
#' lfc <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vm, vm$design, "tumor")
calculateIndividualLogFC <- function(x, design, contrast = ncol(design),
robust.fit = FALSE, robust.eBayes = FALSE,
trend.eBayes = FALSE, treat.lfc = NULL,
weights = NULL, confint = TRUE,
with.fit = FALSE, use.qlf = TRUE,
xmeta. = NULL,
as.dt = FALSE) {
do.contrast <- !is.vector(x) &&
ncol(x) > 1L &&
!is.null(design) &&
length(contrast) == ncol(design) &&
# there are some positive and negative coefficients (otherwise maybe ANOVA)
any(contrast < 0) && any(contrast > 0)
if (is.vector(x)) {
# this is a preranked vector
x <- matrix(x, ncol=1L, dimnames=list(names(x), NULL))
if (!is.null(treat.lfc)) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(treat.lfc), length(treat.lfc) == 1L)
treat.lfc <- abs(treat.lfc)
} else {
treat.lfc <- 0
if (ncol(x) == 1L) {
# The user passed in a vector of statistics. Only a very few number of
# GSEA methods support this, but they are useful (fgsea and cameraPR). We
# make the output of this look like a "DGE" data.table
out <- data.table(logFC=x[, 1L], AveExpr=NA_real_, t=x[, 1L],
pval=NA_real_, padj=NA_real_, confint=NA_real_,
fit <- NULL
test_type <- "preranked"
rename <- NULL
} else if (do.contrast) {
test_type <- "ttest"
assert_matrix(design, nrows = ncol(x))
assert_numeric(contrast, len = ncol(design))
} else {
# Testing a coefficient, or multiple coefficients (anova)
assert_matrix(design, nrows = ncol(x))
if (is.character(contrast)) {
assert_choice(contrast, colnames(design))
contrast <- match(contrast, colnames(design))
assert_integerish(contrast, lower = 1, upper = ncol(design),
min.len = 1L, max.len = ncol(design) - 1L)
test_type <- if (length(contrast) == 1L) "ttest" else "anova"
use.treat <- test_type == "ttest" && treat.lfc > 0
if (is(x, 'DGEList')) {
# We default to using the quasi-likelihood piepline with edgeR with
# robust fitting. Setting robust=TRUE here should be roughly equivalent
# to eBayes(..., robust=TRUE) in the limma world.
if (!disp.estimated(x)) {
stop("Dispersions not estimated, need to run estimateDisp first")
if (use.qlf) {
fit <- glmQLFit(x, design, robust=TRUE)
} else {
fit <- glmFit(x, design)
if (use.treat) {
if (do.contrast) {
tt <- glmTreat(fit, contrast=contrast, lfc=treat.lfc)
} else {
tt <- glmTreat(fit, coef=contrast, lfc=treat.lfc)
} else {
etest <- if (use.qlf) glmQLFTest else glmLRT
if (do.contrast) {
tt <- etest(fit, contrast = contrast)
} else {
tt <- etest(fit, coef=contrast)
tt <- as.data.frame(topTags(tt, Inf, sort.by='none'))
tt <- transform(setDT(tt), t=NA_real_, feature_id=rownames(x))
if (test_type == "anova") {
tt <- tt |>
.intercept. = fit$coefficients[, "(Intercept)"],
.before = paste0("logFC.", colnames(design)[2L])
# if the feature metadata already has a column named pval or padj, this
# will cause problems, so we will change those if they are there already
rename <- c("AveExpr" = "logCPM", "pval" = "PValue", "padj" = "FDR")
out <- tt
} else if (ncol(x) > 1L) {
# If x is matrix-like but not a DGEList, we assume you are OK to run the
# limma pipeline.
if (is.null(weights) && is(x, "EList") && !is.null(x[["weights"]])) {
weights <- x[["weights"]]
if (!is.null(weights)) {
if (is.vector(weights)) {
stopifnot(length(weights) == ncol(x))
} else if (is.matrix(weights)) {
stopifnot(ncol(weights) == ncol(x), nrow(weights) == nrow(x))
} else {
stop("Unknown weights class: ", class(weights)[1L])
fit <- suppressWarnings({
# partial match of 'coef' to 'coefficients'
lmFit(x, design, method = if (robust.fit) 'robust' else 'ls',
weights = weights, ...)
if (do.contrast) {
fit <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast)
contrast <- 1L
if (use.treat && test_type == "ttest") {
fit <- treat(fit, lfc = treat.lfc, robust = robust.eBayes,
trend = trend.eBayes)
tt <- topTreat(fit, contrast, number = Inf, sort.by = "none",
confint = confint)
} else {
fit <- eBayes(fit, robust = robust.eBayes, trend = trend.eBayes)
tt <- topTable(fit, contrast, number = Inf, sort.by = "none",
confint = confint)
if (test_type == "anova") {
tt <- tt |>
.intercept. = fit$coefficients[, "(Intercept)"],
.before = colnames(design)[2L])
rename. <- intersect(colnames(design)[-1L], colnames(tt))
old = rename.,
new = paste0("logFC.", rename.))
tt <- transform(setDT(tt), feature_id = rownames(x))
# if the feature metadata already has a column named pval or padj, this
# will cause problems, so we will change those if they are there already
rename <- c("pval" = "P.Value", "padj" = "adj.P.Val")
out <- tt
if (!is.null(rename)) {
rename.me <- rename[names(rename) %in% colnames(out)]
if (length(rename.me)) {
paste0(names(rename.me), ".feature"))
setnames(out, unname(rename), names(rename))
out[, x.idx := seq_len(nrow(x))]
if ('ID' %in% names(out)) {
out[, ID := NULL]
if (test_type == "anova") {
out[, logFC := NA_real_]
out[, t := NA_real_]
if (is.data.frame(xmeta.) && nrow(xmeta.) > 0L) {
xmeta. <- try(validate.xmeta(xmeta.))
if (!is.data.frame(xmeta.)) {
warning("Can't match featureIds in colnames(xmeta.), skipping ...")
} else {
# if test_type == "preranked" there will be many columns with NA's
# produced here. If that's the case, we will take as many of them from
# xmeta. (and then some) we can get.
# If this generates a data.frame of stats from running a DGE, then we
# only take columns we don't have
xref <- match(out[["feature_id"]], xmeta.[["feature_id"]])
xfer.cols <- setdiff(colnames(xmeta.), "feature_id")
if (test_type != "preranked") {
# only add columns we don't have
xfer.cols <- setdiff(xfer.cols, colnames(out))
if (length(xfer.cols)) {
for (cname in xfer.cols) {
out[, (cname) := xmeta.[[cname]][xref]]
if (!as.dt) out <- setDF(out)
if (with.fit) out <- list(result=out, fit=fit)
setattr(out, "test_type", test_type)
#' Checks that a provided table is "similar enough" the the result generated
#' from calculateIndividualLogFC
#' @noRd
#' @param logFC the table to check
#' @param x An expression-like object to further test against.
is.logFC.like <- function(logFC, x, as.error=FALSE) {
ref.dt <- data.table(logFC=numeric(), t=numeric(), pval=numeric(),
padj=numeric(), feature_id=character())
ref.check <- check.dt(logFC, ref.dt)
if (isTRUE(ref.check)) {
if (!missing(x)) {
if (nrow(logFC) != nrow(x)) {
ref.check <- "nrow(logFC) != nrow(x)"
} else {
missed.features <- setdiff(rownames(x), logFC$feature_id)
if (length(missed.features)) {
ref.check <- sprintf("%d features missing from feature_id",
if (as.error && is.character(ref.check)) {
stop("Provided logFC is not a valid table:\n ",
paste(ref.check, collapse="\n "))
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