#' Creates a "geneset smart" ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap
#' @description
#' Encapsulates many common "moves" you'll make when trying to make a heatmap,
#' especially if you are trying to show geneset activity across a panel of
#' samples.
#' **NOTE**: this function will **almost certainly** reorder the rows of the
#' input matrix. If you are concatentating Heatmap objects together horizontally
#' (ie. you if you want to use a rowAnnotation along side the returned heatmap),
#' you must reorder the rows of the annotation data.frame, ie.
#' `ranno.df <- ranno.df[rownames(out@matrix),]`
#' @details
#' More info here.
#' @section Renaming Heatmap Rows:
#' This function leverages [rename_rows()] so that you can better customize the
#' output of your heatmaps by tweaking its rownames.
#' If you are plotting a **gene-level** heatmap (ie. `aggregate.by == "none"``)
#' and the `rownames()` are gene identifiers, but you want the rownames of the
#' heatmap to be gene symbols. You can perform this renaming using the
#' `rename.rows` parameter.
#' * If `rename.rows` is `NULL`, then nothing is done.
#' * If `rename.rows` is a `string`, then we assume that `x` has an associated
#' metadata `data.frame` over its rows and that `rename.rows` names one of
#' its columns, ie. `DGEList$genes[[rename.rows]]` or
#' `fData(ExpressionSet)[[rename.rows]]`. The values in that column will
#' be swapped out for `x`'s rownames
#' * If `rename.rows` is a two-column data.frame, the first column is assumed
#' to be `rownames(x)` and the second is what you want to rename it to.
#' * When there are duplicates in the renamed rownames, the `rename.duplicates`
#' `...` parameter dictates the behavior. This will happen, for instance, if
#' you are trying to rename the rows of an affy matrix to gene symbols, where
#' we have multiple probe ids for one gene. When `rename.duplicates` is set to
#' `"original"`, one of the rows will get the new name, and the remaning
#' duplicate rows will keep the rownames they came in with. When set to
#' `"make.unique"`, the new names will contain `*.1`, `*.2`, etc. suffixes,
#' as you would get from using [base::make.unique()].
#' Maybe you are aggregating the expression scores into geneset scores, and
#' you don't want the rownames of the heatmap to be `collection;;name` (or just
#' `name` when `rm.collection.prefx = TRUE`), you can pass in a two column
#' `data.frame`, where the first column is `collection;name` and the second
#' is the name you want to rename that to. There is an example of this in
#' the "Examples" section here.
#' @export
#' @importFrom circlize colorRamp2
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap Heatmap
#' @importFrom viridis viridis
#' @param x the data matrix
#' @param gdb `GeneSetDb` object that holds the genesets to plot. Defaults to
#' `NULL`, which will plot all rows in `x`.
#' @param col a colorRamp(2) function
#' @param aggregate.by the method used to generate single-sample geneset
#' scores. Default is `none` which plots heatmap at the gene level
#' @param split introduce row-segmentation based on genesets or collections?
#' Defaults is `TRUE` which will create split heatmaps based on
#' collection if `aggregate.by != 'none'`, or based on gene sets
#' if `aggregate.by == "none"`.
#' @param scores If `aggregate.by != "none"` you can pass in a precomupted
#' [scoreSingleSamples()] result, otherwise one will be
#' computed internally. Note that if this is a `data.frame` of
#' pre-computed scores, the `gdb` is largely irrelevant (but still
#' required).
#' @param gs.order This is experimental, and is here to help order the order
#' of the genesets (or genesets collection) in a different way than the
#' default. By default, `gs.order = NULL` and genesets are enumerated in
#' alphabetical in the heatmap. You can pass in a character vector that will
#' dictate the order of the genesets displayed in the heatmap. Currently this
#' only matches against the `"name"` value of the geneset and probably only
#' works when `split = TRUE`. We will support `colleciton,name` tuples soon.
#' This can be a superset of the names found in `gdb`. As of ComplexHeatmap
#' v2 (maybe earlier versions), this doesn't really work when
#' `cluster_rows = TRUE`.
#' @param rm.dups if `aggregate.by == 'none'`, do we remove genes that
#' appear in more than one geneset? Defaults to `FALSE`
#' @param recenter do you want to mean center the rows of the heatmap matrix
#' prior to calling [ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()]?
#' @param rescale do you want to standardize the row variance to one on the
#' values of the heatmap matrix prior to calling
#' [ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()]?
#' @param rename.rows defaults to `NULL`, which induces no action. Specifying
#' a paramter here assumes you want to rename the rows of the heatmap.
#' Please refer to the "Renaming Rows" section for details.
#' @param zlim A `length(zlim) == 2` numeric vector that defines the min and max
#' values from `x` for the `colorRamp2` call. If the heatmap that is being
#' drawn is "0-centered"-ish, then this defines the real values of the
#' fenceposts. If not, then these define the quantiles to trim off the top
#' or bottom.
#' @param transpose Flip display so that rows are columns. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param ... parameters to send down to [scoreSingleSamples()] or
#' [ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()].
#' @return A `Heatmap` object.
#' @examples
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet()
#' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' col.anno <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(
#' df = vm$targets[, c("Cancer_Status", "PAM50subtype")],
#' col = list(
#' Cancer_Status = c(normal = "grey", tumor = "red"),
#' PAM50subtype = c(Basal = "purple", Her2 = "green", LumA = "orange")))
#' mgh <- mgheatmap2(vm, gdb, aggregate.by = "ewm", split = TRUE,
#' top_annotation = col.anno, show_column_names = FALSE,
#' column_title = "Gene Set Activity in BRCA subset")
#' ComplexHeatmap::draw(mgh)
#' # Center to "normal" group
#' # Maybe you want the rownames of the matrix to use spaces instead of "_"
#' rr <- geneSets(gdb)[, "name", drop = FALSE]
#' rr$newname <- gsub("_", " ", rr$name)
#' mg2 <- mgheatmap(vm, gdb, aggregate.by='ewm', split=TRUE,
#' top_annotation = col.anno, show_column_names = FALSE,
#' column_title = "Gene Set Activity in BRCA subset",
#' rename.rows = rr)
mgheatmap2 <- function(x, gdb = NULL, col = NULL,
aggregate.by = c("none", "ewm", "ewz", "zscore"),
split = TRUE, scores = NULL, gs.order = NULL,
name = NULL, rm.collection.prefix = TRUE,
rm.dups = FALSE, recenter = FALSE, rescale = FALSE,
center = FALSE, scale = FALSE, rename.rows = NULL,
zlim = NULL, transpose = FALSE, ...) {
X <- as_matrix(x)
ncol(X) > 1L,
if (is.null(scores)) {
aggregate.by <- match.arg(aggregate.by)
} else {
length(aggregate.by) == 1L,
aggregate.by %in% scores$method)
if (!is.null(gdb)) stopifnot(is(gdb, "GeneSetDb"))
drop1.split <- missing(split)
stopifnot(is.logical(split) && length(split) == 1L)
if (!is.null(scores)) stopifnot(is.data.frame(scores))
if (!missing(zlim) && !is.null(zlim)) {
length(zlim) == 2L,
zlim[1L] < zlim[2])
X <- scale_rows(X, center = center, scale = scale)
center. <- attr(X, "scaled:center")
scale. <- attr(X, "scaled:scale")
if (!is.null(gdb)) {
gdbc <- suppressWarnings(conform(gdb, X, ...))
gdbc.df <- as.data.frame(gdbc) # keep only genes that matched in gdb.df
# Order genesets in requested (if any) order
if (!is.null(gs.order)) {
assert_character(gs.order, min.len = 1)
gs.order <- unique(c(gs.order, gdbc.df[["name"]]))
gs.order <- intersect(gs.order, gdbc.df[["name"]])
assert_set_equal(gs.order, gdbc.df[["name"]])
name. <- factor(gdbc.df[["name"]], gs.order)
gdbc.df <- gdbc.df[order(name.),,drop = FALSE]
# Set this up so we can order the data.frame in the way requested by user
gdbc.df$key <- encode_gskey(gdbc.df)
if (aggregate.by == "none") {
if (!is.null(gdb)) {
ridx <- if (rm.dups) unique(gdbc.df$feature_id) else gdbc.df$feature_id
# We may have a sparse matrix at this point, turning it to dense for now,
# but need to fix.
X <- X[ridx,,drop=FALSE]
if (is.numeric(recenter)) recenter <- recenter[ridx]
if (is.numeric(center)) center <- center[ridx]
split <- if (split) gdbc.df$key else NULL
} else {
if (is.null(scores)) {
X <- scoreSingleSamples(gdb, X, methods = aggregate.by, as.matrix = TRUE,
center = FALSE, scale = FALSE,
uncenter = center., unscale = scale., ...)
} else {
xs <- scores[scores[['method']] == aggregate.by,,drop=FALSE]
xs$key <- encode_gskey(xs)
X <- acast(xs, key ~ sample_id, value.var = "score")
X <- X[unique(gdbc.df$key),]
# If we want to split, it (only?) makes sense to split by collection
split <- if (split) split_gskey(rownames(X))$collection else NULL
if (!isFALSE(recenter) || !isFALSE(rescale)) {
X <- scale_rows(X, center = recenter, scale = rescale)
isna <- which(is.na(X), arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(isna) > 0L) {
na.rows <- unique(isna[, "row"])
if (length(na.rows) == nrow(X)) {
stop("All rows removed after `scale`")
warning(length(na.rows), " features NA'd during `scale`, ",
"these are removed", immediate. = TRUE)
X <- X[-na.rows,,drop = FALSE]
split <- split[-na.rows]
# What kind of colorscale are we going to use?
# If this is 0-centered ish, we use a red-white-blue scheme, otherwise
# we use viridis.
if (is.null(col)) {
# Is 0 close to the center of the score distribution?
qtile.X <- quantile(X, c(0.25, 0.75))
zero.center <- qtile.X[1L] < 0 && qtile.X[2L] > 0
if (zero.center) {
if (missing(zlim)) {
fpost <- quantile(abs(X), 0.975)
zlim <- c(-fpost, fpost)
} else if (is.null(zlim)) {
zlim <- c(min(X), max(X))
} else {
stopifnot(zlim[1L] < 0, zlim[2L] > 0)
col <- colorRamp2(
c(zlim[1L], 0, zlim[2L]),
# c('#1F294E', '#F7F7F7', '#6E0F11')
c("navy", "white", "firebrick")
} else {
if (missing(zlim)) {
fpost <- quantile(X, c(0.025, 0.975))
} else if (is.null(zlim)) {
fpost <- c(min(X), max(X))
} else {
stopifnot(all(zlim >= 0), all(zlim <= 1))
fpost <- quantile(X, zlim)
# Higher granularity for viridis colorRamp
breaks <- quantile(X, seq(0, 1, by = 0.05))
if (fpost[1L] > breaks[2L] || fpost[2L] < breaks[20L]) {
stop("Illegal values for zlim")
breaks[1] <- fpost[1]
breaks[21] <- fpost[2]
col <- colorRamp2(breaks, viridis::viridis(21))
if (drop1.split && !is.null(split) && length(unique(split)) == 1L) {
split <- NULL
if (rm.collection.prefix) {
if (aggregate.by != 'none') {
rownames(X) <- split_gskey(rownames(X))$name
} else {
if (!is.null(split)) {
# The order of the splits should be preserved up until this point.
# Since this is our final "look" at the split character vector, let's
# set this as a factor with the levels set in the order of their first
# appearance.
split <- split_gskey(split)$name
split <- factor(split, unique(split))
## Catch Heatmap arguments in `...` and build a list do do.call() them down
## into the function call.
dot.args <- list(...)
hm.args.default <- as.list(formals(Heatmap))
if (is.null(name)) {
name <- if (aggregate.by == 'none') 'value' else 'score'
hm.args <- dot.args[intersect(names(dot.args), names(hm.args.default))]
hm.args[['matrix']] <- X
hm.args[['col']] <- col
hm.args[['row_split']] <- split
hm.args[['name']] <- name
row.labels <- rownames(X)
if (!is.null(rename.rows)) {
has.meta <- is(x, "DGEList") ||
is(x, "EList") ||
is(x, "SummarizedExperiment") ||
is(x, "eSet")
is.string <- is.character(rename.rows) && length(rename.rows) == 1L
if (aggregate.by == "none") {
if (has.meta && is.string) {
metadf <- fdata(x, as.df = TRUE)
metadf <- data.frame(rn = rownames(x), to = metadf[[rename.rows]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!is.null(metadf$to)) {
row.labels <- rownames(rename_rows(X, xref = metadf, ...))
} else {
warning("rename.rows column not found in metadata for x")
} else {
row.labels <- rownames(rename_rows(X, rename.rows, ...))
} else {
if (!(is.data.frame(rename.rows) && ncol(rename.rows) == 2)) {
warning("rename.rows parameter must be a 2 column data.frame when ",
"aggregate.by != 'none'", immediate. = TRUE)
} else {
if (rm.collection.prefix && any(grepl(";", rename.rows[[1]]))) {
rr <- rename.rows
rr[[1L]] <- sub("^.*;;?", "", rename.rows[[1L]])
rename.rows <- rbind(rename.rows, rr)
row.labels <- rownames(rename_rows(X, rename.rows, ...))
hm.args[["row_labels"]] <- row.labels
H <- do.call(ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap, hm.args)
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