#' Helper utitlity to rename specified names of a vector
#' Looks for values in `x` that are specified in `names(rename)`, and changes
#' the names in `x` with the ones specified in the values of `rename`.
#' @noRd
#' @param x A character list/vector (of any type)
#' @param rename A named character vector
#' @examples
#' .replace(c("x", "y", "z"), c("y" = "why", "m" = "emm")) # c("x", "why", "z")
.replace <- function(x, rename = NULL) {
if (is.null(rename)) return(x)
assert_character(rename, names = "unique")
ridx <- match(names(rename), x)
matched <- !is.na(ridx)
if (any(matched)) {
# This avoids a for loop, but nested function calls are expensive ..
x[ridx[matched]] <- rename[matched]
x <- .replace(x, rename)
#' Utility function to ensure order of genesets in cached list used in do.*
#' methods matches the active genesets extracted from the GeneSetDb used to run
#' multiGSEA
#' @noRd
.gsdlist_conforms_to_gsd <- function(gs.idxs, gsd, active.only = TRUE, ...) {
gsets <- geneSets(gsd, active.only = active.only, as.dt = TRUE)
name.match <- all.equal(
sub(".*;;", "", names(gs.idxs)),
coll.match <- all.equal(
sub(";;.*", "", names(gs.idxs)),
isTRUE(name.match) && isTRUE(coll.match)
#' @noRd
extract_preranked_stats <- function(x, design, contrast, robust.fit=FALSE,
robust.eBayes=FALSE, logFC=NULL,
score.by=c('t', 'logFC', 'pval'), ...) {
score.by <- match.arg(score.by)
if (ncol(x) > 1) {
if (is.null(logFC)) {
logFC <- calculateIndividualLogFC(x, design, contrast, robust.fit,
robust.eBayes, ..., as.dt=TRUE)
} else {
is.logFC.like(logFC, x, as.error=TRUE)
## t will be NA if statistics were computed using edgeR from a DGEList
if (score.by == 't' && any(is.na(logFC[['t']]))) {
warning("t statistics not found in dge results, switching to logFC",
score.by <- 'logFC'
stats <- setNames(logFC[[score.by]], logFC$feature_id)
} else {
## This is already a column matrix of precomputed things (logFC, perhaps)
## to rank
stats <- setNames(x[, 1L], rownames(x))
if (any(is.na(stats))) {
stop("NA values are found in the stats vector for geneSetTest")
if (!setequal(rownames(x), names(stats))) {
stop("Identifiers are not setequal among stats vector and x matrix")
#' Converts collection,name combination to key for geneset
#' The "key" form often comes out as rownames to matrices and such, or
#' particularly for sending genesets down into wrapped methods, like do.camera.
#' @export
#' @rdname gskey
#' @return a character vector
#' @examples
#' gdf <- exampleGeneSetDF()
#' gskeys <- encode_gskey(gdf)
#' gscols <- split_gskey(gskeys)
encode_gskey <- function(x, y, sep=";;") {
if (is.data.frame(x)) {
"collection" %in% colnames(x),
"name" %in% colnames(x))
y <- x[['name']]
x <- x[['collection']]
if (is.factor(x)) x <- as.character(x)
if (is.factor(y)) y <- as.character(y)
stopifnot(is.character(x), is.character(y))
paste(x, y, sep=sep)
#' Splits collection,name combinations to collection,name data.frames
#' @export
#' @rdname gskey
#' @return a data.frame with (collection,name) columns
split_gskey <- function(x, sep=";;") {
stopifnot(all(grepl(sep, x)))
collection=sub(sprintf("%s.*$", sep), "", x),
name=sub(sprintf(".*?%s", sep), "", x),
#' Helper function to extract a vector of "pre-ranked" stats for a GSEA.
#' This can come from: (1) a user provided vector; (2) the logFCs or t-stats of
#' an internal call to calculalateIndividualLogFCs from a "full design"ed
#' matrix
#' @noRd
generate.preranked.stats <- function(x, design, contrast, logFC=NULL,
score.by=c('t', 'logFC', 'pval')) {
if (!is.null(logFC)) {
is.logFC.like(logFC, x, as.error=TRUE)
score.by <- match.arg(score.by)
out <- setNames(logFC[[score.by]], logFC[['feature_id']])
} else {
## If multiGSEA was called with a preranked vector, the validateInputs function
## would have converted it into a column matrix with rownames, but most
## preranked functions want a named vector
out <- setNames(as.vector(x), rownames(x))
#' Converts an expression container like object to a matrix for analysis
#' This converts various expression-like containers into a a matrix of values
#' for use in GSEA or single-sample based scoring methods.
#' There's nothing too fancy here. Keep in mind, however, that if `y`
#' is something that typically stores counts (a `DGEList`) or
#' `DESeqDataSet`, then it is transformed into a matrix of values
#' on the log scale.
#' This function is intentionally not exported.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom edgeR cpm
#' @param y an object to convert into an expression matrix for use in various
#' internal gene set based methods
#' @param gdb optional `GeneSetDb`. If this is provided, the rows of `y`
#' are first filtered to include only the rows that are enumerated as
#' features in this `GeneSetDb`.
#' @param calc.norm.factors If `TRUE` (default) and `y` is a `DESeqDataSet`,
#' TMM normfactors are computed for the counts so the matrix we returned
#' are cpms scaled using TMM normalization.
#' @return a matrix of values to use downstream of internal gene set based
#' methods.
as_matrix <- function(y, gdb = NULL, calc.norm.factors = TRUE, prior.count = 3,
...) {
if (!is.null(gdb)) stopifnot(is(gdb, "GeneSetDb"))
if (is(y, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
if (!requireNamespace("SummarizedExperiment")) {
stop("SummarizedExperiment package required to work on a SE")
if (is(y, "DESeqDataSet") && calc.norm.factors) {
y <- edgeR::DGEList(SummarizedExperiment::assay(y))
y <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(y)
if (is.vector(y)) {
y <- t(t(y)) ## column vectorization that sets names to rownames
} else if (is(y, 'EList')) {
y <- y$E
} else if (is(y, 'DGEList')) {
y <- cpm(y, prior.count = prior.count, log=TRUE)
} else if (is(y, 'eSet')) {
ns <- tryCatch(loadNamespace("Biobase"), error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(ns)) stop("Biobase required")
y <- ns$exprs(y)
} else if (is.data.frame(y)) {
y <- as.matrix(y)
} else if (is(y, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
if (!"logcounts" %in% SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(y)) {
stop("`logcounts` assay missing from SingleCellExperiment")
y <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(y, "logcounts")
} else if (is(y, "Matrix")) {
# y <- Matrix::as.matrix(y)
y <- y
if (!is.null(gdb)) {
keep <- rownames(y) %in% featureIds(gdb, active.only = FALSE)
y <- y[keep,,drop = FALSE]
(is.matrix(y) && is.numeric(y)) || (is(y, "Matrix") && is(y, "Mnumeric"))
#' Reads in a semi-annotated genelist (one symbol per line)
#' Often we are given a list of gene names, and the symbols provided are not
#' the official HGNC ones. In these cases (when small enough) I will replace
#' the symbol provided by the official one, and leave the submitted symbol
#' there after a comment character ("#"). This just strips the stuff after
#' the comment character to provide only the offiical symbols.
#' @noRd
#' @param fn the path to the gene list file
#' @return character vector of gene names.
readGeneSymbols <- function(fn) {
out <- readLines(fn)
sub(' +#.*', '', out)
#' @noRd
isSingleCharacter <- function(x, allow.na=FALSE) {
is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L && (!is.na(x) || allow.na)
#' @noRd
isSingleInteger <- function(x, allow.na=FALSE) {
is.integer(x) && length(x) == 1L && (!is.na(x) || allow.na)
#' @noRd
isSingleNumeric <- function(x, allow.na=FALSE) {
is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1L && (!is.na(x) || allow.na)
#' @noRd
isSingleLogical <- function(x, allow.na=FALSE) {
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && (!is.na(x) || allow.na)
#' Check a data.table vs a reference data.table
#' This function ensures that a \code{data.table} \code{x} has a superset of
#' columns of a reference table \code{ref}, and that both tables are keyed by
#' the same columns.
#' @noRd
#' @param x A `data.table` you want to be validated
#' @param ref `data.table` to use as the reference/model data.table
#' @return `TRUE` if all things check out, otherwise a character vector
#' indicating what the problems were.
check.dt <- function(x, ref) {
if (!is.data.table(x)) {
stop("Input is not a data.table")
missed.cols <- setdiff(names(ref), names(x))
if (length(missed.cols)) {
msg <- paste('columns missing:', paste(missed.cols, collapse=','))
pk <- key(ref)
if (!is.null(pk)) {
xk <- key(x)
if (length(pk) != length(xk) || !all(pk == xk)) {
return('illegal key set')
## Random Utilitis -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Utility function to cat a message to stderr (by default)
#' @export
#' @param ... pieces of the message
#' @param file where to send the message. Defaults to \code{stderr()}
msg <- function(..., file=stderr()) {
cat(paste(rep('-', 80), collapse=''), '\n', file=file)
cat(..., '\n', file=file)
cat(paste(rep('-', 80), collapse=''), '\n', file=file)
#' Utility function to try and fail with grace.
#' Inspired from one of Hadley's functions (in plyr or something?)
#' @export
#' @param default the value to return if `expr` fails
#' @param expr the expression to take a shot at
#' @param frame the frame to evaluate the expression in
#' @param message the error message to display if `expr` fails. Deafults
#' to [base::geterrmessage()]
#' @param silent if `TRUE`, sends the error message to [msg()]
#' @param file where msg sends the message
#' @return the result of `expr` if successful, otherwise `default` value.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' failWith(NULL, stop("no error, just NULL"))
#' }
failWith <- function(default=NULL, expr, frame=parent.frame(),
message=geterrmessage(), silent=FALSE, file=stderr()) {
tryCatch(eval(expr, frame), error=function(e) {
if (!silent) msg(message, file)
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