#' @include validateInputs.R
validate.inputs.fgsea <- .validate.inputs.preranked
validate.x.fgsea <- validate.X
#' Runs GSEA on a pre-ranked list of differential expression statistcis with fgsea
#' fgsea expects the pathways to be describes as a list of character vectors
#' where the vectors are gene ids, and the names of the pre-ranked vector
#' correspond to those IDs
#' Deafults fgsea functionality was changed to [fgsea::fgseaMultilevel()] in
#' 1.13.2 and the default parameters here reflect that. If you want to use the
#' original "fgseaSimple" you have to pass in `use.fgsea.simple = TRUE` in your
#' `multiGSEA()` call.
#' `minSize` and `maxSize` are already set by the `conform` logic that was
#' specified in the call to [multiGSEA()] via the `min.gs.size` and
#' `max.gs.size` parameters.
#' **This function is not meant to be called directly.** It should only be
#' called internally within [multiGSEA()].
#' @param gsd The [GeneSetDb()] for analysis
#' @inheritParams calculateIndividualLogFC
#' @param ... arguments to pass down into [calculateIndividualLogFC()]
#' @return A data.table of fgsea results.
do.fgsea <- function(gsd, x, design, contrast = ncol(design),
sampleSize = 101, eps = 1e-10,
scoreType = c("std", "pos", "neg"),
nproc = 0, gseaParam = 1, nPermSimple = 1000,
absEps = NULL, use.fgsea.simple = FALSE,
score.by = c('t', 'logFC', 'pval'), logFC = NULL,
gs.idxs = as.list(gsd, active.only=TRUE, value='x.idx'),
...) {
scoreType <- match.arg(scoreType)
score.by <- match.arg(score.by)
if (!requireNamespace('fgsea', quietly=TRUE)) {
stop("The Bioconductor fgsea package is required for this functionality")
stopifnot(is.conformed(gsd, x))
stats <- extract_preranked_stats(x, design, contrast, score.by=score.by,
logFC=logFC, ...)
## fgsea call needs minSize and maxSize params, we set this to whatever
## the min/max active geneset sizes are, since this was already specified
## in the internally called conform(gsd, x, min.gs.size, max.gs.size) call
gs.size <- range(subset(geneSets(gsd), active)$n)
## fgsea function wans a list of gene identifiers for pathway definition
pathways <- lapply(gs.idxs, function(idxs) names(stats)[idxs])
if (isTRUE(use.fgsea.simple)) {
res <- fgsea::fgseaSimple(
pathways, stats, nperm = nPermSimple,
minSize = gs.size[1L], maxSize = gs.size[2L],
scoreType = scoreType, nproc = nproc,
gseaParam = gseaParam)
} else {
res <- fgsea::fgseaMultilevel(
pathways, stats, sampleSize = sampleSize,
minSize = gs.size[1L], maxSize = gs.size[2L],
eps = eps, scoreType = scoreType, nproc = nproc,
gseaParam = gseaParam,
# nPermSimple = nPermSimple, # TODO: uncomment for next version of bioc
absEps = absEps)
setattr(res, 'rawresult', TRUE)
mgres.fgsea <- function(res, gsd, ...) {
if (!isTRUE(attr(res, 'rawresult'))) return(res)
# fgsea will sometimes return 0 hits for a pathway. Need to reconstruct a fix!
# missed <- setdiff(names(gs.idxs), res$pathway)
# if (length(missed)) {
# warning(length(missed), " pathways missed in fgsea!")
# lists <- replicate(length(missed), list())
# addme <- data.table(pathway=missed, leadingEdge=lists)
# res <- rbindlist(list(res, addme), fill=TRUE, use.names=TRUE)
# }
# xref <- match(names(gs.idxs), res$pathway)
# res <- res[xref]
gs <- geneSets(gsd, as.dt=TRUE)[, list(collection, name)]
stopifnot(all.equal(res$pathway, encode_gskey(gs)))
out <- cbind(gs, as.data.table(res[, -1L, drop=FALSE]))
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