##' Feature-based weighting of peptides for protein ratio estimation
##' (called by iPQF main function))
##' @param pos list of proteins with corresponding peptide spectra
##' position assignment (in object)
##' @param ma ratio matrix/intensity matrix
##' @param features data.frame of peptide features
##' @return A matrix with estimated protein ratios (rows are proteins,
##' columns are samples).
##' @author Martina Fisher
##' @noRd
iPQF.method <- function(pos, mat, features, feature.weight) {
## calculated protein ratios based on feature ranking
feat.trend <- matrix(data = NA_real_, nrow = length(pos),
ncol = dim(mat)[2], byrow = FALSE)
rownames(feat.trend) <- names(pos)
#weight.list <- vector("list", length(pos)) ## peptide weights
#avrank.list <- vector("list", length(pos)) ## peptide feature average ranks
#rankmat.list <- vector("list", length(pos)) ## feature rank matrix
for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
Mat <- mat[pos[[i]], ]
## Ranking: smaller rank is better (~more reliable peptide)
## combined redundant-unique-dist vector
ru.pep <- features$ru.dist[pos[[i]]]
ru.rank <- rank(ru.pep)
charge.rank <- rank(features$charge[pos[[i]]])
ll.rank <- rank(features$seq.l[pos[[i]]])
sc.rank <- rank(-features$score[pos[[i]]])
mo.rank <- rank(features$mod.stat[pos[[i]]])
mass.rank <- rank(features$prec.mass[pos[[i]]])
int.rank <- rank(-features$mean.ionInt[pos[[i]]])
## ranking matrix
rank.mat <- cbind(ru.rank, charge.rank,
ll.rank, sc.rank,
mo.rank, mass.rank,
#rankmat.list[[i]] <- rank.mat
## feature weighting (based on correlation study in manuscript)
rank.mat2 <- (t(apply(rank.mat, 1,
function(x) feature.weight * x)))
## normalizing: divide by peptide number (rank zw 0-1)
rmat.n <- apply(rank.mat2, 2, function(x) x/length(which(!is.na(x))))
## sum ranks for each peptide:
pep.sumrank <- rowSums(rmat.n, na.rm = TRUE)
## divide by number of features: "average rank"
av.rank <- pep.sumrank/sum(c(1:7)^2) ## worst av.rank = 1
av.rank <- 1 - av.rank ## reverse: best = 1 "weight" = high = reliable peptide
av.rank <- av.rank^2
#avrank.list[[i]] <- av.rank
## Approach: Feature-Weighting
weight <- av.rank
weight <- weight / sum(weight)
trend <- apply(Mat, 2, function(x) weighted.mean(x, w=weight))
feat.trend[i,] <- trend
#weight.list[[i]] <- weight
##### Internal - FUNCTIONS < called within iPQF main function !>
## to build internal objects required for iPQF.method
## Ratio Matrix Construction Function
# Define Ratio Calculation: all Channels to individual channel, or sum of all channels
ratio.mat <- function(mat, method) {
if (method == "sum") {
## equivalent to normalise(., "sum")
## ration.mat <- mat/rowSums(mat)
ratio.mat <- t(apply(mat, 1, function(x) x/sum(x)))
} else {
base.channel <- match(method, colnames(mat))
## ratio.mat <- mat/mat[, base.channel]
ratio.mat <- t(apply(mat, 1,
function(x) x /x[base.channel]))
## example call:
## exprs(object) <- ratio.mat(exprs(object), method="sum")
## ratio.mat(head(mat), method="X114_ions")
## Function: 'Build uniques.all'
## list elements= proteins
## entries per list.element: discrete numbers presenting spectra
## assigned to the specific protein with same numbers for identical
## sequences
uniques.list <- function(pos, sequence) {
pep.all <- lapply(pos, function(i) sequence[i])
un.pep.all <- lapply(pos, function(i) unique(sequence[i]))
uniques.all <- lapply(1:length(pos),
function(x) match(pep.all[[x]], un.pep.all[[x]]))
names(uniques.all) <- names(pos)
## Function: 'Redundant peptides' (multiply measured sequence):
## pos.r: position of peptides with redundantly measured status
## pos.rd: Mean Distance of each peptide to other peptides within a redundant group (follows pos.r structure)
redundant.dist <- function(pos, uniques.all, mat) {
uni.tab <- lapply(uniques.all, table) ## list: name=individual sequence, value= ## appearance of same sequence
anz.uni <- lapply(uni.tab,length) ## number of different sequences in a protein profile
red.name <- lapply(uni.tab, function(x) which(x>1)) ## which protein has redundant sequences?
red.prot <- which(lapply(red.name, length)>0) ## list index (protein profiles) with redundant sequences
## redundant group of peptides:
pos.r <- vector("list", length(pos)) ## pos.r: position of redundant peptide spectra
pos.rd <- vector("list", length(pos)) ## distance of redundant peptides
for (i in red.prot) {
nn <- names(red.name[[i]])
a <- dist <- c()
for (k in nn) {
posr <- which(uniques.all[[i]] == k)
a <- c(a, pos[[i]][posr])
Mat <- mat[pos[[i]][posr], ]
red.vec <- vector("numeric", length(posr))
for (j in 1:length(posr)){
if (length(posr) == 2)
red.vec[j] <- sqrt(sum((Mat[-j,]-Mat[j,])^2))
if (length(posr) > 2)
red.vec[j] <- mean(apply(Mat[-j,], 1,
function(x) sqrt(sum((x-Mat[j,])^2))))
dist <- c(dist, red.vec)
pos.r[[i]] <- a
pos.rd[[i]] <- dist
return(list(pos.r, pos.rd))
## Function: Unique peptide spectrum match (sequence only measured once)
## pos.u: position of peptides with uniquely measured status
## pos.ud: mean distance of a 'unique' peptide to other 'unique' sequences assigned to the protein (follows pos.u structure)
uni.measured.dist <- function(pos, uniques.all, mat) {
uni.tab <- lapply(uniques.all, table)
uni.name <- lapply(uni.tab, function(x) which(x==1)) ## which protein has single measured peptides?
uni.prot <- which(lapply(uni.name, length) > 0) ## index protein profiles with single measured Peptides
num.unis <- unlist(lapply(uni.name, length)) ## number single uniques for each protein
pos.u <- vector("list", length(pos))
pos.ud <- vector("list", length(pos))
for (i in uni.prot) {
uni.p <- match(names(uni.name[[i]]), uniques.all[[i]])
pos.u[[i]] <- pos[[i]][uni.p]
Mat <- mat[pos.u[[i]], ]
uni.vec <- vector("numeric", length(pos.u[[i]]))
for (j in 1:length(uni.vec)){
if (length(uni.vec) == 1) {
Mat <- mat[pos[[i]], ]
k <- match(pos.u[[i]], pos[[i]]) ## for singles: mean distance to all other peptides of the protein
uni.vec[j] <- mean(apply(Mat[-k,], 1,
function(x) sqrt(sum((x-Mat[k,])^2))))
if (length(uni.vec) == 2)
uni.vec[j] <- sqrt(sum((Mat[-j,]-Mat[j,])^2))
if (length(uni.vec) > 2)
uni.vec[j] <- mean(apply(Mat[-j,], 1, function(x) sqrt(sum((x-Mat[j,])^2))))
pos.ud[[i]] <- uni.vec
return(list(pos.u, pos.ud))
##' The iPQF spectra-to-protein summarisation method integrates
##' peptide spectra characteristics and quantitative values for protein
##' quantitation estimation. Spectra features, such as charge state,
##' sequence length, identification score and others, contain valuable
##' information concerning quantification accuracy. The iPQF algorithm
##' assigns weights to spectra according to their overall feature reliability
##' and computes a weighted mean to estimate protein quantities.
##' See also \code{\link{combineFeatures}} for a more
##' general overview of feature aggregation and examples.
##' @title iPQF: iTRAQ (and TMT) Protein Quantification based on
##' Features
##' @param object An instance of class \code{MSnSet} containing
##' absolute ion intensities.
##' @param groupBy Vector defining spectra to protein
##' matching. Generally, this is a feature variable such as
##' \code{fData(object)$accession}.
##' @param low.support.filter A \code{logical} specifying if proteins
##' being supported by only 1-2 peptide spectra should be filtered
##' out. Default is \code{FALSE}.
##' @param ratio.calc Either \code{"none"} (don't calculate any
##' ratios), \code{"sum"} (default), or a specific channel (one of
##' \code{sampleNames(object)}) defining how to calculate relative
##' peptides intensities.
##' @param feature.weight Vector \code{"numeric"} giving weight to the
##' different features. Default is the squared order of the
##' features redundant -unique-distance metric, charge state, ion
##' intensity, sequence length, identification score, modification
##' state, and mass based on a robustness analysis.
##' @param method.combine A \code{logical} defining whether to further
##' use median polish to combine features.
##' @return A \code{matrix} with estimated protein ratios.
##' @author Martina Fischer
##' @references iPQF: a new peptide-to-protein summarization method
##' using peptide spectra characteristics to improve protein
##' quantification. Fischer M, Renard BY. Bioinformatics. 2016
##' Apr 1;32(7):1040-7. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv675. Epub
##' 2015 Nov 20. PubMed PMID:26589272.
##' @examples
##' data(msnset2)
##' head(exprs(msnset2))
##' prot <- combineFeatures(msnset2,
##' groupBy = fData(msnset2)$accession,
##' method = "iPQF")
##' head(exprs(prot))
iPQF <- function(object, groupBy,
low.support.filter = FALSE,
ratio.calc = "sum",
method.combine = FALSE,
feature.weight = c(7,6,4,3,2,1,5)^2
) {
if (!inherits(object,"MSnSet"))
stop("'object' is required to be of class MSnSet")
## Check NA/Zero values still in data set?
rm.pos <- apply(exprs(object), 2,
function(x) which(is.na(x) | x==0))
rm.rows <- unique(unlist(rm.pos))
if (length(rm.rows) > 0)
stop("Remove NA/Zero Intensities in you data",
"before peptide summarization. ",
" spectr[a/um] should be removed.")
## Check mzTab standard names are provdied?
mzTab.names <- c("sequence", "accession",
"charge", "modifications",
wrong.colnames <- which( mzTab.names %in% colnames(fData(object)) == FALSE)
if (length(wrong.colnames) > 0) {
stop(" In FeatureData the following column names, according to the mzTab standard, are required: ",
"\n", paste(mzTab.names[wrong.colnames], collapse = ", ")) }
## Extract individual features
sequence <- as.character(fData(object)$sequence)
accession <- as.character(fData(object)$accession)
charge <- as.integer(as.vector(fData(object)$charge))
seq.l <- sapply(sequence, nchar)
prec.mass <- as.numeric(as.vector(fData(object)$mass_to_charge)) * charge
ses.na <- which(is.na(fData(object)$search_engine_score))
score <- as.numeric(as.vector(fData(object)$search_engine_score))
if (length(which(is.na(score))) > length(ses.na))
stop("Search engine scores are expected as column of numeric values only.")
mod.stat.org <- as.character(fData(object)$modifications)
mod.stat <- ifelse(mod.stat.org == "null" | mod.stat.org == "0" , 0, 1) ## FIXME
## Should the above not be NULL and 0? These are probably badly
## imported values from mzTab.
ion.mat <- exprs(object) ## absolute ion intensity
mean.ionInt <- apply(ion.mat, 1, mean) ## mean absolute ion intensity
## Calculate Ratio Matrix
if (ratio.calc != "none") {
mat <- ratio.mat(exprs(object), method=ratio.calc) ## relative intensities
else mat <- ion.mat ## absolute intensities
## Protein-Peptide Spectra position assignment
## Build list 'pos.pep': Protein ID (accession name)- Peptide spectra assignment (position in object)
## group.by character vector! groupBy = feature pep reihenfolge
uni.ids <- levels(as.factor(groupBy))
pos.all <- sapply(uni.ids, function(y) which(groupBy==y))
names(pos.all) <- uni.ids
## remove low-supported proteins
singles <- which(unlist(lapply(pos.all, length)) < 3) ## proteins supported by only 1-2 peptide spectra
if (length(singles) == length(pos.all)) {
warning("No proteins with > 2 peptide spectra - keeping everything.")
pos.pep <- pos.all
} else {
pos.pep <- pos.all[-singles] ## proteins supported by >2 peptide spectra
## Redundantly measured peptide spectrum status in a protein profile (uniques.all):
uniques.all <- uniques.list(pos.pep, sequence)
## Redundant peptides
red.result <- redundant.dist(pos.pep, uniques.all, mat)
pos.r <- red.result[[1]]
pos.rd <- red.result[[2]]
## Single measured peptides
uni.result <- uni.measured.dist(pos.pep, uniques.all, mat)
pos.u <- uni.result[[1]]
pos.ud <- uni.result[[2]]
## Combined distance vector:
ru.dist <- rep(NA, nrow(object))
ru.dist[unlist(pos.r)] <- unlist(pos.rd)
ru.dist[unlist(pos.u)] <- unlist(pos.ud)
## Data.frame of selected peptide features:
features <- data.frame(charge, seq.l, prec.mass,
score, mod.stat, mean.ionInt, ru.dist)
## Protein Quantification - Peptide Summarization
iPQF.result <- iPQF.method(pos.pep, mat, features, feature.weight=feature.weight)
if (!low.support.filter) {
single.prots <- unique(accession[unlist(pos.all[singles])])
msg <- paste0("The following ", length(single.prots), " proteins are only supported by 1 or 2 peptide spectra,\n",
"hence, protein quantification is not reliable and can only be calculated\n",
"by the 'mean' in these cases, corresponding protein accessions are:\n ",
paste(single.prots, collapse = ", "))
single.quant <- lapply(pos.all[singles],
function(i) {
if (length(i) == 2) apply(mat[i,],2,mean) else mat[i,]
single.quant <- do.call(rbind, single.quant)
quant.result <- rbind(iPQF.result, single.quant)
} else quant.result <- iPQF.result
quant.result <- quant.result[match(uni.ids, rownames(quant.result)), ]
## Method combination: iPQF with MedianPolish
if (method.combine) {
MP.quant <- lapply(1:length(pos.all),
function(i) {
medpol <- medpolish(mat[pos.all[[i]],],
trace.iter = FALSE)
if (length(pos.all[[i]]) == 1)
result <- medpol$overall + medpol$row
result <- medpol$overall + medpol$col
} )
MP.quant <- do.call(rbind, MP.quant)
quant.result <- t(sapply(1:length(pos.all),
function(k) apply(rbind(MP.quant[k,], quant.result[k,]), 2, mean)))
rownames(quant.result) <- names(pos.all)
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