#' Find doublets/multiplets in UMI scRNA-seq data;
#' Annotates doublets/multiplets using a binary classification approach to
#' discriminate artificial doublets from original data.
#' @param sce single cell experiment (\code{SingleCellExperiment}) object to
#' analyze; needs \code{counts} in assays slot.
#' @param ntop integer, indicating number of top variance genes to consider.
#' Default: 500
#' @param srat numeric, indicating ratio between orginal number of "cells" and
#' simulated doublets; Default: 1
#' @param verb progress messages. Default: FALSE
#' @param retRes logical, should the trained classifier be returned?
#' Default: FALSE
#' @param nmax maximum number of training rounds; integer or "tune".
#' Default: "tune"
#' @param varImp logical, should variable (i.e., gene) importance be returned?
#' Default: FALSE
#' @param estNdbl logical, should the numer of doublets be estimated from the data. Enables doublet calls. Default:FALSE. Use with caution.
#' @return sce input sce object \code{SingleCellExperiment} with doublet scores
#' added to colData as "bcds_score" column, and possibly more (details)
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix rowSums rowMeans t
#' @importFrom stats var predict
#' @importFrom xgboost xgboost xgb.cv xgb.importance xgb.DMatrix
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assay<- assays assays<- assayNames
#' rowData rowData<- colData colData<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors SimpleList
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata 'metadata<-'
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("sce_chcl")
#' ## create small data set using only 100 cells
#' sce_chcl_small = sce_chcl[, 1:100]
#' sce_chcl_small = bcds(sce_chcl_small)
bcds <- function(sce, ntop=500, srat=1, verb=FALSE, retRes=FALSE,
nmax="tune", varImp=FALSE, estNdbl = FALSE){
#- check first argument (sce)
stop('First argument (sce) needs to be of class SingleCellExperiment')
if( !("counts" %in% names(assays(sce))) )
stop('First argument (sce) needs to have a "counts" assay')
counts(sce) = Matrix::Matrix(counts(sce),sparse=TRUE)
#- select variable genes
if(verb) message("-> selecting genes\n")
ind1 = Matrix::rowSums(counts(sce)>0)>0.01*ncol(sce)
lc = Matrix::t(log1p(counts(sce)[ind1,]))
lc = lc/Matrix::rowMeans(lc)
vrs = apply(lc,2,stats::var)
hvg = order(vrs,decreasing=TRUE)[seq_len(ntop)]
lc = lc[,hvg]
lc = lc/Matrix::rowMeans(lc)
#- "simulated" doublets
if(verb) message("-> simulating doublets\n")
p1 = sample(seq_len(ncol(sce)),srat*ncol(sce),replace=TRUE)
p2 = sample(seq_len(ncol(sce)),srat*ncol(sce),replace=TRUE)
lc2 = Matrix::t(log1p(counts(sce)[ind1,p1][hvg,] + counts(sce)[ind1,p2][hvg,]))
lc2 = lc2/Matrix::rowMeans(lc2)
X = rbind(lc,lc2)
#- learn classifier
if(verb) message("-> training classifier\n")
colnames(X) = paste("GEN",seq_len(ncol(X)),sep="_") #- ranger picky
y = c(rep(-1,nrow(lc)),rep(1,nrow(lc2)))
mm = xgb.DMatrix(X,label=(y+1)/2)
#- fixed rounds:
if(nmax != "tune"){
res = NA
varImp = FALSE
retRes = FALSE
pre = xgboost(mm,nrounds=nmax,tree_method="hist",
nthread = 2, early_stopping_rounds = 2, subsample=0.5,
objective = "binary:logistic",verbose=0)
sce$bcds_score = stats::predict(pre, newdat= mm[seq_len(ncol(sce)),])
#- get doublet calls
dbl.pre = stats::predict(pre, newdat= mm[seq(ncol(sce)+1,nrow(X)),])
est_dbl = get_dblCalls_ALL(sce$bcds_score,dbl.pre,rel_loss=srat)
if(is.null(metadata(sce)$cxds)) metadata(sce)$cxds = list()
metadata(sce)$bcds$ndbl = est_dbl
metadata(sce)$bcds$sim_scores = dbl.pre
sce$bcds_call = sce$bcds_score >= est_dbl["balanced","threshold"]
#- learning rounds with CV:
} else {
res = xgb.cv(data =mm, nthread = 2, nrounds = 500, objective = "binary:logistic",
early_stopping_rounds=2, tree_method="hist",subsample=0.5,verbose=0)
ni = res$best_iteration
ac = res$evaluation_log$test_error_mean[ni] + 1*res$evaluation_log$test_error_std[ni]
ni = min(which( res$evaluation_log$test_error_mean <= ac ))
nmax = ni
pre = xgboost(mm,nrounds=nmax,tree_method="hist",
nthread = 2, early_stopping_rounds = 2, subsample=0.5,
objective = "binary:logistic",verbose=0)
sce$bcds_score = res$pred[seq_len(ncol(sce))]
#- get doublet calls
dbl.pre = stats::predict(pre, newdat= mm[seq(ncol(sce)+1,nrow(X)),])
est_dbl = get_dblCalls_ALL(sce$bcds_score,dbl.pre,rel_loss=srat)
if(is.null(metadata(sce)$cxds)) metadata(sce)$cxds = list()
metadata(sce)$bcds$ndbl = est_dbl
metadata(sce)$bcds$sim_scores = dbl.pre
sce$bcds_call = sce$bcds_score >= est_dbl["balanced","threshold"]
#- variable importance
if(verb) message("-> calculating variable importance\n")
vimp = xgb.importance(model=pre)
vimp$col_index = match(vimp$Feature,colnames(X))
#- result
hvg_bool = (seq_len(nrow(sce))) %in% which(ind1)
hvg_bool[hvg_bool] = (seq_len(sum(hvg_bool))) %in% hvg
hvg_ord = rep(NA,nrow(sce))
hvg_ord[hvg_bool] = which(ind1)[hvg]
rowData(sce)$bcds_hvg_bool = hvg_bool
rowData(sce)$bcds_hvg_ordr = hvg_ord
metadata(sce)$bcds_res_cv = res
metadata(sce)$bcds_res_all = pre
metadata(sce)$bcds_nmax = nmax
vimp$gene_index = hvg_ord[hvg_bool][vimp$col_index]
metadata(sce)$bcds_vimp = vimp[seq_len(100),-c(1,5)]
if(verb) message("-> done.\n\n")
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