## need to redefine some of the getters for vectorization
getLabelPos <- function(f, slot = "x")
ans <- slot(labelLoc(txtLabel(f)), slot)
if (length(ans) == 0) NA_real_
else ans
getLabelJust <- function(f)
ans <- labelJust(txtLabel(f))
if (length(ans) == 0) NA_character_
else ans
getLabelWidth <- function(f)
ans <- labelWidth(txtLabel(f))
if (length(ans) == 0) NA_integer_
else ans
## Grab the node and node label information from an Ragraph
## and put it into graph's nodeData
## This will extract:
## - rWidth: the right half of the node in points
## - lWidth: the left half of the node in points
## - height: the height of the node in points
## - x: the x location of the node
## - y: the y location of the node
## - labelX: the x location of the node label
## - labelY: the y location of the node label
## - labelJust: the adjustment of the node label
## - labelWidth: the width of the node label
## - style: no idea where this comes from
nodeRagraph2graph <- function(g, x)
## get node locations from the Ragraph
agn <- AgNode(g)
rw <- sapply(agn, getNodeRW)
lw <- sapply(agn, getNodeLW)
height <- sapply(agn, getNodeHeight)
centerX <- sapply(agn, function(f) getNodeCenter(f)@x)
centerY <- sapply(agn, function(f) getNodeCenter(f)@y)
## get node label locations from the Ragraph (Note: They don't
## seem to be used, falling back to node locations for now)
#labelX <- sapply(agn, getLabelPos, "x")
#labelY <- sapply(agn, getLabelPos, "y")
labelX <- centerX
labelY <- centerY
labelJust <- sapply(agn, getLabelJust)
labelWidth <- sapply(agn, getLabelWidth)
shape <- sapply(agn,shape)
style <- sapply(agn, style)
col <- sapply(agn, color)
fill <- sapply(agn, fillcolor)
ans <-
list(rWidth = rw,
lWidth = lw,
height = height,
nodeX = centerX,
nodeY = centerY,
labelX = labelX,
labelY = labelY,
labelJust = labelJust,
labelWidth = labelWidth,
shape = shape,
style = style,
col = col, fill = fill)
for (i in names(ans)) names(ans[[i]]) <- nodes(x)
## Grab the edge and edge label information from an Ragraph
## and put it into graph's edgeData
## This will extract:
## - splines: the splines of the Bezier curve
## - labelX: the x location of the edge label
## - labelY: the y location of the node label
## - labelJust: the adjustment of the edge label
## - labelWidth: the width of the edge label
## - arrowhead: the type of arrow heads for directed graphs
## - arrowtail: the type of arrow tails for directed graphs
## - dir: the direction of arrows for directed graphs
edgeRagraph2graph <- function(g, x)
## get edge locations from the Ragraph
age <- AgEdge(g)
enamesFrom <- sapply(age, slot, "tail")
enamesTo <- sapply(age, slot, "head")
splines <- lapply(age, splines)
## get edge label locations from the Ragraph
labelX <- sapply(age, getLabelPos, "x")
labelY <- sapply(age, getLabelPos, "y")
labelJust <- sapply(age, getLabelJust)
labelWidth <- sapply(age, getLabelWidth)
## get arrowhead information from the Ragraph
arrowhead <- sapply(age, arrowhead)
arrowtail <- sapply(age, arrowtail)
dir <- sapply(age, slot, "dir")
col <- sapply(age, color)
ans <-
list(enamesFrom = enamesFrom,
enamesTo = enamesTo,
splines = splines,
labelX = labelX,
labelY = labelY,
labelJust = labelJust,
labelWidth = labelWidth,
arrowhead = arrowhead,
arrowtail = arrowtail,
direction = dir,
col = col)
for (i in names(ans))
names(ans[[i]]) <- paste(enamesFrom, enamesTo, sep="~")
## Grab the graph-wide information from an Ragraph
## and put it into graph's graphData
## This will extract:
## - bbox: the bounding box of the graph
graphRagraph2graph <- function(g, x)
## get bounding box from Ragraph
bbox <- matrix(c(g@boundBox@botLeft@x, g@boundBox@botLeft@y,
g@boundBox@upRight@x, g@boundBox@upRight@y),
ncol=2, byrow=T)
## fill graphData
gr <- graphRenderInfo(x)
gr$bbox <- bbox
graphRenderInfo(x) <- gr
## wrapper function to call layout engine on a graph object
layoutGraph <- function(x, layoutFun=layoutGraphviz, ...){
if (!validGraph(x))
stop("The graph to be plotted is not a valid graph structure")
layoutFun(x, ...)
## Do graph layout using the API to the graphviz algorithms available
## through Rgraphviz by calling agopen only to get the edge and node
## coordinates and the label locations and save all layout information
## to the graph
layoutGraphviz <- function(x, layoutType="dot", name="graph",
recipEdges="combined", nodeAttrs=list(),
edgeAttrs=list(), attrs=list(), ...)
if(numNodes(x) == 0) {
warning("graph has zero nodes; cannot layout\n")
## defaults can be passed in via the attrs argument and we want to
## set those first
nodeRenderInfo(x) <- attrs$node
edgeRenderInfo(x) <- attrs$edge
graphRenderInfo(x) <- attrs$graph
## pass along labels if present
nodeLabels <- nodeRenderInfo(x, "label")
if(!is.null(nodeLabels) && is.null(nodeAttrs$label) && is.null(attrs$node$label))
nodeAttrs$label <- nodeLabels
edgeLabels <- edgeRenderInfo(x, "label")
if(!is.null(edgeLabels) && is.null(edgeAttrs$label) && is.null(attrs$edge$label))
edgeAttrs$label <- edgeLabels
## make sure that arrowheads are passed on to graphviz
## but only if they are not functions
edgeHead <- edgeHeadOrig <-
if(length(edgeAttrs$arrowhead)) edgeAttrs$arrowhead else edgeRenderInfo(x, "arrowhead")
hsel <- FALSE
hsel <- sapply(edgeHead, is.function)
edgeHead[hsel] <- "open"
edgeAttrs$arrowhead <- edgeHead
tsel <- FALSE
edgeTail <- edgeTailOrig <-
if(length(edgeAttrs$arrowtail)) edgeAttrs$arrowtail else edgeRenderInfo(x, "arrowtail")
tsel <- sapply(edgeTail, is.function)
edgeTail[tsel] <- "open"
edgeAttrs$arrowtail <- edgeTail
## pass fontsize
fontsize <- getRenderPar(x, "fontsize")
names(fontsize) <- nodes(x)
nodeAttrs$fontsize <- fontsize
## The node shapes, only pass them on if they are not functions
shapes <- getRenderPar(x, "shape", "nodes")
widths <- getRenderPar(x, "iwidth", "nodes")
heights <- getRenderPar(x, "iheight", "nodes")
names(shapes) <- names(widths) <- names(heights) <- nodes(x)
attrShapes <- nodeAttrs$shape
shapes[names(attrShapes)] <- attrShapes
shapesOrig <- shapes
ssel <- FALSE
ssel <- sapply(shapes, is.function)
shapes[ssel] <- "circle"
nodeAttrs$shape <- unlist(shapes)
#oshape <- shapes
#circ <- shapes=="circle"
#ell <- shapes=="ellipse"
attrWidths <- nodeAttrs$width
attrHeights <- nodeAttrs$height
if(!is.null(attrWidths)) widths[names(attrWidths)] <- attrWidths
if(!is.null(attrHeights)) heights[names(attrHeights)] <- attrHeights
nodeAttrs$width <- widths
nodeAttrs$height <- heights
g <- agopen(x, name=name, layoutType=layoutType,
recipEdges=recipEdges, nodeAttrs=nodeAttrs,
edgeAttrs=edgeAttrs, attrs=attrs, ...)
x <- graphRagraph2graph(g,x)
graphRenderInfo(x) <- list(recipEdges=recipEdges)
## get information from the Ragraph object. Only replace labels if
## they have been explicitely specified in the edgeAttrs or nodeAttrs
nri <- nodeRagraph2graph(g, x)
## nri$shape <- oshape
nri$label <- nodeAttrs$label
nri$shape[names(which(ssel))] <- shapesOrig[ssel]
nodeRenderInfo(x) <- nri
eri <- edgeRagraph2graph(g, x)
eri$label <- edgeAttrs$label
eri$arrowhead[names(which(hsel))] <- edgeHeadOrig[hsel]
eri$arrowtail[names(which(tsel))] <- edgeTailOrig[tsel]
edgeRenderInfo(x) <- eri
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.