#' Create three avera expression heatmaps using a SCE object
#' This function is a wrapper around [CATALYST::plotExprHeatmap()] and
#' [ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()] that allows more styling flexibility.
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param by Data to use in addition to markers.
#' @param by_keep Elements to subset before plotting (no features).
#' @param by_label Title to accompany annotation.
#' @param by_colors Color to use in annotation.
#' @param catalyst_args Extra arguments for [CATALYST::plotExprHeatmap()].
#' Except x, by, and scale.
#' @param heatmap_col A vector of colors to be interpolated.
#' @param rescale_limits Output range (numeric vector of length two).
#' @param special_text Logical. If TRUE [ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()] uses
#' [ComplexHeatmap::gt_render()] for rownames and colnames of heatmap.
#' @inheritDotParams ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap -name -matrix -col
#' @return A named list with three [ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()] objects:
#' 1. normalized_heatmap: Use resulting matrix from
#' [CATALYST::plotExprHeatmap()] without modification.
#' 2. scaled_heatmap: Matrix scaled without center and then rescaled using
#' [scales::rescale()].
#' 3. scaled_markerwise_heatmap: Matrix scaled without center and then
#' rescaled by each marker using [scales::rescale()].
#' @export
#' @md
catalyst_expression_heatmaps <- function(sce,
by = "sample_id",
by_keep = NULL,
by_label = by,
by_colors = NULL,
catalyst_args = list(),
heatmap_col = NULL,
rescale_limits = c(0, 1),
special_text = FALSE,
...) {
## Calculate matrix to plot ----
mat <- purrr::exec(
.fn = CATALYST::plotExprHeatmap,
x = sce,
by = by,
scale = "never",
) |>
## Get extra parameters to handle.
extra_heatmap_params <- list(...)
## Find m or k to by_keep ----
if (is.null(by_keep)) {
by_keep <- rownames(mat)
## Set plot defaults ----
### Column annotation pallete ----
preexisting_top_annotation <- "top_annotation" %in% names(extra_heatmap_params)
if (!preexisting_top_annotation) {
if (is.null(by_colors)) {
by_colors <- CATALYST:::.cluster_cols[1:nrow(mat)]
names(by_colors) <- rownames(mat)
by_colors <- by_colors[by_keep]
top_annotation <- ComplexHeatmap::columnAnnotation(
col_annotation = ComplexHeatmap::anno_simple(
x = by_keep,
col = by_colors
annotation_label = by_label
extra_heatmap_params[["top_annotation"]] <- top_annotation
### Heatmap continious palette ----
custom_color_palette <- function(colors, matrix) {
breaks = seq(
from = min(matrix, na.rm = TRUE),
to = max(matrix, na.rm = TRUE),
length.out = length(colors)
colors = colors,
space = "LAB"
if (is.null(heatmap_col)) {
heatmap_col <- rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdYlBu"))
### Function annotation ----
fun <- purrr::pluck(
.x = catalyst_args,
.default = "median"
### Labels annotation ----
if (special_text) {
if (!"column_labels" %in% names(extra_heatmap_params)) {
extra_heatmap_params[["column_labels"]] <- mat[by_keep, ] |>
t() |>
colnames() |>
if (!"row_labels" %in% names(extra_heatmap_params)) {
extra_heatmap_params[["row_labels"]] <- mat[by_keep, ] |>
t() |>
rownames() |>
## Create shared function for plotting ----
custom_heatmap <- function(matrix,
name) {
.fn = ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap,
name = name,
matrix = matrix,
col = custom_color_palette(heatmap_col, matrix),
## Plot matrices ----
normalized_heatmap <- mat[by_keep, ] |>
t() |>
(\(x) {
name = glue::glue("{stringr::str_to_title(fun)}\nexpression"),
matrix = x
scaled_heatmap <- mat |>
scale(center = FALSE) |>
scales::rescale(to = rescale_limits) |>
(\(x) {
x[by_keep, ]
})() |>
t() |>
(\(x) {
name = glue::glue("Scaled\n{fun}\nexpression"),
matrix = x
scaled_marker_wise <- mat |>
scale(center = FALSE) |>
asplit(MARGIN = 2) |>
lapply(function(x) scales::rescale(x = x, to = rescale_limits)) |>
as.data.frame() |>
as.matrix() |>
(\(x) {
x[by_keep, ]
})() |>
t() |>
name = glue::glue("Scaled\n{fun}\nexpression\nby marker"),
matrix = x
normalized_heatmap = normalized_heatmap,
scaled_heatmap = scaled_heatmap,
scaled_marker_wise = scaled_marker_wise
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