#' Make MD plots for all combinations of a condition
#' @importFrom graphics abline legend lines par persp
#' points smoothScatter axis
#' @param hicexp A hicexp object.
#' @param prow The number of rows to use for the
#' grid of MD plots. Defaults to 3.
#' @param pcol The number of columns to use for
#' the grid of MD plots. Defaults to 3.
#' @param plot.chr A specific chromosome or
#' set of chromosome which you want to plot.
#' This should be a numeric value, i.e. to
#' plot chromosome 1 set plot.chr = 1, to
#' plot chromosomes 1 and 5 set plot.chr
#' = c(1, 5). Defaults to NA indicating that
#' all chromosomes present in the hicexp
#' will be plotted.
#' @param plot.loess Logical, should a loess curve
#' be plotted over the MD plots. Note setting
#' this to TRUE will increase the computational
#' time for plotting.
#' @return A set of MD plots.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("hicexp2")
#' MD_hicexp(hicexp2)
MD_hicexp <- function(hicexp, prow = 3, pcol = 3, plot.chr = NA, plot.loess = FALSE) {
# check if more than one chromosome then split
if (length(unique(hic_table(hicexp)$chr)) > 1) {
chr_table <- split(hic_table(hicexp), hic_table(hicexp)$chr)
# check if chr to plot is specified
if (!is.na(plot.chr[1])) {
chrs.to.plot <- which(as.numeric(names(chr_table)) %in% plot.chr)
if (length(chrs.to.plot) < 1) {
stop("Chr selected in plot.chr does not exist in the data")
tmp <- lapply(chr_table[chrs.to.plot], .MD.hicexp.chr, prow = prow,
pcol = pcol, plot.loess = plot.loess)
} else {
# otherwise plot every chr
tmp <- lapply(chr_table, .MD.hicexp.chr, prow = prow, pcol = pcol, plot.loess = plot.loess)
} else {
# if only a single chr just plot
.MD.hicexp.chr(hic_table(hicexp), prow = prow, pcol = pcol, plot.loess = plot.loess)
.MD.hicexp.chr <- function(chr_table, prow, pcol, plot.loess) {
# save par
old_par <- par()
# get all unique pairs
samples <- 5:ncol(chr_table)
combinations <- combn(samples, 2)
# make M matrix
M_matrix <- matrix(nrow = nrow(chr_table), ncol = ncol(combinations))
plot_list <- list()
par(mfrow = c(prow, pcol), mai = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1))
for (j in 1:ncol(combinations)) {
M_matrix[,j] <- log2( (chr_table[, combinations[1,j], with = FALSE] + 1)[[1]] /
(chr_table[, combinations[2,j], with = FALSE] + 1)[[1]] )
# make MD plot
.MD.smooth(M_matrix[,j], chr_table$D, title = paste0('chr', chr_table$chr[1],
' ',
'Sample ',
combinations[1,j] - 4,
' vs. ', combinations[2,j] - 4),
ylab = '', xlab = '',
plot.loess = plot.loess)
# reset par
#' Plot a composite MD plot with the results of a comparison
#' @param hicexp A hicexp object which has
#' had a multiHiCcompare comparison step performed on it.
#' @param plot.chr A specific chromosome or
#' set of chromosome which you want to plot.
#' This should be a numeric value, i.e. to
#' plot chromosome 1 set plot.chr = 1, to
#' plot chromosomes 1 and 5 set plot.chr
#' = c(1, 5). Defaults to NA indicating that
#' all chromosomes present in the hicexp
#' will be plotted.
#' @param D.range Allows for subsetting of the plot by
#' Distance. Set to proportion of total distance
#' that you want to be displayed. Value of 1
#' indicates that the entire distance range
#' will be displayed. Defaults to 1.
#' @return An MD plot
#' @examples
#' data("hicexp_diff")
#' MD_composite(hicexp_diff)
#' @export
MD_composite <- function(hicexp, plot.chr = NA, D.range = 1) {
# check to make sure data has been compared
if (nrow(results(hicexp)) < 1) {
stop("You must compare the Hi-C data first before using
this plot function")
# check D.range
if (D.range > 1 | D.range <= 0) {
stop('D.range must be less than or equal to 1 and greater than 0.')
# check if more than one chromosome then split
if (length(unique(results(hicexp)$chr)) > 1) {
chr_table <- split(results(hicexp), results(hicexp)$chr)
# check if chr to plot is specified
if (!is.na(plot.chr[1])) {
chrs.to.plot <- which(as.numeric(names(chr_table)) %in% plot.chr)
if (length(chrs.to.plot) < 1) {
stop("Chr selected in plot.chr does not exist in the data")
tmp <- lapply(chr_table[chrs.to.plot], function(x) {
.MD.smooth(x$logFC, x$D, x$p.adj, title = paste0('chr', x$chr[1]),
plot.loess = FALSE, D.range = D.range)
} else {
# otherwise plot every chr
tmp <- lapply(chr_table, function(x) {
.MD.smooth(x$logFC, x$D, x$p.adj, title = paste0('chr', x$chr[1]),
plot.loess = FALSE, D.range = D.range)
} else {
# if only a single chr just plot
.MD.smooth(M = results(hicexp)$logFC, D = results(hicexp)$D,
p.val = results(hicexp)$p.adj,
title = "Composite MD Plot",
plot.loess = FALSE, D.range = D.range)
.MD.smooth <- function(M, D, p.val = NA, title = 'MD Plot', ylab = 'M',
xlab = 'Distance', plot.loess = FALSE, D.range = 1) {
# subset plot by D
if (D.range < 1) {
max.D <- max(D)
cut.point <- ceiling(D.range * max.D)
# subset M, D, p.val vectors based on cut.point
keep <- D <= cut.point
D <- D[keep]
M <- M[keep]
p.val <- p.val[keep]
# smooth scatter version
smoothScatter(D, M, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = title, cex.main = 0.85)
abline(h = 0)
if (!is.na(p.val[1])) {
p0.001 <- which(p.val < 0.001)
p0.05 <- which(p.val >= 0.001 & p.val < 0.05)
points(D[p0.001], M[p0.001], col = "red", pch = 20)
points(D[p0.05], M[p0.05], col = 'yellow', pch = 20)
legend('bottomright', legend = c('P < 0.001', 'P < 0.05'),
fill = c('red', 'yellow'), bty = 'n', horiz = TRUE)
# add loess fit to plot
if (plot.loess) {
lines(loess.smooth(D, M, span = 1/2, degree = 1), col = 'red')
#' Function to visualize p-values from multiHiCcompare results
#' @param hicexp A hicexp object that has been
#' normalized and has had differences detected.
#' @param alpha The alpha level at which you will
#' call a p-value significant. If this is set to
#' a numeric value then any p-values >= alpha will
#' be set to 1 for the visualization in the heatmap.
#' Defaults to NA for visualization of all p-values.
#' @param chr The numeric value for the chromosome that
#' you want to plot. Set to 0 to plot all chromosomes
#' in the dataset.
#' @details The goal of this function is to visualize
#' where in the Hi-C matrix the differences are
#' occuring between two experimental conditions.
#' The function will produce a heatmap of the
#' -log10(p-values) * sign(logFC)
#' to visualize where the
#' significant differences between the datasets
#' are occuring on the genome.
#' @return A heatmap
#' @examples
#' data("hicexp_diff")
#' pval_heatmap(hicexp_diff, chr = 22)
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @export
pval_heatmap <- function(hicexp, alpha = NA, chr = 0) {
# check input
if (nrow(results(hicexp)) < 1) {
stop("You must compare the hicexp first.")
if (!is.numeric(chr)) {
stop("chr should be a numeric value")
if (chr != 0 & sum(chr == as.numeric(unique(results(hicexp)$chr))) < 1) {
stop("The value of chr selected does not appear in the hicexp")
# if chr = 0 split data up by chr
if (chr == 0) {
chr.list <- split(results(hicexp), results(hicexp)$chr)
} else {
# otherwise subset data to just the selected chr
chr.list <- list(subset(results(hicexp)[chr == chr,]))
# convert to sparse matrix
m <- lapply(chr.list, function(x) {
new.table <- cbind(x$region1, x$region2, x$p.adj)
# convert to full matrix
m <- lapply(m, HiCcompare::sparse2full)
# get fold change
fc<- lapply(chr.list, function(x) {
new.table <- cbind(x$region1, x$region2, x$logFC)
fc <- lapply(fc, HiCcompare::sparse2full)
# remove non significant values from matrix if alpha is set to a value
if (!is.na(alpha)) {
for (i in seq_len(length(m))) {
m[[i]][m[[i]] >= alpha] <- 1
# plot heatmap
mapply(function(m, fc) {
pheatmap::pheatmap(-log10(m) * sign(fc), cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = FALSE, show_rownames = FALSE,
show_colnames = FALSE)
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