#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import IRanges
#' @import BSgenome
alignToTSS <- function(granges, upstream = 0, downstream = 1) {
if (any(GenomicRanges::strand(granges) == '*')) {
granges <- deconvolveBidirectionalPromoters(granges)
if (!is.null(granges$TSS)) {
GenomicRanges::ranges(granges) <- IRanges::IRanges(
start = ifelse(
as.vector(GenomicRanges::strand(granges)) == '+',
(granges$TSS - upstream),
(granges$TSS - downstream + 1)
width = downstream + upstream,
names = names(IRanges::ranges(granges))
else if (!is.null(granges$TSS.fwd) & !is.null(granges$TSS.rev)) {
GenomicRanges::ranges(granges) <- IRanges::IRanges(
start = ifelse(
as.vector(GenomicRanges::strand(granges)) == '+',
(granges$TSS.fwd - upstream),
(granges$TSS.rev - downstream + 1)
width = downstream + upstream,
names = names(IRanges::ranges(granges))
else {
TSSs <- GenomicRanges::start(
GenomicRanges::resize(granges, fix = 'end', width = 1)
GenomicRanges::ranges(granges) <- IRanges::IRanges(
start = ifelse(
as.vector(GenomicRanges::strand(granges)) == '+',
(TSSs - upstream),
(TSSs - downstream + 1)
width = downstream + upstream,
names = names(IRanges::ranges(granges))
#' @import GenomicRanges
deconvolveBidirectionalPromoters <- function(granges) {
filt <- GenomicRanges::strand(granges) == '+' |
GenomicRanges::strand(granges) == '-'
unid <- granges[filt]
bid <- granges[GenomicRanges::strand(granges) == '*']
bid.fwd <- bid
GenomicRanges::strand(bid.fwd) <- '+'
bid.rev <- bid
GenomicRanges::strand(bid.rev) <- '-'
granges_shifted <- sort(c(unid, bid.fwd, bid.rev), ignore.strand = TRUE)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import Biostrings
withSeq <- function(granges, genome) {
if (methods::is(genome, 'character')) {
if (genome %in% c(
'sacCer3', 'ce11', 'dm6', 'mm10', 'hg38', 'danRer10'
) | genome %in% BSgenome::installed.genomes()) {
genome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome(genome)
else {
'Only sacCer3, ce11, dm6, mm10, hg38
and danRer10 are supported'
if (methods::is(genome, 'BSgenome')) {
genome <- Biostrings::getSeq(genome)
granges$seq <- genome[granges]
getCovMatrix <- function(g, bw, norm = 'none', verbose = FALSE) {
scores <- bw
# Subset scores over GRanges
g <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(
IRanges::IRanges(1, width = lengths(bw))
type = 'within'
scores.subset <- scores[g]
# Turn it into a rectangular matrix and flip reverse strand scores
if (verbose) message('.. Converting scores into matrix...')
scores.subset <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(
as.vector(unlist(scores.subset)), nrow = length(g),
byrow = TRUE
scores.subset.flipped <- t(apply(scores.subset, 1, rev))
scores.subset <- matrix(
function(K) {
if((as.vector(GenomicRanges::strand(g)) == '-')[K]) {
} else {
) %>% unlist(),
nrow = length(g),
byrow = TRUE
# Normalize matrix
if (norm == 'zscore') {
scores.subset <- apply(
scores.subset, 1, scale
) %>% t() %>% na.replace(0)
else if (norm == 'log2') {
scores.subset <- log2(scores.subset + 1)
# Return matrix
#' A function to plot aggregated signals over sets of GRanges
#' This function takes one or several RleList genomic tracks (e.g. imported
#' by rtraklayer::import(..., as = 'Rle')) and one or several GRanges
#' objects. It computes coverage of the GRanges by the genomic tracks
#' and returns an aggregate coverage plot.
#' @param x a single signal track (CompressedRleList or SimpleRleList class),
#' or several signal tracks (SimpleRleList or CompressedRleList class)
#' grouped in a named list
#' @param granges a GRanges object or a named list of GRanges
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @param colors a vector of colors
#' @param xlab x axis label
#' @param ylab y axis label
#' @param xlim y axis limits
#' @param ylim y axis limits
#' @param quartiles Which quantiles to use to determine y scale automatically?
#' @param verbose Boolean
#' @param bin Integer Width of the window to use to smooth values
#' by zoo::rollMean
#' @param plot_central Boolean Draw a vertical line at 0
#' @param run_in_parallel Boolean Should the plots be computed in parallel
#' using mclapply?
#' @param split_by_granges Boolean Facet plots over the sets of GRanges
#' @param split_by_track Boolean Facet plots by the sets of signal tracks
#' @param free_scales Boolean Should each facet have independent y-axis scales?
#' @param norm character Should the signal be normalized
#' ('none', 'zscore' or 'log2')?
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return An aggregate coverage plot.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom zoo rollmean
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ce11_ATACseq)
#' data(ce11_WW_10bp)
#' data(ce11_proms)
#' p1 <- plotAggregateCoverage(
#' ce11_ATACseq,
#' resize(ce11_proms[1:100], fix = 'center', width = 1000)
#' )
#' p1
#' proms <- resize(ce11_proms[1:100], fix = 'center', width = 400)
#' p2 <- plotAggregateCoverage(
#' ce11_ATACseq,
#' list(
#' 'Ubiq & Germline promoters' =
#' proms[proms$which.tissues %in% c('Ubiq.', 'Germline')],
#' 'Other promoters' =
#' proms[!(proms$which.tissues %in% c('Ubiq.', 'Germline'))]
#' )
#' )
#' p2
#' p3 <- plotAggregateCoverage(
#' list(
#' 'atac' = ce11_ATACseq,
#' 'WW_10bp' = ce11_WW_10bp
#' ),
#' proms,
#' norm = 'zscore'
#' )
#' p3
#' p4 <- plotAggregateCoverage(
#' list(
#' 'ATAC-seq' = ce11_ATACseq,
#' 'WW 10-bp periodicity' = ce11_WW_10bp
#' ),
#' list(
#' 'Ubiq & Germline promoters' =
#' proms[proms$which.tissues %in% c('Ubiq.', 'Germline')],
#' 'Other promoters' =
#' proms[!(proms$which.tissues %in% c('Ubiq.', 'Germline'))]
#' ),
#' norm = 'zscore'
#' )
#' p4
#' p5 <- plotAggregateCoverage(
#' list(
#' 'ATAC-seq' = ce11_ATACseq,
#' 'WW 10-bp periodicity' = ce11_WW_10bp
#' ),
#' list(
#' 'Ubiq & Germline promoters' =
#' proms[proms$which.tissues %in% c('Ubiq.', 'Germline')],
#' 'Other promoters' =
#' proms[!(proms$which.tissues %in% c('Ubiq.', 'Germline'))]
#' ),
#' split_by_granges = FALSE,
#' split_by_track = TRUE,
#' norm = 'zscore'
#' )
#' p5
plotAggregateCoverage <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn plotAggregateCoverage S3 method for CompressedRleList
plotAggregateCoverage.CompressedRleList <- function(
bw <- methods::as(x, 'SimpleRleList')
plotAggregateCoverage(bw, granges, ...)
#' @export
#' @describeIn plotAggregateCoverage S3 method for SimpleRleList
plotAggregateCoverage.SimpleRleList <- function(
colors = NULL,
xlab = 'Center of elements',
ylab = 'Score',
xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
quartiles = c(0.025, 0.975),
verbose = FALSE,
bin = 1,
plot_central = TRUE,
run_in_parallel = FALSE,
split_by_granges = FALSE,
norm = 'none',
bw <- x
if (is.null(colors)) {
colors <- rep(c(
), 5)
if (methods::is(granges, 'GRanges')) granges <- list('granges' = granges)
# Compute scores
lists <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(granges), function(K) {
g <- granges[[K]]
if (length(unique(GenomicRanges::width(g))) > 1) {
stop('Please provide only GRanges that
are all the same width. Aborting.')
if (unique(GenomicRanges::width(g)) < 2) {
stop('Please provide only GRanges with widths >=2. Aborting.')
mat <- getCovMatrix(g, bw, verbose = FALSE, norm = norm)
colnames(mat) <- c(
rep('', (ncol(mat) - 3)/2),
rep('', (ncol(mat) - 2)/2),
paste0('+', unique(GenomicRanges::width(g))/2)
row.names(mat) <- paste0('locus_', as.character(seq_len(nrow(mat))))
means <- c(
rep(NA, bin/2),
zoo::rollmean(apply(mat, 2, mean), bin),
rep(NA, bin/2)
conint <- c(
rep(NA, bin/2),
apply(mat, 2, function (n) {
Q <- stats::qt(0.975,sum(!is.na(n)))
S <- sd(n,na.rm=TRUE)
sq <- sqrt(sum(!is.na(n)))
Q * S / sq
rep(NA, bin/2)
topEE <- means + conint
bottomEE <- means - conint
coords <- round(
length.out = unique(width(g))
EE <- data.frame(
'means' = means,
'meansUp' = topEE,
'meansDown' = bottomEE,
'x' = coords,
'grange' = rep(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
}, mc.cores = ifelse(run_in_parallel, length(granges), 1))
EEs <- do.call(rbind, lists)
if (!is.null(names(granges))) {
EEs$grange <- factor(EEs$grange, levels = names(granges))
else {
EEs$grange <- factor(
EEs$grange, levels = as.character(seq_along(granges))
# Determining YLIM
if (is.null(ylim)) {
max <- max(na.remove(EEs$meansUp)) * 1.05
min <- min(na.remove(EEs$meansDown)) * 0.95
ylim <- c(min, max)
# Start plotting
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = EEs, ggplot2::aes(
x = x,
y = means,
ymin = meansDown,
ymax = meansUp,
group = grange,
col = grange,
fill = grange
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line()
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.2, col = NA)
p <- p + theme_ggplot2()
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
limits = xlim,
expand = c(0, 0)
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
limits = ylim,
expand = c(0, 0)
p <- p + ggplot2::labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, col = 'Sets:')
p <- p + ggplot2::guides(fill = FALSE)
if (length(granges) == 1) p <- p + ggplot2::guides(color = FALSE)
if (length(granges) <= length(colors)) {
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colors)
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = colors)
if (plot_central) p <- p + ggplot2::geom_vline(
xintercept = 0, colour="black", linetype = "longdash", size = 0.1
if (split_by_granges) p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ grange)
# Return plot
#' @export
#' @describeIn plotAggregateCoverage S3 method for list
plotAggregateCoverage.list <- function(
colors = NULL,
xlab = 'Center of elements',
ylab = 'Score',
xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
quartiles = c(0.025, 0.975),
verbose = FALSE,
bin = 1,
plot_central = TRUE,
split_by_granges = TRUE,
split_by_track = FALSE,
free_scales = FALSE,
run_in_parallel = FALSE,
norm = 'none',
bw_list <- x
if (is.null(colors)) {
colors <- rep(c(
), 5)
if (!all(unlist(
function(L) {
class(L) %in% c('SimpleRleList', 'CompressedRleList')
))) {
stop('Some objects in the bw_list are not bigwig tracks
(in SimpleRleList or CompressedRleList format). Aborting.')
if (methods::is(granges, 'GRanges')) granges <- list('granges' = granges)
llists <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(bw_list), function(B) {
bw <- bw_list[[B]]
# Compute scores
lists <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(granges), function(K) {
g <- granges[[K]]
if (length(unique(GenomicRanges::width(g))) > 1) {
return(stop('Please provide GRanges that are
all the same width. Aborting.'))
mat <- getCovMatrix(g, bw, norm = norm, verbose = FALSE)
colnames(mat) <- c(
rep('', (ncol(mat) - 3)/2),
rep('', (ncol(mat) - 2)/2),
paste0('+', unique(GenomicRanges::width(g))/2)
row.names(mat) <- paste0(
'locus_', as.character(seq_len(nrow(mat)))
means <- c(
rep(NA, bin/2),
zoo::rollmean(apply(mat, 2, mean), bin), rep(NA, bin/2)
conint <- c(
rep(NA, bin/2),
function (n) {
qt <- stats::qt(0.975,sum(!is.na(n)))
sd <- sd(n,na.rm=TRUE)
sqrt <- sqrt(sum(!is.na(n)))
rep(NA, bin/2)
topEE <- means + conint
bottomEE <- means - conint
coords <- round(
length.out = unique(width(g))
EE <- data.frame(
'means' = means,
'meansUp' = topEE,
'meansDown' = bottomEE,
'x' = coords,
'grange' = rep(
), length(means)
'bw' = rep(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
}, mc.cores = ifelse(run_in_parallel, length(granges), 1))
EEs <- do.call(rbind, do.call(rbind, llists))
if (!is.null(names(granges))) {
EEs$grange <- factor(EEs$grange, levels = names(granges))
else {
EEs$grange <- factor(
EEs$grange, levels = as.character(seq_along(granges))
if (!is.null(names(bw_list))) {
EEs$bw <- factor(EEs$bw, levels = names(bw_list))
else {
EEs$bw <- factor(EEs$bw, levels = as.character(seq_along(bw_list)))
# Determining YLIM
if (is.null(ylim)) {
max <- max(na.remove(EEs$meansUp)) * 1.05
min <- min(na.remove(EEs$meansDown)) * 0.95
ylim <- c(min, max)
# Start plotting
if (split_by_granges & split_by_track) {
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = EEs, ggplot2::aes(
x = x,
y = means,
ymin = meansDown,
ymax = meansUp,
group = grange,
col = grange,
fill = grange
p <- p + ggplot2::labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, col = 'Sets:')
if (length(granges) > 1) {
if (free_scales) {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(bw~grange, scales = 'free')
else {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(bw~grange)
else if (!split_by_granges & split_by_track) {
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = EEs, ggplot2::aes(
x = x,
y = means,
ymin = meansDown,
ymax = meansUp,
group = grange,
col = grange,
fill = grange
p <- p + ggplot2::labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, col = 'Sets:')
if (length(granges) > 1) {
if (free_scales) {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(~bw, scales = 'free')
else {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(~bw)
else if (split_by_granges & !split_by_track) {
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = EEs, ggplot2::aes(
x = x,
y = means,
ymin = meansDown,
ymax = meansUp,
group = bw,
col = bw,
fill = bw
p <- p + ggplot2::labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, col = 'Signal:')
if (length(granges) > 1) {
if (free_scales) {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(~grange, scales = 'free')
else {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(~grange)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line()
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.2, col = NA)
p <- p + theme_ggplot2()
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
limits = xlim,
expand = c(0, 0)
if (!free_scales) {
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
limits = ylim,
expand = c(0, 0)
p <- p + ggplot2::guides(fill = FALSE)
if (length(granges) == 1) p <- p + ggplot2::guides(color = FALSE)
if (length(granges) <= length(colors)) {
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colors)
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = colors)
if (plot_central) p <- p + ggplot2::geom_vline(
xintercept = 0, colour="black", linetype = "longdash", size = 0.1
p <- p + ggplot2::theme(panel.spacing = unit(2, "lines"))
# Return plot
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