#' Title
#' @param hic_list
#' @param runx_bws
#' @param ctcf_bws
#' @param exons_gr
#' @param max_dist
#' @param hic_names
#' @param target_gene
#' @param extension_size_bp
#' @param output_prefix
#' @param n_arch
#' @param min_arch_dist
#' @param max_fill
#' @param hmap_colors
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import gridExtra
#' @examples
plot_combined_hic = function(hic_list,
exons_gr = NULL,
max_dist = NULL,
hic_names = names(hic_list),
output_prefix = "combined_plots",
n_arch = 50,
min_arch_dist = 10*10^5,
max_fill = NULL,
hmap_colors = c("lightgray", "steelblue", 'darkblue', "red", "red")){
qgr = fetch_region_by_gene_name(target_gene, ext = extension_size_bp)
start(qgr) = start(qgr)
chr = as.character(seqnames(qgr))
start = start(qgr)
start = ifelse(start < 0, 0, start)
end = end(qgr)
bin_size = hic_list[[1]]@parameters@bin_size
start = floor(start / bin_size) * bin_size
end = ceiling(end / bin_size) * bin_size
p.annot = ggplot(txdb_gn) +
geom_alignment(which = qgr,
group.selfish = T, names.expr = "gene_id") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start, end))
p.annot = ggplot(exons_gr) +
geom_alignment(which = qgr,
group.selfish = T, names.expr = "gene_id") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start, end))
hg38_ideogram = biovizBase::getIdeogram(genome = "hg38")
p.ideo <- Ideogram(obj = hg38_ideogram, subchr = chr, zoom.region = c(start, end), color = "green", fill = "darkgreen")
# cells = c("MCF10A", "MCF10A-AT1", "MCF10A-CA1a")
for(i in 1:length(hic_list)){
main = hic_names[i]
max_dist = end - start
p.list = plot_upperMatrix_with_insulation(hic_mat = hic_list[[i]], hmap_colors = hmap_colors, max_fill = max_fill,
chr, start, end, show_plot = F, max_dist = max_dist)
# p.list = plot_upperMatrix_with_insulation(hic_list[[i]], chr, start, end, show_plot = F)
arch_dt = hic_list[[i]][chr, start:end][!is.na(val)]
arch_start = hic_list[[i]]@hic_1d[arch_dt$i, (start + end) / 2]
arch_end = hic_list[[i]]@hic_1d[arch_dt$j, (start + end) / 2]
arch_gr = GRanges(chr, IRanges(arch_start, arch_end))
arch_gr$value = arch_dt$val
k = width(arch_gr) > min_arch_dist
arch_gr = arch_gr[k]
arch_gr = arch_gr[order(arch_gr$value, decreasing = T)][1:min(n_arch, length(arch_gr))]
p.arch = ggplot(arch_gr) + geom_arch(aes(height = value)) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start, end))
p.runx = add_bigwig_plot.tiles(runx_bws[i], chr, start, end, bigwig_title = "RUNX1 FE", fe_min = 1, fe_max = 40)
p.ctcf = add_bigwig_plot.tiles(ctcf_bws[i], chr, start, end, bigwig_title = "CTCF FE", fe_min = 1, fe_max = 80)
#manual assignment
p.list = list(ggplotGrob(p.ideo),
p.list = lapply(p.list, function(gt){
gt$layout$clip[gt$layout$name == "panel"] = "off"
#get max widths to assign to all
maxWidth = as.list(grid::unit.pmax(p.list[[1]]$widths, p.list[[2]]$widths,
p.list[[3]]$widths, p.list[[4]]$widths,
p.list[[5]]$widths, p.list[[6]]$widths, p.list[[7]]$widths))
for(j in 1:length(p.list)){
p.list[[j]]$widths = maxWidth
pdf(paste0(output_prefix, "_", target_gene, "_ext", extension_size_bp, "_", main, "_bin", bin_size, ".pdf"), height = 12)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(gridExtra::arrangeGrob(grobs = p.list, ncol=1,heights=c(.2,.6,.4,.2,.3, .3, .3)), top = main)
#' plot_upperMatrix
#' @param hic_mat
#' @param chr
#' @param start
#' @param end
#' @param hmap_colors
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_upperMatrix = function(hic_mat, chr, start, end, hmap_colors = c("lightgray", "steelblue", 'darkblue', "red", "red"),
fill_limits = c(NA, NA), na.value = hmap_colors[length(hmap_colors)]){
bin_size = hic_mat@parameters@bin_size
# hicrng = get_chrRange_Matrix(hic_mat@hic_2d, hic_mat@hic_1d, chr, start, end)
hicrng = hic_mat[chr, start:end]
MIN_I = min(c(hicrng$i, hicrng$j))
XMIN = hic_mat@hic_1d[index == MIN_I]$start
MAX_I = max(c(hicrng$i, hicrng$j))
XMAX = hic_mat@hic_1d[index == MAX_I]$end
hicrng[, x := (i + j) /2]
hicrng[, y := abs(i - j)]
hicrng = hicrng[j > i] #limit to upper triangle
hicrng = na.omit(hicrng) #leave out zero signal regions
index2center = function(index){
(index - MIN_I)/(MAX_I - MIN_I) * (XMAX - XMIN - bin_size) + XMIN + bin_size / 2
hicrng[, x_chr := index2center(x)]
hicrng[, y_chr := bin_size * y]
hex_df = hex_coord_df(hicrng$x_chr, hicrng$y_chr, width = bin_size, height = bin_size, size = 1)
hex_df = cbind(hex_df, fill=rep(hicrng$val, each=6))
#pretty up break positions to be multiple of bin_size
ylab = sort(unique(hex_df$y))
nlab = 6
breaks = 0:nlab * ceiling(length(ylab) / nlab) * bin_size
p = ggplot(hex_df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
geom_polygon(aes(group=id, fill=fill, color = fill)) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = hmap_colors, limits = fill_limits, na.value = na.value) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = hmap_colors, limits = fill_limits, na.value = na.value) +
labs(x = paste(chr, "position"), y = "distance") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = breaks) +
guides(color = "none")
# p = p + coord_fixed()
#different plot types facet trick
#' plot_upperMatrix_with_insulation
#' @param hic_mat
#' @param chr
#' @param start
#' @param end
#' @param tile_type
#' @param show_plot
#' @param main_title
#' @param max_dist
#' @param point_size
#' @param max_fill
#' @param hmap_colors
#' @param show_insulation_range
#' @param show_minmax
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_upperMatrix_with_insulation = function(hic_mat,
chr, start, end,
tile_type = c("diamond", "hex")[1],
show_plot = T, main_title = NULL,
max_dist = 10*10^6, point_size = 3.5,
max_fill = NULL,
hmap_colors = c("lightgray", "steelblue", 'darkblue', "red", "red"),
show_insulation_range = T,
show_minmax = T,
fill_limits = c(NA, NA), na.value = hmap_colors[length(hmap_colors)]){
bin_size = hic_mat@parameters@bin_size
# hicrng = get_chrRange_Matrix(hic_mat@hic_2d, hic_mat@hic_1d, chr, start, end)
hicrng = hic_mat[chr, c(start,end)]
MIN_I = min(c(hicrng$i, hicrng$j))
XMIN = hic_mat@hic_1d[index == MIN_I]$start
MAX_I = max(c(hicrng$i, hicrng$j))
XMAX = hic_mat@hic_1d[index == MAX_I]$end
# hicrng[, data.table::`:=`(x, (i + j) /2) ]
# hicrng[, data.table::`:=`(y, abs(i - j))]
# hicrng[, data.table::`:=`(x = (i + j) /2) ]
# hicrng[, data.table::`:=`(y = abs(i - j))]
hicrng[, x := (i + j) /2 ]
hicrng[, y := abs(i - j)]
hicrng = hicrng[j > i] #limit to upper triangle
hicrng = na.omit(hicrng) #leave out zero signal regions
index2center = function(index){
(index - MIN_I)/(MAX_I - MIN_I) * (XMAX - XMIN - bin_size) + XMIN + bin_size / 2
# hicrng[, data.table::`:=`(x_chr = index2center(x))]
# hicrng[, data.table::`:=`(y_chr = bin_size * y)]
hicrng[, x_chr := index2center(x)]
hicrng[, y_chr := bin_size * y]
# hicrng[, i_chr := (i - MIN_I)/(MAX_I - MIN_I) * (XMAX - XMIN - bin_size) + XMIN + bin_size / 2]
# hicrng[, j_chr := (j - MIN_I)/(MAX_I - MIN_I) * (XMAX - XMIN - bin_size) + XMIN + bin_size / 2]
if(tile_type == "hex"){
hex_df = hex_coord_df(hicrng$x_chr, hicrng$y_chr, width = bin_size, height = bin_size, size = 1)
hex_df = cbind(hex_df, fill=rep(hicrng$val, each=6))
}else if(tile_type == "diamond"){
hex_df = diamond_coord_df(hicrng$x_chr, hicrng$y_chr, width = bin_size, height = bin_size, size = 1)
hex_df = cbind(hex_df, fill=rep(hicrng$val, each=4))
stop("tile_type must match hex or diamond")
#pretty up break positions to be multiple of bin_size
ylab = sort(unique(hex_df$y))
nlab = 6
yfac = min(ceiling(max_dist / nlab / bin_size) * bin_size, #when max_dist is less than start to end
ceiling(length(ylab) / nlab) * bin_size) #when start and end are less than max_dist
breaks = 0:nlab * yfac
hex_df$type = "hex"
ins_df = ggplot_hic_delta.df(dt = hic_mat@hic_1d, chr, start, end)
add_hex_plot = function(p, ptype = "hex"){
df = hex_df
fill_lab = "interaction"
df$fill[df$fill > max_fill] = max_fill
fill_lab = paste(fill_lab, "\ncapped at", max_fill)
df = subset(df, y <= max_dist)
mmdf = ins_df
# if(ptype != astype) mmdf$type = astype
mmdf$minmax = sapply(as.character(mmdf$id), function(x)switch(x, "-1" = "min", "0" = "-", "1" = "max"))
ann_df = subset(mmdf, id != 0)
minmax2col = c("min" = "darkgreen", "max" = "orange")
p = p + geom_polygon(data = df, aes(x=x, y=y, fill = fill, color = fill, group = id)) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = hmap_colors, limits = fill_limits, na.value = na.value) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = hmap_colors, limits = fill_limits, na.value = na.value) +
labs(x = "", y = "distance", fill = fill_lab) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = hic_equal_breaks(bin_size = bin_size, max_dist = max_dist)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start, end)) +
guides(color = "none")
# if(nrow(ann_df) > 0){
# ann_df$type = "hex"
# p = p + annotate("point", x = ann_df$x, y = 0 - max(df$y)*.01, fill = minmax2col[ann_df$minmax], color = "black", size = point_size, stroke = 1.5, shape = 21)
# }
p = p + annotate("line", x = c(start, end), y = hic_mat@parameters@n_insulation_bins * hic_mat@parameters@bin_size) +
annotate("text", x = c(end), y = hic_mat@parameters@n_insulation_bins * hic_mat@parameters@bin_size, label = "insulation\nbin range", hjust = 0)
add_ins_plot = function(p, ptype = "insulation", astype = ptype){
# ins_df = ggplot_hic_delta.df(hic_mat@hic_1d, chr, start, end)
df = subset(ins_df, type == ptype)
if(ptype != astype) df$type = astype
df$minmax = sapply(as.character(df$id), function(x)switch(x, "-1" = "min", "0" = "-", "1" = "max"))
ann_df = subset(df, id != 0)
# ins_min = -10 #-10 was used for no signal
df$y[df$y == -10] = NA
p = p + geom_line(data = subset(df, id == 0), mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = hic_equal_breaks(bin_size = bin_size, max_dist = max_dist)) +
# geom_point(data = ann_df, mapping = aes(shape = rep(21, nrow(ann_df)), x = x, y = y, fill = minmax, color = "black", size = point_size, stroke = 1.5)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("min" = "darkgreen", "max" = "orange")) +
labs(x = paste(chr, "position"), y = "log2(insulation / mean)") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start, end)) +
scale_size_identity() +
scale_color_identity() +
if(nrow(ann_df) > 0 & show_minmax){
p = p + geom_point(data = ann_df, mapping = aes(shape = 21, x = x, y = y, fill = minmax, color = "black", size = point_size, stroke = 1.5))
pA = add_hex_plot(ggplot())
pB = add_ins_plot(ggplot())
gA = ggplotGrob(pA)
gB = ggplotGrob(pB)
maxWidth = grid::unit.pmax(gA$widths, gB$widths)
gA$widths <- as.list(maxWidth)
gB$widths <- as.list(maxWidth)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(gridExtra::arrangeGrob(gA,gB,nrow=2,heights=c(.8,.3)), top = main_title)
invisible(list(ggplots = list(upperMatrix = pA, insulation = pB),
grobs = list(upperMatrix = gA, insulation = gB)))
equal_breaks <- function(n = 3, s = 0.05, ...){
if(max(x, na.rm = T) > 1000){
0:n * min(ceiling(max_dist / n / bin_size) * bin_size, #when max_dist is less than start to end
ceiling(max(x, na.rm = T) / n / bin_size) * bin_size, na.rm = T)
c(min(x),0, max(x))
# rescaling
# d <- s * diff(range(x)) / (1+2*s)
# seq(min(x)+d, max(x)-d, length=n)
hic_equal_breaks <- function(bin_size, max_dist, n = 3, s = 0.05, ...){
if(max(x, na.rm = T) > 1000){
0:n * min(ceiling(max_dist / n / bin_size) * bin_size, #when max_dist is less than start to end
ceiling(max(x, na.rm = T) / n / bin_size) * bin_size, na.rm = T)
c(min(x),0, max(x))
# rescaling
# d <- s * diff(range(x)) / (1+2*s)
# seq(min(x)+d, max(x)-d, length=n)
ggplotList2grobList = function(ggplotList){
grobList = lapply(ggplotList, function(x){
maxWidth = grid::unit.pmax(grobList[[1]]$widths, grobList[[2]]$widths)
i = 3
while(i <= length(grobList)){
maxWidth = grid::unit.pmax(maxWidth, grobList[[3]]$widths)
i = i + 1
grobList = lapply(grobList, function(x){
x$widths = maxWidth
#' Title
#' @param gene_gr
#' @param qgr
#' @param label_method
#' @param gene_types
#' @param highlight_gene_names
#' @param highlight_gene_color
#' @param olap_extension
#' @param top_spacer
#' @param strand_colors
#' @param arrow_override
#' @param line_size
#' @param line_end
#' @param text_hjust
#' @param text_vjust
#' @param text_angle
#' @param text_size
#' @param text_x_relative
#' @param text_y_relative
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
ggplot_ref = function(gene_gr, qgr, label_method = c("text", "label", "none")[1],
gene_types = "protein_coding", highlight_gene_names = "",
highlight_gene_color = "red",
olap_extension = .03,top_spacer = .8, strand_colors = c("+" = "gray0", "-" = "gray40"),
arrow_override = arrow(ends = "last", length = unit(.045, "npc")),
line_size = 2, line_end = c("round", "butt", "square")[2],
text_hjust = 0, text_vjust = -1.5, text_angle = 30, text_size = 3.5,
text_x_relative = .5, text_y_relative = .1
pdt = as.data.table(subsetByOverlaps(gene_gr[gene_gr$gene_type %in% gene_types],
ignore.strand = TRUE))
pdt[, y := -1]
pgr = GRanges(pdt)
ext = (end(qgr) - start(qgr)) * olap_extension
egr = pgr
start(egr) = start(egr) - ext
end(egr) = end(egr) + ext
to_decide = 1:nrow(pdt)
i = 0
while(length(to_decide) > 0){
to_keep = numeric()
to_move = numeric()
olaps = as.data.table(findOverlaps(egr[to_decide], egr[to_decide], ignore.strand = TRUE))
olaps = olaps[queryHits < subjectHits]
olaps$queryHits = to_decide[olaps$queryHits]
olaps$subjectHits = to_decide[olaps$subjectHits]
setkey(olaps, queryHits, subjectHits)
to_keep = setdiff(to_decide, union(olaps$queryHits, olaps$subjectHits))
sapply(unique(olaps$queryHits), function(x){
if(any(x == c(to_keep, to_move))) return()
to_keep <<- c(to_keep, x)
to_move <<- union(to_move, olaps[.(x)]$subjectHits)
olaps <<- olaps[!.(c(to_move, to_keep))]
pdt[to_keep]$y = i
i = i + 1
to_decide = to_move
pdt[strand == "-", start := end]
pdt[strand == "-", end := start]
pdt[y == -1, y := 0]
pdt[, txt_x := min(start, end) + abs(end - start)*text_x_relative, by = gene_id ]
pdt[, txt_y := y + text_y_relative, by = gene_id ]
p = ggplot() +
geom_segment(data = pdt,
aes(x = start, xend = end, y = y, yend = y, col = strand, size = line_size),
lineend = line_end,
arrow = arrow_override) +
labs(x = "", y = "") +
scale_size_identity() +
scale_color_manual(values = strand_colors) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start(qgr), end(qgr)),
ylim = c(0, max(pdt$y) + top_spacer)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL)
if(label_method == "text"){
p = p + annotate("text", label = pdt$gene_name, x = pdt$txt_x, y = pdt$txt_y,
color = ifelse(pdt$gene_name %in% highlight_gene_names, highlight_gene_color[1], "black"),
hjust = text_hjust, vjust = text_vjust, angle = text_angle, size = text_size)
}else if(label_method == "label"){
xpos = pdt[, (start + end) / 2]
p = p + annotate("label", label = pdt$gene_name, x = pdt$txt_x, y = pdt$txt_y,
color = ifelse(pdt$gene_name %in% highlight_gene_names, highlight_gene_color[1], "black"),
hjust = .5, vjust = text_vjust, angle = text_angle, size = text_size)
ggplot_list = function(my_plots, top_text = "", bottom_text = "position", heights = rep(1, length(my_plots))){
options(warn = -1)
my_plots[[length(my_plots)]] = my_plots[[length(my_plots)]] + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)paste(x/10^6, "Mb"))
my_plots[[length(my_plots)]] = my_plots[[length(my_plots)]] + labs(x = bottom_text)
for(i in 1:(length(my_plots) - 1)){
if(i < 1) next
my_plots[[i]] = my_plots[[i]] + scale_x_continuous(labels = NULL)
my_plots[[i]] = my_plots[[i]] + labs(x = "")
options(warn = 1)
my_grobs = lapply(my_plots, function(x){
#removes clipping like par(xpd = NA or maybe xpd = T)
my_grobs = lapply(my_grobs, function(gt){
gt$layout$clip[gt$layout$name == "panel"] = "off"
my_widths = lapply(my_grobs, function(gt){
# if(exists("maxWidth")) remove(maxWidth)
maxWidth = my_widths[[1]]
if(length(my_widths) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(my_widths)){
maxWidth = grid::unit.pmax(maxWidth, my_widths[[i]])
for(j in 1:length(my_grobs)){
my_grobs[[j]]$widths = maxWidth
gridExtra::grid.arrange(gridExtra::arrangeGrob(grobs = my_grobs, ncol=1,heights=heights), top = top_text, newpage = F)
add_bigwig_plot = function(bigwig_file, chr, start, end, bigwig_title = "FE", p = NULL, fe_max = NULL){
qgr = GRanges(chr, IRanges(start, end))
if(is.null(p)) p = ggplot()
runx_gr = import(con = bigwig_file,
format = "BigWig", which = qgr)
runx_gr.sub = subset(runx_gr, score > MIN_SCORE)
if(is.null(fe_max)) fe_max = max(runx_gr$score)
runx_gr.bg = setdiff(qgr, runx_gr.sub)
runx_gr.bg$score = MIN_SCORE
tmp = as.data.table(c(runx_gr.sub, runx_gr.bg))
tmp = tmp[order(start)]
runx_dt = data.table(x = sort(c(tmp$start, tmp$end)),
y = rep(tmp$score, each = 2))
runx_dt = rbind(data.table(x = start(qgr), y = MIN_SCORE), runx_dt, data.table(x = end(qgr), y = MIN_SCORE))
p2 = ggplot() + labs(x = "", y = bigwig_title) +
geom_line(data = runx_dt, aes(x = x, y = y)) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, fe_max)) +
annotate("rect", xmin = start(qgr), xmax = end(qgr), ymin = .9, ymax = MIN_SCORE)
#' add_arch_plot
#' @param hic_mat
#' @param qgr
#' @param src_gr
#' @param min_arch_dist
#' @param n_arch
#' @param p
#' @return
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggbio geom_arch
#' @examples
add_arch_plot = function(hic_mat, qgr, src_gr = qgr, min_arch_dist = 1*10^6, n_arch = 50, p = NULL){
qidx = subsetByOverlaps(GRanges(hic_mat@hic_1d),
ignore.strand = TRUE)$index
srcidx = subsetByOverlaps(GRanges(hic_mat@hic_1d),
ignore.strand = TRUE)$index
chr = as.character(seqnames(qgr))
# start = start(qgr) + 1
# end = end(qgr)
# arch_dt = hic_mat[chr, start:end][!is.na(val)]
arch_dt = hic_mat@hic_2d[(i %in% qidx & j %in% srcidx) | (j %in% qidx & i %in% srcidx)]
arch_dt = arch_dt[val > 0]
arch_start = hic_mat@hic_1d[arch_dt$i, (start + end) / 2]
arch_end = hic_mat@hic_1d[arch_dt$j, (start + end) / 2]
arch_gr = GRanges(chr, IRanges(arch_start, arch_end))
arch_gr$value = arch_dt$val
k = width(arch_gr) > min_arch_dist
arch_gr = arch_gr[k]
arch_gr = arch_gr[order(arch_gr$value, decreasing = T)][1:min(n_arch, length(arch_gr))]
if(is.null(p)) p = ggplot()
p + ggbio::geom_arch(data = arch_gr, aes(height = value)) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start(qgr), end(qgr))) +
labs(y = "interaction")
#' Title
#' @param hic_mat
#' @param qgr
#' @param tile_type
#' @param max_dist
#' @param point_size
#' @param text_size
#' @param max_fill
#' @param hmap_colors
#' @param minmax2col
#' @param show_insulation_range
#' @param fill_limits
#' @param show_min
#' @param show_max
#' @param p
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
add_matrix_plot = function(hic_mat, qgr,
tile_type = c("diamond", "hex")[1],
max_dist = 10*10^6,
point_size = 3,
text_size = 4,
max_fill = NULL,
hmap_colors = c("lightgray", "steelblue", 'darkblue', "red", "red"),
minmax2col = c("min" = "orange", "max" = "green"),
show_insulation_range = T,
fill_limits = c(NA, NA),
na.value = hmap_colors[length(hmap_colors)],
show_min = T,
show_max = F,
p = NULL){
# print("plot from data_source.hic_matrix")
bin_size = hic_mat@parameters@bin_size
# hicrng = get_chrRange_Matrix(hic_mat@hic_2d, hic_mat@hic_1d, chr, start, end)
chr = as.character(seqnames(qgr))
start = start(qgr)
end = end(qgr)
hicrng = hic_mat[chr, c(start,end)]
MIN_I = min(c(hicrng$i, hicrng$j))
XMIN = subset(hic_mat@hic_1d, index == MIN_I)$start
MAX_I = max(c(hicrng$i, hicrng$j))
XMAX = subset(hic_mat@hic_1d, index == MAX_I)$end
hicrng[, x := (i + j) /2 ]
hicrng[, y := abs(i - j)]
hicrng = hicrng[j > i] #limit to upper triangle
hicrng = na.omit(hicrng) #leave out zero signal regions
index2center = function(index){
(index - MIN_I)/(MAX_I - MIN_I) * (XMAX - XMIN - bin_size) + XMIN + bin_size / 2
hicrng[, x_chr := index2center(x)]
hicrng[, y_chr := bin_size * y]
if(tile_type == "hex"){
df = hex_coord_df(hicrng$x_chr, hicrng$y_chr, width = bin_size, height = bin_size, size = 1)
df = cbind(df, fill=rep(hicrng$val, each=6))
}else if(tile_type == "diamond"){
df = diamond_coord_df(hicrng$x_chr, hicrng$y_chr, width = bin_size, height = bin_size, size = 1)
df = cbind(df, fill=rep(hicrng$val, each=4))
stop("tile_type must match hex or diamond")
#pretty up break positions to be multiple of bin_size
ylab = sort(unique(df$y))
nlab = 6
yfac = min(ceiling(max_dist / nlab / bin_size) * bin_size, #when max_dist is less than start to end
ceiling(length(ylab) / nlab) * bin_size) #when start and end are less than max_dist
breaks = 0:nlab * yfac
fill_lab = "interaction"
df$fill[df$fill > max_fill] = max_fill
fill_lab = paste(fill_lab, "\ncapped at", max_fill)
df = subset(df, y <= max_dist)
show_insulation_range = F
show_max = F
show_min = F
warning("no insulation data supplied")
mmdf = make_hic_minmax_df(dt_1d = hic_mat@hic_1d, qgr)
mmdf$minmax = sapply(as.character(mmdf$id), function(x)switch(x, "-1" = "min", "0" = "-", "1" = "max"))
ann_df = subset(mmdf, id != 0)
if(length(minmax2col) != 2 & !all(names(minmax2col) == c("min", "max"))){
warning("supplied minmax2col not valid, must be length 2 and have names = c('min', 'max')")
minmax2col = c("min" = "orange", "max" = "green")
fill_limits = range(df$fill)
if(length(fill_limits) == 1){
fill_limits = sort(c(-fill_limits, fill_limits))
fill_limits = range(fill_limits)
df$fill[df$fill > max(fill_limits)] = max(fill_limits)
df$fill[df$fill < min(fill_limits)] = min(fill_limits)
if(is.null(p)) p = ggplot()
p = p + geom_polygon(data = df, aes(x=x, y=y, fill = fill, color = fill, group = id)) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = hmap_colors, limits = fill_limits, na.value = na.value) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = hmap_colors, limits = fill_limits, na.value = na.value) +
labs(x = "", y = "distance", fill = fill_lab) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = hic_equal_breaks(bin_size = ifelse(max_dist > 4e6, 1e6, bin_size), max_dist = max_dist)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start, end)) +
guides(color = "none")
if(exists("ann_df")) if(nrow(ann_df) > 0){
max_df = subset(ann_df, minmax == "max")
#display triangles along bottom of plot indicating maxima positions
p = p + annotate("point",
x = max_df$x,
y = 0 - max(df$y)*.05,
fill = minmax2col[max_df$minmax],
color = "#00000000",
size = point_size,
stroke = 1.5,
shape = 24)
#triangle for in plot key in top-right position
p = p + annotate("point",
x = start + (end - start)*.9,
y = max(df$y)*.88,
fill = minmax2col["max"],
color = "#00000000",
size = point_size,
stroke = 1.5,
shape = 24)
#text for in plot key
p = p + annotate("text",
label = "maxima",
x = start + (end - start)*.92,
y = max(df$y)*.89,
color = minmax2col["max"],
size = text_size,
hjust = 0,
vjust = .5)
min_df = subset(ann_df, minmax == "min")
#plot triangles along bottom indicating minima positions
p = p + annotate("point",
x = min_df$x,
y = 0 - max(df$y)*.03,
fill = minmax2col[min_df$minmax],
color = "#00000000",
size = point_size,
stroke = 1.5,
shape = 25)
#triangle for in plot key in top right
p = p + annotate("point",
x = start + (end - start)*.9,
y = max(df$y)*.95,
fill = minmax2col["min"],
color = "#00000000",
size = point_size,
stroke = 1.5,
shape = 25)
#text for in plot key in top right
p = p + annotate("text",
label = "minima",
x = start + (end - start)*.92,
y = max(df$y)*.95,
color = minmax2col["min"],
size = text_size,
hjust = 0,
vjust = .5)
#horizontal black line indicating maximum distance considered when calcing insulation
p = p + annotate("line",
x = c(start, end),
y = hic_mat@parameters@n_insulation_bins * hic_mat@parameters@bin_size)
#text label for insulation range line
p = p + annotate("text",
label = "insulation\nbin range",
x = c(end),
y = hic_mat@parameters@n_insulation_bins * hic_mat@parameters@bin_size,
size = text_size,
hjust = 1,
vjust = -.2)
#' sync ggplot widths
#' @param my_plots a list of ggplots
#' @return a list of grobs wtih x margins all equal
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import grid
#' @export
#' @examples
sync_width = function(my_plots){
stopifnot(class(my_plots) == "list")
stopifnot(all(sapply(my_plots, function(x)"ggplot" %in% class(x))))
my_grobs = lapply(my_plots, function(x){
my_widths = lapply(my_grobs, function(gt){
maxWidth = my_widths[[1]]
if(length(my_widths) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(my_widths)){
maxWidth = grid::unit.pmax(maxWidth, my_widths[[i]])
for(j in 1:length(my_grobs)){
my_grobs[[j]]$widths = maxWidth
#' sync ggplot heights
#' @param my_plots a list of ggplots
#' @return a list of grobs wtih x margins all equal
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import grid
#' @export
#' @examples
sync_height = function(my_plots){
stopifnot(class(my_plots) == "list")
stopifnot(all(sapply(my_plots, function(x)"ggplot" %in% class(x))))
my_grobs = lapply(my_plots, function(x){
my_widths = lapply(my_grobs, function(gt){
maxWidth = my_widths[[1]]
if(length(my_widths) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(my_widths)){
maxWidth = grid::unit.pmax(maxWidth, my_widths[[i]])
for(j in 1:length(my_grobs)){
my_grobs[[j]]$heights = maxWidth
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