#' EventPointer
#' Statistical analysis of alternative splcing events
#' @param Design The design matrix for the experiment.
#' @param Contrast The contrast matrix for the experiment.
#' @param ExFit aroma.affymetrix pre-processed variable after using
#' \code{extractDataFrame(affy, addNames=TRUE)}
#' @param Eventstxt Path to the EventsFound.txt file generated by CDFfromGTF function.
#' @param Filter Boolean variable to indicate if an expression filter is applied
#' @param Qn Quantile used to filter the events (Bounded between 0-1, Q1 would be 0.25).
#' @param Statistic Statistical test to identify differential splicing events,
#' must be one of : LogFC, Dif_LogFC or DRS.
#' @param PSI Boolean variable to indicate if Delta PSI should be calculated
#' for every splicing event.
#' @return Data.frame ordered by the splicing p.value . The object contains the different
#' information for each splicing event such as Gene name, event type,
#' genomic position, p.value, z.value and delta PSI.
#' @examples
#' data(ArraysData)
#' Dmatrix<-matrix(c(1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1),nrow=4,ncol=2,byrow=FALSE)
#' Cmatrix<-t(t(c(0,1)))
#' EventsFound<-paste(system.file('extdata',package='EventPointer'),'/EventsFound.txt',sep='')
#' Events<-EventPointer(Design=Dmatrix,
#' Contrast=Cmatrix,
#' ExFit=ArraysData,
#' Eventstxt=EventsFound,
#' Filter=TRUE,
#' Qn=0.25,
#' Statistic='LogFC',
#' @importFrom limma lmFit
#' @export
EventPointer <- function(Design, Contrast,
ExFit, Eventstxt, Filter = TRUE, Qn = 0.25,
Statistic = "LogFC", PSI = FALSE) {
# Statistical analysis for detecting
# alternative splicing using affymetrix
# microarrays and limma framework
options(warn = -1)
# Perform statistical test depending on
# the selection of the user
# if (classsss(Design) != "matrix" |
# classsss(Contrast) != "matrix") {
if ( !is(Design,"matrix") |
!is(Contrast,"matrix")) {
stop("Wrong Design and/or Contrast matrices")
# stopifnot(Statistic == 'LogFC' |
# Statistic == 'Dif_LogFC' | Statistic ==
# 'DRS')
if (Statistic == "LogFC") {
stt <- "Logarithm of the fold change of both isoforms"
} else if (Statistic == "Dif_LogFC") {
stt <- "Relative concentrations of both isoforms"
} else if (Statistic == "DRS") {
stt <- "Difference of the logarithm of the fold change of both isoforms"
} else {
stop("Wrong statistical test given")
# Display if PSI will be calculated
if (PSI) {
psi_m <- " Delta PSI will be calculated"
# Print Information about the algorithm
# selected options to the user
TimeS <- paste(format(Sys.time(), "%X"),
sep = "")
cat(paste(TimeS, " Running EventPointer: ",
sep = ""), "\n")
cat(paste("\t** Statistical Analysis: ",
stt, sep = ""), "\n")
if (PSI) {
MPSI <- paste("\t**", psi_m, sep = "")
cat(paste(MPSI, sep = ""), "\n")
if (Filter) {
Flt <- paste("\t** Expression filter using ",
Qn * 100, " quantile", sep = "")
cat(paste(Flt, sep = ""), "\n")
} else {
Flt <- paste("\t** No expression filter")
cat(paste(Flt, sep = ""), "\n")
cat(paste(paste(rep(" ", length(unlist(strsplit(TimeS,
"")))), sep = "", collapse = ""),
" ----------------------------------------------------------------",
sep = ""), "\n")
# Using the file EventsFound.txt we get
# all the information for each of the
# events such as type of event, genomic
# position, gene, etc..
EventsFound <- read.delim(file = paste(Eventstxt,
sep = ""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
# Extract the summarized intensities for
# each of the probesets in the cdf. The
# probesets of the cdf correspond to each
# of the paths (Path 1, Path 2 and
# Reference) for each of the events
# detectable by the array.
# ExFit <- extractDataFrame(affy,
# addNames=TRUE)
### Lines to obtain both PSI for each event
### in each sample and limma is used to
### obtain the Delta PSI using the
### equations set in both the design and
### contrast matrices
if (PSI) {
# Print information to the user
Msg <- paste("\t** Calculating PSI",
sep = "")
cat(paste(Msg, "...", sep = ""))
# getPSI is the main function to
# caclulate PSI values the required input
# is the dataframe with array summarized
# intensities (ExFit)
PSIss <- getPSI(ExFit)
# The value that is returned to the user
# is Delta PSI = (Mean PSI Condition 1) -
# (Mean PSI Condition 2) to calculate it,
# we use limma
DPSIs <- vector("list", length = ncol(Contrast))
fit <- lmFit(PSIs, design = Design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, Contrast)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
# repeated if there is more than one
# contrast
for (jj in seq_len(ncol(Contrast))) {
TopPSI <- topTable(fit2, coef = jj,
number = Inf)[, 1, drop = FALSE]
DPSIs[[jj]] <- TopPSI
cat(paste("Done \n", sep = ""))
# Obtain the number of columns of the
# ExFit variable
Y <- ExFit
ncc <- ncol(ExFit)
# Sanity check All the events and
# probesets must be ordered in the
# following way: Event_1_Ref Event_1_P1
# Event_1_P2 Event_2_Ref...
# Giving each Paths an number indicator
# then we can order them by using it
ExFit[ExFit[, 2] == "_Ref", 4] <- 1
ExFit[ExFit[, 2] == "_P1", 4] <- 2
ExFit[ExFit[, 2] == "_P2", 4] <- 3
# The Probesets are ordered first by unit
# and then by group, with units being the
# events and groups the paths
NuevoOrden <- order(ExFit[, 3], ExFit[,
ExFit <- ExFit[NuevoOrden, ]
## Detect which events are expressed above
## the desired threshold
if (Filter == TRUE) {
Msg <- paste("\t** Running Expression Filter",
sep = "")
cat(paste(Msg, "...", sep = ""))
# Y<-extractDataFrame(affy,addNames=TRUE)
# Y <- ExFit
Y <- Y[, c(1, 2, 6:ncol(Y))]
Maxs <- rowMaxs(as.matrix(Y[, 3:ncol(Y)]))
Maxs_P1 <- Maxs[seq(1, length(Maxs),
Maxs_P2 <- Maxs[seq(2, length(Maxs),
Maxs_Ref <- Maxs[seq(3, length(Maxs),
Th <- quantile(Maxs_Ref, Qn)
Filt <- which(Maxs_P1 > Th & Maxs_P2 >
Th & Maxs_Ref > Th)
EE <- unique(Y[, 1])
FilterMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(EE),
ncol = 2)
FilterMatrix[, 1] <- EE
FilterMatrix[Filt, 2] <- 1
cat(paste("Done \n", sep = ""))
###################################### Statistical Analysis
# The analysis will vary depending on the
# parameters set by the user.
# 1) Analysis based on B3+B4 and B3+B4+B5
if (Statistic == "LogFC" | Statistic ==
"Dif_LogFC" | Statistic == "DRS") {
Msg <- paste("\t** Running Statistical Analysis",
sep = "")
cat(paste(Msg, "...", sep = ""))
# AuxM is the Auxiliary Matrix used in
# the statistical analysis, the rows of
# this matrix are used to indicate to
# which path each of the probesets belong
# to.
# R P1 P2 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
AuxM <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
# With a Kronecker product, each of the
# elements of the Design Matrix are
# replaced by AuxM.
D <- kronecker(Design, AuxM)
# We just keep the intensity values for
# the probesets in each sample
A <- ExFit[, 6:ncol(ExFit)]
# The expression matrix (Ymat) must be in
# a different arrangement than ExFit.
# ExFit has for rows the different paths
# for each event and for columns the
# samples of the experiment. However,
# Ymat must have for rows each of the
# samples and the paths it belongs to and
# for columns each of the events.
# Original Matrix Required Ordered Matrix
# Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Event 1
# Event 2 Event 3 Event 1_Ref Sample 1 _
# Ref Event 1_P1 Sampel 1 _ P1 Event 1_P2
# Sample 1 _ P2 Event 2_Ref . Sample 2 _
# Ref Event 2_P1 ............ Sample 2 _
# P1 Event 2_P2 ............. Sample 2 _
# P2 Event 3_Ref ............ Sample 3 _
# Ref Event 3_P1 . Sample 3 _ P1 Event
# 3_P2 Sample 3 _ P2
II <- lapply(seq(1, nrow(A), 3),
function(x) rep(x + 0:2, ncol(A)))
JJ <- rep(rep(seq_len(ncol(A)), each = 3),
length(unique(ExFit[, 1])))
B <- A[cbind(unlist(II), JJ)]
Ymat <- t(matrix(B, nrow = length(unique(ExFit[,
1])), byrow = TRUE))
colnames(Ymat) <- unique(ExFit[,
rownames(Ymat) <- paste(rep(colnames(ExFit)[6:ncol(ExFit)],
each = 3), "_", c("Ref", "P1",
"P2"), sep = "")
# Transform the matrix values to log2
Ymat <- log2(Ymat)
### Start Statistical Analysis cat('
### \nPerforming Statistical Analysis with
### Limma...')
# Linear model using Ymat and Design
# matrices
fit <- lmFit(object = t(Ymat), design = D)
FinalResult <- vector("list", length = ncol(Contrast))
for (mm in seq_len(ncol(Contrast))) {
Cused <- Contrast[, mm, drop = FALSE]
# The contrasts we are interested in are
# the ones related with each Path, and we
# apply a kronecker product of the
# contrast matrix with the corresponding
# vector for each Path (P1 = 1 1 0 ; P2 =
# 1 1 1)
if (Statistic == "LogFC" | Statistic ==
"Dif_LogFC") {
if (Statistic == "LogFC") {
P1 <- kronecker(Cused,
matrix(c(1, 1, 0), nrow = 3))
P2 <- kronecker(Cused,
matrix(c(1, 1, 1), nrow = 3))
} else if (Statistic == "Dif_LogFC") {
P1 <- kronecker(Cused,
matrix(c(0, 1, 0), nrow = 3))
P2 <- kronecker(Cused,
matrix(c(0, 1, 1), nrow = 3))
# C contains the vectors of the contrasts
C <- cbind(P1, P2)
# Compute estimated coefficients and
# standard errors for the given contrasts
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit,
# Empirical Bayesian Statistics
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
# Obtain the ranking of events for each
# of the contrasts
T2 <- topTable(fit2, coef = 1,
number = Inf)
T3 <- topTable(fit2, coef = 2,
number = Inf)
# Both tables (T2 and T3) must be in the
# same order
EvsIds <- rownames(T2)
ii3 <- match(EvsIds, rownames(T3))
T3 <- T3[ii3, ]
# One table is created by merging both,
# as both have the same column names, we
# rename the columns from one of the
# tables with letters to avoid problems.
colnames(T3) <- letters[seq_len(ncol(T3))]
T34_345 <- cbind(T2, T3)
# By taking both pvalues, one from each
# contrast, we perform an Irwin Hall
# Sumarizaion to obtain 1 pvalue for each
# of the events
Values1 <- IHsummarization(T34_345[,
4], T34_345[, 3], T34_345[,
10], T34_345[, 9])
# Order the events from the txt in the
# same way as the tables from each
# contrast
Ids <- paste(as.vector(EventsFound[,
1]), "_", as.vector(EventsFound[,
3]), sep = "")
index <- match(EvsIds, Ids)
EventsFound <- EventsFound[index,
# Put all the information in one data
# frame
Result <- data.frame(EventsFound[,
1], EventsFound[, 2], EventsFound[,
3], EventsFound[, 4], EventsFound[,
5], Values1$Tstats, Values1$Pvalues,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(Result) <- c("Affy Gene ID",
"Gene name", "Event Number",
"Event Type", "Genomic Position",
"Splicing Z Value", "Splicing Pvalue")
rownames(Result) <- paste(Result[,
1], "_", Result[, 3], sep = "")
# Order the final dataframe according to
# the pvalue
Result <- Result[order(Result[,
7]), ]
Result <- Result[, -c(1,
} else if (Statistic == "DRS") {
DRS <- kronecker(Cused, matrix(c(0,
0, 1), nrow = 3))
# Compute estimated coefficients and
# standard errors for the given contrasts
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit,
# Empirical Bayesian Statistics
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
# Obtain the ranking of events for each
# of the contrasts
T2 <- topTable(fit2, number = Inf)
# Order the events from the txt in the
# same way as the tables from each
# contrast
Ids <- paste(as.vector(EventsFound[,
1]), "_", as.vector(EventsFound[,
3]), sep = "")
EvsIds <- rownames(T2)
index <- match(EvsIds, Ids)
EventsFound <- EventsFound[index,
# Put all the information in one data
# frame
Result <- data.frame(EventsFound[,
1], EventsFound[, 2], EventsFound[,
3], EventsFound[, 4], EventsFound[,
5], T2[, 3], T2[, 4], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(Result) <- c("Affy Gene ID",
"Gene name", "Event Number",
"Event Type", "Genomic Position",
"Splicing Z Value", "Splicing Pvalue")
rownames(Result) <- paste(Result[,
1], "_", Result[, 3], sep = "")
# Order the final dataframe according to
# the pvalue
Result <- Result[order(Result[,
7]), ]
Result <- Result[, -c(1,
# Filter Events
if (Filter == TRUE) {
Ixx <- match(rownames(Result),
FilterMatrix[, 1])
FilterMatrix <- FilterMatrix[Ixx,
Jxx <- which(FilterMatrix[,
2] == 1)
Result <- Result[Jxx, ]
# AA<-matrix(unlist(strsplit(rownames(Result),'[.]')),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
# X<-nchar(AA[,1]) indxrm<-which(X>10)
# Result<-Result[-indxrm,]
if (PSI) {
indx <- match(rownames(Result),
indx <- indx[!is.na(indx)]
DPSIs[[mm]] <- DPSIs[[mm]][indx,
, drop = FALSE]
Result <- cbind(Result, DPSIs[[mm]])
colnames(Result)[6] <- c("Delta PSI")
FinalResult[[mm]] <- Result
if (ncol(Contrast) == 1) {
FinalResult <- FinalResult[[1]]
cat(paste("Done \n", sep = ""))
# Return the Result to the user
cat("\n", format(Sys.time(), "%X"),
" Analysis Completed", "\n")
} else {
stop("Wrong Statistical Analysis Given")
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