
Defines functions .getColumns .mapCols2Mirtarbase .mapMirtarbase2Cols .keytype2FilterMapping filterForKeytype .select

##  Methods and functions for/from AnnotationDbi

##  columns method.
setMethod("columns", "MirtarbaseDb",
.getColumns <- function(x){
## Mapping vector: names are "AnnotationDbi-conform" uppercase names, elements
## are the columns from the mirtarbase database.
.MIRTARBASE_COLMAP <- c("mirtarbase_id", "mirna", "species_mirna", "target_gene",
                        "target_gene_entrez_gene_id", "species_target_gene",
                        "experiments", "support_type", "references_pmid")
                               "SYMBOL", "ENTREZID", "GENESPECIES", "EXPERIMENT",
                               "SUPPORTTYPE", "PMID")
## Map AnnotationDbi formatted columns to MirtarbaseDb column names.
.mapCols2Mirtarbase <- function(x){
    if(!all(x %in% names(.MIRTARBASE_COLMAP))){
        whichNotAllowed <- x[!(x %in% names(.MIRTARBASE_COLMAP))]
        stop("Columns ", paste0(whichNotAllowed, collapse=", "), " are not known!",
             " Use the 'columns' method to list all supported column names.")
## Other way round
.mapMirtarbase2Cols <- function(x){
    if(!all(x %in% .MIRTARBASE_COLMAP)){
        whichNotAllowed <- x[!(x %in% .MIRTARBASE_COLMAP)]
        stop("Don't know how to map ", paste0(whichNotAllowed, collapse=", "), "!")
    tmp <- names(.MIRTARBASE_COLMAP)
    names(tmp) <- .MIRTARBASE_COLMAP

##  keytypes.
##  I'll use all of the supported Filters here.
##  EntrezidFilter
##  GenenameFilter
##  MatmirnaFilter
##  SpeciesFilter
##  ExperimentFilter
##  PublicationFilter
##  SupportTypeFilter
##  I'll skip the MatmirnaidFilter, PremirnaFilter, PremirnaidFilter,
##  MirfamFilter and MirfamidFilter for now.
setMethod("keytypes", "MirtarbaseDb",
## returns a vector mapping keytypes (names of vector) to filter names (elements).
.keytype2FilterMapping <- function(){
    filters <- c("EntrezFilter", "GenenameFilter", "MatMirnaFilter",
                 "SpeciesFilter", "SpeciesFilter", "ExperimentFilter",
                 "PublicationFilter", "SupportTypeFilter", "MirtarbaseIdFilter")
    names(filters) <- c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL", "MATMIRNA", "GENESPECIES",
                        "MIRNASPECIES", "EXPERIMENT", "PMID", "SUPPORTTYPE",
filterForKeytype <- function(keytype){
    if(length(keytype) > 1){
        keytype <- keytype[1]
        warning("Multiple keytype values are not supported! Using only the ",
                "first keytype.")
    filters <- .keytype2FilterMapping()
    if(any(names(filters) == keytype)){
        ## Handle "special" cases.
        if(keytype == "MIRNASPECIES")
            return(SpeciesFilter(value="tobeset", feature="mirna"))
        if(keytype == "GENESPECIES")
            return(SpeciesFilter(value="tobeset", feature="gene"))
        filt <- new(filters[keytype])
        stop("No filter for that keytype!")

##  keys method
##  The keys method returns all of the keys for a specified keytype.
##  If keytype is not specified we're returning the mirtarbase ids.
setMethod("keys", "MirtarbaseDb",
          function(x, keytype, filter, ...){
                  keytype <- "MIRTARBASEID"
              filter <- .checkFilter(filter)
              keyt <- keytypes(x)
              keytype <- match.arg(keytype, keyt)
              ## Map the keytype to the appropriate column name.
              dbCol <- .mapCols2Mirtarbase(keytype)
              ## Perform the query.
              res <- .getWhat(x, columns=dbCol, filter=filter)[, dbCol]

##  select method
setMethod("select", "MirtarbaseDb",
          function(x, keys, columns, keytype, ...){
                  keys <- NULL
                  columns <- NULL
                  keytype <- NULL
              return(.select(x=x, keys=keys, columns=columns, keytype=keytype, ...))
.select <- function(x, keys=NULL, columns=NULL, keytype=NULL, ...){
    extraArgs <- list(...)
    ## Perform argument checking:
    ## columns:
    if(missing(columns) | is.null(columns))
        columns <- columns(x)
    notAvailable <- !(columns %in% columns(x))
        stop("None of the specified columns are avaliable in the database!")
        warning("The following columns are not available in the database and have",
                " thus been removed: ", paste(columns[notAvailable], collapse=", "))
        columns <- columns[!notAvailable]
    ## keys:
    if(is.null(keys) | missing(keys)){
        ## Get everything from the database...
        keys <- list()
        if(!(is(keys, "character") | is(keys, "list") |
             is(keys, "AnnotationFilter")))
            stop("Argument keys should be a character vector, an object ",
                 "extending AnnotationFilter or a list of objects extending ",
        if(is(keys, "list")){
            if(!all(vapply(keys, is, logical(1L), "AnnotationFilter")))
                stop("If keys is a list it should be a list of objects ",
                     "extending AnnotationFilter!")
        if(is(keys, "AnnotationFilter")){
            keys <- list(keys)
        if(is(keys, "character")){
                stop("Argument keytype is mandatory if keys is a character vector!")
            ## Check also keytype:
            if(!(keytype %in% keytypes(x)))
                stop("keytype ", keytype, " not available in the database.",
                     " Use keytypes method to list all available keytypes.")
            ## Generate a filter object for the filters.
            keyFilter <- filterForKeytype(keytype)
            keyFilter@value <- keys
            keys <- list(keyFilter)
            ## Add also the keytype itself to the columns.
            if(!any(columns == keytype))
                columns <- c(keytype, columns)
    ## Map the columns to column names we have in the database.
    mtbCols <- .mapCols2Mirtarbase(columns)
    ## OK, now perform the query given the filters we've got.
    res <- .getWhat(x, columns=mtbCols, filter=keys)
    colnames(res) <- .mapMirtarbase2Cols(colnames(res))
    return(res[, columns])
jotsetung/mirtarbase documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:42 p.m.