## Public functions.
## Internal functions.
## create a connection to the database and return the MirtarbaseDb object.
MirtarbaseDb <- function(x){
lite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
con <- dbConnect(lite, dbname=x, flags=SQLITE_RO)
tables <- dbListTables(con)
tables <- tables[tables != "metadata"]
## read the columns for these tables.
Tables <- vector(length=length(tables), "list")
for(i in 1:length(Tables)){
Tables[[ i ]] <- colnames(dbGetQuery(con, paste0("select * from ",
tables[ i ], " limit 1")))
names(Tables) <- tables
## Get the metadata
info <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from metadata;")
## get also some additional info...
species_tg <- dbGetQuery(con, "select distinct species_target_gene from mirtarbase;")[ , 1 ]
species_mirna <- dbGetQuery(con, "select distinct species_mirna from mirtarbase;")[ , 1 ]
st <- dbGetQuery(con, "select distinct support_type from mirtarbase")[ , 1 ]
MDB <- new("MirtarbaseDb",
mirtarbase_version=info[ info$name=="version", "value" ],
mirtarbase_date=info[ info$name=="release date", "value" ],
## builds the query that we use to retrieve the data.
## x is the MirtarbaseDb object.
## filter is a list of filters.
## columns: columns to retrieve
## order.by
.buildQuery <- function(x, columns=listColumns(x), filter, order.by="",
order.type="asc", match.case=FALSE, force=FALSE){
resultcolumns <- columns
collatequery <- ""
if(!missing(filter) & length(filter) > 0){
## check filter!
if(!is(filter, "list"))
stop("Parameter 'filter' has to be a list of BasicFilter classes!")
## add the columns needed for the filter
filtercolumns <- unlist(lapply(filter, column, x))
##filtercolumns <- sapply(filtercolumns, removePrefix, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
columns <- unique(c(columns, filtercolumns))
## next we're building the where query.
wheres <- lapply(filter, where, x)
## what if we've got any filter returning NULL in where?
if(any(unlist(lapply(wheres, is.null))) & !force){
## this means we've got one of the mappings from e.g. pre-miRNA to mature
## miRNA completely failing. In such a case we would eventually fetch the
## complete mirtarbase.
stop("One of the filters returned NULL. This most likely means",
" that one of the submitted miRNA identifiers can not be mapped",
" to a mature miRNA name! To still perform the query set parameter",
" \"force=TRUE\".", call.=FALSE)
wherequery <- paste(" where", paste(unlist(wheres), collapse=" and "))
## should the query be performed case insensitive?
wherequery <- paste0(wherequery, " collate nocase")
wherequery <- ""
## should we do an order.by?
if(!missing(order.by) & order.by!=""){
order.by <- unlist(strsplit(order.by, split=",", fixed=TRUE))
order.by <- gsub(order.by, pattern=" ", replacement="", fixed=TRUE)
## allow only order.by that are also in the columns.
order.by.nocolumns <- order.by[ !(order.by %in% columns) ]
order.by <- order.by[ order.by %in% columns ]
if(length(order.by.nocolumns) > 0){
warning("columns provided in order.by (",
paste(order.by.nocolumns, collapse=","),
") are not in columns and were thus removed." )
order.by <- ""
order.by <- paste(order.by, collapse=",")
order.by <- ""
## OK, build that query.
orderquery <- paste(" order by", order.by, order.type)
orderquery <- ""
## now build the join query that joins all required tables.
joinquery <- joinQueryOnColumns(x, columns=columns)
finalquery <- paste0("select distinct ",
paste(resultcolumns, collapse=","),
" from ",
.getWhat <- function(x, columns=listColumns(x), filter, order.by="",
order.type="asc", match.case=FALSE, force=FALSE){
Q <- .buildQuery(x, columns=columns, filter=filter, order.by=order.by,
order.type=order.type, match.case=match.case, force=force)
dbGetQuery(dbconn(x), Q)
## No need to join tables, as in its present form the database is a single-table database
joinQueryOnColumns <- function(x, columns, join, start.table){
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