#' @include generics.R
#' @include helperClasses.R
#### CLASS #####################################################################
#' Class "BiclusterStrategy" for biclusters
#' This class encapsulates bicluster results created by a call to
#' \code{\link{addStrat}()}.
#' @section The \code{k} slot:
#' The numbers of biclusters requested in the call to \code{addStrat()} is
#' stored in \code{BiclusterStrategy@@k}. A \code{BiclusterStrategy-class}
#' object may store more than \code{k} biclusters, but accessors only return
#' data on the first \code{k} biclusters by default. To obtain data on all
#' stored biclusters, accessors must be called with \code{allBc = TRUE}.
#' @slot factors a \code{\link[NMF]{NMFfit-class}} or
#' \code{\link{genericFit-class}} containing a pair of matrices \eqn{L_{m,k}}
#' and \eqn{R_{k,n}}.
#' @slot featureThresh a vector of thresholds of length \eqn{k}
#' @slot sampleThresh a vector of thresholds of length \eqn{k}
#' @slot threshAlgo the name of the thresholding algorithm, or "user"
#' @slot biclust a \code{\link{Biclust-class}} object containing
#' logical bicluster membership matrices and other information
#' @slot k the number of biclusters to access when \code{allBc = FALSE}.
#' @slot name a display friendly character string describing the object
#' @param bcs A BiclusterSrategy class
#' @param allBc Return data on all stored biclusters
#' @importClassesFrom biclust Biclust
#' @seealso \code{\link{getStrat}}
slots = list(
factors = "ANY",
featureThresh = "numeric",
sampleThresh = "numeric",
threshAlgo = "character",
biclust = "Biclust",
k = "integer",
name = "character"
#### CONSTRUCTOR ###############################################################
# The function addStrat() is the exported wrapper that calls this constructor.
# @param bicluster the biclustering algorithm to use
# @param featureThresh the score thresholding algorithm to use. Ignored if
# bicluster is "plaid" or "bimax"
# @param sampleThresh the loading thresholding algorithm to use. Ignored if
# bicluster is "plaid" or "bimax"
setGeneric("BiclusterStrategy", signature = c("obj", "k"),
function(obj, k, method = c("als-nmf", "svd-pca", "snmf",
"nipals-pca", "plaid", "spectral"),
threshAlgo = "otsu", featureThresh = threshAlgo,
sampleThresh = threshAlgo, ...)
setMethod("BiclusterStrategy", c(obj = "matrix", k = "numeric"), function(
obj, k, method, threshAlgo, featureThresh, sampleThresh, ...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
#### Matrix factorization ###################################################
bc <- NULL
if(any(is.na(obj)) || method == "nipals-pca") {
if (method != "nipals-pca") {
warning(paste("Switching to the NIPALS-PCA method because the input",
"matrix has missing data"))
method <- "nipals-pca"
# If still too many NAs, an error will be thrown back to addStrat
bc <- nipals_pca(biclustArgs)
# Simply shift all values to be >= 0, if necessary for the algorithm
if(method == "als-nmf" || method == "snmf") obj <- pseudovalues(obj)
# Same arguments regardless of algorithm
biclustArgs <- c(list(A = obj, k = k), list(...))
# Function names here have underscores instead of hyphens
hyphen <- regexpr(pattern = "-", text = method)[[1]]
if(hyphen > 0) substr(method, start = hyphen, stop = hyphen) <- "_"
tryCatch(bc <- do.call(get(method), biclustArgs), # Bicluster
error = function(c) {
warning(paste(method, "failed, switching to PCA."))
bc <<- svd_pca(obj, k) # fallback to PCA
method <<- "svd-pca"
# bc may be NMFfit, biclust::Biclust, or genericFit
# dispatch to appropriate BiclusterStrategy()
BiclusterStrategy(obj = bc, k, method, threshAlgo, featureThresh, sampleThresh,
setMethod("BiclusterStrategy", c(obj = "Biclust", k = "numeric"), function(
obj, k, method, threshAlgo, featureThresh, sampleThresh, ...) {
if(obj@Number < k) {
k <- obj@Number # sometimes the biclustering method returns less than
if(ncol(obj@RowxNumber) > k) {
warning(paste("The biclustering method returned more than k biclusters.",
"Use accessor functions with allBc = TRUE to reveal all data."))
biclustNames <- vapply(seq_len(obj@Number), FUN.VALUE = character(1), FUN = function(x) {
paste0("Bicluster.", x)
colnames(obj@RowxNumber) <- biclustNames
rownames(obj@NumberxCol) <- biclustNames
# transfer the unthresholded matrices to a genericFit
factorz <- new("genericFactorization", W = obj@RowxNumber, H = obj@NumberxCol)
fit <- new("genericFit", fit = factorz, method = method)
#then threshold the Biclust object
thRes <- thresholdHelper(bc = obj, k = obj@Number, featureThresh = featureThresh,
sampleThresh, threshAlgo = threshAlgo)
bcs <- new("BiclusterStrategy", factors = fit, featureThresh = thRes[[2]],
sampleThresh = thRes[[3]], threshAlgo = thRes[[1]],
k = as.integer(k),
biclust = thRes[[4]])
bcs@name <- name(bcs)
setMethod("BiclusterStrategy", c(obj = "genericFit", k = "numeric"), function(
obj, k, method, threshAlgo, featureThresh, sampleThresh, ...) {
fit <- obj
# sometimes the biclustering method returns less than k biclusters
if(ncol(fit@fit@W) < k) { k <- ncol(fit@fit@W) }
if(ncol(fit@fit@W) > k) {
warning(paste("The biclustering method returned more than k biclusters.",
"Use accessor functions with allBc = TRUE to reveal all data."))
biclustNames <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(fit@fit@W)), FUN.VALUE = character(1), FUN = function(x) {
paste0("Bicluster.", x)
colnames(fit@fit@W) <- biclustNames
rownames(fit@fit@H) <- biclustNames
bc <- biclust::BiclustResult(list(Call = fit@method), fit@fit@W, fit@fit@H,
ncol(fit@fit@W), list())
thRes <- thresholdHelper(bc = bc, k = ncol(fit@fit@W),
featureThresh = featureThresh,
sampleThresh, threshAlgo = threshAlgo)
bcs <- new("BiclusterStrategy", factors = fit, featureThresh = thRes[[2]],
sampleThresh = thRes[[3]], threshAlgo = thRes[[1]],
k = as.integer(k),
biclust = thRes[[4]])
bcs@name <- name(bcs)
setMethod("BiclusterStrategy", c(obj = "NMFfit", k = "numeric"), function(
obj, k, method, threshAlgo, featureThresh, sampleThresh, ...) {
# assume that NMF methods always return k biclusters
fit <- obj
k <- ncol(fit@fit@W)
biclustNames <- vapply(seq_len(k), FUN.VALUE = character(1), FUN = function(x) {
paste0("Bicluster.", x)
colnames(fit@fit@W) <- biclustNames
rownames(fit@fit@H) <- biclustNames
bc <- biclust::BiclustResult(list(Call = fit@method), fit@fit@W, fit@fit@H,
k, list())
thRes <- thresholdHelper(bc = bc, k = k, featureThresh = featureThresh,
sampleThresh, threshAlgo = threshAlgo)
bcs <- new("BiclusterStrategy", factors = fit, featureThresh = thRes[[2]],
sampleThresh = thRes[[3]], threshAlgo = thRes[[1]],
k = as.integer(k),
biclust = thRes[[4]])
bcs@name <- name(bcs)
validBiclusterStrategy <- function(object) {
msg <- NULL
factors <- object@factors
if (!(inherits(factors, "NMFfit") ||
inherits(factors, "genericFit"))) {
msg <-
"The factors slot must be an 'NMFfit' or 'genericFit'",
} else {
val <- validObject(factors, test = TRUE)
if (inherits(val, "character")) {
msg <- c(msg, val)
sThresh <- featureThresh(object)
if (!inherits(sThresh, "numeric")) {
msg <- c(msg, "The featureThresh slot must be a numeric vector")
} else {
if (length(sThresh) != nclust(object)) {
msg <-
"featureThresh must be as long as the width of the score matrix"
if (!setequal(names(sThresh), colnames(featureFactor(object)))) {
msg <-
"featureThresh names must correspond 1:1 with score matrix row",
"names. These are bicluster names"
lThresh <- sampleThresh(object)
if (!inherits(lThresh, "numeric")) {
msg <- c(msg, "The sampleThresh slot must be a numeric vector")
} else {
if (length(lThresh) != nclust(object)) {
msg <-
"sampleThresh must be as long as the width of the score matrix"
if (!setequal(names(lThresh), rownames(sampleFactor(object)))) {
msg <-
"sampleThresh names must correspond 1:1 with loading matrix row",
"names. These are bicluster names"
if (!inherits(object@threshAlgo, "character")) {
msg <- c(msg, "The featureThreshAlgo slot must be a character string")
predS <- clusteredSamples(object)
if (!(inherits(predS, "matrix") && mode(predS) == "logical")) {
msg <- c(msg, "clusteredSamples must be a logical matrix")
} else {
if (!identical(dim(predS), dim(sampleFactor(object)))) {
msg <-
"clusteredSamples must have dimensions identical to",
if (!identical(dimnames(predS), dimnames(sampleFactor(object)))) {
msg <-
"The row and column names of clusteredSamples",
"must be identical to the row and column names of the",
"score matrix"
predF <- clusteredFeatures(object)
if (!(inherits(predF, "matrix") && mode(predF) == "logical")) {
msg <- c(msg, "clusteredFeatures must be a logical matrix")
} else {
if (!identical(dim(predF), dim(featureFactor(object)))) {
msg <-
"clusteredFeatures must have dimensions identical to",
if (!identical(dimnames(predF), dimnames(featureFactor(object)))) {
msg <-
"The row and column names of clusteredFeatures",
"must be identical to the column and row names, respectively, of",
"the score matrix"
res <- validObject(biclust(object), test = TRUE)
if(inherits(res, "character")) { msg <<- c(msg, res) }
if (is.null(msg))
setValidity("BiclusterStrategy", validBiclusterStrategy)
#### Accessors ####
# add setters
#' @describeIn BiclusterStrategy The names of biclusters in the
#' BiclusterStrategy
#' @export
setMethod("bcNames", "BiclusterStrategy", function(bcs, allBc) {
if(allBc) {return(colnames(bcs@factors@fit@W)) }
setMethod("biclust", "BiclusterStrategy", function(bcs) {
#' @describeIn clusteredFeatures method for BiclusterStrategy objects
#' @export
setMethod("clusteredFeatures", c(bcs = "BiclusterStrategy"), function(
bcs, allBc) {
if(allBc) { return(bcs@biclust@RowxNumber) }
return(bcs@biclust@RowxNumber[, seq_len(nclust(bcs)), drop = FALSE])
#' @describeIn clusteredSamples method for BiclusterStrategy objects
#' @export
setMethod("clusteredSamples", c(bcs = "BiclusterStrategy"), function(
bcs, allBc) {
if(allBc) { return(bcs@biclust@NumberxCol) }
return(bcs@biclust@NumberxCol[seq_len(nclust(bcs)), , drop = FALSE])
#' @describeIn BiclusterStrategy Retrieves \code{bcs@@factors@@fit@@W}, the
#' matrix factor mapping features to biclusters
setMethod("featureFactor", "BiclusterStrategy", function(bcs, allBc) {
if(allBc) {return(bcs@factors@fit@W) }
return(bcs@factors@fit@W[, seq_len(nclust(bcs)), drop = FALSE])
#' @describeIn BiclusterStrategy Retrieves \code{bcs@@featureThresh}, the threshold(s)
#' used to determine each bicluster's feature membership
setMethod("featureThresh", "BiclusterStrategy", function(bcs, allBc) {
if(allBc) {return(bcs@featureThresh)}
#' @describeIn BiclusterStrategy Retrieves \code{bcs@@sampleThresh}, the threshold(s)
#' used to determine each bicluster's sample membership
setMethod("sampleThresh", "BiclusterStrategy", function(bcs, allBc) {
if(allBc) { return(bcs@sampleThresh) }
#' @describeIn BiclusterStrategy Retrieves \code{bcs@@factors@@method}, the
#' biclustering algorithm used to produce \code{bcs}
setMethod("method", "BiclusterStrategy", function(bcs) {
#' @describeIn BiclusterStrategy Gets a display-friendly name of a
#' BiclusterStrategy that includes its biclustering algorithm, its
#' thresholding algorithm, and the number of biclusters.
setMethod("name", c(bcs = "BiclusterStrategy"), function(bcs) {
if (length(bcs@name) > 0) {
else {
# Capitalize
bca <- capitalize(method(bcs))
ta <- capitalize(bcs@threshAlgo)
name(list(bca, ta, nclust(bcs)))
#' Helper function (do not call)
#' @rdname name
setMethod("name", c(bcs = "list"), function(bcs) {
do.call(paste, c(bcs, list(sep = " | ")))
#' @describeIn BiclusterStrategy Number of clusters in a BiclusterStrategy
setMethod("nclust", c(bcs = "BiclusterStrategy"), function(bcs, allBc) {
if(allBc) { return(ncol(bcs@factors@fit@W)) }
#' @describeIn BiclusterStrategy Retrieves \code{bcs@@factors@@fit@@H}, the
#' matrix factor mapping samples to biclusters
setMethod("sampleFactor", "BiclusterStrategy", function(bcs, allBc) {
if(allBc) { return(bcs@factors@fit@H) }
return(bcs@factors@fit@H[seq_len(nclust(bcs)), , drop = FALSE])
#' @describeIn BiclusterStrategy The algorithm used to calculate biclustering
#' thresholds
#' @export
setMethod("threshAlgo", c(bcs = "BiclusterStrategy"), function(bcs) {
#### HELPER FUNCTIONS ##########################################################
#' Calculate Otsu thresholds on each column of a matrix
#' @param matrix the target matrix, whose columns will be thresholded
#' @return numeric vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m <- matrix(rnorm(400), 40, 10)
#' otsuHelper(m)
otsuHelper <- function(matrix) {
# Calculate thresholds using available algorithms
thresholds <- apply(matrix, 2, function(x) {
if (max(x) != min(x)) {
rescaled <- (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x))
m <- as.matrix(rescaled)
thresholds <- EBImage::otsu(m)
thresholds * (max(x) - min(x)) + min(x)
} else {
# If all values of x are the same, then the threshold is that value itself
biclust2genericFit <- function(biclust) {
if(!inherits(biclust, "Biclust")) {
stop(paste("biclust2genericFit must be called on a \"Biclust\" class",
scoreLoading <- if(biclust@Number > 0) {
list(biclust@RowxNumber, biclust@NumberxCol)
} else { list(matrix(rep(NA, nrow(biclust@RowxNumber)), ncol = 1),
matrix(rep(NA, ncol(biclust@NumberxCol), nrow = 1)))
# FIXME please test if this works
new("genericFit", fit = new("genericFactorization", W = scoreLoading[[1]],
H = scoreLoading[[2]]),
method = biclust@Parameters$Call)
thresholdHelper <- function(bc, k, featureThresh, sampleThresh, threshAlgo) {
if(k > 0) {
#### Thresholding ############################################################
if(inherits(featureThresh, "numeric") && inherits(sampleThresh, "numeric")) {
if(length(featureThresh) != k || length(sampleThresh) != k) {
stop("Length of \"featureThresh\" and \"sampleThresh\" must equal \"k\"")
threshAlgo <- "user"
} else if(threshAlgo == "otsu") {
# Use automatic thresholding (default)
featureThresh <- otsuHelper(bc@RowxNumber)
sampleThresh <- otsuHelper(t(bc@NumberxCol))
} else {
stop(paste("Currently \"otsu\" is the only implemented thresholding",
#### Results #############################################################
bc@RowxNumber <- threshold(m = bc@RowxNumber, th = featureThresh, MARGIN = 2)
bc@NumberxCol <- threshold(m = bc@NumberxCol, th = sampleThresh,
} else {
bc@NumberxCol <- matrix(dimnames = dimnames(bc@NumberxCol))
bc@RowxNumber <- matrix(dimnames = dimnames(bc@RowxNumber))
warning(paste("Biclustering did not find valid results. No samples or",
"features are biclustered."))
return(list(threshAlgo, featureThresh, sampleThresh, bc))
#### threshold ####
#' @describeIn threshold Apply threshold to a score or loading matrix
#' @export
setMethod("threshold", c(m = "matrix", th = "numeric"), function(m, th,
# Get all values further from 0 than the provided threshold
if(MARGIN == 1) {
if(length(th) != nrow(m)) { stop("Length of th must equal nrow(m).") }
mat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(nrow(m)), function(row) {
if(th[row] < 0) compare <- `<` else compare <- `>`
compare(m[row, ], th[row])
} else {
if(length(th) != ncol(m)) { stop("Length of th must equal ncol(m)") }
mat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_len(ncol(m)), function(col) {
if(th[col] < 0) compare <- `<` else compare <- `>`
compare(m[, col], th[col])
colnames(mat) <- colnames(m)
rownames(mat) <- rownames(m)
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