#' Calculate word frequency
#' @param term A vector of description texts.
#' @param exclude_words The words that should be excluded.
#' @param stop_words The stop words that should be be removed.
#' @param min_word_length Minimum length of the word to be counted.
#' @param tokenizer The tokenizer function, one of the values accepted by ``tm::termFreq``.
#' @param transform_case The function normalizing lettercase of the words.
#' @param remove_numbers Whether to remove numbers.
#' @param remove_punctuation Whether to remove punctuation.
#' @param custom_transformer Custom function that transforms words.
#' @param stemming Whether to only keep the roots of inflected words.
#' @param dictionary A vector of words to be counted (if given all other words will be excluded).
#' @details
#' The text preprocessing followings the instruction from \url{http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/word-cloud-generator-in-r-one-killer-function-to-do-everything-you-need}.
#' @return
#' A data frame with words and frequencies.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gm = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "random_GO_BP_sim_mat.rds", package = "simplifyEnrichment"))
#' go_id = rownames(gm)
#' go_term = AnnotationDbi::select(GO.db::GO.db, keys = go_id, columns = "TERM")$TERM
#' count_words(go_term) |> head()
count_words = function(term,
exclude_words = NULL, stop_words = stopwords(),
min_word_length = 1, tokenizer = 'words', transform_case = tolower,
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punctuation = TRUE, custom_transformer = NULL,
stemming = FALSE, dictionary = NULL) {
# http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/word-cloud-generator-in-r-one-killer-function-to-do-everything-you-need
# Load the text as a corpus
docs = VCorpus(VectorSource(term))
# Convert the text to lower case
docs = tm_map(docs, content_transformer(transform_case))
if (remove_numbers) {
# Remove numbers
docs = tm_map(docs, removeNumbers)
# Remove stopwords for the language
docs = tm_map(docs, removeWords, stop_words)
if (remove_punctuation) {
# Remove punctuations
docs = tm_map(docs, removePunctuation)
# Eliminate extra white spaces
docs = tm_map(docs, stripWhitespace)
# Remove your own stopwords
docs = tm_map(docs, removeWords, exclude_words)
# Apply any user-provided transformer
if (!is.null(custom_transformer)) {
docs = tm_map(docs, content_transformer(custom_transformer))
# Create term-document matrix
tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(
control = list(
wordLengths = c(min_word_length, Inf),
tokenize = tokenizer,
stemming = stemming,
dictionary = dictionary,
# letter case transformation is handled earlier (above), let's not overwrite the results
tolower = FALSE
v = sort(slam::row_sums(tdm), decreasing = TRUE)
d = data.frame(word = names(v), freq = v, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' A simple grob for the word cloud
#' @param text A vector of words.
#' @param fontsize The corresponding font size. With the frequency of the words known, `scale_fontsize` can be used to linearly interpolate frequencies to font sizes.
#' @param line_space Space between lines. The value can be a `grid::unit` object or a numeric scalar which is measured in mm.
#' @param word_space Space between words. The value can be a `grid::unit` object or a numeric scalar which is measured in mm.
#' @param max_width The maximal width of the viewport to put the word cloud. The value can be a `grid::unit` object or a numeric scalar which is measured in mm.
#' Note this might be larger than the final width of the returned grob object.
#' @param col Colors for the words. The value can be a vector, in numeric or character, which should have the same
#' length as ``text``. Or it is a self-defined function that takes the font size vector as
#' the only argument. The function should return a color vector. See Examples.
#' @param add_new_line Whether to add new line after every word? If ``TRUE``, each word will be in a separated line.
#' @param test Internally used. It basically adds borders to the words and the viewport.
#' @return
#' A `grid::grob` object. The width and height of the grob can be get by `grid::grobWidth` and `grid::grobHeight`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # very old R versions do not have strrep() function
#' if(!exists("strrep")) {
#' strrep = function(x, i) paste(rep(x, i), collapse = "")
#' }
#' words = sapply(1:30, function(x) strrep(sample(letters, 1), sample(3:10, 1)))
#' require(grid)
#' gb = word_cloud_grob(words, fontsize = runif(30, min = 5, max = 30),
#' max_width = 100)
#' grid.newpage(); grid.draw(gb)
#' # color as a single scalar
#' gb = word_cloud_grob(words, fontsize = runif(30, min = 5, max = 30),
#' max_width = 100, col = 1)
#' grid.newpage(); grid.draw(gb)
#' # color as a vector
#' gb = word_cloud_grob(words, fontsize = runif(30, min = 5, max = 30),
#' max_width = 100, col = 1:30)
#' grid.newpage(); grid.draw(gb)
#' # color as a function
#' require(circlize)
#' col_fun = colorRamp2(c(5, 17, 30), c("blue", "black", "red"))
#' gb = word_cloud_grob(words, fontsize = runif(30, min = 5, max = 30),
#' max_width = 100, col = function(fs) col_fun(fs))
#' grid.newpage(); grid.draw(gb)
word_cloud_grob = function(text, fontsize,
line_space = unit(4, "pt"), word_space = unit(4, "pt"), max_width = unit(80, "mm"),
col = function(fs) circlize::rand_color(length(fs), luminosity = "dark"),
add_new_line = FALSE, test = FALSE) { # width in mm
if(length(text) != length(fontsize)) {
stop_wrap("`text` and `fontsize` should the same length.")
n = length(text)
if(is.character(col) || is.numeric(col)) {
if(length(col) == 1) col = rep(col, n)
} else if(is.function(col)) {
col = col(fontsize)
} else {
stop_wrap("`col` can only be a function or a character vector.")
od = order(fontsize, decreasing = TRUE)
text = text[od]
fontsize = fontsize[od]
col = col[od]
# if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin" && dev.interactive()) {
# ComplexHeatmap:::dev.null()
# on.exit(ComplexHeatmap:::dev.off2())
# }
text_gb_lt = lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) textGrob(text[i], gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize[i])))
text_width = vapply(text_gb_lt, function(gb) convertWidth(grobWidth(gb), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE), 0)
text_height = vapply(text_gb_lt, function(gb) convertHeight(grobHeight(gb), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE), 0)
if(is.unit(line_space)) line_space = convertHeight(line_space, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(is.unit(word_space)) word_space = convertWidth(word_space, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
x = numeric(n)
y = numeric(n)
current_line_height = 0
current_line_width = 0
# the first text
current_line_height = text_height[1]
current_line_width = text_width[1]
x[1] = 0
y[1] = 0
w = text_width[1]
h = text_height[1]
if(is.unit(max_width)) {
max_width = convertWidth(max_width, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
for(i in seq_len(n)[-1]) {
# the next text can be put on the same line
if(current_line_width + text_width[i] <= max_width && !add_new_line) {
x[i] = current_line_width + word_space
y[i] = y[i-1] # same as previous one
current_line_width = x[i] + text_width[i]
w = max(w, current_line_width)
h = max(h, y[i] + text_height[i])
} else { # the next text need to be put on the next line
x[i] = 0
y[i] = current_line_height + line_space
current_line_width = text_width[i]
current_line_height = y[i] + text_height[i]
w = max(w, current_line_width)
h = max(h, current_line_height)
if(test) {
gl = gList(
textGrob(text, x = x, y = y, gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize, col = col),
default.units = "mm", just = c(0, 0)),
rectGrob(x = x, y = y, width = text_width, height = text_height, default.units = "mm", just = c(0, 0))
} else {
gl = gList(
textGrob(text, x = x, y = y, gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize, col = col),
default.units = "mm", just = c(0, 0))
gb = gTree(children = gl, cl = "word_cloud", vp = viewport(width = unit(w, "mm"), height = unit(h, "mm")))
#' @rdname word_cloud_grob
#' @param x The ``word_cloud`` grob returned by `word_cloud_grob`.
#' @export
widthDetails.word_cloud = function(x) {
#' @rdname word_cloud_grob
#' @export
heightDetails.word_cloud = function(x) {
#' Word cloud annotations
#' @param align_to How to align the annotations to the heatmap. Similar as in `ComplexHeatmap::anno_link`, the value of ``align_to``
#' can be a list of row indices or a categorical vector where each vector in the list corresponds to a word cloud.
#' If it is a categorical vector, rows with the same level correspond to a same word cloud.
#' If ``align_to`` is a categorical vector and ``term`` is a list, names of ``term`` should have overlap to the levels in ``align_to``.
#' When ``align_to`` is set as a categorical vector, normally the same value is set to ``row_split`` in the main heatmap so that each row slice
#' can correspond to a word cloud.
#' @param term The description text used for constructing the word clouds. The value should have the same format as ``align_to``. If ``align_to``
#' is a list, ``term`` should also be a list. In this case, the length of vectors in ``term`` is not necessarily the same
#' as in ``align_to``. E.g. ``length(term[[1]])`` is not necessarily equal to ``length(align_to[[1]]``. If ``align_to``
#' is a categorical vector, ``term`` should also be a character vector with the same length as ``align_to``.
#' To make it more genrall, when ``align_to`` is a list, ``term`` can also be a list of data frames where the first column contains
#' keywords and the second column contains numeric values that will be mapped to font sizes in the word clouds.
#' @param exclude_words The words excluced for construcing word cloud.
#' @param max_words Maximal number of words visualized in the word cloud.
#' @param word_cloud_grob_param A list of graphics parameters passed to `word_cloud_grob`.
#' @param fontsize_range The range of the font size. The value should be a numeric vector with length two.
#' The font size interpolation is linear.
#' @param value_range The range of values to map to font sizes.
#' @param bg_gp Graphics parameters for controlling the background.
#' @param side Side of the annotation relative to the heatmap.
#' @param add_new_line Whether to add new line after every word? If ``TRUE``, each word will be in a separated line.
#' @param count_words_param A list of parameters passed to `count_words`.
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @param return_gbl Internally used.
#' @details
#' The word cloud annotation is constructed by `ComplexHeatmap::anno_link`.
#' If the annotation is failed to construct or no keyword is found, the function returns a `ComplexHeatmap::anno_empty` with 1px width.
#' English stop words, punctuation and numbers are removed by default when counting words. As specific stop words might
#' coincide with gene or pathway names, and numbers in genes names might be meaningful it is recommended to adjust this
#' behaviour by passing appropriate arguments to the `count_words` function using ``count_words_param``.
#' @export
#' @import colorspace
#' @import methods
#' @examples
#' gm = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "random_GO_BP_sim_mat.rds", package = "simplifyEnrichment"))
#' go_id = rownames(gm)
#' go_term = AnnotationDbi::select(GO.db::GO.db, keys = go_id, columns = "TERM")$TERM
#' split = sample(letters[1:4], 100, replace = TRUE)
#' align_to = split(1:100, split)
#' term = lapply(letters[1:4], function(x) sample(go_term, sample(100:400, 1)))
#' names(term) = letters[1:4]
#' require(ComplexHeatmap)
#' mat = matrix(rnorm(100*10), nrow = 100)
#' Heatmap(mat, cluster_rows = FALSE, row_split = split,
#' right_annotation = rowAnnotation(foo = anno_word_cloud(align_to, term)))
anno_word_cloud = function(align_to, term, exclude_words = NULL, max_words = 10,
word_cloud_grob_param = list(), fontsize_range = c(4, 16), value_range = NULL,
bg_gp = gpar(fill = "#DDDDDD", col = "#AAAAAA"), side = c("right", "left"),
add_new_line = FALSE, count_words_param = list(), ..., return_gbl = FALSE) {
if(is.atomic(align_to) && is.list(term)) {
align_to = split(seq_along(align_to), align_to)
cn = intersect(names(align_to), names(term))
if(length(cn) == 0) {
stop_wrap("names of `term` should have overlap to the `align_to`.")
} else {
align_to = align_to[cn]
term = term[cn]
} else if(is.list(align_to)) {
if(!is.list(term)) {
stop_wrap("`term` should have the same format as `align_to`, which is a list of term descriptions. Note, e.g. `length(term[[1]])` are not necessarily equal to `length(align_to[[1]]`.")
} else {
if(length(align_to) != length(term)) {
stop_wrap("`align_to` and `term` should be two list with the same length.")
if(!is.null(names(align_to)) && !is.null(names(term))) {
if(length(setdiff(names(align_to), names(term))) == 0) {
term = term[names(align_to)]
} else if(is.atomic(align_to)) {
if(!is.atomic(term)) {
stop_wrap("`term` should have the same format as `align_to`, which is a vector of term descriptions with the same length as `align_to`.")
term = split(term, align_to)
align_to = split(seq_along(align_to), align_to)
flag = 0
if(is.list(term)) {
is_term_a_data_frame = sapply(term, is.data.frame)
if(any(is_term_a_data_frame)) {
if(!all(is_term_a_data_frame)) {
stop_wrap("Elements in `term` should all be data.frames")
sapply(term, function(x) {
if(ncol(x) < 2) {
stop_wrap("Data frame in `term` should have more than one column.")
if(!any(sapply(x[, -1, drop = FALSE], is.numeric))) {
stop_wrap("There should be a numeric column in the data frame.")
flag = 1
if(flag) {
keywords = lapply(term, function(df) {
if(nrow(df) > max_words) {
df = df[order(df[, 2], decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(max_words)], ]
df[!df[, 1] %in% exclude_words, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
keywords = lapply(term, function(desc) {
combined_count_params = c(list(term = desc, exclude_words = exclude_words), count_words_param)
suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(df <- do.call(count_words, combined_count_params)))
# df = df[df$freq > 1, , drop = FALSE]
if(nrow(df) > max_words) {
df = df[order(df$freq, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(max_words)], ]
keywords = keywords[vapply(keywords, nrow, 0) > 0]
align_to = align_to[names(keywords)]
if(length(keywords) == 0) {
return(anno_empty(border = FALSE, width = unit(1, "pt")))
if(length(word_cloud_grob_param)) {
if(is.atomic(word_cloud_grob_param)) {
stop_wrap("`word_cloud_grob_param` should be a named list.")
all_keywords = unique(unlist(lapply(keywords, function(x) x[, 1])))
all_keywords_col = circlize::rand_color(length(all_keywords), luminosity = "dark")
i_try = 1
while(1) {
hsv = coords(as(hex2RGB(all_keywords_col), "HSV"))
l = hsv[, 3] > 0.85 | (hsv[, 1] > 40 & hsv[, 1] < 65)
if(!any(l)) break
i_try = i_try + 1
if(i_try > 50) break
all_keywords_col[l] = circlize::rand_color(sum(l), luminosity = "dark")
all_keywords_col = structure(all_keywords_col, names = all_keywords)
word_cloud_grob_param = word_cloud_grob_param[setdiff(names(word_cloud_grob_param), c("text", "fontsize"))]
oe = try({
gbl <- lapply(names(align_to), function(nm) {
kw = rev(keywords[[nm]][, 1])
freq = rev(keywords[[nm]][, 2])
if(is.null(value_range)) {
fontsize = scale_fontsize(freq, rg = c(1, max(10, freq)), fs = fontsize_range)
} else {
fontsize = scale_fontsize(freq, rg = value_range, fs = fontsize_range)
if(!"col" %in% names(word_cloud_grob_param)) {
word_cloud_grob_param$col = function(fs) all_keywords_col[kw]
lt = c(list(text = kw, fontsize = fontsize, add_new_line = add_new_line), word_cloud_grob_param)
do.call(word_cloud_grob, lt)
names(gbl) = names(align_to)
margin = unit(8, "pt")
gbl_h = lapply(gbl, function(x) convertHeight(grobHeight(x), "cm") + margin)
gbl_h = do.call(unit.c, gbl_h)
gbl_w = lapply(gbl, function(x) convertWidth(grobWidth(x), "cm"))
gbl_w = do.call(unit.c, gbl_w)
gbl_w = max(gbl_w) + margin
}, silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
if(return_gbl) {
if(is.null(bg_gp$fill)) bg_gp$fill = "#DDDDDD"
if(is.null(bg_gp$col)) bg_gp$col = "#AAAAAA"
if(is.null(bg_gp$lty)) bg_gp$lty = 1
if(is.null(bg_gp$lwd)) bg_gp$lwd = 1
side = match.arg(side)[1]
panel_fun = function(index, nm) {
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = bg_gp$fill, col = bg_gp$fill, lty = bg_gp$lty, lwd = bg_gp$lwd))
if(side == "right") {
grid.lines(c(0, 1, 1, 0), c(0, 0, 1, 1), gp = gpar(col = bg_gp$col, lty = bg_gp$lty, lwd = bg_gp$lwd), default.units = "npc")
} else {
grid.lines(c(1, 0, 0, 1), c(0, 0, 1, 1), gp = gpar(col = bg_gp$col, lty = bg_gp$lty, lwd = bg_gp$lwd), default.units = "npc")
pushViewport(viewport(width = unit(1, "npc") - margin, height = unit(1, "npc") - margin))
gb = gbl[[nm]]
gb$vp$x = gb$vp$width*0.5
gb$vp$y = gb$vp$height*0.5
anno = anno_link(align_to = align_to, which = "row", panel_fun = panel_fun,
size = gbl_h, gap = unit(2, "mm"), width = gbl_w + unit(5, "mm"),
link_gp = bg_gp, internal_line = FALSE, side = side, ...)
#' Word cloud annotations from GO
#' @param align_to The same format as in `anno_word_cloud`.
#' @param go_id The value should be in the same format as ``align_to``. If ``go_id`` is a vector, it should have the
#' same length as ``align_to``, and if ``go_id`` is a list, note, e.g. ``length(go_id[[1]])`` is not necessarily equal to ``length(align_to[[1]]``.
#' If ``align_to`` is a categorical vector and ``go_id`` is a list, names of ``go_id`` should have overlap to the levels in ``align_to``.
#' @param min_stat Minimal value for ``stat`` for selecting keywords.
#' @param stat What type of value to map to font sizes of the keywords. There are two possible values. "pvalue": enrichment is applied to keywords and -log10(p-value)
#' is used to map to font size; "count": simply word frequency of keywords.
#' @param term Alternatively the GO description can be set via the ``term`` argument. The same format as in `anno_word_cloud`.
#' @param exclude_words The words excluced for construcing word cloud. Some words are internally exclucded: ``c("via", "protein", "factor", "side", "type", "specific")``.
#' @param ... All other arguments passed to `anno_word_cloud`.
#' @export
#' @import slam
anno_word_cloud_from_GO = function(align_to, go_id, stat = c("pvalue", "count"),
min_stat = ifelse(stat == "count", 5, 0.05),
term = NULL, exclude_words = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(term)) {
if(is.atomic(align_to) && is.list(go_id)) {
align_to = split(seq_along(align_to), align_to)
cn = intersect(names(align_to), names(go_id))
if(length(cn) == 0) {
stop_wrap("names of `go_id` should have overlap to the `align_to`.")
} else {
align_to = align_to[cn]
go_id = go_id[cn]
} else if(is.list(align_to)) {
if(!is.list(go_id)) {
stop_wrap("`go_id` should have the same format as `align_to`, which is a list of term descriptions. Note, e.g. `length(go_id[[1]])` are not necessarily equal to `length(align_to[[1]]`.")
} else {
if(length(align_to) != length(go_id)) {
stop_wrap("`align_to` and `go_id` should be two list with the same length.")
if(!is.null(names(align_to)) && !is.null(names(go_id))) {
if(length(setdiff(names(align_to), names(go_id))) == 0) {
go_id = go_id[names(align_to)]
} else if(is.atomic(align_to)) {
if(!is.atomic(go_id)) {
stop_wrap("`go_id` should have the same format as `align_to`, which is a vector of GO IDs with the same length as `align_to`.")
go_id = split(go_id, align_to)
align_to = split(seq_along(align_to), align_to)
stat = match.arg(stat)[1]
if(is.null(env$tdm_GO)) {
# env$tdm_GO = readRDS("~/project/development/simplifyEnrichment/inst/extdata/tdm_GO.rds")
env$tdm_GO = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "tdm_GO.rds", package = "simplifyEnrichment"))
if(stat == "pvalue") message(qq("Perform keywords enrichment for @{length(go_id)} GO lists..."))
term = lapply(go_id, function(x) {
if(is_GO_id(x[1])) {
if(stat == "count") {
v = row_sums(env$tdm_GO[, intersect(x, colnames(env$tdm_GO))])
v = v[v >= min_stat]
data.frame(names(v), v)
} else if(stat == "pvalue") {
df = keyword_enrichment(x, env$tdm_GO)
df = df[df$p <= min_stat, , drop = FALSE]
data.frame(df[, 1], -log10(df$p))
} else {
stop_wrap("Cannot automatically retrieve the term names by the input ID, please set values for `term` argument manually.")
anno_word_cloud(align_to, term, exclude_words = c(exclude_words, GO_EXCLUDE_WORDS), ...)
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