GO_EXCLUDE_WORDS = c("via", "protein", "factor", "side", "type", "specific", "regulation", "process")
# -term a vector of texts
#' @import tm
make_term_document_matrix = function(term,
exclude_words = NULL, stop_words = stopwords(),
min_word_length = 2, tokenizer = 'words', transform_case = tolower,
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punctuation = TRUE, custom_transformer = NULL,
stemming = FALSE, dictionary = NULL) {
docs = VCorpus(VectorSource(term))
# Convert the text to lower case
docs = tm_map(docs, content_transformer(transform_case))
if (remove_numbers) {
# Remove numbers
docs = tm_map(docs, removeNumbers)
# Remove stopwords for the language
docs = tm_map(docs, removeWords, stop_words)
if (remove_punctuation) {
# Remove punctuations
docs = tm_map(docs, removePunctuation)
# Eliminate extra white spaces
docs = tm_map(docs, stripWhitespace)
# Remove your own stopwords
docs = tm_map(docs, removeWords, exclude_words)
# Apply any user-provided transformer
if (!is.null(custom_transformer)) {
docs = tm_map(docs, content_transformer(custom_transformer))
# Create term-document matrix
tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(
control = list(
wordLengths = c(min_word_length, Inf),
tokenize = tokenizer,
stemming = stemming,
dictionary = dictionary,
tolower = FALSE
prepare_keywords_tdm_for_GO = function(use_desc = FALSE, ...) {
all_go = as.list(GO.db::GOTERM)
ontology = sapply(all_go, slot, "Ontology")
term = sapply(all_go, slot, "Term")
l = ontology %in% c("BP", "CC", "MF")
term = term[l]
term_id = names(term)
if(use_desc) {
suppressMessages(term <- select(GO.db::GO.db, keys = term_id, columns = "DEFINITION")$DEFINITION)
tdm = make_term_document_matrix(term, stop_words = c(stopwords(), GO_EXCLUDE_WORDS), ...)
} else {
tdm = make_term_document_matrix(term, stop_words = c(stopwords(), GO_EXCLUDE_WORDS), ...)
colnames(tdm) = term_id
attr(tdm, "GO_dbInfo") = GO.db::GO_dbInfo()
keyword_enrichment = function(term_id, tdm, min_bg = 5, min_term = 2) {
tdm2 = tdm[row_sums(tdm) >= min_bg, ]
l = colnames(tdm2) %in% term_id
n = nrow(tdm2)
n_term = numeric(n)
n_bg = numeric(n)
p = numeric(n)
for(i in seq_len(n)) {
if(interactive() && se_opt$verbose) {
if(i %% 100 == 0 || i == n) {
message(strrep("\r", 100), appendLF = FALSE)
message(qq("keyword enrichment, @{i}/@{n}..."), appendLF = FALSE)
v = as.vector(tdm2[i, ])
s11 = sum(v & l)
if(s11 < min_term) {
s12 = sum(!v & l)
s21 = sum(v & !l)
s22 = sum(!v & !l)
n_term[i] = s11
n_bg[i] = s11 + s21
p[i] = fisher.test(cbind(c(s11, s21), c(s12, s22)), alternative = "greater")$p.value
if(interactive() && se_opt$verbose) {
df = data.frame(keyword = rownames(tdm2), n_term = n_term, n_bg = n_bg, p = p)
df = df[df$n_term >= min_term, , drop = FALSE]
df$padj = p.adjust(df$p)
df[order(df$padj, df$p), , drop = FALSE]
#' Keyword enrichment for GO terms
#' @param go_id A vector of GO IDs.
#' @param min_bg Minimal number of GO terms (in the background, i.e. all GO temrs in the GO database) that contain a specific keyword.
#' @param min_term Minimal number of GO terms (GO terms in ``go_id``) that contain a specific keyword.
#' @details
#' The enrichment is applied by Fisher's exact test. For a keyword, there is the following 2x2 contigency table:
#' ```
#' | contains the keyword | does not contain the keyword
#' In the GO set | s11 | s12
#' Not in the GO set | s21 | s22
#' ```
#' where `s11`, `s12`, `s21` and `s22` are the counts of GO terms in the four categories.
#' @return
#' A data frame with keyword enrichment results.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' go_id = random_GO(100)
#' keyword_enrichment_from_GO(go_id)
#' }
keyword_enrichment_from_GO = function(go_id, min_bg = 5, min_term = 2) {
if(is.null(env$tdm_GO)) {
# env$tdm_GO = readRDS("~/project/development/simplifyEnrichment/inst/extdata/tdm_GO.rds")
env$tdm_GO = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "tdm_GO.rds", package = "simplifyEnrichment"))
df = keyword_enrichment(go_id, env$tdm_GO, min_bg, min_term)
rownames(df) = NULL
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