# == title
# Consensus partitioning for all combinations of methods
# == param
# -data A numeric matrix where subgroups are found by columns.
# -top_value_method Method which are used to extract top n rows. Allowed methods
# are in `all_top_value_methods` and can be self-added by `register_top_value_methods`.
# -partition_method Method which are used to partition samples.
# Allowed methods are in `all_partition_methods` and can be self-added
# by `register_partition_methods`.
# -max_k Maximal number of subgroups to try. The function will try ``2:max_k`` subgroups.
# -k Alternatively, you can specify a vector k.
# -top_n Number of rows with top values. The value can be a vector with length > 1. When n > 5000,
# the function only randomly sample 5000 rows from top n rows. If ``top_n`` is a vector, paritition
# will be applied to every values in ``top_n`` and consensus partition is summarized from all partitions.
# -mc.cores Number of cores to use. This argument will be removed in future versions.
# -cores Number of cores, or a ``cluster`` object returned by `parallel::makeCluster`.
# -anno A data frame with known annotation of columns.
# -anno_col A list of colors (color is defined as a named vector) for the annotations. If ``anno`` is a data frame,
# ``anno_col`` should be a named list where names correspond to the column names in ``anno``.
# -sample_by Should randomly sample the matrix by rows or by columns?
# -p_sampling Proportion of the top n rows to sample.
# -partition_repeat Number of repeats for the random sampling.
# -scale_rows Whether to scale rows. If it is ``TRUE``, scaling method defined in `register_partition_methods` is used.
# -verbose Whether to print messages.
# -help Whether to print help messages.
# == details
# The function performs consensus partitioning by `consensus_partition` for all combinations of top-value methods and partitioning methods.
# It also adjsuts the subgroup labels for all methods and for all k to make them as consistent as possible.
# == return
# A `ConsensusPartitionList-class` object. Simply type object in the interactive R session
# to see which functions can be applied on it.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# \dontrun{
# set.seed(123)
# m = cbind(rbind(matrix(rnorm(20*20, mean = 1), nr = 20),
# matrix(rnorm(20*20, mean = -1), nr = 20)),
# rbind(matrix(rnorm(20*20, mean = -1), nr = 20),
# matrix(rnorm(20*20, mean = 1), nr = 20))
# ) + matrix(rnorm(40*40), nr = 40)
# rl = run_all_consensus_partition_methods(data = m, top_n = c(20, 30, 40))
# }
run_all_consensus_partition_methods = function(data,
top_value_method = all_top_value_methods(),
partition_method = all_partition_methods(),
max_k = 6, k = NULL,
top_n = NULL,
mc.cores = 1, cores = mc.cores, anno = NULL, anno_col = NULL,
sample_by = "row", p_sampling = 0.8, partition_repeat = 50,
scale_rows = NULL, verbose = TRUE, help = cola_opt$help) {
if(max_k >= 10) {
if(help) {
qqcat_wrap("It is not recommended to set `max_k` larger than 10. Users are suggested to use the function `hierarchical_partition()` to obtain more subgroups. Set the argument `help` to FALSE to turn off this message.\n")
data = as.matrix(data)
if(ncol(data) > 500) {
if(help) {
qqcat_wrap("You have quite a lot of columns in the matrix. For reducing the runtime, you can use the function `consensus_partition_by_down_sampling()` to apply to a subset of column and the predicts the classes of unselected columns from the selected columns. Or you can use the function `hierarchical_partition()` to apply consensu partitioning in a hierarchical way. Set the argument 'help = FALSE' to turn off this message.\n")
if(any(rowSds(data) == 0)) {
stop_wrap("Deteched some rows have zero SD, please remove them.")
cl = match.call()
.env = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
if(is.data.frame(data)) data = as.matrix(data)
if(is.null(rownames(data))) rownames(data) = seq_len(nrow(data))
if(verbose) qqcat("* on a @{nrow(data)}x@{ncol(data)} matrix.\n")
if(verbose) cat("* calculate top-values.\n")
all_top_value_list = lapply(top_value_method, function(tm) {
if(verbose) qqcat(" - calculate @{tm} score for @{nrow(data)} rows.\n")
all_top_value = get_top_value_method(tm)(data)
all_top_value[is.na(all_top_value)] = -Inf
names(all_top_value_list) = top_value_method
.env$all_top_value_list = all_top_value_list
.env$data = data
res_list = ConsensusPartitionList(
list = list(),
top_value_method = top_value_method,
partition_method = partition_method,
consensus_class = NULL,
.env = .env
if(!is.null(anno)) {
if(is.atomic(anno)) {
known_nm = deparse(substitute(anno))
anno = data.frame(anno)
colnames(anno) = known_nm
if(!is.null(anno_col)) {
anno_col = list(anno_col)
names(anno_col) = known_nm
if(nrow(anno) != ncol(data)) {
stop_wrap("nrow of `anno` should be the same as ncol of the matrix.")
if(is.null(anno_col)) {
anno_col = lapply(anno, ComplexHeatmap:::default_col)
} else {
if(ncol(anno) == 1 && is.atomic(anno_col)) {
anno_col = list(anno_col)
names(anno_col) = colnames(anno)
} else if(is.null(names(anno_col))) {
if(length(anno_col) == ncol(anno)) {
names(anno_col) = colnames(anno)
} else {
anno_col = lapply(anno, ComplexHeatmap:::default_col)
for(nm in names(anno)) {
if(is.null(anno_col[[nm]])) {
anno_col[[nm]] = ComplexHeatmap:::default_col(anno[[nm]])
if(is.null(anno)) {
anno_col = NULL
comb = expand.grid(top_value_method, partition_method, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# comb = comb[sample(nrow(comb), nrow(comb)), ]
od = order(rep(sapply(partition_method, function(x) attr(get_partition_method(x), "execution_time")), each = length(top_value_method)), decreasing = TRUE)
comb = comb[od, , drop = FALSE]
lt = lapply(seq_len(nrow(comb)), function(i) {
tm = comb[i, 1]
pm = comb[i, 2]
if(verbose) qqcat("------------------------------------------------------------\n")
if(verbose) qqcat("* running partition by @{tm}:@{pm}. @{i}/@{nrow(comb)}\n")
try_and_trace(res <- consensus_partition(top_value_method = tm, partition_method = pm, max_k = max_k, k = k,
anno = anno, anno_col = anno_col, .env = .env, verbose = verbose,
top_n = top_n, sample_by = sample_by, p_sampling = p_sampling, partition_repeat = partition_repeat, scale_rows = scale_rows,
cores = cores), qq("You have an error when doing partition for @{tm}:@{pm}."))
names(lt) = paste(comb[, 1], comb[, 2], sep = ":")
for(i in seq_along(lt)) {
if(!identical(.env, lt[[i]]@.env)) {
lt[[i]]@.env = .env
i_error = which(sapply(lt, inherits, "try-error"))
if(length(i_error)) {
for(i in i_error) {
cat(names(lt)[i], ": ", lt[[i]], "\n", sep = "")
stop_wrap("There are errors when doing mclapply.")
res_list@list = lt
data2 = t(scale(t(data)))
if(verbose) cat("------------------------------------------------------------\n")
if(verbose) cat("* adjust class labels according to the consensus classifications from all methods.\n")
reference_class = lapply(lt[[1]]@k, function(k) {
cl_df = get_consensus_from_multiple_methods(res_list, k)
# class_ids = cl_df$class
# mean_dist = tapply(seq_len(ncol(data2)), class_ids, function(ind) {
# n = length(ind)
# if(n == 1) {
# return(Inf)
# }
# sum(dist(t(data2[, ind, drop = FALSE]))^2)/(n*(n-1)/2)
# })
# map = structure(names = names(mean_dist)[order(mean_dist)], names(mean_dist))
# class_ids = as.numeric(map[as.character(class_ids)])
# cl_df$class = class_ids
names(reference_class) = as.character(lt[[1]]@k)
# also adjust between consensus classes
if(verbose) cat(" - get reference class labels from all methods, all k.\n")
rc = reference_class[[1]]$class_df$class
all_k = lt[[1]]@k
for(i in seq_along(all_k)[-1]) {
class_df = reference_class[[i]]$class_df
class = class_df[, "class"]
map = relabel_class(class, rc, full_set = 1:(all_k[i]))
l = which( (duplicated(map) | duplicated(map, fromLast = TRUE)) & map != names(map))
unmapped = setdiff(names(map), map)
if(any(l)) {
map[l] = unmapped[1]
map2 = structure(names(map), names = map)
reference_class[[i]]$class_df$class = as.numeric(map[as.character(class)])
# the class label for the global membership matrix needs to be adjusted
reference_class[[i]]$membership = reference_class[[i]]$membership[, as.numeric(map2[as.character(1:all_k[i])]) ]
colnames(reference_class[[i]]$membership) = paste0("p", 1:all_k[i])
rc = reference_class[[i]]$class_df$class
res_list@consensus_class = reference_class
if(verbose) cat(" - adjust class labels for each single method, each single k.\n")
for(i in seq_along(lt)) {
res = lt[[i]]
for(k in res@k) {
# relabel the class according to the class in the first object
ik = which(res@k == k)
# following elements need to be relabeled
# - res$object_list[[ik]]$classification$class
# - column order of res$object_list[[ik]]$membership
# - res$object_list[[ik]]$membership_each
class_df = get_classes(res, k)
class = class_df[, "class"]
map = relabel_class(class, reference_class[[ik]]$class_df$class, full_set = 1:k)
map2 = structure(names(map), names = map)
# unmapped = setdiff(as.character(1:k), map)
# map = c(map, structure(unmapped, names = unmapped))
# map2 = c(map2, structure(unmapped, names = unmapped))
res@object_list[[ik]]$class_df$class = as.numeric(map[as.character(class)])
res@object_list[[ik]]$membership = res@object_list[[ik]]$membership[, as.numeric(map2[as.character(1:k)]) ]
colnames(res@object_list[[ik]]$membership) = paste0("p", 1:k)
odim = dim(res@object_list[[ik]]$membership_each)
res@object_list[[ik]]$membership_each = as.numeric(map[as.character(res@object_list[[ik]]$membership_each)])
dim(res@object_list[[ik]]$membership_each) = odim
lt[[i]] = res
res_list@list = lt
res_list@comb = comb
res_list@call = cl
if(verbose) qqcat("------------------------------------------------------------\n")
get_consensus_from_multiple_methods = function(object, k) {
res = object
partition_list = NULL
mean_cophcor = NULL
pac_score = NULL
reference_class = NULL
for(tm in object@top_value_method) {
for(pm in object@partition_method) {
nm = paste0(tm, ":", pm)
obj = object@list[[nm]]
ik = which(obj@k == k)
membership = get_membership(obj, k)
if(is.null(reference_class)) {
reference_class = get_classes(obj, k)[, "class"]
} else {
map = relabel_class(get_classes(obj, k)[, "class"], reference_class, full_set = 1:k)
map2 = structure(names(map), names = map)
membership = membership[, as.numeric(map2[as.character(1:k)]) ]
colnames(membership) = paste0("p", 1:k)
partition_list = c(partition_list, list(as.cl_partition(membership)))
pac_score = c(pac_score, get_stats(obj, k)[, "1-PAC"])
consensus = cl_consensus(cl_ensemble(list = partition_list), weights = pac_score)
m = cl_membership(consensus)
class(m) = "matrix"
colnames(m) = paste0("p", 1:k)
attr(m, "n_of_classes") = NULL
attr(m, "is_cl_hard_partition") = NULL
class = as.vector(cl_class_ids(consensus))
df = data.frame(class = class)
df$entropy = apply(m, 1, entropy)
membership_each = do.call("cbind", lapply(partition_list, function(x) {
consensus_mat = matrix(1, nrow = nrow(m), ncol = nrow(m))
for(i in seq_len(nrow(membership_each)-1)) {
for(j in (i+1):nrow(membership_each)) {
consensus_mat[i, j] = sum(membership_each[i, ] == membership_each[j, ])/ncol(membership_each)
consensus_mat[j, i] = consensus_mat[i, j]
df$silhouette = silhouette(class, dist(t(consensus_mat)))[, "sil_width"]
return(list(class_df = df, membership = as.matrix(m)))
# == title
# Print the ConsensusPartitionList object
# == param
# -object A `ConsensusPartitionList-class` object.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "show",
signature = "ConsensusPartitionList",
definition = function(object) {
# obj_name = deparse(substitute(object, env = env))
obj_name = "object"
error = try(object@list[[1]]@sample_by, silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(error, "try-error")) {
object@list[[1]]@sample_by = "row"
qqcat("A 'ConsensusPartitionList' object with @{length(object@top_value_method)*length(object@partition_method)} methods.\n")
qqcat(" On a matrix with @{nrow(object@.env$data)} rows and @{ncol(object@.env$data)} columns.\n")
qqcat(" Top rows are extracted by '@{paste(object@top_value_method, collapse = ', ')}' methods.\n")
qqcat(" Subgroups are detected by '@{paste(object@partition_method, collapse = ', ')}' method.\n")
qqcat(" Number of partitions are tried for k = @{paste(object@list[[1]]@k, collapse = ', ')}.\n")
qqcat(" Performed in total @{object@list[[1]]@n_partition*length(object@top_value_method)*length(object@partition_method)} partitions by @{object@list[[1]]@sample_by} resampling.\n")
qqcat("Following methods can be applied to this 'ConsensusPartitionList' object:\n")
txt = showMethods(classes = "ConsensusPartitionList", where = topenv(), printTo = FALSE)
txt = grep("Function", txt, value = TRUE)
fname = gsub("Function: (.*?) \\(package.*$", "\\1", txt)
qqcat("You can get result for a single method by, e.g. @{obj_name}[\"@{object@top_value_method[1]}\", \"@{object@partition_method[1]}\"] or @{obj_name}[\"@{object@top_value_method[1]}:@{object@partition_method[1]}\"]\n")
if(length(object@top_value_method) == 1) {
ri = qq("\"@{object@top_value_method[1]}\"")
} else {
ri = qq("c(\"@{object@top_value_method[1]}\", \"@{object@top_value_method[2]}\")")
if(length(object@partition_method) == 1) {
ci = qq("\"@{object@partition_method[1]}\"")
} else {
ci = qq("c(\"@{object@partition_method[1]}\", \"@{object@partition_method[2]}\")")
if(length(object@top_value_method) > 1 | length(object@partition_method) > 1) {
qqcat("or a subset of methods by @{obj_name}[@{ri}], @{ci}]\n")
# == title
# Subset a ConsensusPartitionList object
# == param
# -x A `ConsensusPartitionList-class` object.
# -i Index for top-value methods, character or nummeric.
# -j Index for partitioning methods, character or nummeric.
# -drop Whether drop class
# == details
# For a specific combination of top-value method and partitioning method, you can also
# subset by e.g. ``x['SD:hclust']``.
# == value
# A `ConsensusPartitionList-class` object or a `ConsensusPartition-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# data(golub_cola)
# golub_cola[c("SD", "MAD"), c("hclust", "kmeans")]
# golub_cola["SD", "kmeans"] # a ConsensusPartition object
# golub_cola["SD:kmeans"] # a ConsensusPartition object
# golub_cola[["SD:kmeans"]] # a ConsensusPartition object
# golub_cola["SD", "kmeans", drop = FALSE] # still a ConsensusPartitionList object
# golub_cola["SD:kmeans", drop = FALSE] # still a ConsensusPartitionList object
# golub_cola["SD", ]
# golub_cola[, "hclust"]
# golub_cola[1:2, 1:2]
"[.ConsensusPartitionList" = function (x, i, j, drop = TRUE) {
cl = as.list(match.call())
called_args = names(cl)[-1]
all_top_value_methods = x@top_value_method
all_partition_methods = x@partition_method
n_top_value_methods = length(all_top_value_methods)
n_partition_methods = length(all_partition_methods)
if(nargs() == 1) {
if("i" %in% called_args & "j" %in% called_args) {
if(is.numeric(i)) {
i = all_top_value_methods[i]
if(is.numeric(j)) {
j = all_partition_methods[j]
i = intersect(i, all_top_value_methods)
j = intersect(j, all_partition_methods)
if(length(i) == 0) stop_wrap(qq("Some top-value methods were not applied."))
if(length(j) == 0) stop_wrap(qq("Some partitioning methods were not applied."))
l = x@comb[, 1] %in% i & x@comb[, 2] %in% j
l[is.na(l)] = FALSE
x@comb = x@comb[l, , drop = FALSE]
x@list = x@list[l]
x@top_value_method = i
x@partition_method = j
if(length(x@list) == 0) {
if(length(x@list) == 1 && drop) {
x = x@list[[1]]
if(!"i" %in% called_args & "j" %in% called_args) {
if(is.numeric(j)) {
j = all_partition_methods[j]
j = intersect(j, all_partition_methods)
if(length(j) == 0) stop_wrap(qq("Some partitioning methods were not applied."))
l = x@comb[, 2] %in% j
l[is.na(l)] = FALSE
x@comb = x@comb[l, , drop = FALSE]
x@list = x@list[l]
x@top_value_method = all_top_value_methods
x@partition_method = j
if(length(x@list) == 0) {
if(length(x@list) == 1 && drop) {
x = x@list[[1]]
if("i" %in% called_args & !"j" %in% called_args) {
if(nargs() == 3 & "drop" %in% called_args) {
if(length(i) > 1) {
stop_wrap("index can only be length 1.")
if(is.numeric(i)) {
i = names(x)[i]
a = strsplit(i, ":+")[[1]]
return(x[a[1], a[2], cl$drop])
if(nargs() == 2) {
if(length(i) > 1) {
stop_wrap("index can only be length 1.")
if(is.numeric(i)) {
i = names(x)[i]
a = strsplit(i, ":+")[[1]]
return(x[a[1], a[2]])
if(is.numeric(i)) {
i = all_top_value_methods[j]
i = intersect(i, all_top_value_methods)
if(length(i) == 0) stop_wrap(qq("Some top-value methods were not applied."))
l = x@comb[, 1] %in% i
l[is.na(l)] = FALSE
x@comb = x@comb[l, , drop = FALSE]
x@list = x@list[l]
x@top_value_method = i
x@partition_method = all_partition_methods
if(length(x@list) == 0) {
if(length(x@list) == 1 && drop) {
x = x@list[[1]]
# == title
# Subset a ConsensusPartitionList object
# == param
# -x A `ConsensusPartitionList-class` object.
# -i Character index for combination of top-value methods and partitioning method in a form of e.g. ``SD:kmeans``.
# == value
# A `ConsensusPartition-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# data(golub_cola)
# golub_cola[["SD:kmeans"]]
"[[.ConsensusPartitionList" = function(x, i) {
if(length(i) != 1) {
stop_wrap("Length of index can only be one.")
if(!is.character(i)) {
stop_wrap("Index can only be character.")
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