# == title
# Ability to correlate to other rows - an approximated method
# == param
# -mat A numeric matrix. ATC score is calculated by rows.
# -cor_fun A function which calculates correlations on matrix rows.
# -min_cor Cutoff for the minimal absolute correlation.
# -power Power on the correlation values.
# -k_neighbours Nearest k neighbours. Note when this argument is set, there won't be subset sampling for calculating
# correlations, whihc means, it will calculate correlation to all other rows.
# -mc.cores Number of cores. This argument will be removed in future versions.
# -cores Number of cores.
# -n_sampling When there are too many rows in the matrix, to get the curmulative
# distribution of how one row correlates other rows, actually we don't need to use all the rows in the matrix, e.g. 1000
# rows can already give a very nice estimation.
# -group A categorical variable. If it is specified, the correlation is only calculated for the rows in the same group as current row.
# -... Pass to ``cor_fun``.
# == details
# For a matrix with huge number of rows. It is not possible to calculate correlation to all other rows, thus the correlation is only
# calculated for a randomly sampled subset of othe rows.
# With small numbers of rows of the matrix, `ATC` should be used which calculates the "exact" ATC value, but the value of `ATC` and `ATC_approx`
# should be very similar.
ATC_approx = function(mat, cor_fun = stats::cor, min_cor = 0, power = 1, k_neighbours = -1,
mc.cores = 1, cores = mc.cores, n_sampling = c(1000, 500),
group = NULL, ...) {
if(!is.null(group)) {
if(length(group) != nrow(mat)) {
stop_wrap("Length of `group` should be equal to nrow of the matrix.")
ind_list = split(1:nrow(mat), group)
sl = lapply(ind_list, function(ind) {
if(length(ind) == 1) {
} else {
ATC_approx(mat[ind, , drop = FALSE], cor_fun = cor_fun, min_cor = min_cor, power = power,
cores = cores, n_sampling = n_sampling, group = NULL, ...)
v = numeric(nrow(mat))
for(i in seq_along(ind_list)) {
v[ ind_list[[i]] ] = sl[[i]]
if(length(n_sampling) == 1) n_sampling = c(n_sampling, Inf)
# internally we do it by columns to avoid too many t() callings
if(ncol(mat) > n_sampling[2]) {
mat = mat[, sample(ncol(mat), n_sampling[2])]
mat = t(mat)
n_cores = get_nc(cores)
n = ncol(mat)
if(n_cores > 1) {
le = cut(1:n, n_cores)
ind_list = split(1:n, le)
} else {
ind_list = list(1:n)
if(k_neighbours > 0) k_neighbours = min(k_neighbours, ncol(mat)-1)
v_list <- foreach(ind = ind_list) %dorng% {
v = numeric(length(ind))
for(i in seq_along(ind)) {
ind2 = seq_len(ncol(mat))[-ind[i]]
if(length(ind2) > n_sampling[1]) {
ind2 = sample(ind2, n_sampling[1])
suppressWarnings(cor_v <- abs(cor_fun(mat[, ind[i], drop = FALSE], mat[, ind2, drop = FALSE], ...)))
if(k_neighbours > 0) {
# min_cor = cor_v[order(-cor_v)[k_neighbours]]
cor_v = sort(cor_v, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(k_neighbours)]
min_cor = 0
cor_v = cor_v^power
if(sum(is.na(cor_v))/length(cor_v) >= 0.75) {
v[i] = 0
} else {
f = ecdf(cor_v)
ma = max(cor_v)^power
cor_v = seq(min_cor, ma, length = 1000)
n2 = length(cor_v)
v[i] = (ma - min_cor) - sum((cor_v[2:n2] - cor_v[1:(n2-1)])*f(cor_v[-n2]))
v = do.call("c", v_list)
names(v) = NULL
# == title
# Ability to correlate to other rows
# == param
# -mat A numeric matrix. ATC score is calculated by rows.
# -cor_fun A function which calculates correlations.
# -min_cor Cutoff for the minimal absolute correlation.
# -power Power on the correlation values.
# -k_neighbours Nearest k neighbours.
# -mc.cores Number of cores. This argument will be removed in future versions.
# -cores Number of cores.
# -group A categorical variable. If it is specified, the correlation is only calculated for the rows in the same group as current row.
# -... Pass to ``cor_fun``.
# == details
# For a given row in a matrix, the ATC score is the area above the curve of the curmulative density
# distribution of the absolute correlation to all other rows. Formally, if ``F_i(X)`` is the
# cumulative distribution function of ``X`` where ``X`` is the absolute correlation for row i with power ``power`` (i.e. ``x = cor^power``),
# ``ATC_i = 1 - \\int_{min_cor}^1 F_i(X)``.
# By default the ATC scores are calculated by Pearson correlation, to use Spearman correlation, you can register
# a new top-value method by:
# register_top_value_methods(
# "ATC_spearman" = function(m) ATC(m, method = "spearman")
# )
# Similarly, to use a robust correlation method, e.g. `WGCNA::bicor` function, you can do like:
# register_top_value_methods(
# "ATC_bicor" = function(m) ATC(m, cor_fun = WGCNA::bicor)
# )
# If the number of rows execeeds 30000, it internally uses `ATC_approx`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/cola_supplementary/suppl_1_ATC/suppl_1_ATC.html
# == return
# A vector of numeric values with the same order as rows in the input matrix.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == examples
# set.seed(12345)
# nr1 = 100
# mat1 = matrix(rnorm(100*nr1), nrow = nr1)
# nr2 = 10
# require(mvtnorm)
# sigma = matrix(0.8, nrow = nr2, ncol = nr2); diag(sigma) = 1
# mat2 = t(rmvnorm(100, mean = rep(0, nr2), sigma = sigma))
# nr3 = 50
# sigma = matrix(0.5, nrow = nr3, ncol = nr3); diag(sigma) = 1
# mat3 = t(rmvnorm(100, mean = rep(0, nr3), sigma = sigma))
# mat = rbind(mat1, mat2, mat3)
# ATC_score = ATC(mat)
# plot(ATC_score, pch = 16, col = c(rep(1, nr1), rep(2, nr2), rep(3, nr3)))
ATC = function(mat, cor_fun = stats::cor, min_cor = 0, power = 1, k_neighbours = -1, group = NULL, mc.cores = 1, cores = mc.cores, ...) {
if(nrow(mat) > 30000) {
ATC_approx(mat, cor_fun = cor_fun, min_cor = min_cor, power = power, k_neighbours = k_neighbours, cores = cores, ...)
} else {
if(!is.null(group)) {
if(length(group) != nrow(mat)) {
stop_wrap("Length of `group` should be equal to nrow of the matrix.")
ind_list = split(1:nrow(mat), group)
sl = lapply(ind_list, function(ind) {
if(length(ind) == 1) {
} else {
ATC(mat[ind, , drop = FALSE], cor_fun = cor_fun, min_cor = min_cor, power = power,
cores = cores, group = NULL, ...)
v = numeric(nrow(mat))
for(i in seq_along(ind_list)) {
v[ ind_list[[i]] ] = sl[[i]]
mat = t(mat)
n = ncol(mat)
if(k_neighbours > 0) {
k_neighbours = min(n-1, k_neighbours)
if(cores > 1) {
le = cut(1:n, ceiling(sqrt(cores)))
ind_list = split(1:n, le)
ind_mat = expand.grid(seq_along(ind_list), seq_along(ind_list))
corm = matrix(NA_real_, nrow = n, ncol = n)
cm_list <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(ind_mat)) %dorng% {
block_i = ind_mat[i, 1]
block_j = ind_mat[i, 2]
ind1 = ind_list[[block_i]]
ind2 = ind_list[[block_j]]
if(block_i == block_j) {
cm = abs(cor_fun(mat[, ind1, drop = FALSE], ...))
} else {
cm = abs(cor_fun(mat[, ind1, drop = FALSE], mat[, ind2, drop = FALSE], ...))
cm[is.na(cm)] = 0
for(i in 1:nrow(ind_mat)) {
block_i = ind_mat[i, 1]
block_j = ind_mat[i, 2]
ind1 = ind_list[[block_i]]
ind2 = ind_list[[block_j]]
corm[ind1, ind2] = cm_list[[i]]
le = cut(1:n, cores)
ind_list = split(1:n, le)
s_list <- foreach(ind = ind_list) %dorng% {
rowATC(corm[ind, , drop = FALSE], min_cor = min_cor, power = power, k_neighbours = k_neighbours, self = ind)
} else {
corm = abs(cor_fun(mat, ...))
rowATC(corm, min_cor = min_cor, power = power, k_neighbours = k_neighbours, self = 1:n)
cor_spearman = function(x, y, ...) {
x = rowRanks(x, ties.method = "random")
if(missing(y)) {
cor(x, ...)
} else {
y = rowRanks(y, ties.method = "random")
cor(x, y, ...)
# only for testing purpose
ATC_single_test = function(x, power = 1, min_cor = 0) {
x = x^power
f = ecdf(x)
cor_v = seq(min_cor, 1, length = 1000)
n2 = length(cor_v)
v = sum((cor_v[2:n2] - cor_v[1:(n2-1)])*f(cor_v[-n2]))
1 - min_cor - v
entropy = function(p) {
n = length(p)
p = p[p > 0]
p2 = rep(1/n, n)
PAC_old = function(consensus_mat, x1 = seq(0.1, 0.3, by = 0.02),
x2 = seq(0.7, 0.9, by = 0.02), trim = 0.2) {
F = ecdf(consensus_mat[lower.tri(consensus_mat)])
offset1 = x1
offset2 = x2
m_score = matrix(nrow = length(offset1), ncol = length(offset2))
for(i in seq_along(offset1)) {
for(j in seq_along(offset2)) {
m_score[i, j] = F(offset2[j]) - F(offset1[i])
if(length(m_score)*trim > 1) {
mean(m_score, trim = trim)
} else {
PAC2 = function(consensus_mat, x1 = seq(0.1, 0.3, by = 0.02),
x2 = seq(0.7, 0.9, by = 0.02)) {
F = ecdf(consensus_mat[lower.tri(consensus_mat)])
n1 = length(x1)
n2 = length(x2)
if(n1 == 1) {
a1 = 0
} else {
a1 = sapply(seq_len(n1 - 1), function(i) F(x1[i+1]) - F(x1[i]))
x2 = rev(x2)
if(n2 == 1) {
a2 = 0
} else {
a2 = sapply(seq_len(n2 - 1), function(i) F(x2[i]) - F(x2[i+1]))
a3 = F(x2[n2]) - F(x1[n1])
sum(a1*(seq_len(n1 - 1)/n1)) + sum(a2*(seq_len(n2 - 1)/n2)) + a3
# == title
# The proportion of ambiguous clustering (PAC score)
# == param
# -consensus_mat A consensus matrix.
# -x1 Lower bound to define "ambiguous clustering".
# -x2 Upper bound to define "ambihuous clustering".
# -class Subgroup labels. If it is provided, samples with silhouette score less than the 5^th percential are removed from PAC calculation.
# == details
# The PAC score is defined as F(x2) - F(x1) where F(x) is the CDF of the consensus matrix.
# == return
# A single numeric vaule.
# == see also
# See https://www.nature.com/articles/srep06207 for explanation of PAC score.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# data(golub_cola)
# PAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 2))
# PAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 3))
# PAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 4))
# PAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 5))
# PAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 6))
# # with specifying `class`
# PAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 2),
# class = get_classes(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 2)[, 1])
PAC = function(consensus_mat, x1 = 0.1, x2 = 0.9, class = NULL) {
if(is.null(class)) {
F = ecdf(consensus_mat[lower.tri(consensus_mat)])
F(x2) - F(x1)
} else {
silhouette = cluster::silhouette(class, dist(t(consensus_mat)))[, "sil_width"]
if(length(unique(class)) == 1) {
PAC(consensus_mat, x1, x2)
} else {
l = silhouette >= quantile(silhouette, 0.05)
PAC(consensus_mat[l, l, drop = FALSE], x1, x2)
stability = function(consensus_mat, x1 = 0.1, x2 = 0.9) {
1 - PAC(consensus_mat, x1, x2)
# == title
# Flatness of the CDF curve
# == param
# -consensus_mat A consensus matrix.
# -diff Difference of F(b) - F(a).
# == details
# For a in [0, 0.5] and for b in [0.5, 1], the flatness measures
# the flatness of the CDF curve of the consensus matrix. It is
# calculated as the maximum width that fits F(b) - F(a) <= diff
# == value
# A numeric value.
# == example
# data(golub_cola)
# FCC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 2))
# FCC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 3))
# FCC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 4))
# FCC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 5))
# FCC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 6))
FCC = function(consensus_mat, diff = 0.1) {
F = ecdf(consensus_mat[lower.tri(consensus_mat)])
a = seq(0, 0.5, length = 100)
b = seq(0.5, 1, length = 100)
grid = expand.grid(a, b)
x = F(grid[, 2]) - F(grid[, 1])
ind = which(x <= diff)
max(grid[ind, 2] - grid[ind, 1])
# == title
# Adapted PAC scores
# == param
# -consensus_mat A consensus matrix.
# == details
# For the consensus values x, it is transformed to 1 - x if x < 0.5.
# After the transformation, for any pair of samples in the consensus matrix,
# If they are always in a same group or always in different groups, the
# value x is both to 1. Thus, if the consensus matrix shows stable partitions,
# values x will be all close to 1. Reflected in the CDF of x, the curve is
# shifted to the right and the area under CDF curve should be very small.
# An aPAC value less than 0.05 is considered as the stable partition, which can
# be thought the proportion of abmiguous partitioning is less than 0.05.
# == value
# A numeric value.
# == example
# data(golub_cola)
# aPAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 2))
# aPAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 3))
# aPAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 4))
# aPAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 5))
# aPAC(get_consensus(golub_cola[1, 1], k = 6))
aPAC = function(consensus_mat) {
x = consensus_mat[lower.tri(consensus_mat)]
x = ifelse(x < 0.5, 1 - x, x)
x = (x - 0.5)*2
F = ecdf(x)
breaks = seq(0, 1, length = 1000)
sum(F(breaks)*(breaks[2] - breaks[1]))
mean_group_dist = function(mat, factor) {
le = unique(factor)
nle = length(le)
if(nle == 1) {
d1 = matrix(nrow = nle, ncol = nle)
dm = as.matrix(dist(mat))
for(i in 1:(nle-1)) {
for(j in (i+1):nle) {
l1 = factor == le[i]
l2 = factor == le[j]
d1[i, j] = mean(dm[l1, l2])
cophcor = function(consensus_mat) {
dis_consensus = as.dist(1 - consensus_mat)
hc = hclust(dis_consensus, method = "average")
cor(dis_consensus, cophenetic(hc))
# == title
# Concordance to the consensus partition
# == param
# -membership_each A matrix which contains partitions in every single runs where columns correspond to runs.
# The object can be get from ``get_membership(..., each = TRUE)``.
# -class Consensus subgroup labels.
# == details
# Note subgroup labels in ``membership_each`` should already be adjusted to the consensus labels, i.e. by `relabel_class`.
# The concordance score is the mean proportion of samples having the same subgroup labels as the consensus labels
# among individual partition runs.
# == value
# A numeric value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# data(golub_cola)
# membership_each = get_membership(golub_cola["SD", "kmeans"], each = TRUE, k = 3)
# consensus_classes = get_classes(golub_cola["SD", "kmeans"], k = 3)$class
# concordance(membership_each, consensus_classes)
concordance = function(membership_each, class) {
mean(apply(membership_each, 2, function(x) sum(x == class, na.rm = TRUE)/length(x[!is.na(x)])))
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