# == title
# Translate pheatmap::pheatmap to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap
# == param
# -mat The input matrix.
# -color The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`. Here you don't necessarily need to generate a long color vector.
# The discrete colors sent to `grDevices::colorRampPalette` are also OK here. E.g.
# ``colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu")))(100)`` can be simply
# replaced as ``rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu"))``.
# -kmeans_k The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -breaks The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -border_color The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -cellwidth The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -cellheight The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -scale The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -cluster_rows The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -cluster_cols The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -clustering_distance_rows The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -clustering_distance_cols The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -clustering_method The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -clustering_callback The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -cutree_rows The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -cutree_cols The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -treeheight_row The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -treeheight_col The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -legend The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -legend_breaks The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -legend_labels The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -annotation_row The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -annotation_col The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -annotation The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -annotation_colors The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -annotation_legend The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -annotation_names_row The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -annotation_names_col The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -drop_levels Enforced to be ``TRUE``.
# -show_rownames The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -show_colnames The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -main The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -fontsize The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -fontsize_row The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -fontsize_col The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -angle_col The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -display_numbers The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -number_format The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -number_color The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -fontsize_number The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -gaps_row The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -gaps_col The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -labels_row The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -labels_col The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -filename Not supported.
# -width Not supported.
# -height Not supported.
# -silent Not supported.
# -na_col The same as in `pheatmap::pheatmap`.
# -name Name of the heatmap. This argument is passed to `Heatmap`.
# -fontfamily Font family for row and column names.
# -fontfamily_row Font family for row names.
# -fontfamily_col Font family for column names.
# -fontface Font face for row and column names.
# -fontface_row Font face for row names.
# -fontface_col Font face for column names.
# -heatmap_legend_param Pass to `Heatmap`.
# -... Other arguments passed to `Heatmap`.
# -run_draw Whether to run ``draw()`` function to the heatmap object.
# == details
# This function aims to execute ``pheatmap::pheatmap`` code purely with ComplexHeatmap.
# == seealso
# See https://jokergoo.github.io/2020/05/06/translate-from-pheatmap-to-complexheatmap/
# `compare_pheatmap` that compares heatmaps between ``pheatmap::pheatmap()`` and ``ComplexHeatmap::pheatmap()``.
# == value
# A `Heatmap-class` object.
pheatmap = function(mat,
color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu")))(100),
kmeans_k = NA,
breaks = NA,
border_color = ifelse(nrow(mat) < 100 & ncol(mat) < 100, "grey60", NA),
cellwidth = NA,
cellheight = NA,
scale = "none",
cluster_rows = TRUE,
cluster_cols = TRUE,
clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean",
clustering_distance_cols = "euclidean",
clustering_method = "complete",
clustering_callback = NA,
cutree_rows = NA,
cutree_cols = NA,
treeheight_row = ifelse(class(cluster_rows) == "hclust" || cluster_rows, 50, 0),
treeheight_col = ifelse(class(cluster_cols) == "hclust" || cluster_cols, 50, 0),
legend = TRUE,
legend_breaks = NA,
legend_labels = NA,
annotation_row = NA,
annotation_col = NA,
annotation = NA,
annotation_colors = NA,
annotation_legend = TRUE,
annotation_names_row = TRUE,
annotation_names_col = TRUE,
drop_levels = TRUE,
show_rownames = TRUE,
show_colnames = TRUE,
main = NA,
fontsize = 10,
fontsize_row = fontsize,
fontsize_col = fontsize,
angle_col = c("270", "0", "45", "90", "315"),
display_numbers = FALSE,
number_format = "%.2f",
number_color = "grey30",
fontsize_number = 0.8 * fontsize,
gaps_row = NULL,
gaps_col = NULL,
labels_row = NULL,
labels_col = NULL,
filename = NA,
width = NA,
height = NA,
silent = FALSE,
na_col = "#DDDDDD",
name = NULL,
# other graphic parameters for fonts
fontfamily = "",
fontfamily_row = fontfamily,
fontfamily_col = fontfamily,
fontface = 1,
fontface_row = fontface,
fontface_col = fontface,
# argument specific for Heatmap()
heatmap_legend_param = list(),
run_draw = FALSE
) {
if(is.data.frame(mat)) {
warning_wrap("The input is a data frame, convert it to the matrix.")
mat = as.matrix(mat)
if(!identical(kmeans_k, NA)) {
warning_wrap("argument `kmeans_k` is not suggested to use in pheatmap -> Heatmap translation because it changes the input matrix. You might check `row_km` and `column_km` arguments in Heatmap().")
km = kmeans(mat, centers = kmeans_k)
mat = km$centers
rownames(mat) = paste0("Cluster: ", seq_along(km$size), ", Size: ", km$size)
if("row" %in% scale) {
if(any(is.na(mat))) {
mat = (mat - rowMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE))/rowSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
mat = t(scale(t(mat)))
} else if("column" %in% scale) {
if(any(is.na(mat))) {
mat = t((t(mat) - colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE))/colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
mat = scale(mat)
ht_param = list(matrix = mat)
if(!identical(scale, "none") && !identical(breaks, NA)) {
warning_wrap("It not suggested to both set `scale` and `breaks`. It makes the function confused.")
# if color is a color mapping function
if(is.function(color)) {
ht_param$col = color
if(!identical(breaks, NA)) {
warning_wrap("`breaks` is ignored when `color` is set as a color mapping function.")
} else {
if(identical(breaks, NA)) {
n_col = length(color)
if(identical(scale, "row") || identical(scale, "column")) {
lim = max(abs(mat), na.rm = TRUE)
ht_param$col = colorRamp2(seq(-lim, lim, length.out = n_col), color)
} else {
ht_param$col = colorRamp2(seq(min(mat, na.rm = TRUE), max(mat, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = n_col), color)
} else {
if(length(breaks) == length(color) + 1) {
ht_param$col = local({
breaks = breaks
color = color
fun = function(x) {
n = length(color)
df = data.frame(start = c(-Inf, breaks[seq_len(n)], breaks[n+1]),
end = c(breaks[1], breaks[1+seq_len(n)], Inf))
# tell which interval x is in
ind = numeric(length(x))
for(i in seq_along(x)) {
ind[i] = which(df$start <= x[i] & df$end > x[i])
ind = ind - 1
ind[ind < 1] = 1
ind[ind > n] = n
attr(fun, "breaks") = breaks
} else if(length(breaks) == length(color)) {
ht_param$col = colorRamp2(breaks, color)
} else {
n_col = length(color)
ht_param$col = colorRamp2(seq(min(breaks), max(breaks), length.out = n_col), color)
warning_wrap("`breaks` does not have the same length as `color`. The colors are interpolated from the minimal to the maximal of `breaks`.")
if(!identical(filename, NA)) {
warning_wrap("argument `filename` is not supported in pheatmap -> Heatmap translation, skip it.")
if(!identical(width, NA)) {
warning_wrap("argument `width` is not supported in pheatmap -> Heatmap translation, skip it.")
if(!identical(height, NA)) {
warning_wrap("argument `height` is not supported in pheatmap -> Heatmap translation, skip it.")
if(!identical(silent, FALSE)) {
warning_wrap("argument `silent` is not supported in pheatmap -> Heatmap translation, skip it.")
ht_param$rect_gp = gpar(col = border_color)
if(nrow(mat) > 1000 || ncol(mat) > 1000) {
if(!is.na(border_color)) {
warning_wrap("border color is set for the matrix with large numbers of rows or columns. You might only be able to see the border colors in the plot. Set `border_color = NA` to get rid of it.")
if(!identical(cellwidth, NA)) {
ht_param$width = ncol(mat)*unit(cellwidth, "pt")
if(!identical(cellheight, NA)) {
ht_param$height = nrow(mat)*unit(cellheight, "pt")
if(identical(clustering_distance_rows, "correlation")) clustering_distance_rows = "pearson"
if(identical(clustering_distance_cols, "correlation")) clustering_distance_cols = "pearson"
ht_param$cluster_rows = cluster_rows
ht_param$cluster_columns = cluster_cols
ht_param$clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows
ht_param$clustering_distance_columns = clustering_distance_cols
ht_param$clustering_method_rows = clustering_method
ht_param$clustering_method_columns = clustering_method
if(!is.na(cutree_rows)) {
if(inherits(cluster_rows, c("logical", "hclust", "dendrogram"))) {
ht_param$row_split = cutree_rows
ht_param$row_gap = unit(4, "bigpts")
ht_param["row_title"] = list(NULL)
if(!is.na(cutree_cols)) {
if(inherits(cluster_cols, c("logical", "hclust", "dendrogram"))) {
ht_param$column_split = cutree_cols
ht_param$column_gap = unit(4, "bigpts")
ht_param["column_title"] = list(NULL)
ht_param$row_dend_width = unit(treeheight_row, "pt")
ht_param$column_dend_height = unit(treeheight_col, "pt")
ht_param$show_heatmap_legend = legend
if(identical(scale, "row") || identical(scale, "column")) {
if(identical(legend_breaks, NA)) {
lim = quantile(abs(mat), 0.975, na.rm = TRUE)
le = pretty(c(-lim, lim), n = 3)
if(length(le) == 7 && le[1] == -3) {
le = c(-3, -1.5, 0, 1.5, 3)
} else if(! 0 %in% le) {
le = c(le[1], le[1]/2, 0, le[length(le)]/2, le[length(le)])
legend_breaks = le
if(!identical(legend_breaks, NA)) {
heatmap_legend_param$at = legend_breaks
if(!identical(legend_labels, NA)) {
heatmap_legend_param$labels = legend_labels
ht_param$heatmap_legend_param = heatmap_legend_param
if(identical(annotation_colors, NA)) {
annotation_colors = list()
if(!identical(annotation_col, NA)) {
acn = rownames(annotation_col)
mcn = colnames(mat)
if(!is.null(acn)) {
if(acn[1] %in% mcn) {
if(length(union(acn, mcn)) == length(mcn)) {
if(!identical(acn, mcn)) {
warning_wrap("Column annotation has different order from matrix columns. Adjust the column annotation based on column names of the matrix.")
annotation_col = annotation_col[mcn, , drop = FALSE]
for(nm in colnames(annotation_col)) {
if(nm %in% names(annotation_colors)) {
if(is.null(names(annotation_colors[[nm]])) && is.numeric(annotation_col[, nm])) {
foo_x = annotation_col[, nm]
foo_n_col = length(annotation_colors[[nm]])
annotation_colors[[nm]] = colorRamp2(seq(min(foo_x), max(foo_x), length.out = foo_n_col), annotation_colors[[nm]])
ht_param$top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(df = annotation_col[, ncol(annotation_col):1, drop = FALSE],
col = annotation_colors, show_legend = annotation_legend,
show_annotation_name = annotation_names_col, gp = gpar(col = border_color),
annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10, fontface = "bold"),
simple_anno_size = unit(10, "bigpts"), gap = unit(2, "bigpts"))
if(!identical(annotation_row, NA)) {
arn = rownames(annotation_row)
mrn = rownames(mat)
if(!is.null(arn)) {
if(arn[1] %in% mrn) {
if(length(union(arn, mrn)) == length(mrn)) {
if(!identical(arn, mrn)) {
warning_wrap("Row annotation has different order from matrix rows. Adjust the row annotation based on row names of the matrix.")
annotation_row = annotation_row[mrn, , drop = FALSE]
for(nm in colnames(annotation_row)) {
if(nm %in% names(annotation_colors)) {
if(is.null(names(annotation_colors[[nm]])) && is.numeric(annotation_row[, nm])) {
foo_x = annotation_row[, nm]
foo_n_col = length(annotation_colors[[nm]])
annotation_colors[[nm]] = colorRamp2(seq(min(foo_x), max(foo_x), length.out = foo_n_col), annotation_colors[[nm]])
ht_param$left_annotation = rowAnnotation(df = annotation_row[, ncol(annotation_row):1, drop = FALSE],
col = annotation_colors, show_legend = annotation_legend,
show_annotation_name = annotation_names_row, gp = gpar(col = border_color),
annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10, fontface = "bold"),
simple_anno_size = unit(10, "bigpts"), gap = unit(2, "bigpts"))
if(!identical(annotation, NA)) {
warning_wrap("argument `annotation` is not supported in pheatmap -> Heatmap translation, skip it.")
if(identical(drop_levels, FALSE)) {
warning_wrap("argument `drop_levels` is enfored to be TRUE, skip it.")
ht_param$show_row_names = show_rownames
ht_param$show_column_names = show_colnames
ht_param$row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize_row, fontfamily = fontfamily_row, fontface = fontface_row)
ht_param$column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize_col, fontfamily = fontfamily_col, fontface = fontface_col)
angle_col = match.arg(angle_col)[1]
angle_col = switch(angle_col,
"0" = 0,
"45" = 45,
"90" = 90,
"270" = 90,
"315" = -45)
ht_param$column_names_rot = angle_col
if(angle_col == 0) {
ht_param$column_names_centered = TRUE
if(is.logical(display_numbers)) {
if(display_numbers) {
ht_param$layer_fun = local({
number_format = number_format
number_color = number_color
fontsize_number = fontsize_number
mat = mat
function(j, i, x, y, w, h, fill) {
grid.text(sprintf(number_format, pindex(mat, i, j)), x = x, y = y, gp = gpar(col = number_color, fontsize = fontsize_number))
} else if(is.matrix(display_numbers)) {
if(!identical(dim(display_numbers), dim(mat))) {
stop_wrap("dimension of `display_numbers` should be the same as the input matrix.")
ht_param$layer_fun = local({
number_color = number_color
fontsize_number = fontsize_number
mat = display_numbers
function(j, i, x, y, w, h, fill) {
grid.text(pindex(mat, i, j), x = x, y = y, gp = gpar(col = number_color, fontsize = fontsize_number))
if(!is.null(labels_row)) {
ht_param$row_labels = labels_row
if(!is.null(labels_col)) {
ht_param$column_labels = labels_col
if(!is.null(gaps_row)) {
if(inherits(cluster_rows, c("hclust", "dendrogram"))) {
stop_wrap("`gaps_row` should not be set when `cluster_rows` is set as a clustering object.")
if(identical(cluster_rows, TRUE)) {
stop_wrap("`gaps_row` should not be set when `cluster_rows` is set to TRUE.")
slices = diff(c(0, gaps_row, nrow(mat)))
ht_param$row_split = rep(seq_along(slices), times = slices)
ht_param$row_gap = unit(4, "bigpts")
ht_param["row_title"] = list(NULL)
if(!is.null(gaps_col)) {
if(inherits(cluster_cols, c("hclust", "dendrogram"))) {
stop_wrap("`gaps_col` should not be set when `cluster_cols` is set as a clustering object.")
if(identical(cluster_cols, TRUE)) {
stop_wrap("`gaps_col` should not be set when `cluster_cols` is set to TRUE.")
slices = diff(c(0, gaps_col, ncol(mat)))
ht_param$column_split = rep(seq_along(slices), times = slices)
ht_param$column_gap = unit(4, "bigpts")
ht_param["column_title"] = list(NULL)
if(!identical(clustering_callback, NA)) {
if(!identical(ht_param$cluster_rows, FALSE)) {
row_hclust = hclust(get_dist(mat, ht_param$clustering_distance_rows), ht_param$clustering_method_rows)
row_hclust = clustering_callback(row_hclust, ...)
ht_param$cluster_rows = row_hclust
if(!identical(ht_param$cluster_columns, FALSE)) {
column_hclust = hclust(get_dist(t(mat), ht_param$clustering_distance_columns), ht_param$clustering_method_columns)
column_hclust = clustering_callback(column_hclust, ...)
ht_param$cluster_columns = column_hclust
### default from pheatmap
ht_param$na_col = na_col
ht_param$name = name
ht_param$row_dend_reorder = FALSE
ht_param$column_dend_reorder = FALSE
if(!identical(main, NA)) {
ht_param$column_title = main
ht_param$column_title_gp = gpar(fontface = "bold", fontsize = 1.3*fontsize)
ht_param = c(ht_param, list(...))
ht = do.call(Heatmap, ht_param)
attr(ht, "translate_from") = "pheatmap"
if(run_draw) {
} else {
# == title
# Compare heatmaps between pheatmap::pheatmap() and ComplexHeatmap::pheatmap()
# == param
# -... The same set of arguments passed to ``pheatmap::pheatmap`` and ``ComplexHeatmap::pheatmap``.
# == details
# The function plots two heatmaps, one by ``pheatmap::pheatmap`` and one by ``ComplexHeatmap::pheatmap``.
# Users can see the difference between the two implementations.
# == example
# mat = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# compare_pheatmap(mat)
compare_pheatmap = function(...) {
if(!requireNamespace("pheatmap")) {
stop_wrap("pheatmap package should be installed.")
p1 = pheatmap::pheatmap(..., silent = TRUE)$gtable
p2 = grid.grabExpr(draw(pheatmap(...)))
pushViewport(viewport(x = 0, width = 0.5, y = 0, height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(1, "cm"), just = c("left", "bottom")))
pushViewport(viewport(x = 0, width = 0.5, y = 1, height = unit(1, "cm"), just = c("left", "top")))
pushViewport(viewport(x = 0.5, width = 0.5, y = 0, height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(1, "cm"), just = c("left", "bottom")))
pushViewport(viewport(x = 0.5, width = 0.5, y = 1, height = unit(1, "cm"), just = c("left", "top")))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.