## Copyright 2005 James W. MacDonald
## affystart - functions to go from celfiles to
## ExpressionSet with QC plots
#' Pre-processing for Affymetrix Data
#' This function is designed to automatically read in all cel files in a
#' directory, make all pre-processing QC plots and compute expression measures.
#' @param \dots Requires that all variables be named.
#' @param filenames If not all cel files in a directory will be used, pass a
#' vector of filenames.
#' @param groups An integer \code{vector} indicating the group assignments for
#' the PCA plot.
#' @param groupnames A character \code{vector} with group names for PCA legend.
#' @param plottype What type of plot to save. Can be "pdf","postscript",
#' "png","jpeg", or "bmp". Defaults to "pdf". Note that "png" and "jpeg" may
#' not be available on a given computer. See the help page for
#' \code{capabilities} and \code{png} for more information.
#' @param plot Should density and degradation plots be made? Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param pca Should a PCA plot be made? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param squarepca Should the y-axis of the PCA plot be made comparable to the
#' x-axis? This may aid in interpretation of the PCA plot. Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param express One of either rma, mas5, gcrma. Defaults to rma. Partial
#' matching OK.
#' @param addname Used to append something to the name of the pca plot and the
#' expression values output file (e.g., if function is run twice using
#' different methods to compute expression values).
#' @param output What format to use for the output of expression values.
#' Currently only supports text format.
#' @param annotate Boolean. Add annotation data to the output file?
#' @param ann.vec A character \code{vector} of annotation data to add to the
#' output file.
#' @return Returns an \code{ExpressionSet}.
#' @author James W. MacDonald <jmacdon@@u.washington.edu>
#' @seealso \code{plotHist}, \code{plotDeg}, \code{plotPCA}
#' @keywords hplot manip
#' @export affystart
affystart <- function(..., filenames = NULL, groups=NULL, groupnames=NULL,
plot=TRUE, pca=TRUE, squarepca = FALSE, plottype="pdf",
express=c("rma", "mas5", "gcrma"), addname=NULL,
output = "txt", annotate = FALSE,
filenames <- list.files(pattern="\\.[cC][eE][lL]$")
if(length(filenames) == 0)
stop("There are no celfiles in the current working directory!", call. = FALSE)
dat <- ReadAffy(filenames = filenames )
filenames <- sub("\\.[cC][eE][lL]$", "", filenames)
express <- match.arg(express, c("rma","mas5","gcrma"))
eset <- rma(dat)
eset <- mas5(dat)
calls <- mas5calls(dat)
eset <- gcrma(dat)
if(express == "rma" || express == "gcrma"){
ann <- addAnnot(eset, ann.vec = ann.vec)
out <- data.frame(ann, exprs(eset))
outPut(out, addname = addname, meth = output)
outPut(eset, addname = addname, meth = output)
if(express == "mas5"){
out <- round(exprs(eset), 2)
calls1 <- exprs(calls)
calls2 <- round(assayDataElement(calls, "se.exprs"), 2)
out.dat <- data.frame(cbind(out[,1],calls1[,1], calls2[,1]))
if(dim(out)[2] > 1){
for (i in 2:dim(out)[2]){
out.dat <- data.frame(cbind(out.dat, out[,i], calls1[,i], calls2[,i]))
nams <- NULL
for(i in seq(along=filenames)) nams <- c(nams, filenames[i], "Call", "p-value")
colnames(out.dat) <- nams
ann <- addAnnot(eset, ann.vec = ann.vec)
out <- data.frame(ann, out.dat)
outPut(out, addname = addname, meth = output)
outPut(out.dat, addname = addname, meth = output)
plotHist(dat, filenames)
saved.hist <- recordPlot()
plotDeg(dat, filenames)
saved.deg <- recordPlot()
plotPCA(eset, groups, groupnames, squarepca = squarepca)
saved.pca <- recordPlot()
meth <- c("pdf", "postscript", "jpeg", "bmp", "png")
if(plottype %in% meth){
method <- get(plottype)
## set height and width so plots look reasonable
if(plottype %in% meth[1:2]) height <- width <- 7.5
if(plottype %in% meth[3:5]) height <- width <- 700
## Get correct extension
if(plottype == "postscript") plottype <- "ps"
if(plottype == "jpeg") plottype <- "jpg"
method(paste("Density plot", plottype, sep = "."),
height = height, width = width, ...)
method(paste("Digestion plot", plottype, sep = "."),
height = height, width = width, ...)
method(paste("PCA plot", plottype, sep = "."),
height = height, width = width, ...)
}else stop("Currently this function only supports outputting\n",
"pdf, postscript, jpeg, bmp and png files.\n", call. = FALSE)
addAnnot <- function(eset, ann.vec = c("SYMBOL","GENENAME","ENTREZID","UNIGENE","REFSEQ")){
require(annotation(eset), character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE) ||
stop(paste("The", annotation(eset), "package needs to be installed to annotate your data"),
call. = FALSE)
make.name <- function(x, y)
get(paste(x, y, sep = ""))
make.vec <- function(chip, annot, probes){
tmp <- mget(probes, make.name(chip, annot))
if(any(sapply(tmp, length) > 1))
sapply(tmp, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "//"))
out <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = length(ann.vec), nrow = length(featureNames(eset))),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for(i in seq(along = ann.vec))
out[,i] <- make.vec(annotation(eset), ann.vec[i], featureNames(eset))
names(out) <- ann.vec
row.names(out) <- featureNames(eset)
outPut <- function(out, addname, meth = c("txt","xls")){
meth <- match.arg(meth, c("txt", "xls"))
txt = {
if(!is.null(addname)) nam <- paste("Expression values ",
addname, ".txt", sep = "")
else nam <- "Expression values.txt"
if(is(out, "data.frame"))
write.table(out, nam, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
col.names = NA)
if(is(out, "ExpressionSet"))
write.exprs(out, nam, col.names = NA)
}, ##xls = {
## require("xlsReadWrite", quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE) ||
## stop("The xlsReadWrite package is required to output Excel files", call.=FALSE)
## if(!is.null(addname)) nam <- paste("Expression values ",
## addname, ".xls", sep = "")
## else nam <- "Expression values.xls"
## if(is(out, "data.frame"))
## write.xls(out, nam)
## if(is(out, "ExpressionSet"))
## write.xls(exprs(out), nam)
## }
plotHist <- function(dat, filenames = NULL)
if(is.null(filenames)) filenames <- sampleNames(dat)
cl <- make.cl(filenames)
if(length(filenames) <= 8){
if(is(dat, "AffyBatch") || is(dat, "GeneFeatureSet"))
hist(dat, lty=1, lwd=2, col=cl)
if(is(dat, "matrix"))
plotDensity(log2(dat), lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = cl)
x.ax <- legend(1,1,legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2, col=cl, plot=FALSE)$rect$w
legend(par("usr")[2] - (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])/100 - x.ax,
par("usr")[4] - (par("usr")[4]-par("usr")[3])/100,
legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2, col=cl)
if(is(dat, "AffyBatch") || is(dat, "GeneFeatureSet"))
hist(dat, lty=cl, lwd=2, col=1:length(filenames))
if(is(dat, "matrix"))
plotDensity(log2(dat), lty = cl, lwd = 2, col = 1:length(filenames))
x.ax <- legend(1,1,legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2, col=cl, plot=FALSE)$rect$w
y.ax <- legend(1,1,legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2, col=cl, plot=FALSE)$rect$h
ydiff <- par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3]
## If legend is too big, shrink to fit
if(y.ax < ydiff){
legend(par("usr")[2] - (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])/100 - x.ax,
par("usr")[4] - (par("usr")[4]-par("usr")[3])/100,
legend=filenames, lty=cl, lwd=2, col=1:length(filenames))
cexval <- 1
while(y.ax > ydiff){
cexval <- cexval - 0.05
y.ax <- legend(1,1, legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2, col=cl, plot=FALSE, cex=cexval)$rect$h
x.ax <- legend(1,1,legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2, col=cl, plot=FALSE, cex=cexval)$rect$w
legend(par("usr")[2] - (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])/100 - x.ax,
par("usr")[4] - (par("usr")[4]-par("usr")[3])/100,
legend=filenames, lty=cl, lwd=2, col = 1:length(filenames), cex=cexval)
#' Functions to Plot Density and RNA Degradation Plots
#' These functions make density and RNA degradation plots with automatic
#' placement of legends.
#' @aliases plotDeg plotHist
#' @param dat An \code{AffyBatch} object, or in the case of \code{plotHist}, a
#' matrix (e.g., from a call to \code{read.probematrix}. Note that
#' \code{plotDeg} requires an \code{AffyBatch} object to work correctly.
#' @param filenames Filenames that will be used in the legend of the resulting
#' plot. If \code{NULL} (the default), these names will be extracted from the
#' sampleNames slot of the \code{AffyBatch} object.
#' @return These functions are called only for the side effect of making the
#' plots. Nothing else is returned.
#' @author James W. MacDonald <jmacdon@@u.washington.edu>
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' library("affydata")
#' data(Dilution)
#' plotDeg(Dilution)
#' plotHist(Dilution)
#' @export plotDeg plotHist
plotDeg <- function(dat, filenames = NULL){
if(is.null(filenames)) filenames <- sampleNames(dat)
## reset things when exiting
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
## put plot on left, legend on right
layout(matrix(1:2, ncol = 2), c(3,1))
plotAffyRNAdeg(AffyRNAdeg(dat), cols=1:length(filenames))
## fake a plot
par(mai = c(0,0,1.01,0))
plot(1:10, type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n")
tmp <- legend("topleft", legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2,
col=1:length(filenames), plot=FALSE)
y.ax <- tmp$rect$h
x.ax <- tmp$rect$w
ydiff <- par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3]
xdiff <- par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1]
## If legend is too big, shrink to fit
if(y.ax < ydiff && x.ax < xdiff){
legend("topleft", legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2, col=1:length(filenames))
cexval <- 1
while(y.ax > ydiff){
cexval <- cexval - 0.05
tmp <- legend("topleft", legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2,
col=1:length(filenames), plot=FALSE, cex=cexval)
y.ax <- tmp$rect$h
x.ax <- tmp$rect$w
if(x.ax < xdiff){
legend("topleft", legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2, col=1:length(filenames), cex=cexval)
while(x.ax > xdiff){
cexval <- cexval - 0.05
x.ax <- legend("topleft", legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2,
col=1:length(filenames), plot=FALSE, cex=cexval)$rect$w
legend("topleft", legend=filenames, lty=1, lwd=2, col=1:length(filenames), cex=cexval)
#' A Function to Make a PCA Plot from an ExpressionSet or matrix
#' This function makes a PCA plot from an ExpressionSet or matrix
#' @name plotPCA
#' @rdname plotPCA
#' @aliases plotPCA plotPCA,matrix-method
#' @param object An \code{ExpressionSet} object or matrix.
#' @param groups A numeric \code{vector} delineating group membership for
#' samples. Default is \code{NULL}, in which case default plotting symbols and
#' colors will be used.
#' @param groupnames A character \code{vector} describing the different groups.
#' Default is \code{NULL}, in which case the sample names will be used.
#' @param addtext A character \code{vector} of additional text to be placed
#' just above the plotting symbol for each sample. This is helpful if there are
#' a lot of samples for identifying e.g., outliers.
#' @param x.coord Pass an x-coordinate if automatic legend placement fails
#' @param y.coord Pass a y-coordinate if automatic legend placement fails.
#' @param screeplot Boolean: Plot a \code{\link[stats]{screeplot}} instead of a
#' PCA plot? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param squarepca Should the y-axis of the PCA plot be made comparable to the
#' x-axis? This may aid in interpretation of the PCA plot. Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param pch A numeric \code{vector} indicating what plotting symbols to use.
#' Default is \code{NULL}, in which case default plotting symbols will be used.
#' Note that this argument will override the 'groups' argument.
#' @param col A numeric or character \code{vector} indicating what color(s) to
#' use for the plotting symbols. Default is \code{NULL} in which case default
#' colors will be used. Note that this argument will override the 'groups'
#' argument.
#' @param pcs A character \code{vector} of length two (or three if plot3d is
#' \code{TRUE}), indicating which principal components to plot. Defaults to the
#' first two principal components.
#' @param legend Boolean. Should a legend be added to the plot? Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param main A character \code{vector} for the plot title.
#' @param plot3d Boolean. If \code{TRUE}, then the PCA plot will be rendered in
#' 3D using the rgl package. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. Note that the pcs
#' argument should have a length of three in this case.
#' @param outside Boolean. If \code{TRUE} the legend will be placed outside the
#' plotting region, at the top right of the plot.
#' @param \dots Further arguments to be passed to \code{plot}. See the help
#' page for \code{plot} for further information.
#' @return This function returns nothing. It is called only for the side effect
#' of producing a PCA plot or screeplot.
#' @author James W. MacDonald <jmacdon@@u.washington.edu>
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' library("affy")
#' data(sample.ExpressionSet)
#' plotPCA(sample.ExpressionSet, groups =
#' as.numeric(pData(sample.ExpressionSet)[,2]), groupnames =
#' levels(pData(sample.ExpressionSet)[,2]))
#' @export plotPCA
setMethod("plotPCA", "matrix",
function(object, groups = NULL, groupnames = NULL, addtext = NULL, x.coord = NULL, y.coord = NULL,
screeplot = FALSE, squarepca = FALSE, pch = NULL, col = NULL, pcs = c(1,2),
legend = TRUE, main = "Principal Components Plot", plot3d = FALSE, outside = FALSE, ...){
if(is.character(groups)) stop("The groups argument should be numeric, not character!\n", call. = FALSE)
if(length(pcs) != 2 && !plot3d) stop("You can only plot two principal components.\n", call. = FALSE)
if(length(pcs) != 3 && plot3d) stop("For 3D plotting, you should specify 3 principal components.\n", call. = FALSE)
if(max(pcs) > dim(object)[2])
stop(paste("There are only", dim(object)[2], "principal components to plot.\n", call. = FALSE))
if(is.null(groupnames)) groupnames <- colnames(object)
if(is.factor(groupnames)) groupnames <- as.character(groupnames)
pca <- prcomp(t(object))
len <- dim(object)[2]
pctvar <- pca$sdev^2/sum(pca$sdev^2)
plot(pca, main = "Screeplot")
requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE) || stop("The rgl package must be installed to do 3D plots.\n", call. = FALSE)
plotstuff <- pcaPCH(len, groups, pch, col)
plot3d(pca$x[,pcs], type = "s", col = plotstuff$col, size = 2)
cat(paste("Sometimes rgl doesn't plot the first time.\nIf there",
"isn't anything in the plotting window, close it and re-run plotPCA().\n"))
if(legend && outside){
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(xpd = TRUE, mar = par()$mar + c(0,0,0,5))
ylim <- max(abs(range(pca$x[,pcs[1]])))
ylim <- c(-ylim, ylim)
}else ylim <- NULL
plotstuff <- pcaPCH(len, groups, pch, col)
plot(pca$x[,pcs], pch = plotstuff$pch, col = plotstuff$col, bg = plotstuff$col,
ylab= paste0("PC", pcs[2], " (", round(pctvar[pcs[2]] * 100, 1), "% variation explained)"),
xlab=paste0("PC", pcs[1], " (", round(pctvar[pcs[1]] * 100, 1), "% variation explained)"),
main = main, ylim = ylim, ...)
smidge <- (par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3])/50
text(pca$x[,pcs[1]], pca$x[,pcs[2]] + smidge, label = addtext,
cex = 0.7)
unq <- unique(plotstuff)
unq <- unique(plotstuff[order(groups),])
legend(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], groupnames, pch = unq[,1],
col = unq[,2], pt.bg = unq[,2], bty = "n")
pca.legend(pca, groups, groupnames, plotstuff, x.coord = x.coord,
y.coord = y.coord)
##' @describeIn plotPCA
##' @export
setMethod("plotPCA", "ExpressionSet",
function(object, ...){
plotPCA(exprs(object), ...)
#' A Function to Make a Classlabel Vector for Plotting
#' This function takes a vector of filenames and makes a classlabel vector for
#' plotting functions of \code{affystart}. This is an internal function and is
#' not intended to be called by the end user.
#' @param filenames A vector of .cel filenames
#' @return A vector of numbers to be used for plotting colors and line
#' types
#' @author James W. MacDonald <jmacdon@@u.washington.edu>
#' @keywords internal
make.cl <- function(filenames){
## A function to make a classlabel for plotting
## Check for number of files
if(length(filenames) <= 8)
cl <- 1 : length(filenames)
if(length(filenames) > 8){
mod <- floor(length(filenames)/8)
cl <- NULL
for(i in 1 : mod){
cl <- c(cl, rep(i, 8))
rem <- length(filenames) - mod*8
cl <- c(cl, rep(mod + 1, rem))
#' A Function to Automagically Place a Legend in a PCA Plot
#' This function places a legend in a PCA plot depending on which corner is
#' available. If there are no available corners, user intervention will be
#' required. This is an internal function and not intended to be called by the
#' end user.
#' @param pca A 'pca' object
#' @param groups A vector of numbers indicating group membership
#' @param groupnames A vector of names describing the different groups
#' @param pch.df A numeric data.frame delineating the plotting symbols (column
#' 1) and colors (column 2) to use
#' @param x.coord X-coordinate for legend. Used if automatic placement will
#' fail
#' @param y.coord Y-coordinate for legend. Used if automatic placement will
#' fail
#' @param saveup Boolean: Save a small value for plotting additional text?
#' @return This function returns nothing. It is used only for the side effect
#' of placing a legend in a plot.
#' @author James W. MacDonald <jmacdon@@u.washington.edu>
#' @keywords internal
pca.legend <- function(pca, groups, groupnames, pch.df, x.coord = NULL, y.coord = NULL,
saveup = FALSE){
## A function to try to automagically place legend in a pca plot
unq <- unique(pch.df)
unq <- unique(pch.df[order(groups),])
pch <- unq[,1]
col <- unq[,2]
x.lab <- legend(1, 1, legend = groupnames, pch = pch, plot = FALSE)$rect$w
y.lab <- legend(1, 1, legend = groupnames, pch = pch, plot = FALSE)$rect$h
right <- par("usr")[2] - (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])/100 - x.lab
left <- par("usr")[1] + (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])/100 + x.lab
up <- par("usr")[4] - (par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3])/100 - y.lab
down <- par("usr")[3] + (par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3])/100 + y.lab
upright <- !any(pca$x[,1] > right & pca$x[,2] > up)
upleft <- !any(pca$x[,1] < left & pca$x[,2] > up)
downright <- !any(pca$x[,1] > right & pca$x[,2] < down)
downleft <- !any(pca$x[,1] < left & pca$x[,2] < down)
whereto <- match(TRUE, c(upright, upleft, downleft, downright))
if(!is.null(x.coord) & !is.null(y.coord)){
legend(x.coord, y.coord, legend = groupnames, pch = pch, col = col, pt.bg = col, bty = "n")
}else if(!is.na(whereto)){
if(whereto == 1)
legend(right, up + y.lab, legend=groupnames, pch=pch, col = col, pt.bg = col, bty = "n")
if(whereto == 2)
legend(left - x.lab, up + y.lab, legend=groupnames, pch=pch, col = col, pt.bg = col, bty = "n")
if(whereto == 3)
legend(left - x.lab, down, legend=groupnames, pch=pch, col = col, pt.bg = col, bty = "n")
if(whereto == 4)
legend(right, down, legend=groupnames, pch=pch, col = col, pt.bg = col, bty = "n")
answer <- readline("Please give the x-coordinate for a legend.")
x.c <- as.numeric(answer)
answer <- readline("Please give the y-coordinate for a legend.")
y.c <- as.numeric(answer)
legend(x.c, y.c, legend=groupnames, pch=pch, col = col, pt.bg = col, bty = "n")
return((par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3])/50)
pcaPCH <- function(len, groups, pch, col){
## Function to minimize glyphs/colors used
nulls <- is.null(c(pch, col)) || all(!is.null(pch), !is.null(col))
out <- data.frame(pch, col, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
out <- data.frame(pch[groups], col[groups], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pch <- rep(21:25, times = ceiling(len/5))[1:len]
col <- colvec(len)[1:len]
out <- data.frame(pch, col, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
lg <- length(unique(groups))
pch <- rep(21:25, times = ceiling(lg/5))[1:lg]
col <- colvec(lg)[1:lg]
out <- data.frame(pch, col, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[groups,]
stop("You must either specify both pch and col arguments or neither\n",
call. = FALSE)
colvec <- function(len){
if(len > 64)
tmp <- ceiling(sqrt(len))
tmp <- len
mat <- matrix(1:tmp, ncol = tmp, nrow = tmp)
tfs <- rbind(lower.tri(mat, TRUE), upper.tri(mat))
mat <- rbind(mat,mat)
out <- rainbow(tmp)[mat[tfs]]
#' Function to output annotated fit data from limma
#' This function is designed to take an \code{ExpressionSet} an annotation
#' package and an \code{lmFit} object, and output an annotated text file
#' containing t-statistics, p-values, and fold change data for all contrasts.
#' This function is designed to output annotation data as well as statistics
#' (p-values, fold change, t-statistics) for all probes on a chip.
#' @param fit A \code{lmFit} object, created by the limma package.
#' @param annotation An annotation package, specific for the chip used in the
#' analysis.
#' @param eset An \code{ExpressionSet} object containing expression values.
#' @param touse Character vector of BiMaps from annotation package. As an
#' example, if the annotation package is the hgu133plus2.db package, then
#' 'symbol' refers to the hgu133plus2SYMBOL BiMap.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} is returned.
#' @author James W. MacDonald <jmacdon@@u.washington.edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link[limma:write.fit]{write.fit}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export writeFit
writeFit <- function(fit, annotation = NULL, eset,
touse = c("symbol","genename","accnum","entrezid","unigene")){
gt <- function(x, y) sapply(AnnotationDbi::mget(y,
get(paste(annotation, x, sep = "")), ifnotfound = NA),
function(x) if(length(x) <= 1) x else paste(x, collapse = ";"))
fn <- if(is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) featureNames(eset) else row.names(eset)
lst <- lapply(toupper(touse), gt, fn)
names(lst) <- touse
out <- data.frame(probeset = fn,
do.call("cbind", lst))
} else if(!is.null(fit$genes)) {
out <- fit$genes
} else {
out <- data.frame(probeset = row.names(fit$t))
nc <- ncol(fit$t)
out2 <- lapply(1:nc, function(x) {
z <- cbind(fit$coefficients[,x], fit$t[,x], fit$p.value[,x],
p.adjust(fit$p.value[,x], "BH"))
colnames(z) <- paste(colnames(fit$t)[x], c("log fold change","t-stat","p-value","adj p-value"))
out2 <- do.call("cbind", out2)
out3 <- if(is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) exprs(eset) else eset
return(cbind(out, out2, out3))
#' Remove control probesets from ST arrays
#' This function is designed to remove all but the 'main' type of probesets
#' from the Gene ST array types.
#' @param input Either a character string (e.g., "pd.hugene.1.0.st.v1") or a
#' FeatureSet object.
#' @param level The summarization level used when calling rma.
#' @return If the argument is a character string, returns a data.frame
#' containing probeset IDs along with the probeset type, that can be used to
#' subset e.g., an ExpressionSet of Gene ST data, or an MArrayLM object created
#' from Gene ST data. Note that the order of the probesets is not guaranteed to
#' match the order in your ExpressionSet or MArrayLM object, so that should be
#' checked first. If the argument is a FeatureSet object, it returns a
#' FeatureSet object with only main probes remaining.
#' @author James W. MacDonald <jmacdon@@u.washington.edu>
#' @keywords manip
#' @export getMainProbes
getMainProbes <- function(input, level = "core"){
if(is(input, "ExpressionSet")){
pdinfo <- get(annotation(input))
.getMainProbes(input, pdinfo, level = level)
require(input, quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)
.getMainProbes(, input, level = level)
setMethod(".getMainProbes", c("ExpressionSet","AffyGenePDInfo"),
function(object, x, level = "core", ...){
con <- db(x)
mains <- whichMains(con, types)
message("All probes are main probes, returning input ExpressionSet.")
types <- queryMaker(con, level, "gene")
if(!all(featureNames(object) %in% types[,1]))
stop(paste("There is a mismatch between the featureNames of the ExpressionSet and results from the pdInfoPackage."), call. = FALSE)
types <- types[match(featureNames(object), types[,1]),]
ind <- types[,2] %in% mains
setMethod(".getMainProbes", c("ExpressionSet","AffyHTAPDInfo"),
function(object, x, level = "core", ...){
con <- db(x)
mains <- whichMains(con, types)
message("All probes are main probes, returning input ExpressionSet.")
types <- queryMaker(con, level, "hta")
if(!all(featureNames(object) %in% types[,1]))
stop(paste("There is a mismatch between the featureNames of the ExpressionSet and results from the pdInfoPackage."), call. = FALSE)
types <- types[match(featureNames(object), types[,1]),]
ind <- types[,2] %in% mains
setMethod(".getMainProbes", c("ExpressionSet","AffyExonPDInfo"),
function(object, x, level = "core", ...){
con <- db(x)
mains <- whichMains(con, types)
message("All probes are main probes, returning input ExpressionSet.")
types <- queryMaker(con, level, "exon")
if(!all(featureNames(object) %in% types[,1]))
stop(paste("There is a mismatch between the featureNames of the ExpressionSet and results from the pdInfoPackage."), call. = FALSE)
types <- types[match(featureNames(object), types[,1]),]
ind <- types[,2] %in% mains
setMethod(".getMainProbes", c("ExpressionSet","AffyExpressionPDInfo"),
function(object, x, ...){
con <- db(x)
mains <- whichMains(con, types)
message("All probes are main probes, returning input ExpressionSet.")
atest <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from featureSet limit 2;")
if(!any(names(atest) %in% "type")) {
message("This array type only has 'main' probesets. Returning unfiltered.")
types <- dbGetQuery(con, "select distinct man_fsetid, type from featureSet")
if(!all(featureNames(object) %in% types[,1]))
stop(paste("There is a mismatch between the featureNames of the ExpressionSet and results from the pdInfoPackage."), call. = FALSE)
types <- types[match(featureNames(object), types[,1]),]
ind <- types[,2] %in% mains
setMethod(".getMainProbes", c("missing", "character"),
function(object, x, level = "core", ...){
pkg <- get(x)
con <- db(pkg)
if(is(pkg, "AffyExpressionPDInfo")){
atest <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from featureSet limit 2;")
if(!any(names(atest) %in% "type"))
message("This array type only has 'main' probesets, so no filtering needed.")
return(dbGetQuery(con, "select distinct man_fsetid, type from featureSet"))
} else if(is(pkg, "AffyHTAPDInfo")) {
mains <- whichMains(con, types)
message("This array type only has 'main' probesets, so no filtering needed.")
} else {
types <- queryMaker(con, level, "hta")
} else {
checklevel <- c("probeset", gsub("_mps", "", grep("mps$", dbListTables(con), value = TRUE)))
if(!any(checklevel %in% level)) stop(paste("The pdInfoPackage only has", paste(checklevel, collapse = ", "), "levels."), call. = FALSE)
types <- queryMaker(con, level, "exon")
whichMains <- function(con, types){
thetypes <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from type_dict;")
typeind <- grep("main", thetypes$type_id)
if(nrow(thetypes) == length(typeind))
queryMaker <- function(con, level, type){
if(type == "exon"){
types <- switch(level,
core = dbGetQuery(con, paste("select distinct meta_fsetid, type from featureSet inner join core_mps",
extended = dbGetQuery(con, paste("select distinct meta_fsetid, type from featureSet inner join extended_mps",
full = dbGetQuery(con, paste("select distinct meta_fsetid, type from featureSet inner join full_mps",
probeset = dbGetQuery(con, paste("select fsetid, type from featureSet;")),
stop("Available summarization levels include core, extended, full, and probeset.", call. = FALSE))
} else if(type == "hta") {
types <- switch(level,
core = dbGetQuery(con, paste("select distinct core_mps.transcript_cluster_id, type from featureSet inner join core_mps",
probeset = dbGetQuery(con, paste("select distinct man_fsetid, type from featureSet;")),
stop("Only core and probeset summarization levels are available for this type of array.", call. = FALSE))
} else {
types <- switch(level,
core = dbGetQuery(con, paste("select distinct meta_fsetid, type from featureSet inner join core_mps",
probeset = dbGetQuery(con, paste("select fsetid, type from featureSet;")),
stop("Only core and probeset summarization levels are available for this type of array.", call. = FALSE))
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