##' Draw a Nomogram from a regression model
##' a modified version of nomogram in \code{rms} package
##' @title Draw a Nomogram with modified function \code{Nomogram}
##' @usage nomogram.mk6(fit, ..., adj.to, lp = TRUE, lp.at,
##' lplabel = "Linear Predictor",
##' fun, fun.at, fun.lp.at, funlabel = "Predicted Value", fun.side,
##' interact = NULL, intercept = 1, conf.int = FALSE,
##' col.conf = c(1, 12), conf.space = c(0.08, 0.2),
##' conf.lp = c("representative", "all", "none"), est.all = TRUE,
##' abbrev = FALSE, minlength = 4, maxscale = 100, nint = 10,
##' label.every = 1, force.label = FALSE, xfrac = 0.35, cex.axis = 0.85,
##' cex.var = 1, col.grid = NULL, vnames = c("labels", "names"),
##' varname.label = TRUE, varname.label.sep = "=", ia.space = 0.7,
##' tck = NA, tcl = -0.25, lmgp = 0.4, omit = NULL, naxes,
##' points.label = "Points",
##' total.points.label = "Total Points", total.sep.page = FALSE,
##' total.fun, verbose = FALSE, cap.labels = FALSE, total.min,
##' total.max, survtime, mikeomit = NULL)
##' @param fit a regression model fit that was created with \code{library(rms)}
##' in effect, and (usually) with \code{options(datadist = "object.name")} in
##' effect.
##' @param ... settings of variables to use in constructing axes.
##' If \code{datadist} was in effect, the default is to use
##' \code{pretty(total range, nint)} for continuous variables, and the class
##' levels for discrete ones.
##' For \code{legend.nomabbrev}, \code{\dots} specifies optional parameters to
##' pass to \code{legend}. Common ones are \code{bty = "n"} to suppress
##' drawing the box. You may want to specify a non-proportionally spaced font
##' (e.g., courier) number if abbreviations are more than one letter long.
##' This will make the abbreviation definitions line up (e.g., specify
##' \code{font = 2}, the default for courier). Ignored for \code{print}.
##' @param adj.to If you didn't define \code{datadist} for all predictors,
##' you will have to define adjustment settings for the undefined ones, e.g.
##' \code{adj.to= list(age = 50, sex = "female")}.
##' @param lp Set to \code{FALSE} to suppress creation of an axis for scoring
##' \eqn{X\beta}{X beta}.
##' @param lp.at If \code{lp=TRUE}, \code{lp.at} may specify a vector of
##' settings of \eqn{X\beta}{X beta}.
##' Default is to use \code{pretty(range of linear predictors, nint)}.
##' @param lplabel label for linear predictor axis.
##' Default is \code{"Linear Predictor"}.
##' @param fun on another axis. If more than one transformation is plotted,
##' put them in a list, e.g. \code{list(function(x) x/2, function(x) 2*x)}.
##' Any function values equal to \code{NA} will be ignored.
##' @param fun.at function values to label on axis. Default \code{fun}
##' evaluated at \code{lp.at}. If more than one \code{fun} was specified,
##' using a vector for \code{fun.at} will cause all functions to be evaluated
##' at the same argument values. To use different values, specify a list of
##' vectors for \code{fun.at}, with elements corresponding to the different
##' functions (lists of vectors also applies to \code{fun.lp.at} and
##' \code{fun.side}).
##' @param fun.lp.at If you want to
##' evaluate one of the functions at a different set of linear predictor
##' values than may have been used in constructing the linear predictor axis,
##' specify a vector or list of vectors
##' of linear predictor values at which to evaluate the function. This is
##' especially useful for discrete functions. The presence of this attribute
##' also does away with the need for \code{nomogram} to compute numerical
##' approximations of the inverse of the function. It also allows the
##' user-supplied function to return \code{factor} objects, which is useful
##' when e.g. a single tick mark position actually represents a range.
##' If the \code{fun.lp.at} parameter is present, the \code{fun.at}
##' vector for that function is ignored.
##' @param funlabel label for \code{fun} axis. If more than one function was
##' given but funlabel is of length one, it will be duplicated as needed.
##' If \code{fun} is a list of functions for which you specified names (see the
##' final example below), these names will be used as labels.
##' @param fun.side a vector or list of vectors of \code{side} parameters for
##' the \code{axis} function for labeling function values.
##' Values may be 1 to position a tick mark label below the axis (the default),
##' or 3 for above the axis. If for example an axis has 5 tick mark labels
##' and the second and third will run into each other, specify
##' \code{fun.side=c(1,1,3,1,1)} (assuming only one function is specified as
##' \code{fun}).
##' @param interact When a continuous variable interacts with a discrete one,
##' axes are constructed so that the continuous variable moves within the axis,
##' and separate axes represent levels of interacting factors. For
##' interactions between two continuous variables, all but the axis variable
##' must have discrete levels defined in \code{interact}.
##' For discrete interacting factors, you may specify levels to use in
##' constructing the multiple axes. For continuous interacting factors,
##' you must do this. Examples: \code{interact = list(age = seq(10,70,by=10),
##' treat = c("A","B","D"))}.
##' @param intercept for models such as the ordinal logistic model with
##' multiple intercepts, specifies which one to use in evaluating the linear
##' predictor.
##' @param conf.int confidence levels to display for each scoring.
##' Default is \code{FALSE} to display no confidence limits.
##' Setting \code{conf.int} to \code{TRUE} is the same as
##' setting it to \code{c(0.7, 0.9)},
##' with the line segment between the 0.7 and 0.9 levels shaded using
##' gray scale.
##' @param col.conf colors corresponding to \code{conf.int}.
##' Use fractions for gray scale(for UNIX S-PLUS).
##' @param conf.space a 2-element vector with the vertical range within which
##' to draw confidence bars, in units of 1=spacing between main bars. Four
##' heights are used within this range (8 for the linear predictor if more than
##' 16 unique values were evaluated), cycling them among separate confidence
##' intervals to reduce overlapping
##' @param conf.lp default is \code{"representative"} to group all linear
##' predictors evaluated into deciles, and to show, for the linear predictor
##' confidence intervals, only the mean linear predictor within the deciles
##' along with the median standard error within the deciles. Set
##' \code{conf.lp = "none"} to suppress confidence limits for the linear
##' predictors, and to \code{"all"} to show all confidence limits.
##' @param est.all To plot axes for only the subset of variables named in
##' \code{\dots}, set \code{est.all = FALSE}. Note: This option only works
##' when zero has a special meaning for the variables that are omitted from the
##' graph
##' @param abbrev Set to \code{TRUE} to use the \code{\link{abbreviate}}
##' function to abbreviate levels of categorical factors, both for labeling
##' tick marks and for axis titles. If you only want to abbreviate certain
##' predictor variables, set \code{abbrev} to a vector of character strings
##' containing their names.
##' @param minlength \code{\link{abbreviate}} function. If you set
##' \code{minlength = 1}, the letters of the alphabet are used to label tick
##' marks for categorical predictors, and all letters are drawn no matter how
##' close together they are. For labeling axes (interaction settings),
##' \code{minlength = 1} causes \code{minlength = 4} to be used
##' @param maxscale default maximum point score is 100
##' @param nint number of intervals to label for axes representing continuous
##' variables.
##' See \code{\link{pretty}}.
##' @param label.every Specify \code{label.every = i} to label on every
##' \code{i}th tick mark
##' @param force.label set to \code{TRUE} to force every tick mark intended to
##' be labeled to have a label plotted (whether the labels run into each other
##' or not)
##' @param xfrac fraction of horizontal plot to set aside for axis titles
##' @param cex.axis character size for tick mark labels
##' @param cex.var character size for axis titles (variable names)
##' @param col.grid If left unspecified, no vertical reference lines are drawn.
##' Specify a vector of length one (to use the same color for both minor and
##' major reference lines) or two (corresponding to the color for the major and
##' minor divisions, respectively) containing colors, to cause vertical
##' reference lines to the top points scale to be drawn. For R, a good choice
##' is \code{col.grid = gray(c(0.8, 0.95))}.
##' @param vnames By default, variable labels are used to label axes. Set
##' \code{vnames = "names"} to instead use variable names.
##' @param varname.label In constructing axis titles for interactions, the
##' default is to add \code{(interacting.varname = level)} on the right.
##' Specify \code{varname.label = FALSE} to instead use \code{"(level)"}.
##' @param varname.label.sep If \code{varname.label = TRUE}, you can change the
##' separator to something other than
##' \code{=} by specifying this parameter.
##' @param ia.space When multiple axes are draw for levels of interacting
##' factors, the default is to group combinations related to a main effect.
##' This is done by spacing the axes for the second to last of these
##' within a group only
##' 0.7 (by default) of the way down as compared with normal space of 1 unit.
##' @param tck see \code{tck} under \code{\link{par}}
##' @param tcl length of tick marks in nomogram
##' @param lmgp spacing between numeric axis labels and axis
##' (see \code{\link{par}} for \code{mgp})
##' @param omit vector of character strings containing names of variables for
##' which to suppress drawing axes. Default is to show all variables.
##' @param naxes maximum number of axes to allow on one plot. If the nomogram
##' requires more than one \dQuote{page}, the \dQuote{Points} axis will be
##' repeated at the top of each page when necessary.
##' @param points.label a character string giving the axis label for the points
##' scale
##' @param total.points.label a character string giving the axis label for
##' the total points scale
##' @param total.sep.page set to \code{TRUE} to force the total points and
##' later axes to be placed on a separate page
##' @param total.fun a user-provided function that will be executed before the
##' total points axis is drawn. Default is not toe xecute a function.
##' This is useful e.g. when \code{total.sep.page = TRUE} and you wish to use
##' \code{locator} to find the coordinates for positioning an abbreviation
##' legend before it's too late and a new page is started (i.e.,
##' \code{total.fun = function() print(locator(1))}).
##' @param verbose set to \code{TRUE} to get printed output detailing how tick
##' marks are chosen and labeled for function axes. This is useful in seeing
##' how certain linear predictor values cannot be solved for using inverse
##' linear interpolation on the (requested linear predictor values, function
##' values at these lp values). When this happens you will see \code{NA}s in
##' the verbose output, and the corresponding tick marks will not appear in
##' the nomogram.
##' @param cap.labels logical: should the factor labels have their first
##' letter capitalized?
##' @param total.min the minimum point for the total point axis
##' @param total.max the maxmum point for the total point axis
##' @param survtime specified survival time for the predicted survival
##' probability
##' @param mikeomit a modified version of \code{omit}
##' @return a nomogram object
##' @importFrom Hmisc oPar setParNro strgraphwrap sedit capitalize cut2
##' @export
##' @note internal use only. please reference to \code{\link[rms]{nomogram}}
##' details.
##' @references
##' Banks J: Nomograms. Encylopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol 6.
##' Editors: S Kotz and NL Johnson. New York: Wiley; 1985.
##' Lubsen J, Pool J, van der Does, E: A practical device for the application
##' of a diagnostic or prognostic function. Meth. Inform. Med. 17:127--129;
##' 1978.
##' Wikipedia: Nomogram, \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomogram}.
##' @seealso \code{\link{rms}}, \code{\link{plot.rms}},
##' \code{\link{plot.summary.rms}},
##' \code{\link{axis}}, \code{\link{pretty}}, \code{\link{approx}},
##' \code{\link{latex.rms}}, \code{\link{rms.Misc}}
##' @keywords graphics
##' @examples
##' data(prostate.dat)
##' dd <- datadist(prostate.dat)
##' options(datadist = "dd")
##' prostate.f <- cph(Surv(TIME_EVENT,EVENT_DOD == 1) ~ TX + rcs(PSA,3) +
##' BX_GLSN_CAT + CLIN_STG + rcs(AGE,3) +
##' RACE_AA, data = prostate.dat,
##' x = TRUE, y= TRUE, surv=TRUE,time.inc = 144)
##' ## make a cph nomogram
##' nomogram.mk6(prostate.f, survtime=120, lp=FALSE,
##' funlabel = "Predicted 10-year cumulative incidence")
nomogram.mk6 <-
fit, ..., adj.to, lp = TRUE, lp.at,
lplabel = "Linear Predictor",
fun, fun.at, fun.lp.at, funlabel = "Predicted Value", fun.side,
interact = NULL, intercept = 1, conf.int = FALSE,
col.conf = c(1, 12), conf.space = c(0.08, 0.2),
conf.lp = c("representative", "all", "none"), est.all = TRUE,
abbrev = FALSE, minlength = 4, maxscale = 100, nint = 10,
label.every = 1, force.label = FALSE, xfrac = 0.35,
cex.axis = 0.85, cex.var = 1, col.grid = NULL,
vnames = c("labels", "names"),varname.label = TRUE,
varname.label.sep = "=", ia.space = 0.7,tck = NA, tcl = -0.25,
lmgp = 0.4, omit = NULL, naxes, points.label = "Points",
total.points.label = "Total Points", total.sep.page = FALSE,
total.fun, verbose = FALSE, cap.labels = FALSE, total.min,
total.max, survtime, mikeomit = NULL) {
if (!missing(survtime)) {
# lp <- FALSE
surv <- Survival(fit)
fun <- function(x) surv(survtime, x)
assign("surv", surv)
assign("survtime", survtime)
if (any(stats::na.omit(match(attr(fit, "class"), "lrm"))) &
missing(fun)) {
# lp <- FALSE
fun <- function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
ols <- any(stats::na.omit(match(attr(fit, "class"), "ols")))
# if (!missing(total.min) && !missing(total.max) && lp && !ols)
# stop("Total points control combined with lp is not setup yet.",
# "Pick one.")
conf.lp <- match.arg(conf.lp)
vnames <- match.arg(vnames)
abb <- (is.logical(abbrev) && abbrev) || is.character(abbrev)
if (is.logical(conf.int) && conf.int) {
conf.int <- c(0.7, 0.9)
if (!is.logical(conf.int) && (length(conf.int) != length(col.conf))) {
stop("conf.int and col.conf must have same length")
oldpar <- oPar()
mgp <- oldpar$mgp
mar <- oldpar$mar
graphics::par(mgp = c(mgp[1], lmgp, mgp[3]), mar = c(
mar[1], 1.1, mar[3],
tck2 <- tck / 2
tcl2 <- tcl / 2
tck3 <- tck / 3
tcl3 <- tcl / 3
se <- FALSE
if (any(conf.int > 0)) {
se <- TRUE
zcrit <- stats::qnorm((conf.int + 1) / 2)
bar <- function(x, y, zcrit, se, col.conf, nlev = 4) {
y <- rep(seq(y[1], y[2], length = nlev),length.out = length(x))
for (j in seq(1,length(x))) {
xj <- x[j]
yj <- y[j]
W <- c(0, zcrit) * se[j]
for (i in seq(1,length(zcrit))) {
xj - W[i + 1], yj, xj - W[i], yj,
col = col.conf[i], lwd = 1
xj + W[i + 1], yj, xj + W[i], yj,
col = col.conf[i], lwd = 1
nfun <- if (missing(fun)) {
} else if (is.list(fun)) {
} else {
if (nfun > 1 && length(funlabel) == 1) {
funlabel <- rep(funlabel, nfun)
if (nfun > 0 && is.list(fun) && length(names(fun))) {
funlabel <- names(fun)
if (!missing(fun.at)) {
if (!is.list(fun.at)) {
fun.at <- rep(list(fun.at), nfun)
if (!missing(fun.lp.at)) {
if (!is.list(fun.lp.at)) {
fun.lp.at <- rep(list(fun.lp.at), nfun)
if (!missing(fun.side)) {
if (!is.list(fun.side)) {
fun.side <- rep(list(fun.side), nfun)
if (any(!(unlist(fun.side) %in% c(1, 3)))) {
stop("fun.side must contain only the numbers 1 and 3")
at <- fit$Design
if (!length(at)) {
at <- getOldDesign(fit)
assume <- at$assume.code
if (any(assume == 10)) {
stop("does not currently work with matrix factors in model")
name <- at$name
names(assume) <- name
parms <- at$parms
label <- if (vnames == "labels") {
} else {
if (any(d <- duplicated(name))) {
stop("duplicated variable names:", name[d])
label <- name
if (vnames == "labels") {
label <- at$label
if (any(d <- duplicated(label))) {
stop("duplicated variable labels:", label[d])
ia <- at$interactions
factors <- list(...)
nf <- length(factors)
which <- if (est.all) {
seq(1,length(assume))[assume != 8]
} else {
seq(1,length(assume))[assume != 8 & assume != 9]
if (nf > 0) {
jw <- charmatch(names(factors), name, 0)
if (any(jw == 0)) {
"factor name(s) not in the design:",
names(factors)[jw == 0])
if (!est.all) {
which <- jw
Limval <- Getlim(at, allow.null = TRUE, need.all = FALSE)
values <- Limval$values
lims <- Limval$limits[c(6, 2, 7), , drop = FALSE]
lims <- oldUnclass(lims)
for (i in seq(1,length(lims))) {
if (is.factor(lims[[i]])) {
lims[[i]] <- as.character(lims[[i]])
attr(lims, "class") <- "data.frame"
ucat <- rep(FALSE, length(assume))
names(ucat) <- name
for (i in seq(1,length(assume))[assume != 5 & assume < 8]) {
ucat[i] <- !is.null(V <- values[[name[i]]])
if (ucat[i]) {
parms[[name[i]]] <- V
discrete <- assume == 5 | assume == 8 | ucat
names(discrete) <- name
nrp <- num.intercepts(fit)
Intercept <- if (nrp > 0) {
} else if (!is.null(fit$center)) {
} else {
intercept.offset <- if (nrp < 2) {
} else {
fit$coefficients[intercept] - fit$coefficients[1]
settings <- list()
for (i in which[assume[which] < 9]) {
ni <- name[i]
z <- factors[[ni]]
lz <- length(z)
if (lz < 2) {
settings[[ni]] <- value.chk(
at, i, NA, -nint, Limval,
type.range = "full"
} else if (lz > 0 && any(is.na(z))) {
stop("may not specify NA as a variable value")
if (lz == 1) {
lims[2, i] <- z
} else if (lz > 1) {
settings[[ni]] <- z
if (is.null(lims[[ni]]) || is.na(lims[2, ni])) {
lims[[ni]] <- c(NA, z[1], NA)
"adjustment values for ", ni,
" not defined in datadist;",
"taken to be first value specified (",
z[1], ")",
adj <- lims[2, , drop = FALSE]
if (!missing(adj.to)) {
for (nn in names(adj.to)) adj[[nn]] <- adj.to[[nn]]
isna <- vapply(adj, is.na, FALSE)
if (any(isna)) {
"adjustment values not defined here or with datadist for",
name[assume != 9][isna]
num.lines <- 0
space.used <- 0
entities <- 0
set <- list()
nset <- character(0)
iset <- 0
start <- len <- NULL
end <- 0
main.effects <- which[assume[which] < 8]
if (any(assume == 9)) {
main.effects <- main.effects[
order(10 * discrete[main.effects] + (
name[main.effects] %in% names(interact)))]
rel <- related.predictors(at)
already.done <- structure(rep(FALSE, length(name)), names = name)
for (i in main.effects) {
nam <- name[i]
## changhong add
if (already.done[nam] || (nam %in% omit) || (nam %in% mikeomit)) {
r <- if (length(rel[[nam]])) {
} else {
if (length(r) == 0) {
num.lines <- num.lines + 1
space.used <- space.used + 1
entities <- entities + 1
x <- list()
x[[nam]] <- settings[[nam]]
iset <- iset + 1
attr(x, "info") <- list(
predictor = nam, effect.name = nam,
type = "main"
set[[iset]] <- x
nset <- c(nset, label[i])
start <- c(start, end + 1)
n <- length(settings[[nam]])
len <- c(len, n)
end <- end + n
} else {
namo <- name[r]
s <- !(name[r] %in% names(interact))
if (any(s)) {
if (is.null(interact)) {
interact <- list()
for (j in r[s]) {
nj <- name[j]
if (discrete[j]) {
interact[[nj]] <- parms[[nj]]
s <- !(name[r] %in% names(interact))
if (any(s)) {
"factors not defined in interact=list(...):",
combo <- expand.grid(interact[namo])
oldClass(combo) <- NULL
acombo <- combo
if (abb) {
for (n in if (is.character(abbrev)) {
} else {
}) {
if (discrete[n]) {
acombo[[n]] <- abbreviate(
minlength = if (minlength ==1) {
} else {
for (n in names(combo)) {
if (is.factor(combo[[n]])) {
combo[[n]] <- as.character(combo[[n]])
acombo[[n]] <- as.character(acombo[[n]])
entities <- entities + 1
already.done[namo] <- TRUE
for (k in seq(1,length(combo[[1]]))) {
num.lines <- num.lines + 1
space.used <- space.used + if (k == 1) {
} else {
x <- list()
x[[nam]] <- settings[[nam]]
for (nm in namo) x[[nm]] <- combo[[nm]][k]
iset <- iset + 1
set.name <- paste(nam, " (", sep = "")
for (j in seq(1,length(acombo))) {
set.name <- paste(set.name, if (varname.label) {
paste(namo[j], varname.label.sep, sep = "")
} else {
}, format(acombo[[j]][k]), sep = "")
if (j < length(acombo)) {
set.name <- paste(set.name, " ", sep = "")
set.name <- paste(set.name, ")", sep = "")
ia.names <- NULL
for (j in r) {
ia.names <- c(ia.names, name[interactions.containing(
ia.names <- unique(ia.names)
attr(x, "info") <- list(predictor = nam, effect.name = c(
namo[assume[namo] != 8], ia.names
type = if (k == 1) {
} else {
set[[iset]] <- x
nset <- c(nset, set.name)
start <- c(start, end + 1)
n <- length(settings[[nam]])
len <- c(len, n)
end <- end + n
xadj <- oldUnclass(Design.levels(adj, at))
for (k in seq(1,length(xadj))) xadj[[k]] <- rep(xadj[[k]], sum(len))
j <- 0
for (S in set) {
j <- j + 1
ns <- names(S)
nam <- names(S)
for (k in seq(1,length(nam))) {
xadj[[nam[k]]][start[j]:(start[j] + len[j] - 1)] <- S[[k]]
xadj <- structure(
xadj, class = "data.frame",
row.names = as.character(seq(1,sum(len))))
xx <- predictDesign(
newdata = xadj, type = "terms",
center.terms = FALSE, se.fit = FALSE, kint = intercept
if (any(is.infinite(xx))) {
"variable limits and transformations are such that an",
"infinite axis value has resulted.\nRe-run specifying",
"your own limits to variables.")
if (se) {
xse <- predictDesign(
newdata = xadj, se.fit = TRUE,
kint = intercept
R <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = length(main.effects), dimnames = list(
R[1, ] <- 1e+30
R[2, ] <- -1e+30
for (i in seq(1,num.lines)) {
is <- start[i]
ie <- is + len[i] - 1
s <- set[[i]]
setinfo <- attr(s, "info")
nam <- setinfo$effect.name
xt <- xx[is:ie, nam]
if (length(nam) > 1) {
xt <- apply(xt, 1, sum)
set[[i]]$Xbeta <- xt
r <- range(xt)
pname <- setinfo$predictor
R[1, pname] <- min(R[1, pname], r[1])
R[2, pname] <- max(R[2, pname], r[2])
if (se) {
set[[i]]$Xbeta.whole <- xse$linear.predictors[is:ie]
set[[i]]$se.fit <- xse$se.fit[is:ie]
R <- R[, R[1, ] < 1e+30, drop = FALSE]
sc <- maxscale / max(R[2, ] - R[1, ])
xl <- -xfrac * maxscale
Intercept <- Intercept + sum(R[1, ])
if (missing(naxes)) {
naxes <- if (total.sep.page) {
max(space.used + 1, nfun + lp + 1)
} else {
space.used + 1 + nfun + lp + 1
Format <- function(x) {
f <- character(l <- length(x))
for (i in seq(1,l)) f[i] <- format(x[i])
newpage <- function(
naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint, space.used,
col.grid, cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl, tcl2,
label.every, force.label, points = TRUE,
points.label = "Points", usr) {
y <- naxes - 1
0, 0,
xlim = c(xl, maxscale), ylim = c(0, y), type = "n",
axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = ""
if (!missing(usr)) {
graphics::par(usr = usr)
if (!points) {
return(y + 1)
ax <- c(0, maxscale)
graphics::text(xl, y, points.label, adj = 0, cex = cex.var)
x <- pretty(ax, n = nint)
dif <- x[2] - x[1]
x2 <- seq((x[1] + x[2]) / 2, max(x), by = dif)
x2 <- sort(c(x2 - dif / 4, x2, x2 + dif / 4))
if (length(col.grid)) {
x, y, x, y - space.used,
col = col.grid[1],
lwd = 1
x2, y, x2, y - space.used,
col = col.grid[-1],
lwd = 1
at = x, pos = y, cex = cex.axis, tck = tck,
tcl = tcl, label.every = label.every,
force.label = force.label, padj = 0
at = x2, labels = FALSE, pos = y, tck = tck2,
tcl = tcl2, cex = cex.axis
y <- newpage(
naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint, space.used,
col.grid, cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl, tcl2,
label.every = label.every,
force.label = force.label, points.label = points.label
i <- 0
Abbrev <- list()
for (S in set) {
i <- i + 1
setinfo <- attr(S, "info")
type <- setinfo$type
y <- y - (if (type == "continuation") {
} else {
if (y < -0.05) {
y <- newpage(
naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint,
space.used, col.grid, cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl,
label.every = label.every, force.label = force.label,
points.label = points.label
) - (if (type == "continuation") {
} else {
xl, y, paste(
abs(xl), cex = cex.var),
collapse = "\n"
), adj = 0, cex = cex.var)
x <- S[[1]]
nam <- names(S)[1]
fx <- if (is.character(x)) {
} else {
sedit(Format(x), " ", "")
if (abb && discrete[nam] &&
(is.logical(abbrev) || nam %in% abbrev)) {
old.text <- fx
fx <- if (abb && minlength == 1) {
} else {
abbreviate(fx, minlength = minlength)
Abbrev[[nam]] <- list(abbrev = fx, full = old.text)
j <- match(nam, name, 0)
#if (any(j == 0)) stop("program logic error 1")
is <- start[i]
ie <- is + len[i] - 1
xt <- (S$Xbeta - R[1, nam]) * sc
set[[i]]$points <- xt
r <- rle(xt)
if (any(r$length > 1)) {
is <- 1
for (j in r$length) {
ie <- is + j - 1
if (j > 1) {
fx[ie] <- if (discrete[nam] || ie < length(xt)) {
paste(fx[is], "-", fx[ie], sep = "")
} else {
paste(fx[is], "+", sep = "")
fx[is:(ie - 1)] <- ""
xt[is:(ie - 1)] <- NA
is <- ie + 1
fx <- fx[!is.na(xt)]
xt <- xt[!is.na(xt)]
side <- c(1, 3)
padj <- c(1, 0)
new.mgp <- vector(mode = "list", 2)
new.mgp[[2]] <- c(0, lmgp, 0)
new.mgp[[1]] <- new.mgp[[2]] - c(0, 0.6, 0)
ch <- if (length(xt) > 2) {
c(FALSE, FALSE, diff(diff(xt) > 0) != 0)
} else {
rep(FALSE, length(xt))
if (discrete[nam] && length(xt) > 1) {
j <- order(xt)
graphics::lines(range(xt), rep(y, 2))
for (k in c(1,2)) {
is <- j[seq(k, length(j), by = 2)]
new.labs <- if (cap.labels) {
} else {
at = xt[is], labels = new.labs,
pos = y, cex = cex.axis, tck = tck, tcl = tcl,
force.label = force.label ||
(abb && minlength == 1 && (
is.logical(abbrev) || nam %in% abbrev)),
disc = TRUE, mgp = new.mgp[[k]], padj = padj[k]
if (se) {
xt[is], if (k == 1) {
y - conf.space - 0.32
} else {
y + conf.space + 0.32
}, zcrit, sc * S$se.fit[is],
} else if (!any(ch)) {
at = xt, labels = fx, pos = y, cex = cex.axis,
tck = tck, tcl = tcl, mgp = new.mgp[[1]],
label.every = label.every, force.label = force.label,
disc = discrete[nam], padj = padj[1]
if (se) {
xt, y + conf.space, zcrit, sc * S$se.fit,
} else {
graphics::lines(range(xt), rep(y, 2))
j <- seq(1,length(ch))[ch]
if (max(j) < length(ch)) {
j <- c(j, length(ch) + 1)
flag <- 1
is <- 1
for (k in j) {
ie <- k - 1
at = xt[is:ie], labels = fx[is:ie],
pos = y, cex = cex.axis, tck = tck, tcl = tcl,
label.every = label.every, force.label = force.label,
mgp = new.mgp[[flag]], disc = discrete[nam],
padj = padj[flag]
if (se) {
xt[is:ie], if (side[flag] == 1) {
y - conf.space - 0.32
} else {
y + conf.space + 0.32
}, zcrit, sc * S$se.fit[is:ie],
flag <- if (flag == 2) {
} else {
is <- ie + 1
# browser()
if (missing(lp.at)) {
xb <- fit$linear.predictors
if (!length(xb)) {
xb <- fit$fitted.values
if (!length(xb)) {
xb <- fit$fitted
if (!length(xb)) {
"lp.at not given and fit did not store",
"linear.predictors or fitted.values")
if (nrp > 1) {
xb <- xb + intercept.offset
lp.at <- pretty(range(xb), n = nint)
sum.max <- if (entities == 1) {
} else {
max(maxscale, sc * max(lp.at - Intercept))
x <- pretty(c(0, sum.max), n = nint)
new.max <- max(x)
xl.old <- xl
xl <- -xfrac * new.max
u <- graphics::par()$usr
if (!missing(total.fun)) {
usr <- c(xl * u[1] / xl.old, new.max * u[2] / maxscale, u[3:4])
graphics::par(usr = usr)
x.double <- seq(x[1], new.max, by = (x[2] - x[1]) / 5)
y <- y - 1
if (y < -0.05 || total.sep.page) {
y <- newpage(
naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint, space.used,
col.grid, cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl, tcl2,
label.every = label.every,
force.label = force.label, points = FALSE, usr = usr
) -
graphics::text(xl, y, total.points.label, adj = 0, cex = cex.var)
# changhong edit here
if (missing(total.max) || missing(total.min)) {
at = x, pos = y, cex = cex.axis, tck = tck, tcl = tcl,
label.every = label.every, force.label = force.label,
mgp = c(0, lmgp - 0.6, 0), padj = 1
at = x.double, labels = FALSE, pos = y, tck = tck2,
tcl = tcl2, cex = cex.axis
} else {
at = x, pos = y,
labels = round(seq(
by = (total.max - total.min) / (length(x) - 1)
cex = cex.axis, tck = tck, tcl = tcl,
label.every = label.every, force.label = force.label,
mgp = c(0, lmgp - 0.6, 0), padj = 1
at = x.double, labels = FALSE, pos = y, tck = tck2,
tcl = tcl2, cex = cex.axis
iset <- iset + 1
nset <- c(nset, "total.points")
set[[iset]] <- list(x = x, y = y)
# browser()
if (lp) {
x2 <- seq(lp.at[1], max(lp.at), by = (lp.at[2] - lp.at[1]) / 2)
scaled.x <- (lp.at - Intercept) * sc
scaled.x2 <- (x2 - Intercept) * sc
y <- y - 1
if (y < -0.05) {
y <- newpage(
naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint,
space.used, col.grid, cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl,
label.every = label.every, force.label = force.label,
points = FALSE, usr = usr
) - 1
graphics::text(xl, y, lplabel, adj = 0, cex = cex.var)
# changhong edit here on 05/12/2010
if (missing(total.max) || missing(total.min)) {
at = scaled.x, labels = Format(lp.at), pos = y,
cex = cex.axis, tck = tck, tcl = tcl,
label.every = label.every,
force.label = force.label, mgp = c(
0, lmgp - 0.6,
), padj = 1
} else {
at = ((scaled.x - total.min) * (
max(x) - min(x))) / (total.max - total.min),
labels = Format(lp.at), pos = y,
cex = cex.axis, tck = tck, tcl = tcl,
label.every = label.every,
force.label = force.label, mgp = c(
0, lmgp - 0.6,
), padj = 1
at = scaled.x2, labels = FALSE, tck = tck2,
tcl = tcl2, pos = y, cex = cex.axis
iset <- iset + 1
nset <- c(nset, "lp")
set[[iset]] <- list(x = scaled.x, y = y, x.real = lp.at)
if (se && conf.lp != "none") {
xxb <- NULL
xse <- NULL
for (S in set) {
xxb <- c(xxb, S$Xbeta.whole)
xse <- c(xse, S$se.fit)
i <- order(xxb)
if (length(xxb) < 16 | conf.lp == "representative") {
nlev <- 4
w <- 1
} else {
nlev <- 8
w <- 2
if (conf.lp == "representative") {
deciles <- cut2(xxb[i], g = 10)
mean.xxb <- tapply(xxb[i], deciles, mean)
median.se <- tapply(xse[i], deciles, stats::median)
bar((mean.xxb - Intercept) * sc, y + c(
conf.space[1] + w * diff(conf.space)
), zcrit,
sc * median.se, col.conf,
nlev = nlev
} else {
bar((xxb[i] - Intercept) * sc, y + c(
conf.space[1] + w * diff(conf.space)
), zcrit,
sc * xse[i], col.conf,
nlev = nlev
# browser()
if (nfun > 0) {
if (!is.list(fun)) {
fun <- list(fun)
i <- 0
for (func in fun) {
i <- i + 1
if (!missing(fun.lp.at)) {
xseq <- fun.lp.at[[i]]
fat <- func(xseq)
w <- xseq
} else {
if (missing(fun.at)) {
fat <- pretty(func(range(lp.at)), n = nint)
} else {
fat <- fun.at[[i]]
if (verbose) {
"Function", i,
"values at which to place tick marks:\n")
xseq <- seq(min(lp.at), max(lp.at), length = 1000)
fu <- func(xseq)
s <- !is.na(fu)
w <- stats::approx(fu[s], xseq[s], fat, ties = mean)$y
if (verbose) {
cat("Estimated inverse function values (lp):\n")
s <- !(is.na(w) | is.na(fat))
w <- w[s]
fat <- fat[s]
fat.orig <- fat
fat <- if (is.category(fat)) {
} else {
scaled <- (w - Intercept) * sc
y <- y - 1
if (y < -0.05) {
y <- newpage(
naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint,
space.used, col.grid, cex.axis, tck, tck2,
tcl, tcl2,
label.every = label.every, force.label = force.label,
points = FALSE, usr = usr
) - 1
graphics::text(xl, y, funlabel[i], adj = 0, cex = cex.var)
sides <- if (missing(fun.side)) {
rep(1, length(fat))
} else {
if (length(sides) != length(fat)) {
"fun.side vector not same length as",
"fun.at or fun.lp.at")
# changhong edit here
for (jj in seq(1,length(fat))) {
if (missing(total.max) || missing(total.min)) {
at = scaled[jj], label = fat[jj],
pos = y, cex.axis = cex.axis, tck = tck, tcl = tcl,
mgp = if (sides[jj] == 1) {
c(0, lmgp - 0.6, 0)
} else {
c(0, lmgp, 0)
}, padj = if (sides[jj] == 1) {
} else {
graphics::lines(range(scaled), rep(y, 2))
} else {
at = ((
scaled[jj] - total.min) * (
max(x) - min(x))) /
(total.max - total.min),
label = fat[jj],
pos = y, cex.axis = cex.axis,
tck = tck, tcl = tcl,
mgp = if (sides[jj] == 1) {
c(0, lmgp - 0.6, 0)
} else {
c(0, lmgp, 0)
}, padj = if (sides[jj] == 1) {
} else {
range(scaled) - total.min) *
(max(x) - min(x))) /
(total.max - total.min), rep(y, 2))
iset <- iset + 1
nset <- c(nset, funlabel[i])
set[[iset]] <- list(x = scaled, y = y, x.real = fat.orig)
names(set) <- nset
set$abbrev <- Abbrev
oldClass(set) <- "nomogram"
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.