
Defines functions lay_shm

#' Organise Spatial Heatmaps by Gene or Condition
#' @param lay.shm One of \code{gene}, \code{none}, \code{con}, specifying how the SHMs will be organised.
#' @param con A charater vector of all conditions.
#' @param ncol An integer specifying number of columns in the layout.
#' @param ID.sel A vector of target genes for spatial heatmaps.
#' @param grob.list A list of spatial heatmaps in the form of ggplot2 plot grob, returned by \code{\link{grob_list}}.
#' @param lay.mat Logical. If true, only the layout matrix is returned.
#' @param scell Logical TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, single-scell data is considered, and the number of genes or conditions will be doubled.
#' @param shiny Logical, TRUE or FALSE, apply this function to shiny app or not respectively.
#' @inheritParams spatial_hm

#' @return Organised spatial heatmaps according to the provided layout.
#' @keywords Internal
#' @noRd

#' @author Jianhai Zhang \email{jzhan067@@ucr.edu} \cr Dr. Thomas Girke \email{thomas.girke@@ucr.edu}

#' @references
#' H. Wickham. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York, 2016. \cr R Core Team (2018). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. RL https://www.R-project.org/ #' Mustroph, Angelika, M Eugenia Zanetti, Charles J H Jang, Hans E Holtan, Peter P Repetti, David W Galbraith, Thomas Girke, and Julia Bailey-Serres. 2009. “Profiling Translatomes of Discrete Cell Populations Resolves Altered Cellular Priorities During Hypoxia in Arabidopsis.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106 (44): 18843–8
#' Baptiste Auguie (2017). gridExtra: Miscellaneous Functions for "Grid" Graphics. R package version 2.3. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=gridExtra
#' R Core Team (2018). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. RL https://www.R-project.org/ 
#' Mustroph, Angelika, M Eugenia Zanetti, Charles J H Jang, Hans E Holtan, Peter P Repetti, David W Galbraith, Thomas Girke, and Julia Bailey-Serres. 2009. “Profiling Translatomes of Discrete Cell Populations Resolves Altered Cellular Priorities During Hypoxia in Arabidopsis.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106 (44): 18843–8

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes theme element_blank margin element_rect scale_y_continuous scale_x_continuous ggplotGrob geom_polygon scale_fill_manual ggtitle element_text labs 
#' @importFrom gridExtra arrangeGrob grid.arrange
#' @importFrom grid grobTree unit

lay_shm <- function(lay.shm, con, ncol, ID.sel, grob.list = NULL, lay.mat = FALSE, scell=FALSE, decon=FALSE, srsc=FALSE, profile=FALSE, h=0.99, shiny = FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {  
  # save(lay.shm, con, ncol, ID.sel, grob.list, lay.mat, scell, decon, srsc, profile, h, shiny, file = 'lay.arg')
  if (verbose==TRUE) message('Plot layout ... ')
  ncol <- as.numeric(ncol); # grob.all.na <- names(grob.list); 
  if (profile==TRUE) {  
    if ((scell==TRUE | decon==TRUE) & srsc==TRUE) { 
      msg <- 'Single-cell data and spatially resolved single-cell data are specified at the same time!'
      warning(msg); return(msg)
    }; con <- unique(con); ID.sel <- unique(ID.sel) 
  } else { # Pseudo con and ID.
    con <- paste0('con', seq_along(grob.list))
    ID.sel <- 'gene'; lay.shm <- 'gene'
  if (lay.shm=="gene"|lay.shm=="none") {
    # If single-scell data, the number of cons is doubled.
    len <- length(con); if (profile==TRUE) {
      if (scell==TRUE | decon==TRUE) len <- len*2
      if (srsc==TRUE) len <- len*3
    all.cell <- ceiling(len/ncol)*ncol
    # Additional cells are NAs.
    cell.idx <- c(seq_len(len), rep(NA, all.cell-len))
    # Matrix of a single gene.
    m <- matrix(cell.idx, ncol=as.numeric(ncol), byrow=TRUE)
    # Copy the matrix for each gene.
    lay <- NULL; for (i in seq_along(ID.sel)) { lay <- rbind(lay, m+(i-1)*len) }
    if (lay.mat == TRUE) return(lay)
    # Sort conditions under each gene.
    #na.sort <- sort_gen_con(ID.sel=ID.sel, na.all=grob.all.na, con.all=con, by=lay.shm)
    # grob.list <- grob.list[na.sort]
    if (shiny==TRUE & length(grob.list)>=1) return(list(shm=grid.arrange(grobs=grob.list, layout_matrix=lay, newpage=TRUE), lay=lay))
    g.tr <- lapply(grob.list[seq_len(length(grob.list))], grobTree)
    n.col <- ncol(lay); n.row <- nrow(lay)
    g.arr <- arrangeGrob(grobs=g.tr, layout_matrix=lay, widths=unit(rep(0.99/n.col, n.col), "npc"), heights=unit(rep(h/n.row, n.row), "npc"))

  } else if (lay.shm=="con") { 
    # If single-scell data, the number of genes is doubled.
    len <- length(ID.sel); if (profile==TRUE) {  
      if (scell==TRUE | decon==TRUE) len <- len*2
      if (srsc==TRUE) len <- len*3
    all.cell <- ceiling(len/ncol)*ncol
    cell.idx <- c(seq_len(len), rep(NA, all.cell-len))
    # Matrix of a single condition.
    m <- matrix(cell.idx, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)
    # Copy the matrix for each condition.
    lay <- NULL; for (i in seq_along(con)) { lay <- rbind(lay, m+(i-1)*len) }
    if (lay.mat == TRUE) return(lay)
    # na.sort <- sort_gen_con(ID.sel=ID.sel, na.all=grob.all.na, con.all=con, by='con')
    # grob.list <- grob.list[na.sort]
    if (shiny==TRUE & length(grob.list)>=1) return(list(shm=grid.arrange(grobs=grob.list, layout_matrix=lay, newpage=TRUE), lay=lay))
    g.tr <- lapply(grob.list, grobTree); g.tr <- g.tr[names(grob.list)]
    n.col <- ncol(lay); n.row <- nrow(lay)
    g.arr <- arrangeGrob(grobs=g.tr, layout_matrix=lay, widths=unit(rep(0.99/n.col, n.col), "npc"), heights=unit(rep(h/n.row, n.row), "npc")) 
  }; if (verbose==TRUE) message('Done!'); return(g.arr)
jianhaizhang/spatialHeatmap documentation built on Nov. 28, 2024, 4:44 p.m.